View Full Version : Car Salesman...look inside opinions needed

03-08-2004, 01:02 AM
So when you are at a dealership, buying new or used, how would you like to be treated by a salesman. What kind of approach do you think works and what turns you away. I am thinking i might try car sales, and I just need some advice, tips and experiences. Thanks for input

03-08-2004, 01:05 AM
Just be knowlegable about what your selling. I hate it when I walk in somewhere to buy somethin and I know more about the product in question then the dumbass salesman trying to fill my head with bullshit.

03-08-2004, 01:17 AM
If you don't know the answer to a question... say "I don't know, but I will look it up for you and get back to you."

Don't waste people's time by lying to them.

03-08-2004, 01:28 AM
We learned about this guy named Joe Girard in psych who's supposedly the world's greatest car salesman. One of the things he did was he would send his customers personalized greeting cards for holidays and such. On his best sales day ever, he apparently sold 18 autos in one 24-hr. period.

Try searching for his name in google or something and you might find some more methods he used.

03-08-2004, 01:35 AM
Youll have to write your AMVIC, once your on the floor, show honesty

GTS Jeff
03-08-2004, 02:52 AM
dude, sales is sales.

the few basics:

-know your shit (about cars in this case)
-be confident, funny (not robin williams funny, but have a sense of humour), and smile lots (dont be creepy tho)
-demand the sale (dont be pushy, thats dumb)
-go pick up some books on sales or at least do some googling for "sales tips" or something. ull learn some crazy jedi mind tricks like body mirroring, word patterning, metalanguage, and some other stuff
-dont be a shy, dull, stupid simp

theres a ton of shit u gota do for it all to work out smoothly, but the more u work on it the more naturally it comes to u. its kinda crazy, i worked on mirroring so much that i pretty much do it subconsciously all the time now...

so do all that and ull be all set :thumbsup:

03-08-2004, 06:43 PM
Oh and always treat everybody that walks in fairly... There have been so many times where I'll walk into a dealership and they will treat me like shit till I point out what I'm driving - 92 300zx

03-08-2004, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by joegrang
Oh and always treat everybody that walks in fairly... There have been so many times where I'll walk into a dealership and they will treat me like shit till I point out what I'm driving - 92 300zx

:werd: you should see what the flames wear when they come in and buy there escalades. apperences mean nothing

03-08-2004, 07:01 PM
Most sales ppl don't know that though... they will usually ignore me and go for the older folks thinking they got the real money

03-08-2004, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by joegrang
Most sales ppl don't know that though... they will usually ignore me and go for the older folks thinking they got the real money

if i were a car salesman i would probably go to the older crowd as well, if some 16 year old came in, chances are, he's all talk, and hasn't asked his parents!

that me 2 cents

03-08-2004, 08:00 PM
yea I guess ur right on that aspect... too bad I'm 23

03-08-2004, 11:20 PM
just dont do what they do at t&t honda and ill be happy.
haha those dorks at t&t honda told me the civic si was fast and if it wasnt fast it was my fault for not knowing how to drive.. ahah its a GOD DAMN AUTO. how the hell do you drive in it? i hate those fuckers
know the product your selling and the competition.
be polite even to the younger ppl.
what ive noticed is that normal ppl buy more than ppl who dress up in suits.

03-08-2004, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by Thi_Thi Subs
just dont do what they do at t&t honda and ill be happy.
haha those dorks at t&t honda told me the civic si was fast and if it wasnt fast it was my fault for not knowing how to drive.. ahah its a GOD DAMN AUTO. how the hell do you drive in it? i hate those fuckers
know the product your selling and the competition.
be polite even to the younger ppl.
what ive noticed is that normal ppl buy more than ppl who dress up in suits.
that is totally true, knowing the product is key to selling, doesn't anyone watch the apprentice! hahahah, the key to selling is knowing the customer and the product that your selling, which is so the key to marketing in the business world!


03-09-2004, 07:57 AM
Different end of the job but make sure you treat the techs with respect, not attitude. It's kinda funny how some of the salesmen I have worked with get the cars they are selling reconditioned very quickly, while others can take a fairly long time.;) Make friends with your service dept. It will make your life easier.

03-09-2004, 12:37 PM
I like it when a salesman approaches me and asks if there's anything I'd like to take a look at instead of shooting me dirty looks across the salesfloor. It was great last time I bought a car, now I look like I'm 15 and went to maybe 3 or 4 places and would just mill around for sometimes the better part of an hour on purpose just so when a salesman finally came over, probably to coax me outta there, and says "Can I help you?" (this is the best part, worth wandering around the parking lot) I'd pull out 2k cash (part of my downpayment) and say "Well, I was going to buy a car, but everyone here seems like an asshole." Then leave. I ended up buying buying used, private sale. :poosie:

03-09-2004, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by dishrag
I like it when a salesman approaches me and asks if there's anything I'd like to take a look at instead of shooting me dirty looks across the salesfloor. It was great last time I bought a car, now I look like I'm 15 and went to maybe 3 or 4 places and would just mill around for sometimes the better part of an hour on purpose just so when a salesman finally came over, probably to coax me outta there, and says "Can I help you?" (this is the best part, worth wandering around the parking lot) I'd pull out 2k cash (part of my downpayment) and say "Well, I was going to buy a car, but everyone here seems like an asshole." Then leave. I ended up buying buying used, private sale. :poosie:
wow aren't you 1337 :rolleyes:

as for my contribution to the thread:

sales are easy to learn, but you'll spend the rest of your life mastering your skills. Try to work for a company that you can be enthusiastic about the product.

03-09-2004, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2
Youll have to write your AMVIC, once your on the floor, show honesty

AMVIC is VERY educational... got mine a few weeks ago!

03-09-2004, 01:13 PM
I prefer the "hands-off" approach, I will ask for assistance when I want it.

It also makes a difference if the salesman is enthusiastic about the product -- it is hard to sell something you don't love.

Which is why I think many of us young Car Enthusiasts would make better salesmen than most of the middle-aged, overweight, stained-shirt wearing, shifty salesmen out there. Not only are we passionate about vehicles but extremely knowledgeable about the products.

If I wasn't so busy with my IT day job and contract work I would like to sell subarus part-time for fun. :D

03-09-2004, 03:24 PM
The 3 most important qualities that I like in a salesperson are:
Knowledge--KNOW your product, and your competitors product. Strengths, weaknesses, features, specs, etc

Enthusiasm--You must truly believe in the product you are selling. I don't think this can effectively be faked. I would be an awesome VW salesperson for ex. lol

Listen to your customers. I can't count the number of times I've told the salesperson what type of vehicle I am looking for, only to have them try to talk me into something else.

03-09-2004, 08:25 PM
I second that about listening to customers.
I was going around to dealerships with my friend, when he was lookin at cars. Walked into the mazda dealership on macleod, and he tells the guy he wants to know about the miata, and the salesperson goes on and on about the mazda tribute, and the millenia, etc... never even talked about the miata.
Needless to say, he bought the miata elsewhere.