View Full Version : Ontario to get insurance discount on snow tires

04-23-2015, 06:59 PM

Ontario's governing Liberals are making further changes to auto insurance in a bid to drive down costs for motorists, including forcing insurers to give a discount to drivers who use snow tires.

In Thursday's budget, the provincial government laid out a series of additional steps it will take to reduce the costs of auto insurance.

The government says when a driver gets involved in certain types of minor, at-fault accidents, insurers will no longer be able to automatically increase their premium. But the government has yet to lay out the criteria for such accidents. It will consult with the industry before doing so.

It will also limit the maximum interest rate that some drivers pay on monthly auto insurance premium payments to 1.3 per cent, down from three per cent today.

The snow tires incentive is also outlined in the budget as a way to bring down auto insurance costs. But it's not immediately clear how much drivers will save. Finance Minister Charles Sousa would not say Thursday if he had a figure in mind.

Ontario is also taking a close look at what drivers are paying in other parts of the country and what kind of coverage they receive, as it looks to "bring these costs more in line with other provinces." To this end, the government intends to make regulatory changes.

These measures include establishing a $300 standard deductible for comprehensive coverage, as opposed to $500 — a level where it has otherwise stood for some time in Ontario.

There are also coming changes to basic auto insurance benefits. The government will combine medical and rehabilitation benefits with attendant care services as a single benefit set at $65,000. These separate benefits used to total more than $80,000. However, drivers will still be able to pay for increased coverage to a total of $1 million.

A similar change will be made in the case of catastrophic accidents. Services will be combined as a single benefit to a limit of $1 million. That's down from a combined $2-million limit today. But drivers will be able to pay more for coverage up to $2 million.

As these regulatory changes are implemented, the government says it will work with the industry to make sure the public is aware they are being made and what they mean.

04-23-2015, 07:02 PM
I know they have pretty high premiums out there, so this will be good for those smart enough to use them.

I do wonder how it will be enforced though. I guess if you get into an at fault accident in the winter, and you don't have them on, you'll be charged with insurance fraud?

04-23-2015, 07:27 PM
It is about time those of us running a safer vehicle were offered some reward. Alberta is so backwards in this and other areas, so I expect nothing.

04-23-2015, 11:05 PM
Originally posted by CanmoreOrLess
It is about time those of us running a safer vehicle were offered some reward. Alberta is so backwards in this and other areas, so I expect nothing.

The age old argument:

- we dont want more regulations!!!
- we need to have more regulations to protect ourselves !!!


04-24-2015, 07:46 AM
I think the bigger new is it looks like they are revisiting the "zero fault" bullshit! Thats got to be the worst insurance policy around

Masked Bandit
04-26-2015, 07:01 AM
Originally posted by CanmoreOrLess
It is about time those of us running a safer vehicle were offered some reward. Alberta is so backwards in this and other areas, so I expect nothing.

In a way, people are rewarded for running safer vehicles. Snopw tires may make the difference between having an accident or not. Avoiding the accident and keeping a nice clean record results in you having lower overall premiums than the guy that runs semi bald all seasons and hits something every two or three years.

Ontario's insurance premiums are WAY higher than they are out here. Whenever we write someone who has just moved from Ontario they can't believe how cheap it is compared to back home.

04-26-2015, 04:08 PM
How about a rebate for expensive boots.

I swear, the crap they make nowadays isn't designed to work below -15 celsius.