View Full Version : What do you miss from 10-12 years ago and what do you not?

10-13-2014, 10:21 PM
seems life is changing very fast and all, especially with social media and people walking into streetlights while on their smart phone.

What do you miss from 10-12 years ago and what do you not?

suggestion topics:

social stuff - are people helping a damsel in distress on the side of the road like they did before? Are men the same men as yesterday?

technology - Is internet connectivity essential for everyday life?

health and wellness - (seems everyone is getting cancer now)

automotive world - seems these days people have so much money they just drive a car for a year or a few months and get a new one

entertainment - is all music the same with auto tune? why are the celebrities all checking into rehab and tewrking and shaving their head bald?

Oct 16 - question:

Where on earth did the mIRC thing go ??

10-13-2014, 10:26 PM

Nuff Said

10-13-2014, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by icky2unk

Nuff Said

10-13-2014, 11:08 PM
9-11-01 sucked pretty hard, but not enough to justify how badly the US blows now.

I miss the days when air transit was relatively hassle free; prior to the indignities they now regularly perform on people.

Also dem gas prices (http://www.albertagasprices.com/retail_price_chart.aspx)

10-14-2014, 12:34 AM
Originally posted by thetransporter
seems life is changing very fast and all, especially with social media and people walking into streetlights while on their smart phone.

What do you miss from 10-12 years ago and what do you not?

suggestion topics:

social stuff - are people helping a damsel in distress on the side of the road like they did before? Are men the same men as yesterday?

technology - Is internet connectivity essential for everyday life?

health and wellness - (seems everyone is getting cancer now)

automotive world - seems these days people have so much money they just drive a car for a year or a few months and get a new one

entertainment - is all music the same with auto tune? why are the celebrities all checking into rehab and tewrking and shaving their head bald?

As for health and wellness I believe most people are more health conscious now, eating better, exercising more. Even when it comes to fast food, there's a ton of "healthy" options at every strip mall now that weren't very popular back then.

Automotive, I don't think everyone has so much money they constantly buy new cars everywhere, I think you just live in Calgary where people have higher a average income then most other places.

Entertainment, celebs are just as fucked now as they have ever been, social media and internet just shows more of it. Think about Kurt Cobain in the early 90s, Freddy Mercury getting aids and dying, Ozzy eating the head of a live animal and his drug use, celebs have always done fucked up shit.

10-14-2014, 01:19 AM
In some twisted and confusing way, the Information Age has made the general public more stupid.

10-14-2014, 01:33 AM
i agree ^

also heard calls to consumer call centers are down, people don't want to talk on the phone............... but still demand the service/support they need.

we moved from an industrial economy (1930s/40s)to a service economy, so really not wanting to talk on the phone is not helping.

i remember getting phone calls, now all people do is text.

10-14-2014, 06:08 AM
I miss road etiquette of years past.

For example, You are trying to merge onto a 4 lane road, and a couple vehicles are approaching, they used to, as a courtesy, move over a lane, allowing an easier and earlier transition onto the road.

Or People on 2 lane roads that would pull onto the shoulder to allow you to pass.

Or when backing up in a parking lot, cross traffic actually allowing people to back out, instead of speeding up so they can honk at them.

Being able to take a coffee through security at the airport.

These are some of the things I miss.

Things I am glad are gone?
Cell phones the size of Bricks and larger.
the "Tail" haircut.
I will add more as I think about it.

10-14-2014, 07:46 AM
More like 20 years ago. Nothing is better now. World went to shit. All downhill

10-14-2014, 07:55 AM
I miss when every single person did not have a smartphone in their face, whenever People have a spare second doing nothing it's phone time.

10-14-2014, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by BigMass
More like 20 years ago. Nothing is better now. World went to shit. All downhill

:werd: Not one improvement, everything is garbage, people are stupid.

10-14-2014, 07:59 AM
I miss being thin, and able to just pick up at a moments notice and go somewhere or do something without having to worry about logistics, or baby food, or any of that stuff.

I don't miss being single. Being alone sucks. It's nice to have a little booty to hold at night. I used to miss playing video games like Earth & Beyond, or WoW with my wife for hours on end, but I don't really miss that anymore. I have found that reality is more interesting, and the smile I get from my kids and wife much more rewarding than any mission completed message in the continuous grind of a video game.

OT, I find it interesting/ironic that a lot of the people I know that occasionally rant against the gov't, are self declared libertarian etc, are more than happy to take orders from a video game character and do highly repetitive tasks in a virtual world for literally days on end without complaint.

10-14-2014, 08:07 AM
Originally posted by corsvette
I miss when every single person did not have a smartphone in their face, whenever People have a spare second doing nothing it's phone time.

Seen a father and his son walking down the road yesterday and the dad had his face glued to his phone. Kid was trying to get his attention repeatedly and the dad just kept pushing him away.

10-14-2014, 08:26 AM
House prices in Calgary.

Being able to cruise around enjoyably in the late evenings without a shit ton of traffic (though that is more 15+ years ago)

10-14-2014, 08:42 AM
I miss being 12...

10-14-2014, 08:45 AM
Saturday morning cartoons

10-14-2014, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by BigMass
More like 20 years ago. Nothing is better now. World went to shit. All downhill

Some impressive positivity shown here. lol.

Ah yes 10-12 years ago. Had no job... in Gr. 9. Riding dirtbikes all weekend and weeknight. Sledding in the winter... it was a simpler time.

On another note... funny thing about vehicle prices. Some older folk have told me that the cost of buying a new vehicle has come down since then... but it seems like vehicles are more expensive than ever on the lot.

10-14-2014, 09:18 AM
what i miss: not having so many bloody people in this city
what i dont miss: glenmore & elbow drive intersection

10-14-2014, 09:21 AM
Naturally Aspirated cars :rolleyes:

Also getting in a good old fashioned argument with friends without someone fact checking on google. Best part of camping in the US.

10-14-2014, 09:29 AM
What I miss:
-road etiquette
-when semi truck drivers were the best drivers on the road (stemming from the above item)
-lack of smartphones
-friendly neighbours (anyone else live in a neighbourhood where nobody knows eachother? It's weird...)
-"tough" kids (when a scraped knee wasn't treated like a severed limb, and when kids had the coordination and guts to climb trees and run down hills faster than their legs could go)
-the ability to fail kids in school (come on, are we really doing them any favours by sparing their feelings in school?)
-there wasn't this rampant trend of "entitlement" in society... (think along the lines of the fairly recent lululemon case where women everywhere were bitching that they couldn't fit into the pants)
-the list goes on and on....

What I don't miss:

10-14-2014, 09:38 AM
what i miss is home cooked meals at home and not having to go to work to pay bills

10-14-2014, 09:49 AM

10-14-2014, 10:05 AM
Originally posted by killramos

Also getting in a good old fashioned argument with friends without someone fact checking on google. Best part of camping in the US.

I'm kind of hit or miss on this. My girlfriend always gets upset with me when we have an argument that involves information and I do this.

We have an amazing resource at our finger tips; just because you feel like you should be right when I can prove you wrong doesn't mean you can be upset with me :nut:

I find that I don't remember stuff like I used to (and I'm only 26). I don't feel the need for rote memorization as that info is readily available. When I was a kid, I could tell you anything about any 1955-1974 vehicle EVER. Going to swap meets and car shows, and this 12 year old kid is having conversations with the adults and knows more.

Nowadays, it doesn't really matter as that shit is readily available. :dunno:

Another thing that I don't necessarily miss, but is interesting, is how HARD IT IS to stand out nowadays. "Normal" is the new different. Especially noticeable when I hear people bitch about mon-fri 9-5 jobs and I'm all "people have dreamed about those sorts of jobs for the past 6 decades".

So I dunno. As a white male in 'berta country, the world is my oyster. I literally have no fears about not being able to live an awesome life, so things aren't so bad. I just need to get out to an acreage, because f*&k people.

Oh, one more thing: prevalence of drugs in society.

Yes, drugs have always been a thing (in fact, most drug use and alcohol abuse are going down) but I get SICK of it being shoved in my face. I don't do drugs, I never have, and I don't agree with using them. But it pisses me off when every other song on the radio (my girlfriend was driving for once so she had it on country) mentions gettin' high and shitfaced.

At least classic rock was a little more subtle about it...

10-14-2014, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
I miss when everybody universally used MSN to keep in touch, when Blackberries were the bomb and a source of Canadian pride instead of a joke, also Napster.

I also miss when social media wasn't as big and every little thing wasn't recorded on a cell phone camera to be used as evidence or a source of humiliation later on; Facebook/Google+ suck, too many chat apps out there now to keep track and everybody uses something different.

What I don't miss;

my Nokia cell phone, haha

Early 2000 CGI

Coaxial networks


10-14-2014, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

I'm kind of hit or miss on this. My girlfriend always gets upset with me when we have an argument that involves information and I do this.

We have an amazing resource at our finger tips; just because you feel like you should be right when I can prove you wrong doesn't mean you can be upset with me :nut:

I don't care about being right but enjoyed discussing something rather than : wikipedia says your wrong, end of convo. Once upon a time there was value to knowing things, not so much any more. Which is why people are so stupid these days. They don't have any interest in learning things right up until the minute they need the information.

Think about how many people cant change a tire when they are out in the bush and dont have youtube to help them... :facepalm:

10-14-2014, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by 16hypen3sp

Some impressive positivity shown here. lol.

Ah yes 10-12 years ago. Had no job... in Gr. 9. Riding dirtbikes all weekend and weeknight. Sledding in the winter... it was a simpler time.

On another note... funny thing about vehicle prices. Some older folk have told me that the cost of buying a new vehicle has come down since then... but it seems like vehicles are more expensive than ever on the lot.

NEW vehicle prices are fairly constant, however, USED prices are insane, as are Kijiji prices for used.

I remember back in the day, a vehicle with over 200k on it basically was a hard sell and you practically had to give it away. Now, there is a member on here trying to sell a SUV with 240k on it for 3500...:eek: I know some vehicles are meant to last longer, but still, I have that 200k number stuck in my mind.

10-14-2014, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by killramos

I don't care about being right but enjoyed discussing something rather than : wikipedia says your wrong, end of convo. Once upon a time there was value to knowing things, not so much any more. Which is why people are so stupid these days. They don't have any interest in learning things right up until the minute they need the information.

Think about how many people cant change a tire when they are out in the bush and dont have youtube to help them... :facepalm:

I agree with this, however, I take offense when the other side is not willing to participate in the discussion and learn from the knowledge you (the other party in the discussion) may have.

I feel like that is something that has been lost; the art of conversation. I love a good ol' discussion with opposing views, but the moment someone basically goes "statement" and then "don't bother saying what you have to say as I am not interested" makes me want to punch babies.

As for the learning part; everyone has to start somewhere when learning something. If a person has never changed a tire in their life (or maybe just recently started driving) how do they learn to change a tire? Either the school of hard knocks (do it yourself, hope you don't screw it up) or read up on it (youtube). Both are valid ways of learning. I never agree with working hard when you can work smart. Working hard SOMETIMES teaches you the value in working smart however.

10-14-2014, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by spikerS

NEW vehicle prices are fairly constant,

Yes and no. New prices seem about the same, BUT you get WAYYYY more bells and whistles for the same price.

10-14-2014, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

As for the learning part; everyone has to start somewhere when learning something. If a person has never changed a tire in their life (or maybe just recently started driving) how do they learn to change a tire? Either the school of hard knocks (do it yourself, hope you don't screw it up) or read up on it (youtube). Both are valid ways of learning. I never agree with working hard when you can work smart. Working hard SOMETIMES teaches you the value in working smart however.

The problem is youtube etc on your cell phone. I think the early days of the internet for information where you sat down on a computer to look things up was a nice balance and good useof the internet.

10-14-2014, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by killramos
I don't care about being right but enjoyed discussing something rather than : wikipedia says your wrong, end of convo. Once upon a time there was value to knowing things, not so much any more. Which is why people are so stupid these days. They don't have any interest in learning things right up until the minute they need the information.

Well, I also find that people whose sole source of information is from old media and immediate social circle has a very limited knowledge too. And that affect their analyrical abilities.

I think knowledge is still valued. Just everyone is more of a critic now as they can call your BS on the spot.

10-14-2014, 11:03 AM
i miss cheap home prices. should have bought a few more or 10 more lol :rofl:

10-14-2014, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

was it possible to split a coax cable as many times as you need as long as there was a termination card?

10-14-2014, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema

And that affect their analyrical abilities.

Like the ability to sing a very complicated song about physics?

10-14-2014, 03:25 PM
Most "men" nowadays (late teens to twenties) seem to be more concerned about their hair-do and instagram account than how to change the oil in their car. Or anything hands on/mechanical. It's like talking to a wall lol.

I love starting conversations in the elevator with people who have their cell phone glued to them all awkward trying to avoid talking to anyone. It's kind of a hobby at my condo building.
That, and shoulder checking texters at chinook haha.

10-14-2014, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Hallowed_point

That, and shoulder checking texters at chinook haha.

I shoulder check anyone that gets too close and isn't paying attention to where they are going. Baygirl laughs. The few times anyone has called me out on it, I just respond with "gee, i guess neither of us were paying attention huh?"

10-14-2014, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by spikerS

I shoulder check anyone that gets too close and isn't paying attention to where they are going. Baygirl laughs. The few times anyone has called me out on it, I just respond with "gee, i guess neither of us were paying attention huh?"

You like picking arguments you prick! :whipped:

10-14-2014, 04:11 PM
what are shoulder checking texters

10-14-2014, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by GTS4tw

Like the ability to sing a very complicated song about physics?


Originally posted by thetransporter
what are shoulder checking texters


I imagine this is spikerS over someone's shoulder.

10-14-2014, 04:30 PM
^ does it mean to snoop at someones phone to see what they are typing??

10-14-2014, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by thetransporter
^ does it mean to snoop at someones phone to see what they are typing??

It means to be a dick and slightly run into someone if you see them looking down at their phone while walking even though you could avoid them.

AKA a good way to get punched in the back of the head.

10-14-2014, 04:40 PM
Dark hair although I should be thankful I pretty much have a full head of hair in my sixth decade as several of my younger brothers weren't that fortunate.

10-14-2014, 04:41 PM

10-14-2014, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by thetransporter
^ does it mean to snoop at someones phone to see what they are typing??

He means that when someone is walking in a mall or crowded place with their face buried in their phone and is obliviously walking into spikerS' path, instead of avoiding them he bodychecks them as a lesson in situational awareness.

D'z Nutz
10-14-2014, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema
And that affect their analyrical abilities.

Originally posted by GTS4tw
Like the ability to sing a very complicated song about physics?

No, to write songs about assholes.


10-14-2014, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat

He means that when someone is walking in a mall or crowded place with their face buried in their phone and is obliviously walking into spikerS' path, instead of avoiding them he bodychecks them as a lesson in situational awareness.

pretty much bang on.

I treat mall hallways like a road. I walk on the right. I make sure if I need to cross traffic, that I don't impede anyone.

If I am walking on the far right, and 4 people are walking abreast, and no one attempts to make room as they pass me, yep, I won't move and keep walking with a braced shoulder.

same goes for texters.

personally, I don't care if you are nose deep in your phone, at least pay enough attention to your surroundings.


From 0:24-0:30 is an example of a shoulder check. I am not that dramatic with it, and I won't go out of my way to hit them, but if we connect, I am braced for it.

10-14-2014, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

It means to be a dick and slightly run into someone if you see them looking down at their phone while walking even though you could avoid them.

AKA a good way to get punched in the back of the head.
Someone's a little testy today. Too much tofurkey yesterday???

10-14-2014, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by spikerS

NEW vehicle prices are fairly constant, however, USED prices are insane, as are Kijiji prices for used.

I remember back in the day, a vehicle with over 200k on it basically was a hard sell and you practically had to give it away. Now, there is a member on here trying to sell a SUV with 240k on it for 3500...:eek: I know some vehicles are meant to last longer, but still, I have that 200k number stuck in my mind.

Yeah I remember being in a pinch about 10 years ago and buying a beater for $350 and lasted me for well over a year. Good luck with that now, a buddy and I at work were looking for a beater recently to teach our selves to drive stick on we were hard pressed to find anything for under a couple grand. I ended up buying an S4 and taught myself on that instead.

10-14-2014, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by dubhead

Yeah I remember being in a pinch about 10 years ago and buying a beater for $350 and lasted me for well over a year. Good luck with that now, a buddy and I at work were looking for a beater recently to teach our selves to drive stick on we were hard pressed to find anything for under a couple grand. I ended up buying an S4 and taught myself on that instead.

my buddy is selling a "beater" 5 speed tercel for about that much but i dont think many people drive 90s cars anymore as beaters

10-14-2014, 08:25 PM
Originally posted by thetransporter

my buddy is selling a "beater" 5 speed tercel for about that much but i dont think many people drive 90s cars anymore as beaters


10-14-2014, 08:28 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1


i texted him i await a reply

10-14-2014, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat

He means that when someone is walking in a mall or crowded place with their face buried in their phone and is obliviously walking into spikerS' path, instead of avoiding them he bodychecks them as a lesson in situational awareness.

yes . i was talking about that in my original post but without walking into them. i will keep an out for them next time i take my family to the chinook shopping mall



Robin Goodfellow
10-14-2014, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by codetrap
I used to miss playing video games like Earth & Beyond, or WoW with my wife for hours on end, but I don't really miss that anymore. I have found that reality is more interesting, and the smile I get from my kids and wife much more rewarding than any mission completed message in the continuous grind of a video game.

What a lovely sentiment.

10-14-2014, 09:34 PM
I miss whaletails. So rare now.

10-14-2014, 10:24 PM

10-14-2014, 10:29 PM
1.) Not having a smartphone
2.) Others not having smart phones
3.) Canadians were proud that we didnt go to war in Iraq
4.) The stock market was mainly used by human beings
5.) You could buy something with a penny
6.) Houses cost 150,000-250,000, condos sold for under 100,000
7.) Calgary had a good hockey team
8.) Ignorance was strength

10-14-2014, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by speedog
Dark hair although I should be thankful I pretty much have a full head of hair in my sixth decade as several of my younger brothers weren't that fortunate.

I miss hair in general :rofl:

10-15-2014, 04:46 AM
TheTransporter - V60!! I had that phone - and the Motorola version before it, all the way back to the first batch of StarTacs that came into Calgary, and the 650E tank before it. Where did all the Motorola phones go?

I miss seeing 50 well dressed hookers on 3rd ave after Hockey games.

I miss driving in Calgary in 1994 on Deerfoot and it actually not being a traffic jam.

I miss paying 140$k for my first new home in 1999 which was 1400sq ft on a little lot with a garage.

I miss good pool halls like Mosconi's or the other one on the 2nd floor of Electric Ave in the mid 90s.

I miss the Back Alley being around, even if it was grungy and gross.

I miss the time when Stampede week didn't want to make you eat your pistol.

10-15-2014, 07:16 AM
99 cent lean ground beef.

10-15-2014, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by thetransporter
yes . i was talking about that in my original post but without walking into them. i will keep an out for them next time i take my family to the chinook shopping mall



I don't purposely aim for them, but I won't move out of their way as they stare at their phone shuffling feet in a busy shopping center/super store. Usually walking 4-5 abreast like a miniature NFL defense line. My brother does the same thing :hitit:

10-15-2014, 01:29 PM
when glenmore had stoplights at every intersection, instead of being a massive freeway w/ underpasses. i guess i don't miss it, but it's crazy to think of that now :rofl:

10-15-2014, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by msommers

I miss hair in general :rofl:

Yeah, me too. But I've embraced the baldness.

I miss 1-cent sour candies from the convenience store. Heck - maybe they still have them... I don't buy candies anymore.

10-15-2014, 04:58 PM
- I miss not having grey hairs
- The time where everyone used to call the house to hang out and I walked a lot more.
- I miss paying 50 cent a L for gas. ($5 actually gave you a good amount of gas... Hell you could pull out $5 from the ATM)
- I miss people not being internet doctors or know it alls..
- I miss if you got in a fight in school with someone , it was 1 on 1 and you could brush it off and become friends a month later without getting expelled.
- I miss the drink Orbitz

10-15-2014, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by JAYMEZ
- I miss the drink Orbitz No way! I remember being so pumped to try that drink..only to be very disappointed that the orbitz had no flavour or a gross flavour can't recall. One of the biggest let downs of my childhood junk food years. 7-11 had a bin full of those bottles soon after marked down for 0.50 or something. They probably had to throw them out.

I miss Clearly Canadian..the berry drink. Mother of god was that delicious

& Trix Cereal.


10-15-2014, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by Hallowed_point

& Trix Cereal.


I miss getting the surprise toys in a box of cereal.

10-15-2014, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by spikerS
I miss getting the surprise toys in a box of cereal.

YES!! I swear the prizes were way better in the 80's/90's. Or maybe I'm just old and senile. Giant sticky hands, colour changing spoons, glow in the dark creatures. Now you have to mail in a coupon to get some lame prize.

I'll add another one, mix tapes. Pre-napster etc.

10-15-2014, 05:27 PM
I'm a fan of smart phones, new tech, social media platforms, etc. so I guess I don't fit much in this thread, lol.

I DO miss pre-one-million population calgary, but there isn't much we can really do about all the troubles of that unless oil drops to $50/boe, and other industries pick up in Ontario and the maritimes.

Oh well, I guess work 30 years, and retire to interior bc with the rest of the old albertans :dunno:

10-15-2014, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by finboy

Oh well, I guess work 30 years, and retire to interior bc with the rest of the old albertans :dunno:

I miss when BC was not full of retired albertans.

10-15-2014, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by GTS4tw
I miss when BC was not full of retired albertans.

Just Another Fuckin Albertan (I want JAFA as a vanity plate haha) Do us ex-bc residents get special exception to hatred??

10-15-2014, 06:28 PM
Funny, in NZ they use JAFA as Just Another Fucking Aucklander.
Also, Just Another Fucking Aussie.

makes these more funny.

10-15-2014, 06:33 PM
Cragmont pink grapefruit soda pop was epic.

If I could travel back in time...

10-15-2014, 06:35 PM
I miss going into a mall and seeing mom and pop stores and antique stores, comic book shops, collectibles and card stores and arcades, etc. Instead of just the same old stupid clothing / shoe store chains everywhere now a days. I miss 8th ave having cool stuff on it like the Attic. I miss the Uptown theatre. I miss low house prices and cost of living. I miss when the internet was more isolated to nerds and adults instead of every person alive and little kids. I miss when IMDB ratings meant something, when Ebay was used mainly by average people, when youtube wasn't owned by google, when websites weren't optimized to be viewed on a smartphone, when the entire internet wasn't monetized by ads everywhere you looked and when the NSA wasn't looking at every little thing you were doing. My entire lifespan will probably be defined as pre-9/11 and post 9/11. Post 9/11 has been complete shit on pretty much every level across the board. Shitty movies and music, don't even know what 9/11 had to do with shitty movies but fuck Hollywood after about 2000/2001 is total dog shit lol.

10-15-2014, 06:56 PM
Originally posted by BigMass
fuck Hollywood after about 2000/2001 is total dog shit lol.

Movies went downhill with storylines, but TV went way uphill, and on that note, I don't miss tv shows from 12+ years ago, except the Simpsons, 12 years ago was pretty much when it started sucking.

10-15-2014, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Movies went downhill with storylines, but TV went way uphill, and on that note, I don't miss tv shows from 12+ years ago, except the Simpsons, 12 years ago was pretty much when it started sucking.

yeah you're right, TV did get awesome post 9-11. I'll concede that one.

10-15-2014, 07:37 PM
I miss the sopranos..SOA is so lame compared to that show. Fakest bunch of bikers ever. I miss home improvement and 90s tv in general. Even ridiculous shows like pacific blue lol or the racoons

10-15-2014, 08:00 PM
Originally posted by BigMass
I miss going into a mall and seeing mom and pop stores and antique stores, comic book shops, collectibles and card stores and arcades, etc. Instead of just the same old stupid clothing / shoe store chains everywhere now a days. I miss 8th ave having cool stuff on it like the Attic. I miss the Uptown theatre. I miss low house prices and cost of living. I miss when the internet was more isolated to nerds and adults instead of every person alive and little kids. I miss when IMDB ratings meant something, when Ebay was used mainly by average people, when youtube wasn't owned by google, when websites weren't optimized to be viewed on a smartphone, when the entire internet wasn't monetized by ads everywhere you looked and when the NSA wasn't looking at every little thing you were doing. My entire lifespan will probably be defined as pre-9/11 and post 9/11. Post 9/11 has been complete shit on pretty much every level across the board. Shitty movies and music, don't even know what 9/11 had to do with shitty movies but fuck Hollywood after about 2000/2001 is total dog shit lol.

LOL @ reading this whilst looking at your avatar

10-16-2014, 12:10 AM
Originally posted by BigMass
I miss when the internet was more isolated to nerds and adults instead of every person alive and little kids. I miss when IMDB ratings meant something, when Ebay was used mainly by average people,

when ebay was used by average people, who uses it now?

10-16-2014, 08:40 AM
I miss the drive in theater, and malls that weren't built so you have drive from store to store.

10-16-2014, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by syscal
I miss the drive in theater, and malls that weren't built so you have drive from store to store.
You've been missing drive-in theaters in Calgary for more then 10-12 years as it's been 15 years since the last drive-in theater closed down in Calgary (Corral 4 Drive-In) and 29 years since the second last one shut down (Sunset).

10-16-2014, 09:15 AM
Originally posted by spikerS
I miss getting the surprise toys in a box of cereal.

Originally posted by Hallowed_point
YES!! I swear the prizes were way better in the 80's/90's.

And even better in the 70s.

I don't know what happened to the practice of putting toys/prizes in cereal boxes but I would bet it had something to do with health inspector rules & regs and something about putting non food items inside food packaging or some BS like that.

10-16-2014, 11:01 AM
I am noticing a lot of the typical beyond I hate to live in Calgary crap on this thread. Personally I loved the city 12 years ago when I was a kid, and I love just as much, if not more.

For me though relatively speaking I miss being a kid, mostly the time which I had, and took for granted. I miss being able to go on day long exclusions on my bike (bicycle) and not have to worry about the other things in life which could probably be done with that time.

What I don't miss - having to fit in... When I was in junior high and even in high school, there was so much pressure to be "typical" an to fit in with the others around you. I know this is still a thing in schools now, but I am no longer in that phase of my life. I love that in university, most people don't give a flying fuck.

10-16-2014, 11:04 AM
Agree with MS..well I grew up on Vancouver Island but I share your sentiment. I miss having no tv (parents didn't believe in it) and just hitting dirt jumps at the beach on my BMX. Getting super pumped to have a 7-11 slurpee and 5 cent candy afterwards. Now I'm jaded and bitter lol. Well, not really..but I'm raising my kids the same way. No cable tv, no excessive internet. No smart phones or gadgets. Get out of the house and be a damn kid.

10-16-2014, 11:36 AM
10-12 years ago - I don't remember any dedicated on-street bicycle lanes in the way that we have them now. 10th Street NW was 2 vehicular lanes in each direction and there wasn't the mess that is now up on Northland Drive NW.. Not that I'm necessarily against dedicated bicycle lanes - I was vehemently against the 10th Street NW ones when they were proposed and now after they've been there a while, I don't find them being that big of a deal although I don't commute into downtown at all on that road. Others though such as Northland Drive and soon to be Northmount Drive just make no sense to me - Northmount because there just doesn't seem to be the need and Northland because there is probably a better way (west side of mall on east side of Shag plus 52nd Ave NW over to Brisbois).

Yeah, I know people compare Calgary to Portland or Amsterdam but the simple fact remains our climate is drastically different - most people as a rule won't be cycle commuting or even doing pleasure cycling during the months of October to April, too cold and too much crud/ice/snow possibly down on cycling routes. This I can speak to because I used to regularly cycle commute and once things dipped below -5C on a regular basis, I was done for the season - the hassle of the extra gear and the extra danger just wasn't worth it. That still meant 6-7 months of cycle commuting but considering the streets the CoC wishes to put dedicated bicycle lanes on such as Northmount and places like Northland where they've really made an interesting situation, I have to wonder if these new or upcoming dedicated bicycle routes are a good use of municipal tax dollars?

10-12 years ago I got around quite fine whether cycle commuting or just cycling for pleasure and I still do without using any of these dedicated bicycle lanes and as such, it befuddles me quite a bit that we all of a sudden need this additional infrastructure.

10-16-2014, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by speedog
10-12 years ago - I don't remember any dedicated on-street bicycle lanes in the way that we have them now. 10th Street NW was 2 vehicular lanes in each direction and there wasn't the mess that is now up on Northland Drive NW.. Not that I'm necessarily against dedicated bicycle lanes - I was vehemently against the 10th Street NW ones when they were proposed and now after they've been there a while, I don't find them being that big of a deal although I don't commute into downtown at all on that road. Others though such as Northland Drive and soon to be Northmount Drive just make no sense to me - Northmount because there just doesn't seem to be the need and Northland because there is probably a better way (west side of mall on east side of Shag plus 52nd Ave NW over to Brisbois).

Yeah, I know people compare Calgary to Portland or Amsterdam but the simple fact remains our climate is drastically different - most people as a rule won't be cycle commuting or even doing pleasure cycling during the months of October to April, too cold and too much crud/ice/snow possibly down on cycling routes. This I can speak to because I used to regularly cycle commute and once things dipped below -5C on a regular basis, I was done for the season - the hassle of the extra gear and the extra danger just wasn't worth it. That still meant 6-7 months of cycle commuting but considering the streets the CoC wishes to put dedicated bicycle lanes on such as Northmount and places like Northland where they've really made an interesting situation, I have to wonder if these new or upcoming dedicated bicycle routes are a good use of municipal tax dollars?

10-12 years ago I got around quite fine whether cycle commuting or just cycling for pleasure and I still do without using any of these dedicated bicycle lanes and as such, it befuddles me quite a bit that we all of a sudden need this additional infrastructure.

My family lived in hillhurst/sunnyside for over 100 years, but with the bike lanes, increase of cookie cutter stores, and obsession with destroying nice little homes in favour of $400k shoebox condos, I want nothing to do with the area any more. That one douche's twitter pictorial of his TERRIFYING walk to his daughter's school kind of embodies everything I see wrong with the direction the city is going. Complaining about problems that haven't bothered the general populace haven't taken issue with for decades because "it's not how they do it in _________ city" is frustrating as hell. Calgary's core has some quirks that might seem poorly designed, but that is also part of its charm. I am quite worried what will happen to inglewood after east village is up and running.

10-16-2014, 02:06 PM
I used to ride my bike for everything. I never had on-street bike lanes. I don't even understand why they exist.

10-16-2014, 02:43 PM
What do I not miss from 10-12 years ago?

Well, it sure is nice having the bulk of the ring road completed and available to drive on. I never thought it would be of much use of me considering where my home is located or where our business is and yet I use the ring road on a regular basis and especially the north, east and south sections - so much better than plodding along on Deerfoot or 52nd Street SE. Going from our shop in Bridlewood to Airdrie - ring road as much as possible, just more relaxing and one can safely do 120-125 without getting pulled over. An additional lane in each direction between Peigan and 16th Ave would be nice as it appears that the GOA never expected the rush hours volumes they're seeing on the ring road.

10-16-2014, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by finboy

My family lived in hillhurst/sunnyside for over 100 years, but with the bike lanes, increase of cookie cutter stores, and obsession with destroying nice little homes in favour of $400k shoebox condos, I want nothing to do with the area any more. That one douche's twitter pictorial of his TERRIFYING walk to his daughter's school kind of embodies everything I see wrong with the direction the city is going. Complaining about problems that haven't bothered the general populace haven't taken issue with for decades because "it's not how they do it in _________ city" is frustrating as hell. Calgary's core has some quirks that might seem poorly designed, but that is also part of its charm. I am quite worried what will happen to inglewood after east village is up and running.
I agree that Calgary needs to be more pedestrian friendly. However, that pictoral was hardly "terrifying".

10-16-2014, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by A790

I agree that Calgary needs to be more pedestrian friendly. However, that pictorial was hardly "terrifying".
Certainly a different viewpoint of that video over on the Calgary Skyscraper forum - I found the viewpoints over there quite amusing.

10-17-2014, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by A790

I agree that Calgary needs to be more pedestrian friendly. However, that pictoral was hardly "terrifying".

Originally posted by speedog

Certainly a different viewpoint of that video over on the Calgary Skyscraper forum - I found the viewpoints over there quite amusing.

Some people love to be loud on social media platforms to push for solutions they like for problems that don't exist. The older/quirky parts of inner City calgary made a great shooting area for the fargo series, not sure areas like that will still exist in another 10-12 years.

10-17-2014, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
Coaxial networks

10 years ago?

I was removing coax and replacing it with CAT5 almost 20 years ago.

10-17-2014, 08:02 AM

10-17-2014, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
That is something else I miss... these days multiplayer games are all over the internet, when somebody gets pissed off they just leave the game; in the old days you could actually watch somebody freak the fuck out in person

Jump on certain MP PC games these days it still happens over VoIP and in the chat, full pre-pubescent meltdowns.

10-17-2014, 10:41 AM
Originally posted by speedog

Certainly a different viewpoint of that video over on the Calgary Skyscraper forum - I found the viewpoints over there quite amusing. The funny thing is most of the posters don't live in multi-family housing.

10-17-2014, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by suntan
The funny thing is most of the posters don't live in multi-family housing.
Some do, some don't but many despise someone like me because my mid-50's bungalow on a large lot represents the very thing they absolutely hate - low density and low density that really isn't in the burb's. Too far out to be considered inner-city, to close in to be considered a true suburb.

10-17-2014, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by speedog

Some do, some don't but many despise someone like me because my mid-50's bungalow on a large lot represents the very thing they absolutely hate - low density and low density that really isn't in the burb's. Too far out to be considered inner-city, to close in to be considered a true suburb. Funny how guys like Bunk live in a single family house in Sunnyside, leveraged to the fucking hilt, and he has the audacity to criticize suburban dwellers.

Is frinkprof finally living on his own?

10-17-2014, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by speedog

Some do, some don't but many despise someone like me because my mid-50's bungalow on a large lot represents the very thing they absolutely hate - low density and low density that really isn't in the burb's. Too far out to be considered inner-city, to close in to be considered a true suburb.

Loved this comment

Anyway, thanks for the thoughtful discussion. Personally, I wish I had a 60' lot, but alas, I'm an environmentalist

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: