View Full Version : I need Beyond's help to get my pitch on Dragon's Den this season

10-15-2014, 09:37 AM
Hey everyone.

I thought I would put up an update on Cornelsworld as I don't get a chance to post here much lately. For those not close to me there has been many changes for us at Cornelsworld over the last 7 or 8 months starting with my taping on Dragon's Den. It was such an amazing experience and I am hoping that it makes it to air this season on CBC. The taping set wheels in motion and after 14 years I decided it was time to see if Cornelsworld could become a full time gig. My work was nice enough to let me take a leave of absence over the summer and decide what I wanted to do. Having a great paying job is one thing, but if you don't love what you do it makes it hard to be totally dedicated. Cornelsworld is definitely my passion and I would like to think it shows, so I am happy to announce that it is now a full time job! In addition to this I recently moved into a commercial space in Calgary and purchased a large CNC machine to start doing all the fabrication myself. This has been an amazing transition and I am very thankful for all the support from my friends, family, and customers. To date I have already cut through 120 PVC sheets and 10-20 Wood sheets as well. With making this full time I was able to reintroduce the custom wood and glass cages that I loved doing so much when I first started building caging close to 14 years ago.

In preparation for the airing of the Dragon's Den episode I also had my website redone to help me with production and dealing with emails and filling orders. My website is finally live and gives everyone the ability to now order directly from the website. Small items are able to give you a total with different shipping options instantly directly from the website, and email money transfers and credit cards are able to be taken directly from the website. Cage, and rack orders can be taken directly from the website as well but require one extra step of me updating the invoice with the correct shipping cost as Greyhound and the Freight companies I use do not have a way of integrating their pricing to websites. All in all we are really happy how it turned out and encourage you to take a look. The website is http://www.cornelsworld.com. Also if you see any mistakes, glitches, etc please let me know as it is only beneficial if it is easy to use.

Now everyone has been asking about Dragons Den.. The new season starts today and no one is more excited than myself about it. The only problem is I still don't have an air date. I contacted my producer asking for an update a couple of weeks ago and found out that so far 6 episodes have been finalized and I didn't make the cut. I was told originally that they were going to try and do a Halloween Episode that would work well with my pitch and also the Zombie Survivor pitch from Cochrane, but there wasn't enough other content to make the episode. According to her I am not currently on the board to air. I am not one to give up so I have started a Twitter and Facebook campaign to let CBC know that many of their loyal viewers want to see my pitch. If you don't mind please go to my facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/cornelsworld) and like the page as well as like and share my post to get onto the Dragon's Den. For those on Twitter, please also follow me (http://www.twitter.com/cornelsworld) and retweet the post there as well. All help is appreciated and I hope it helps my episode see the light of day.

Here is the facebook post
Here is the Twitter post

Thanks again for all the support everyone and look for many more great things from us at Cornelsworld as we grow even more!

Greg West

10-15-2014, 10:12 AM
Done good luck

10-15-2014, 10:51 AM

10-15-2014, 12:30 PM
Thanks guys. Here's hoping this helps.

10-15-2014, 01:40 PM
I'm looking at incorporating a business soon, and as part of the process of going through a business plan...

Wtf is a cornel? And what does it have to do with reptiles?

Just the first thing that jumped out at me. Your name/website name impart zero knowledge of your business.

Not that is HAS to, but it sure would be nice. I means, its like if I wanted to start a reptile business of sorts and called it "Adam's World". There are millions of names you can choose is all I am saying. Some make more sense than others.

10-15-2014, 03:09 PM
Dude goodluck!

You built a cage for me probably 12 years ago when you lived in the NE and were working out of your garage.

10-15-2014, 05:12 PM
It's decent easy to remember. Beyond has nothing to do with cars either.

Today at lunch I saw a commercial for chair lifts in the house. Their url is justdontfall.ca and its engrained in my head.

I'll bet you'll remember cornel's world tomorrow.

10-15-2014, 05:13 PM
I know Arlene Dickinson's son..PM me if you'd like. It's possible I could help you out somehow.

10-15-2014, 05:49 PM
Like wtf does kijiji mean

10-15-2014, 06:57 PM
:thumbsup: done!

big A
10-15-2014, 08:01 PM
Done, and because of it, I found out about the reptile show. So thank you.

10-15-2014, 08:19 PM
I'm all for supporting local entrepreneurs - good luck sir!


12-27-2014, 04:21 PM
Man I missed a bunch of these replies. Thanks for the support everyone. I got word a couple of weeks ago that I will be a featured web pitch on February 4th. I guess I didn't make the cut for the show, but being a web pitch is much better than it not being aired at all. I am so excited to see how the pitch shows and my daughter is super excited to show her friends that she was on the show.


12-27-2014, 05:19 PM
Greg that's great! Will look for it online in February

12-27-2014, 05:20 PM
I will be sure to post it everywhere I can once its posted.

cancer man
12-29-2014, 06:01 AM
Power to ya.

12-29-2014, 08:03 AM
You should try to come up with a witty/catchy name more related to your business model, I mean, I had to visit your website just to find out what your product is...

12-31-2014, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by killramos
Like wtf does kijiji mean

its Swahili for "Bunch of brown guys who want stuff for free"