View Full Version : Who's the bigger person in this situation?

03-06-2015, 06:38 PM
Instead of going through the channels of using the system software or going through management to get a price quote from me, a salesperson I work with emailed me direct over a month ago (January 23rd to be exact). I get over 50 emails in an average day and it's not untypical if some emails get missed among the piles of other projects/tasks that I have to do on a daily basis. In the weeks since the email was sent this sales person has been in and out of the office numerous times and not once ever talked to me yet alone mention that an email was sent to me requesting a quote.

Fast forward to today. We (salaried office employees) are all technically off work early on Fridays, but I stuck around to finish off a few things before leaving. Just as I was about to leave, one of my coworkers came to me to say he'd just gotten off the phone with said sales person and told me that she needed that price by this weekend and that she had sent me an email a few weeks ago and that she never got a response.

I checked my messages and indeed there it was. I admit I missed it - my bad.

What pisses me off about this whole thing though is not the actual quote request but the fact that this person waited until I was technically off work to try and contact me to tell me that she needs this quote RFN and then emails me and the boss (he's away on vacation on top of it all) to tell me that I had not responded to her original email and that she needs the price. In that original email, she was supposed to cc the boss in on it so that he could quarterback/manage the priority calls as he knows I'm swamped and can step in to help if needed (The reality is, is she is actually supposed to go through him first to begin with). In the email that she forwarded it was clear he was not included in the message.

In the end, I never responded to her latest email or answered her calls, but I did do up the quote for her and emailed it to her WITH A TIME DELAY so she won't get it until sometime tomorrow.

Am I a dickhead for responding this way? I do feel the need to make her sweat it out a bit for pull that on me.

That's the end of my rant. I just needed to get that off my chest so I can enjoy my weekend.


03-06-2015, 06:44 PM

03-06-2015, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
You are both dicks.


LOL... so be it. It is what it is.... :guns:

03-06-2015, 06:54 PM
If all else fails


03-06-2015, 06:58 PM
Yeah, you are. Sorry. I've been in that position, shit gets missed. Call, explain, rectify, stay late if you have too. They likely didn't ask about it while in the office because they assumed you were on it and didn't want to harass you.

Only difference with me is, if they want to talk to the boss I can just put them on hold and then pick the phone up again and ask how I can help them. :rofl:

03-06-2015, 07:06 PM
Don't be sorry. I don't have a lot of love for this person. Despite this scenario of the missed email, she's pulled this "I need this by the weekend shit too many times" and there have been many other times where I've often stayed late/brought work home to keep ahead of her schedule so that she can get stuff to her clients early. I'm not expecting thanks or acknowledgement for those times, but it really picks my ass that on this one time when I drop the ball on a relatively "small quote" that she throws me under the bus.

Edit : haha at J.M.s post :rofl: In all honesty she's not my type and I'm not a terribly picky person to begin with. :barf:

03-06-2015, 07:08 PM
Well if there's history that changes some things. Bottom line is, if you can tell your boss about it and he'll have your back, then you didn't do anything wrong.

03-06-2015, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
They likely didn't ask about it while in the office because they assumed you were on it and didn't want to harass you.


Yup JRS cool dude is always voice of reasons... I'm thinking along these lines too... It's normal business operation to keep sending you quote requests. Would be foolish to expect them to send you reminders or for you to reply "I got your email" knowledgement reply on every one of their emails.

03-06-2015, 07:18 PM
I appreciate where that comment is coming from and you're right, there's probably some truth to it as well. HOWEVER, my response would be, if you haven't gotten a response in over a month, then I'd say it'd be reasonable to ask, especially if you were just in the office last Tuesday. Hell, go and ask the boss (if he wasn't away) for all I care. I always man up when I drop the ball in these situations and will make it right.

03-06-2015, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by frozenrice

LOL... so be it. It is what it is.... :guns:

Do what is right for the company. Period. She may be an idiot, but the boss will see that himself. You should have sent the quote without the time delay, this would make it look like you are willing to do what it takes to pick up the pieces.

Everyone makes mistakes, its what you do to rectify those mistakes that defines you.

03-06-2015, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by GTS4tw

Do what is right for the company. Period. She may be an idiot, but the boss will see that himself. You should have sent the quote without the time delay, this would make it look like you are willing to do what it takes to pick up the pieces.

Everyone makes mistakes, its what you do to rectify those mistakes that defines you.

I know you're right. I think the time delay thing is my passive aggressive nature coming out. Mind you, I don't know if it's really passive aggressiveness - part of my thought on that too is if I respond to her right away, she'll expect me to do it every time she cries wolf. I know for a fact she doesn't meet the customer until Sunday, so I am still giving her enough time to receive the quote, it's just not on her terms.

rob the knob
03-06-2015, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by frozenrice
Instead of going through the channels of using the system software or going through management to get a price quote from me, a salesperson I work with emailed me direct over a month ago (January 23rd to be exact). I get over 50 emails in an average day and it's not untypical if some emails get missed among the piles of other projects/tasks that I have to do on a daily basis. In the weeks since the email was sent this sales person has been in and out of the office numerous times and not once ever talked to me yet alone mention that an email was sent to me requesting a quote.

Fast forward to today. We (salaried office employees) are all technically off work early on Fridays, but I stuck around to finish off a few things before leaving. Just as I was about to leave, one of my coworkers came to me to say he'd just gotten off the phone with said sales person and told me that she needed that price by this weekend and that she had sent me an email a few weeks ago and that she never got a response.

I checked my messages and indeed there it was. I admit I missed it - my bad.

What pisses me off about this whole thing though is not the actual quote request but the fact that this person waited until I was technically off work to try and contact me to tell me that she needs this quote RFN and then emails me and the boss (he's away on vacation on top of it all) to tell me that I had not responded to her original email and that she needs the price. In that original email, she was supposed to cc the boss in on it so that he could quarterback/manage the priority calls as he knows I'm swamped and can step in to help if needed (The reality is, is she is actually supposed to go through him first to begin with). In the email that she forwarded it was clear he was not included in the message.

In the end, I never responded to her latest email or answered her calls, but I did do up the quote for her and emailed it to her WITH A TIME DELAY so she won't get it until sometime tomorrow.

Am I a dickhead for responding this way? I do feel the need to make her sweat it out a bit for pull that on me.

That's the end of my rant. I just needed to get that off my chest so I can enjoy my weekend.


Originally posted by frozenrice
I appreciate where that comment is coming from and you're right, there's probably some truth to it as well. HOWEVER, my response would be, if you haven't gotten a response in over a month, then I'd say it'd be reasonable to ask, especially if you were just in the office last Tuesday. Hell, go and ask the boss (if he wasn't away) for all I care. I always man up when I drop the ball in these situations and will make it right.

you did no man up this time.

you know, if she call you to say "yo froze, did you get this email", then you would come here and complain about people who call after sending email, you know.

not big deal. if you do work for client, why not do timely instead of time delay. and include message, hey sorry.

especially in this economy.

rob the knob
03-06-2015, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by frozenrice
Instead of going through the channels of using the system software or going through management to get a price quote from me, a salesperson I work with emailed me direct over a month ago (January 23rd to be exact). I get over 50 emails in an average day and it's not untypical if some emails get missed among the piles of other projects/tasks that I have to do on a daily basis. In the weeks since the email was sent this sales person has been in and out of the office numerous times and not once ever talked to me yet alone mention that an email was sent to me requesting a quote.

Fast forward to today. We (salaried office employees) are all technically off work early on Fridays, but I stuck around to finish off a few things before leaving. Just as I was about to leave, one of my coworkers came to me to say he'd just gotten off the phone with said sales person and told me that she needed that price by this weekend and that she had sent me an email a few weeks ago and that she never got a response.

I checked my messages and indeed there it was. I admit I missed it - my bad.

What pisses me off about this whole thing though is not the actual quote request but the fact that this person waited until I was technically off work to try and contact me to tell me that she needs this quote RFN and then emails me and the boss (he's away on vacation on top of it all) to tell me that I had not responded to her original email and that she needs the price. In that original email, she was supposed to cc the boss in on it so that he could quarterback/manage the priority calls as he knows I'm swamped and can step in to help if needed (The reality is, is she is actually supposed to go through him first to begin with). In the email that she forwarded it was clear he was not included in the message.

In the end, I never responded to her latest email or answered her calls, but I did do up the quote for her and emailed it to her WITH A TIME DELAY so she won't get it until sometime tomorrow.

Am I a dickhead for responding this way? I do feel the need to make her sweat it out a bit for pull that on me.

That's the end of my rant. I just needed to get that off my chest so I can enjoy my weekend.


Originally posted by frozenrice
I appreciate where that comment is coming from and you're right, there's probably some truth to it as well. HOWEVER, my response would be, if you haven't gotten a response in over a month, then I'd say it'd be reasonable to ask, especially if you were just in the office last Tuesday. Hell, go and ask the boss (if he wasn't away) for all I care. I always man up when I drop the ball in these situations and will make it right.

you did no man up this time.

you know, if she call you to say "yo froze, did you get this email", then you would come here and complain about people who call after sending email, you know.

not big deal. if you do work for client, why not do timely instead of time delay. and include message, hey sorry.

especially in this economy.

03-06-2015, 07:26 PM
I think this other person dropped the ball, and then realized at the last moment they didn't get the information then needed it right away. But I doubt they did so maliciously.

What you did, however, was malicious. (Albeit a minor thing). Especially considering it was you who missed the email in the first place.

Fault all around.

03-07-2015, 01:31 AM
You need a better system for dealing with fifty emails a day. There are many ways to organize if you search around. Your job would be easier and less stressful, all good things. Also, never be in the office if you are not expected to be there. Only bad shit happens in my experience. Your ass should have been out the door along with your coworkers.


03-07-2015, 03:20 AM
Sounds like you missed the E-mail and were at fault, and maybe did not like this person from the past so wanted to mess with her to show your power.

Just do your job and move on, no need to dwell on a minor thing.

Be careful!
It's an attitude like that, that will make you be the least paid and first cut.

03-07-2015, 04:14 AM
If I'm the customer and request a quote then I would just assume you would do it, it's not my job to babysit. I don't think I would go above your head and bring your boss in to it but I understand why she would. You looked lazy (even though it was an honest mistake) and she likely felt slighted.

Why don't you have a to do folder in your inbox? Every time I would get something that needed to get done but not immediately I would drop it in there then in my spare time I would go through the emails and when completed put them back in my inbox. I never miss an email because I put them in there as they come in.

03-07-2015, 09:48 AM
Sounds like you dropped the ball, I personally get between 80-100 e-mails a day that I need to respond to and then deal with their problems/requests. Every e-mail I receive gets flagged with a "follow up" flag and I start at the top of the list and start picking 'em off, sometimes they get pushed to the next day but every single e-mail gets answered. This does not include the two or three looks into the junk e-mail folder. My current PST folder has over 27,000 e-mails in it and I've never missed a reply to any one of them.

You need to man up, get what the person needs and fix the problem with how you deal with e-mails. If I was your boss and you told me that "it's not untypical if some emails get missed among the piles of other projects/tasks that I have to do on a daily basis" I'd be looking rectifying that right quick.

03-07-2015, 10:08 AM
I do something similiar for account managers. I have missed a few emails over the years too. Typically I have a 24 hour return time so I just tell people if you don't hear from me in a week I am not doing it unless you remind me.

100 emails a day. Damn you must be attached to your computer from 8-5

03-07-2015, 10:33 AM
You were a dick for the delayed email. But the salesperson if they were any good would have done a follow up email within a few days of sending the original to check if you had gotten it.

Both parties.. Guilty

03-07-2015, 11:24 AM
Im on OP's side moreso than the person he had problems with.

If I request a quote to someone outside the company and DONT hear back from them in a couple days, "they didn't get back to me" is not an excuse. The boss-men don't give a f&%k, they just want the quote and/or order.

And then to call the person out who didn't get back to me while trying to cover my own ass because I wasn't on top of my shit and making sure that my crap was taken care of?

Thats bullshit. Yes, the OP should have not missed the email. But that waa his only mistake. The chick he is dealing with sounds like an awful person to deal with who doesn't take responsibility for her actions.

03-07-2015, 12:36 PM
I honestly feel bad for missing the email and yes I could probably be better organized, but we are a small company and we are all supposed to pitch in and help each other out. Management knows I produce so that is why they want to help me manage the priority orders otherwise everybody would come to me direct with THEIR priorities and take me off what management wants/needs done first. I agree I am at fault and guilty for my missteps.

What rips me most is her trying to get me in shit on (in the big picture) a "small" order when I have worked my ass off on way bigger jobs in the past without so much as a "Hi and thanks". Again I'm not looking for accolades and stuff but in the big picture there is a bit of an imbalance of "karma" gong on here.

Anyways, life goes on..... I'll deal with the fallout on Monday.

03-07-2015, 12:49 PM
So you made a mistake and feel like someone did you wrong by following up and Ccing your boss? Then instead of fixing your mistake you act like a child and put a time delay on your reply? If i was your boss and knew you did this I would fire you immediately. Childish and irresponsible.

03-07-2015, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by Type_S1
So you made a mistake and feel like someone did you wrong by following up and Ccing your boss? Then instead of fixing your mistake you act like a child and put a time delay on your reply? If i was your boss and knew you did this I would fire you immediately. Childish and irresponsible.

What part did you not understand? It was the fact she waited nearly 5 weeks to follow up with me when the boss was away to bring this up when she had ample time and opportunities to check why I hadn't replied and on top of that she didn't use the proper quote request procedures. Not once did I have a problem with her following up and cc-ing my boss in. I did give her what she needed just not in the time frame she needed it after bringing it up the last minute. If I hadn't been working late to begin with, I wouldn't have heard about this and she would have been SOL period. If she wants to play games like that I can play along too, but I'll play fair at least and what comes out of it will play itself out. Plain and simple.

Did I screw up? Damn rights I did (and twice according to some of you). Is this something I should get fired over? Sure if you're an asshole for a boss. If my bosses at work are assholes then I guess I'll bring an empty box with me to work Monday morning and they can deal with her antics.

03-07-2015, 01:42 PM
I don't think any reasonable boss would fire you over this. Mistakes happen. The fact you delayed the email would be hard to prove.

03-07-2015, 02:56 PM
As mentioned, a reasonable boss would not fire you over it. But if you came to me with the excuses from your last post I'd be pissed if I was your boss. I'd be asking you questions like; how long should someone wait before they remind you to do your job? isn't waiting until the last minute kinda like finding something in the last place you look? if I were you I'd be expecting read receipts with every email, phone calls after every email sent and follow ups everyday from now on. When I ask someone to do something I expect they do their job and don't wait for me to remind them. You missed her original request, are you sure you didn't miss follow up emails from her? After all you admit that you miss a few emails all the time and according to you that's the norm.
if I was your boss, first thing Monday morning I'd have IT have all your emails sent to me for babysitting.
The other person waited five weeks or five years, that's something she has to deal with on her own with her customer and her boss. You need to deal with your actions, your boss and your customer. As I always say, I can only change myself, I'll never change someone else.

03-07-2015, 03:13 PM
Only 50 emails a day? Are you a student or something? ;)

Be a professional. Admit mistake, apologize and move on. The time delay is petty. Sounds like you both need a come to jesus chat with each other if this is persistent.

03-07-2015, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by Star1995
if I was your boss, first thing Monday morning I'd have IT have all your emails sent to me for babysitting..

That is why we have a proper request for quote application within our system software so that the quote requests are separated from our regular day to day emails. Not to mention she is SUPPOSED to go through my manager as a second resort. Management knows I get bombarded with this kind of shit all the time so they have systems in place to help manage and prioritize things that come in.

To give you a bit of perspective, she has been working with these POTENTIAL clients for I'd say over a year now trying to land a contract with them. Myself and another staff member in another department have spent hundreds of hours working with her and the client to get close to a deal. The last I'd heard from the client was in late December/early January. To be honest I totally forgot about them as I'd already moved on to working on other clients. Suddenly this latest request from her amounts to 0.85% of the original proposed sale. If she can't close a deal over less than 1% of the original price, after over a year of dicking around, there's a problem. The hours that my coworker and I have put in for her so called client so far have netted the company NOTHING. I'd like to land this deal as much as she would (she's on commission - we're salaried), but there is a point where we need to focus on stuff that will actually bring in money to keep the paychecks coming in rather than waste our time and resources. We already signed and DELIVERED 3 or 4 other projects in this same time period. Some of you see this as bad attitude on my part, but from my perspective after all this time of dicking around, she's grasping at strings trying to put this deal through.

Rat Fink
03-07-2015, 06:06 PM

03-07-2015, 06:26 PM
So, they emailed you 42 days ago. You "missed" the email , and then try and cover your ass?

Your bad. No question about it, we're adults, you shouldn't need your handheld with follow ups or reminders. A more appropriate "I apologize, I missed your email, I will prioritize this" would be much more respectable then finding an excuse.

And 50 emails a day... my reply to that is "Only 50?" I spend about 5-6 hours out of the office on site inspections instead of sitting behind a desk and get usually 80+ a day. If I miss a crucial email to order a product or send out a work order, I man up and admit it to my clients. People TYPICALLY understand if you simply explain you've been busy and missed the email, but now because you're trying to cover your ass and come up with excuses you look like you're;

A.) Incompetent and unable to do your job
B.) Lazy , and are just covering your ass
C.) Have a personal vendetta/gripe with the salesperson

03-07-2015, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by 403Gemini
So, they emailed you 42 days ago. You "missed" the email , and then try and cover your ass?

Your bad. No question about it, we're adults, you shouldn't need your handheld with follow ups or reminders. A more appropriate "I apologize, I missed your email, I will prioritize this" would be much more respectable then finding an excuse.

And 50 emails a day... my reply to that is "Only 50?" I spend about 5-6 hours out of the office on site inspections instead of sitting behind a desk and get usually 80+ a day. If I miss a crucial email to order a product or send out a work order, I man up and admit it to my clients. People TYPICALLY understand if you simply explain you've been busy and missed the email, but now because you're trying to cover your ass and come up with excuses you look like you're;

A.) Incompetent and unable to do your job
B.) Lazy , and are just covering your ass
C.) Have a personal vendetta/gripe with the salesperson

Did you read any of his posts? He said there's a procedure application to get a quote, and she didn't follow it, and just emailed him. I'm not condoning his delayed email reply, but it's ridiculous to call him out like that when she was the one who fucked up to begin with.

03-07-2015, 06:34 PM
Your co-workers have every right to expect you to respond when they email you. If you're not reading and following through on emails, then you're basically not doing your job. I'd be rightly pissed off if I was your co-worker. And then you complain because you weren't able to leave early on a Friday? Boo hoo :cry:

03-07-2015, 06:59 PM
Equal guilt on both sides. You for missing the email, and them for attempting to circumvent the quoting process in the first place. Let them know that any future quote requests outside of the official system are not guaranteed to be completed.

03-07-2015, 07:06 PM
Yup. You're right. Answer A, B & C.

Where did I say I was covering my ass? I FULLY ADMIT my error. I followed up and gave her what she needed. Should I apologize? Maybe. Do I want to? Maybe for the way I handled it but not necessarily for the mistake to another mistake that started this whole thing.

Did you also not read the part where I said we have a system in place and if it was used as intended it probably wouldn't have gotten to this. That's whybit is there in the first place.

Seeing as how high and mighty of an example you are trying to impress upon me, I will go in on Monday and admit I missed the email and tell them to that some random guy on the Internet named Gemini403 told me to and how he has changed my life and made me a better person.

I'm glad you can handle your 80 emails a day. It's obvious that you are far more superior to some one like me doing what ever it is in what ever business it is that you work in. I guess your 80 answered emails to my 50 mostly answered ones means you have a bigger dick than mine ;)

It'd be interesting to spend a day in each other's shoes and see how answers A, B, C would apply to you seeing as to how black and white you are to insinuate that those answers apply to me. Then while doing your job I can learn how to manage 80 emails a day.

Anyways, I like ratfink's idea of going out one day and having a few drinks and getting over it. There are more important things in life than that - like arguing with people on an Internet forum :D

03-07-2015, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Did you read any of his posts? He said there's a procedure application to get a quote, and she didn't follow it, and just emailed him. I'm not condoning his delayed email reply, but it's ridiculous to call him out like that when she was the one who fucked up to begin with.

Regardless, somebody does something wrong / incorrect procedure he had 42 days to reply to them saying "Sorry, please follow the correct procedure"

Yeah , I'll redact a bit of my off putting attitude in my prior reply and saying sure she fucked up, but you need to take some responsibility on the other side to say "Hey, I need <insert correct info required/procedure> , that's your job too. If I get a new job given to me missing some information, I don't not move forward as best as possible and reply back asking for the correct info, because I know it will make me look bad.

Whatever frozenrice, you clearly just started this thread hoping everybody will hold your dick and patting you on the back saying "it's okay! she was at fault!"

Sorry you don't want to hear that you need to accept that this was your fault too.

At the end of the day, it doesn't sound like this is that big of a deal, so "there there, it's okay."

Better now?

03-07-2015, 09:22 PM
How many times have I posted that I admit that I made a mistake? Maybe that is how you get through all of your 80 emails in a day - by just skimming over them? If it makes you feel better, I'll admit that you're right and that posted on here because I need my tiny (don't forget, 50 emails +/- return rate) little dick stroked to make me feel better. Meanwhile it was clear that you came in here to swing your huge (don't forget, 80 emails returned) anaconda around to purposely make me feel inferior to you. If that's your thing and it makes you feel better fine by me. Feel better now? :love:

03-07-2015, 10:49 PM
Frozenrice, you must work with me. I'm in the exact same situation all the time.

Sales people have a new process to go through an application each time they need a quote done. This process started when I started, so to me, it's not a problem. To the sales people that were there already, it is.

Quoting is secondary to my PM role I play, so when I get a direct e-mail from them instead of the proper channels, it gets lost in the sea of crap I get. The software would have constant reminders to complete the quote if the request comes through it, but when it doesn't and I have a particularly busy day, that e-mail can be missed and it doesn't get done.

Since it's 2015 now and everyone is always looking to first lay blame instead of trying to help and correct things, I then get thrown under the bus without a chance to correct it.

So god damn frustrating.

cancer man
03-07-2015, 11:42 PM
I just found this but the truth is in between the lines..

Listen up. I know the shit you’ve been saying behind my back. You think I’m stupid. You think I’m immature. You think I’m a malformed, pathetic excuse for a font. Well think again, nerdhole, because I’m Comic Sans, and I’m the best thing to happen to typography since Johannes fucking Gutenberg.

You don’t like that your coworker used me on that note about stealing her yogurt from the break room fridge? You don’t like that I’m all over your sister-in-law’s blog? You don’t like that I’m on the sign for that new Thai place? You think I’m pedestrian and tacky? Guess the fuck what, Picasso. We don’t all have seventy-three weights of stick-up-my-ass Helvetica sitting on our seventeen-inch MacBook Pros. Sorry the entire world can’t all be done in stark Eurotrash Swiss type. Sorry some people like to have fun. Sorry I’m standing in the way of your minimalist Bauhaus-esque fascist snoozefest. Maybe sometime you should take off your black turtleneck, stop compulsively adjusting your Tumblr theme, and lighten the fuck up for once.

People love me. Why? Because I’m fun. I’m the life of the party. I bring levity to any situation. Need to soften the blow of a harsh message about restroom etiquette? SLAM. There I am. Need to spice up the directions to your graduation party? WHAM. There again. Need to convey your fun-loving, approachable nature on your business’ website? SMACK. Like daffodils in motherfucking spring.

When people need to kick back, have fun, and party, I will be there, unlike your pathetic fonts. While Gotham is at the science fair, I’m banging the prom queen behind the woodshop. While Avenir is practicing the clarinet, I’m shredding “Reign In Blood” on my double-necked Stratocaster. While Univers is refilling his allergy prescriptions, I’m racing my tricked-out, nitrous-laden Honda Civic against Tokyo gangsters who’ll kill me if I don’t cross the finish line first. I am a sans serif Superman and my only kryptonite is pretentious buzzkills like you.

It doesn’t even matter what you think. You know why, jagoff? Cause I’m famous. I am on every major operating system since Microsoft fucking Bob. I’m in your signs. I’m in your browsers. I’m in your instant messengers. I’m not just a font. I am a force of motherfucking nature and I will not rest until every uptight armchair typographer cock-hat like you is surrounded by my lovable, comic-book inspired, sans-serif badassery.

Enough of this bullshit. I’m gonna go get hammered with Papyrus.

03-07-2015, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by frozenrice
How many times have I posted that I admit that I made a mistake? Maybe that is how you get through all of your 80 emails in a day - by just skimming over them? If it makes you feel better, I'll admit that you're right and that posted on here because I need my tiny (don't forget, 50 emails +/- return rate) little dick stroked to make me feel better. Meanwhile it was clear that you came in here to swing your huge (don't forget, 80 emails returned) anaconda around to purposely make me feel inferior to you. If that's your thing and it makes you feel better fine by me. Feel better now? :love:

You're really hung up on the whole email thing huh ?

I was pretty crass in my prior replies , but I deal with trades who have done the same , where I send them an email saying "I need you to order X product " or "start on X day" and then tell them I'll get them the work order / purchase order when I get a chance.

Sometimes it takes me a day , other times a week depending on how busy I am - but just because I didn't do it "properly " doesn't mean the onus on them isn't to get started .

If somebody doesn't start something because they're waiting for the "proper" way to do it , then in my eyes they have no interest in getting my jobs done and making money for my company or theirs

I didn't mean to sound like a dick, most of the time I just type with sarcasm but yeah re-reading what I wrote was pretty rude, so sorry about that

Honestly I'm not sure what industry you are in , so I don't know what , if any repercussions you will face (likely none ) , but coming from a manager it means a lot more to me for somebody to say "listen , I know you emailed me a few weeks back , I missed your email but I'll get it processed . In the future please send the request through the proper protocols to make my life simpler ", cause really had she emailed you then submitted the formal request properly and you didn't do it then yeah you're 100% at fault ;)

As it is now , just keep on trucking :p

Anyway that's my piece

Edit : BTW I can do all the emails, complete all my estimates and do all my site inspections while keeping a running spreadsheet of all my jobs because I start at 530-6 am and don't leave till 5-6 pm :p

03-08-2015, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by BlackArcher101

Since it's 2015 now and everyone is always looking to first lay blame instead of trying to help and correct things, I then get thrown under the bus without a chance to correct it.

Some god damn frustrating.

I made sure to blame you about a quote last year ;)

I keed! Haha

03-09-2015, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by 403Gemini

You're really hung up on the whole email thing huh ?

I was pretty crass in my prior replies , but I deal with trades who have done the same , where I send them an email saying &quot;I need you to order X product &quot; or &quot;start on X day&quot; and then tell them I'll get them the work order / purchase order when I get a chance.

Sometimes it takes me a day , other times a week depending on how busy I am - but just because I didn't do it &quot;properly &quot; doesn't mean the onus on them isn't to get started .

If somebody doesn't start something because they're waiting for the &quot;proper&quot; way to do it , then in my eyes they have no interest in getting my jobs done and making money for my company or theirs

I didn't mean to sound like a dick, most of the time I just type with sarcasm but yeah re-reading what I wrote was pretty rude, so sorry about that

Honestly I'm not sure what industry you are in , so I don't know what , if any repercussions you will face (likely none ) , but coming from a manager it means a lot more to me for somebody to say &quot;listen , I know you emailed me a few weeks back , I missed your email but I'll get it processed . In the future please send the request through the proper protocols to make my life simpler &quot;, cause really had she emailed you then submitted the formal request properly and you didn't do it then yeah you're 100% at fault ;)

As it is now , just keep on trucking :p

Anyway that's my piece

Edit : BTW I can do all the emails, complete all my estimates and do all my site inspections while keeping a running spreadsheet of all my jobs because I start at 530-6 am and don't leave till 5-6 pm :p

It's all good man. I probably overreacted to your posts a bit too so bad on me for spouting off the way I did.

03-09-2015, 10:28 AM
Seems to me you dropped the ball and she caught it when she circled back. Fault: yours. Everything else seems like excuses which I really have zero patience for either from salespeople or co-workers on my team. It's either done or not. In your case, it's an innocent error. Shouldn't have happened, but occasionally does. You fix it immediately, apologize, and move on.

I don't mean to be an asshole here, but seriously, that attitude can get you high graded pretty quick when companies go to lay people off. You didn't do your job and are not just blaming someone else, you're being vindictive about it. It's opposite of the "team player" mantra everyone seems to want. Tread carefully.