View Full Version : shaw cable highspeed?

03-09-2004, 08:11 PM
Are there better deals than ordering straight from the website? Better to buy a modem than to rent it?

Also on the website they say 29.99 for 6 months, then regular price after that. I searched the site and can't find if its for 1 year or 2 years?


03-09-2004, 09:47 PM
well when i was choosing my internet connection (shaw and telus) at about a year ago, they had a big war and promotions were everywhere. so i would suggest (if you can wait) wait a few months or so to see if their gonna have any promotions, and if you a dl fanatic (kazaa, bt, w/e u use) you have to limit urself on shaw because they have a dl/ul cap even though they say *unlimited* acess on their brochures:whipped:

03-09-2004, 09:53 PM
First - shaw's unadvertised cap is selectively enforced, meaning most people dont have a problem.
Second - Their "hidden" cap is still higher than Telus
third- Cable is on average faster than DLS :D

03-09-2004, 09:57 PM
Originally posted by Gonthro

yea, but shaw enforces it, telus doesn't, uunless you are one of the top 30 uploaders in the province

fuck now they got a list for us?.

03-09-2004, 10:01 PM
Telus is not available at my residence. I don't really care about downloading, or speed.

i'm happy with dialup but just want one something that doesn't disconnect all the time (I am using U of C's dialup).

So the prices now for shaw are good or not as good as usual?

GTS Jeff
03-09-2004, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by Gonthro

yea, but shaw enforces it, telus doesn't, uunless you are one of the top 30 uploaders in the province

shaw enforces a cap to make sure the service stays fast for everyone in the neighborhood.

Originally posted by szw
Telus is not available at my residence. I don't really care about downloading, or speed.

i'm happy with dialup but just want one something that doesn't disconnect all the time (I am using U of C's dialup).

So the prices now for shaw are good or not as good as usual?

shaw prices are good and probably wont change til they roll out voip. my guess is that ull get some sorta package deal with shsi and voip.

and definitely buy the modem. it never pays to rent it, unless u cant afford the initial 60 bucks (which includes a free first month)

shoot me a pm and ill have u online probably within a week.