View Full Version : Crime at Xmas

12-18-2014, 09:04 PM
Anybody had their car's broken into or houses broken into so far this xmas season?

I was just informed by the neighbor that their truck was broken into and the theives tried to access their garage and all the people in the two adjacent culdesac's garages (not mine though I don't think, no evidence of tampering). However another neighbor caught them in the act and made a citizen arrest on one of the two guys. This is up in the Montreux area.

My coworker said someone tried to break into his F150 last night by puncturing a hole in each door lock - they failed but also now he cant get into his truck, they also then stole the battery. This was in the NE though.

Thales of Miletus
12-18-2014, 09:14 PM
imo The only thing worse than a thief is a pedo.

Anyone that would steal Christmas needs a round of rock salt.

12-19-2014, 08:06 AM

12-19-2014, 08:32 AM
"End of the line syndrome"

Whatever station happens to be the end of the line has to deal with it until another station opens up.

12-19-2014, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by rx7_turbo2
"End of the line syndrome"

Whatever station happens to be the end of the line has to deal with it until another station opens up.

I don't think it is limited to the last station at all... Especially not in Calgary.

One of the reasons why confirming Center Street LRT will be a nail in the coffin of me moving.

The park in front of my house has enough crackheads from the bus route.

12-19-2014, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by killramos
I don't think it is limited to the last station at all... Especially not in Calgary.

One of the reasons why confirming Center Street LRT will be a nail in the coffin of me moving.

The park in front of my house has enough crackheads from the bus route.
Good thing there's only like 3 busses that get to my house and only one of them direct from downtown that's only available during rush hour.

12-19-2014, 08:55 AM
Originally posted by jwslam

Good thing there's only like 3 busses that get to my house and only one of them direct from downtown that's only available during rush hour.

Yup the one thing you can give McKenzie Towne is that the only crackheads are inside their own houses :dunno:

They don't bother anyone...

12-19-2014, 09:00 AM
Montreux and Aspen aren't the end of the line anyway, if they got off the train they would have to take a 20 min bus to get to my street or walk 3km uphill.

12-19-2014, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by nzwasp
Montreux and Aspen aren't the end of the line anyway, if they got off the train they would have to take a 20 min bus to get to my street or walk 3km uphill.
Walking 3km is not that bad especially when they got the train ride all the way there for free :banghead: :banghead:

12-19-2014, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by nzwasp
However another neighbor caught them in the act and made a citizen arrest on one of the two guys. This is up in the Montreux area.

Well, shit... that actually works these days??

If I ever encounter someone committing a crime and I may need to use physical force against them, I'm slapping a citizens arrest on them right away. That way, their failure to stay at the scene is a crime in itself and therefore you are allowed to use whatever physical force is required to detain them.

Otherwise, the physical force you're allowed to use must be proportionate to stopping the crime itself - which means it could be argued you have no right to physically stop someone from simply walking away.

12-19-2014, 11:24 AM
All I know is the number of vagrants milling around and rummaging through clothes donation bins at Dalhousie station dropped to zero the day Crowfoot station opened.

12-19-2014, 11:28 AM
My neighbor's license plate was stolen, robbers put in a stolen truck similar to his and went on a break in spree. Luckily they got caught. This happened about a week ago.

12-19-2014, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek

Well, shit... that actually works these days??

If I ever encounter someone committing a crime and I may need to use physical force against them, I'm slapping a citizens arrest on them right away. That way, their failure to stay at the scene is a crime in itself and therefore you are allowed to use whatever physical force is required to detain them.

Otherwise, the physical force you're allowed to use must be proportionate to stopping the crime itself - which means it could be argued you have no right to physically stop someone from simply walking away.

So wait. You're saying, all I have to do is tell someone that I'm placing them under citizens arrest, and I can't get charged with assault / battery? No way is it that easy....

12-19-2014, 01:32 PM
There's been a rash of vehicle break-ins and subsequent house break-ins in via the garage door opener stolen from the vehicle, in Douglas Glen, McKenzie Town and Copperfield in the last week.

12-19-2014, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by cjblair

So wait. You're saying, all I have to do is tell someone that I'm placing them under citizens arrest, and I can't get charged with assault / battery? No way is it that easy....

Not at all what I am saying. First, you'd have to convince a judge that you had reasonable grounds to place a citizen's arrest. And then you'd also only be able to prevent the crime of resisting arrest if the subject was indeed trying to get away, as the law states that we are able to apply as much force as is required to stop a crime from being committed. If it was proven you just beat on him while he sat there, you'd still run the risk of being prosecuted for it due to subjecting unreasonable force.

This is all my own interpretation of the law. I may or may not be correct; I'm no lawyer. But this is certainly the assumption I'd apply if I ever needed to.

12-19-2014, 01:56 PM
Since we are discussing property crime, for it to be a legal arrest it needs to be your property OR you need to be in lawful possession of said property OR you need to be authorized by the person who owns or is in lawful possession of said property. For indictable offenses, you need to witness the subject committing the crime or the subject needs to be being pursued by those with the legal right to arrest them.

The second biggest issue, aside from the use of force, is searching and questioning. You are not allowed to search or question someone who you've placed under citizen's arrest.

Either way, you're never fully protected from civil actions resulting from the arrest. And the police/ government sure won't be helping out with your legal bills.

12-19-2014, 03:29 PM
FYI I hear that car thefts are rampant in Airdrie right now.

Don't leave your garage opener in the car if you're going to leave it out overnight too.