View Full Version : Take the $5 generosity challenge.

Robin Goodfellow
12-02-2014, 01:05 PM
So much of what passes for "generosity" at this time of year consists of buying lots of shit for people who already have lots of shit.

With everyone discharging their moral duty in this manner, so many truly in need go overlooked.

Every December, I go to the bank and get a fistful of fivers.

I carry them with me, and throughout the season, I give them out to street people - The cold, the hungry, the homeless.

Some will protest that we don't know where the money is going... But be that as it may, everyone deserves a little windfall.

12-02-2014, 01:12 PM
Every year the church has a bundle of less fortunate families in the city with wish lists for Christmas. A simple list of items they'd like, typically clothes, and then you buy them what they'd need for Christmas dinner as well. We always take on at least one family, even in our worst year we had way more than these people.

We used to deliver them personally but won't be this year.

Talked the wife's family out of a gift exchange between us and each family member is buying for someone in the list instead.

And Operation Christmas Child is a nice one too.

Good for you Robin :thumbsup:

12-03-2014, 12:58 AM
I'll give you 5 dollars to stop posting. Think of all the joy it would bring to beyond over the holidays.

12-03-2014, 02:13 AM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer
I'll give you 5 dollars to stop posting. Think of all the joy it would bring to beyond over the holidays.

Wow great attitude there buddy, go drink your sour egg nog elsewhere.

12-03-2014, 08:59 AM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer
I'll give you 5 dollars to stop posting. Think of all the joy it would bring to beyond over the holidays.

Or, you could just help people outside of beyond...


12-03-2014, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer
I'll give you 5 dollars to stop posting. Think of all the joy it would bring to beyond over the holidays.

I'll throw in a ten for this noble cause.

12-03-2014, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by syscal

Or, you could just help people outside of beyond...


Thanks I am going to pass this list along.

12-03-2014, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow
Every December, I go to the bank and get a fistful of fivers.

I carry them with me, and throughout the season, I give them out to street people - The cold, the hungry, the homeless.

Supporting drug addictions..?

12-03-2014, 09:22 AM
How much do we need to donate for Toma to get banned from posting in the current events section?

What about Arash?

12-03-2014, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by syscal
Or, you could just help people outside of beyond...

Beyond is my fam-a-ree. And xmas is all about fam-a-ree right? So why would I be responsible for others?

12-03-2014, 09:38 AM
Instead of supporting alcohol and drug habits, why not actually buy these people food or a coffee with that money? Or donate the sum to an organization that makes sure it goes to helping/feeding the homeless?

Handing out fivers to the homeless is probably doing a lot more harm than good.

12-03-2014, 09:40 AM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
Instead of supporting alcohol and drug habits, why not actually buy these people food or a coffee with that money? Or donate the sum to an organization that makes sure it goes to helping/feeding the homeless?

Handing out fivers to the homeless is probably doing a lot more harm than good.
I absolutely agree. Hand out those McDonald's free coffee coupons?

12-03-2014, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
Instead of supporting alcohol and drug habits, why not actually buy these people food or a coffee with that money? Or donate the sum to an organization that makes sure it goes to helping/feeding the homeless?

Handing out fivers to the homeless is probably doing a lot more harm than good.

Yeah... Giving money to homeless people directly is a horrible idea. Most of them have drug, alcohol, gambling addictions or mental health problems. You are far better off giving the money to organizations which are there to support the homeless. Let's not kid ourselves either. There is TONS of support out there it's not like people are freezing to death and starving to death due the shelters turning them away. No the people to whom that happens are either violent or they refuse to seek help due to mental illness or whatnot. Not to mention by giving them money directly you are furthering the annoyance of aggressive panhandling for just about everyone else.

12-03-2014, 09:46 AM
^^This is exactly how it goes.

I have multiple friends who work social programs dealing with the homeless and substance abuse, they all say the exact same thing and it makes sense, "don't give people money."

Fortunately for me, I'm neither homeless or have a substance abuse problem. So I'll gladly take that $5, Robin.

12-03-2014, 10:01 AM
I've had more homeless people in Calgary refuse food than accept food when I've offered. True story.

12-03-2014, 10:14 AM
I never actively seek out people to give money to and "charities" in general get $0 from me except for a few such as Star Air Ambulance that I deem worthy in some arbitrary manner when they approach. I don't have much money, but if someone asks for money on the street and they can respond with an amount that I actually have in my wallet when I ask them how much they're looking for, I'll give it to them. Most of the time it is $5, but once someone in Canmore asked for $20. Expensive out there.

12-03-2014, 10:20 AM
The only reason I can think of to donate directly to the homeless instead of a proper organization is for that feeling of directly helping someone and seeing their appreciation first hand. Some may call it selfish in a way, but I can see why someone would want that gratification.
You are definitely helping more by giving to a proper organization though. That $5.00 is going to end up in a meth dealers pocket.

12-03-2014, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by CompletelyNumb
I've had more homeless people in Calgary refuse food than accept food when I've offered. True story.

Same. I've also gotten refusal when I offered bus tickets instead of money.

12-03-2014, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by CompletelyNumb
I've had more homeless people in Calgary refuse food than accept food when I've offered. True story.

I see it all the time. People asking for money, someone stops and offers to buy them a coffee or food, and they say no thanks. Gee, I wonder why they really want the money...

Even the "spare enough for a coffee" guy in the +15's who looks like Einstein refuses coffees when you offer, but I think he has some fairly serious mental issues.

Same deal with bus tickets. The one and only time I gave someone a transit ticket, they promptly sold it (presumably for a discount) at the other end of the train platform to someone else so they could get money for drugs/booze. Never again.

12-03-2014, 10:31 AM
I used to work with homeless and I asked many of them questions about their lifestyle and they all replied they are happy and don't need any help. They don't want food, they want money... As do we all.

Most of them were very friendly and cool people.

12-03-2014, 10:32 AM
Why does a homeless person need a bus ticket? Where the fuck are they going? No job, no home. I'd refuse it too. :rofl:

12-03-2014, 10:36 AM
Originally posted by roopi
Why does a homeless person need a bus ticket? Where the fuck are they going? No job, no home. I'd refuse it too. :rofl:

I assumed it was to keep warm or go somewhere they could get help/food - nope!

12-03-2014, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by 16hypen3sp
I used to work with homeless and I asked many of them questions about their lifestyle and they all replied they are happy and don't need any help. They don't want food, they want money... As do we all.

Most of them were very friendly and cool people.

If they are happy, homeless, non-addicts, what are they doing begging for money instead of working? The last person on earth I would give money to is a person capable of contributing to society, but choosing to be homeless. I would rather burn my money than give it to such an individual.

12-03-2014, 10:38 AM
I will take a $5 for every disguise that I have.

On a serious note. I have a computer that I wouldn't mind donating to an organization. Still runs fine (i5 2400). Just need lacking an optical drive and a monitor. Where would one go for this?

12-03-2014, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

If they are happy, homeless, non-addicts, what are they doing begging for money instead of working? The last person on earth I would give money to is a person capable of contributing to society, but choosing to be homeless. I would rather burn my money than give it to such an individual.

A friend of mine was volunteering and met a homeless guy that claimed to have no addiction etc and seemed pretty legit. He said the reason he is homeless is he crashed his car years ago while drunk and killed somebody. He was then sued and is forever in debt as a result. He claimed that any income he would earn would be garnished to the point that he wouldn't be able to afford rent etc. I'm not sure of the validity, or truth behind the story...but just thought I'd share.

12-03-2014, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

If they are happy, homeless, non-addicts, what are they doing begging for money instead of working? The last person on earth I would give money to is a person capable of contributing to society, but choosing to be homeless. I would rather burn my money than give it to such an individual.

I said the same thing before but apparently there is more to the story :eek:

I think the homeless get enough help from the government so I typically give to other organizations or people.

12-03-2014, 12:00 PM
IMO, lots of the families that are "in need" don't deserve anything, not all but a big portion for sure.

A few years ago I decided no one is getting anything from me for Christmas and I was going to buy gifts, a tree, food, etc. for a less fortunate family. They all had sob stories and a list of things they needed to make Christmas special for their kids claiming things like they didn't even have trees or money to make Christmas dinner. When I started contacting them I offered to go shopping, help set up and help cook with them. Every single one of these losers told me the same thing, I don't want you to buy stuff for us, just give us cash and I'll take care of it.

I'm willing to help the needy but definitely not scam artists who are making up stories to get free cash.

12-03-2014, 12:08 PM
In the spirit of this thread, I'll throw this in here. A really good friend of mine is a single mother of 5, putting herself through school. What she thought was an already budget breaking $1200 house repair has turned into a $12,000 nightmare. Shitty time of year to have to go through this, and on a student salary no less. If you've got some spare holiday cheer, your help for her family would be appreciated more than you know.


12-03-2014, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by ddduke
IMO, lots of the families that are "in need" don't deserve anything, not all but a big portion for sure.

A few years ago I decided no one is getting anything from me for Christmas and I was going to buy gifts, a tree, food, etc. for a less fortunate family. They all had sob stories and a list of things they needed to make Christmas special for their kids claiming things like they didn't even have trees or money to make Christmas dinner. When I started contacting them I offered to go shopping, help set up and help cook with them. Every single one of these losers told me the same thing, I don't want you to buy stuff for us, just give us cash and I'll take care of it.

I'm willing to help the needy but definitely not scam artists who are making up stories to get free cash.

One of my old companies did the adopt-a-family thing for Christmas. Some of the requests on the wish list were ridiculous. Stuff like a Playstation, gift card to Aritzia, etc. Really turned me off.

12-03-2014, 12:47 PM
Originally posted by The_Rural_Juror

One of my old companies did the adopt-a-family thing for Christmas. Some of the requests on the wish list were ridiculous. Stuff like a Playstation, gift card to Aritzia, etc. Really turned me off.

Adopt-a-family is great, it's pretty easy to tell who is truly in need just based of their lists. The downside is that it makes me depressed as hell having to read the lists to figure out what to buy.

12-03-2014, 01:41 PM
You don't have to celebrate Christmas. Last check it's optional right? :dunno:

I thought Beyond was about having the hard knock life? Growing up with little, not getting gifts so one can work their asses off and appreciate everything later on in life??? lol

I say don't do anything for anyone. :thumbsup: :rofl:

12-03-2014, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

If they are happy, homeless, non-addicts, what are they doing begging for money instead of working? The last person on earth I would give money to is a person capable of contributing to society, but choosing to be homeless. I would rather burn my money than give it to such an individual.

this is a similar mentality of the lifers that work minimum wage jobs from my experience working those jobs while in high school

me: why dont you... i dunno, get into the trades or something?"
them: if i made more i'd be taxed more, whats the point?

uhhh.. right... :nut:

12-03-2014, 01:57 PM
well its official, beyond.ca is a bunch of assholes who dont have a heart and only care about themselves.......good representation guys, way to show the world what were made of.

12-03-2014, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by MGCM
well its official, beyond.ca is a bunch of realists who dont support drug addicts and only care about programs that actually help people.......good representation guys, way to show the world what were made of.

Fixed that for you

12-03-2014, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by MGCM
well its official, beyond.ca is a bunch of assholes who dont have a heart and only care about themselves.......good representation guys, way to show the world what were made of.

I'm not getting that sense at all. Just because they refuse to give money to homeless people directly?? ASSHOLES!! I hate to say it, but the money is quite likely going to drugs or booze.

I agree completely with what people are saying here, give your money to the institutions set up to help these people.

Personally, my money supports the Alberta Children's Hospital, my sister would not be around today if it weren't for their incredible staff.

I also heavily support make a wish and Kidsport.

12-03-2014, 02:38 PM
Originally posted by Melinda
In the spirit of this thread, I'll throw this in here. A really good friend of mine is a single mother of 5, putting herself through school. What she thought was an already budget breaking $1200 house repair has turned into a $12,000 nightmare. Shitty time of year to have to go through this, and on a student salary no less. If you've got some spare holiday cheer, your help for her family would be appreciated more than you know.


Done. Happy to help out a legit cause, particularly one connected to a Beyonder.

12-03-2014, 02:53 PM
I'm not giving my neighborhood "hunter gatherers" money to exchange for liquor. I've donated my time to food banks, money to the United Way, and done stuff like gift wrapping for poor families, but giving the homeless $5 is a terrible idea.

12-03-2014, 03:36 PM
Yea, give the homeless guy $5 that will go directly towards a 12 pack of Black Ice that he's gonna slam back within 30 minutes, get shitfaced become a beligerent asshole and start harrassing people that in turn have to call CPS and have him removed.

Way to go...hope that makes you feel good there Robin Hood.

You wanna help, either go out there and volunteer your time at one of the shelters, get a first hand look at the shit that goes on there and the type of people they deal with...perhaps donate some of that fistfull of dollars that will surely go a very long way with them instead of supporting the addiction of that homeless guy who will only become more of a problem to the staff at the shelters once hes loser drunk and beligerent.

Throwing money at the problem won't fix it.


12-03-2014, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by LadyLuck
Yea, give the homeless guy $5 that will go directly towards a 12 pack of Black Ice that he's gonna slam back within 30 minutes, get shitfaced become a beligerent asshole and start harrassing people that in turn have to call CPS and have him removed.

Way to go...hope that makes you feel good there Robin Hood.

You wanna help, either go out there and volunteer your time at one of the shelters, get a first hand look at the shit that goes on there and the type of people they deal with...perhaps donate some of that fistfull of dollars that will surely go a very long way with them instead of supporting the addiction of that homeless guy who will only become more of a problem to the staff at the shelters once hes loser drunk and beligerent.

Throwing money at the problem won't fix it.


Hello beautiful! I like you when you're angry...... :love:

On a more serious note though (well I AM serious, hotpants), I don't agree with the approach either. Social programs of all kinds are out there, take part if you want to do something.

I very rarely give money to someone who asks, I will do other things though. A few weeks back a guy asked if I had change and I said "No, living off visa man.". His response was "Could you buy me some food then? Please.". How could you not? I asked him where he wanted to go as we were in a shop district and he asked if we could go to subway. Fucking guy only wanted a cold cut trio, wouldn't get anything more expensive. I had to convince him it was ok to get a combo for god sake. THAT guy, needed to eat and was appreciative.

Last time I was in Waikiki a panhandler had an honest sign, "Need money for beer, it's hot out". I just went into the ABC and bought him a couple. :rofl:

12-03-2014, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow
Every December, I go to the bank and get a fistful of fivers.

I carry them with me, and throughout the season, I give them out to street people - The cold, the hungry, the homeless.

Do you do it like this?


12-03-2014, 04:12 PM
There are some good ideas in here. I think 5 Dollar Tims card's might go a longer way (at least they are harder to trade to support substance abuse than cash).

Whats with the beat down on the OP? He likes to give money to the homeless, What a dick right? You all might not agree with it, but there is a chance that it buys a meal, or a coffee whatever. The sentiment is still very positive.

The problem with donating to charities is that there is a line of sight issue. If I donate a $1000 to a local charity, what percentage goes to paying some office staff to surf around on facebook all day, or gets "expensed" as a lunch.

At least if you hand out gift cards or cash, you get to see some direct reaction in your action for relatively little money spent.

12-03-2014, 04:37 PM
I've been refused quite often giving out food to homeless. Even cigarettes, because I smoke menthols and they don't like it. I've given out booze, never been rejected. I've been kicked out of bars for inviting homeless in and buying them drinks. Some of them have some epic stories to tell.

I guess beggars can be choosers.

12-03-2014, 04:43 PM
Is this challenge like the ALS one?

Do I have the choice of giving the homeless $5, OR dumping a bucket of ice water on them for awareness?

12-03-2014, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by roopi
Why does a homeless person need a bus ticket? Where the fuck are they going? No job, no home. I'd refuse it too. :rofl:

My buddy was telling me to never believe the "need money for bus tickets" stories because the drop-in hands them out for free. Going to rehab, The Lawn, party on the river in Inglewood, and so on :rofl:

12-03-2014, 05:14 PM
^yeah I won't be giving anything away anymore. Fuck. I was walking through a train station near Crack Mac's on 8th Street downtown, a girl in her mid teens asked me for a three bucks for bus fare, so I gave it to her. I headed to the McDonald's to grab coffee's for some people I was meeting, and guess who walks in? She saw me after waiting in line for a bit and quickly scampered off..... it's like.... for fuck sakes. Argh I hate it when people lie. Just be honest, if she needed food, I would have told her where I'm going and would have bought her supper.... but that whole "bus fair" thing... :banghead:

12-03-2014, 05:38 PM
Let's support the drug addicts and alcoholics who already leech off society and spend our tax money! What a great idea.

12-03-2014, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by Graham_A_M
^yeah I won't be giving anything away anymore. Fuck. I was walking through a train station near Crack Mac's on 8th Street downtown, a girl in her mid teens asked me for a three bucks for bus fare, so I gave it to her. I headed to the McDonald's to grab coffee's for some people I was meeting, and guess who walks in? She saw me after waiting in line for a bit and quickly scampered off..... it's like.... for fuck sakes. Argh I hate it when people lie. Just be honest, if she needed food, I would have told her where I'm going and would have bought her supper.... but that whole "bus fair" thing... :banghead:

Was she hot at least?

Mista Bob
12-03-2014, 05:55 PM
1. Create BS topic on beyond to gloat about how generous of a person you are
2. Do more harm than good and fail
3. ????
4. (bums) profit

12-03-2014, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by Mista Bob
1. Create BS topic on beyond to gloat about how generous of a person you are

lol true, this is a humble-brag thread

12-03-2014, 07:01 PM

Beyond is da best for making bros and non bros mad.

12-03-2014, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by The_Penguin

Done. Happy to help out a legit cause, particularly one connected to a Beyonder.
Thanks man, I super appreciate it. She's an incredible woman who gives absolutely everything to get her family through. Her kids are hilarious, her little man is actually convinced he's batman. This means the world to her and your amazing generosity is going to go a long way.

12-03-2014, 09:05 PM


12-03-2014, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by TomcoPDR

Was she hot at least?
Not bad for a high school chick. :dunno:

It's not like I cared regardless, if she needed help or a bite to eat I would have been happy to help, it's just being lied to, to get the money is what I had an issue with. :thumbsdow

12-04-2014, 11:35 AM
I give change to homeless. Yes I know they may use it for drugs. What if they don't though? Could go both ways.

12-04-2014, 11:52 AM
If a homeless person asked me for money to buy beer I'd probably hook him up since he was at least being honest. :angel:

12-04-2014, 12:02 PM

Robin Goodfellow
12-04-2014, 12:16 PM
Holy cow... this thread has exploded.

The homeless spend December watching wealthy people throw their money at each other in a big celebration of "giving"... and homehow, it still seems to miss the homeless.

Who really cares if some homeless dude goes and spends the $5 on a big bear? Maybe he spends it on a warm meal at Mcd's?

What were you going to do with that 5 dollars? Buy a beer? A halfsweet soy Mocha at Starbucks? A new case fan with LEDs?

If it takes a litre of big-bear to brighten some poor bastard's day - So be it!

I'm not oblivious to the larger issues here.. For those that are suggesting "This is not the cure", I certainly urge them to support the other institutional/organized methods of assisting those in need.

12-04-2014, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

No no, they will immediately turn around and go buy drugs, don't you know that?

That's how it works for every single one of them, they spend every penny they have on drugs, every single time, always.

I bet 90% of them spend it on Drugs, Booze, or cigarettes. Especially since they almost always refuse food, and just want the money. There's always exceptions but you can't possibly believe that most of them are just trying to scrape together some money to create a better life for themselves and work towards employment...

12-04-2014, 12:28 PM
Holly Smoke……
Guys if you want to contribute do it. If not leave it.
I have cooked Christmas meals and made a handed put Christmas goodies pack to homeless people.
I have also adopted families for Christmas. I went to one of the family’s safe house to deliver some perishable food and what they had for Christmas tree was a Cactus tree. There may be reasons why they are asking money. Don’t measure every one with a same yard stick
Like rage2 , wife and I were kicked out of Milestones on Stephen Ave for inviting a homeless person to have meal. We saw CPS harassing this guy. He wasn’t asking money. He was on wheel chair. We went out and asked him what he needed. He told us he wanted a hot meal. Later on we gave him some money and he straight up told us that he is going to spend $5 on beer.

12-04-2014, 12:52 PM

12-04-2014, 12:57 PM
So in the spirit of giving maybe we should all go around with a few cases of beer handing out beers to the homeless? :thumbsup:

12-04-2014, 04:08 PM
Donate to Wikipedia.

It probably has saved me hundreds in having to either have an encyclopedia in print, or hours in having to chase down the info at a library.

12-04-2014, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps
Donate to Wikipedia.

It probably has saved me hundreds in having to either have an encyclopedia in print, or hours in having to chase down the info at a library.

I'm almost concerned at how much sense your posts have been making lately.

Robin Goodfellow
12-04-2014, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Neil4Speed

Whats with the beat down on the OP? He likes to give money to the homeless, What a dick right? You all might not agree with it, but there is a chance that it buys a meal, or a coffee whatever. The sentiment is still very positive.

Events of the last week have demonstrated that we live in a strange era where those with good intentions are put under the microscope, and those whose actions create bad outcomes are given a free pass.

12-04-2014, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by DustanS

A few years ago a Native guy said to me, "Good afternoon sir, would it be possible to spare some change to help an Indian get inebriated?"

I gave him 20 bucks and laughed the entire day.

Worse than anything is when the morons come up to you in a parking lot and tell you how their vehicle is out of gas and they need to fill this washer jug up with fuel.

A couple weeks ago this happened to me at the shawnessy Wal-Mart. I told him he was a bullshitter after he told me his car was out of fuel on 162nd and macloed. I just finished coming from that intersection and called him out on it. He just sloughed me off. He then proceeds to corner a women and her baby as she's loading her child into her vehicle. I could tell she was uncomfortable because he was a fucking jib head. I walked over, pulled him away, and told him to get the fuck out of there.

Hahaha.. When I was living in Budapest I was next door to a couple higher-class gipsys, they once tried to rob me but that's another story. Anyways they always had problems and the guy there always had cops called on him for whatever reason.

They must of known I was English speaking and he was locked out of his apartment when I came home, all he said to me "alcohol please?" I went inside and gave him a couple beers. Police ended up at their apartment like 30-45min later as well hahaha, I would of never done it but I was moving out in 2 weeks anyways so I didn't care.

Every time we would go to the bars in budapest and pre-drinking on the streets I would just give the homeless the rest of my drinks, they always took it no problem.

I only gave change to homeless a few times in Budapest since most at gipsys pan-handling but before I left all my change I gave to two older guys that would just sit on the streets every day and looked like they actually needed it.

I remember when I was on my motorcycle and some homeless guy asked me for money at a stop light. I'm like no sorry, he snapped at me and was like "you assholes on motorcycles have never gave me any money, fuck you" - Well no shit asshole, taking off my gloves, putting bike in neutral and digging in my pockets to try coins is pretty tough at a red light..

I've pretty much only gave money to people that have hilarious signs or someone that I actually though really needed it.