View Full Version : New GHS replacing WHMIS

02-23-2015, 12:04 PM
So my employer requires me to take the CCOHS retraining program from WHMIS to the new global GHS system. Cool, thats fine.

Then I come across this:


So, apparently the GHS decided the labels had to be literal in their names compared to the old WHMIS ones. It is no longer "Poisonous and Infectious Materials" and now "Skull and Crossbones". This is not an across the board change, as Corrosion is still Corrosion, not "liquid spilling out of tube melts hand and rectangle"


Either I am just way misunderstanding what they were trying to get at, or someone from a 3rd world country wrote the training module :rofl:

02-23-2015, 12:14 PM
Pretty sure those are not the categories and are just explanations of what are represented in the pictogram

02-23-2015, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by P_D
Pretty sure those are not the categories and are just explanations of what are represented in the pictogram I wouldn't be so sure:


02-23-2015, 02:02 PM
Jeez Mibz, clearly you need to take the training, your picture CLEARLY depicts flame IN circle, not flame OVER circle :rofl: