View Full Version : Shoten adapter for M lens to Sony Nex

04-17-2015, 07:17 PM
So last saturday while bored and browsing the net, I read about the new Shoten M to Nex adapter that extends like the Voigtlander VM-E to allow closer focusing.
Better than the Voigtlander too as it extends 6mm vs 4-5mm on the Voigtlander.

Price? $200 shipped from China compared to the Voigtlander VM-E that goes for $309 on B&H.

Pulled the trigger and shockingly DHL was at my doors last night with the adapter and $16 custom fees

Quickly ran some tests and have to say, time to sell my Novoflex M adapter.
Build is good, has the same metal feel as my CV 50mm, helicoid is smooth and easy to adjust and only about 2-4mm wider than my old Novoflex adapter.

It allows me to focus less than 8" with my 35mm, about 1' with my 50mm and less than 2' with my 75mm!

I'm curious to see how well it fares after a year.

Performed a light leak test (shot with lens cap, ISO3200, 30s exposure)
Absolute darkness with the Shoten adapter
The Novoflex? :rofl:
https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7726/17182781815_5f6ca8658a_c.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/sbofoT)DSC08160 (https://flic.kr/p/sbofoT) by earl.dieta (https://www.flickr.com/people/33850435@N03/), on Flickr