View Full Version : STOLEN: Two Lexus SUV's

12-18-2014, 03:53 PM
Thought I'd give this a shot with Beyond... My buddy's parents' house in Varsity Estates got broken into while they were on vacation. Both of their Lexus SUV's have been stolen:

2011 Lexus RX450h (Red)
License Plate: BFK 8051

2006 Lexus RX400h (White)
License Plate: NJU 082

Not the most unique cars unfortunately. This happened last night, and was done before 5AM when the newspaper delivery guy noticed.

Please e-mail me at [email protected] if you have any leads.

12-18-2014, 05:37 PM
Thanks for posting this, really close friends of mine as well. The whole situation is really horrible.

Just for guidance, the cars look very close to these two.



Please call CPS if you spot either one.

12-18-2014, 06:10 PM
These will be likely shipped off. :(

While this may or may not be applicable to this situation, the CPS is reminding people to not leave vehicle keys in obvious locations (eg. hanging next to main door entrances or IN the vehicles while they are parked in the garage).

Obviously if the subjects had the inclination, its a matter of time before the keys were located even if they were properly hidden.