View Full Version : Family selling Calgary man's belongings to cover fees after Thailand scooter crash

rob the knob
04-25-2015, 07:04 AM
Family selling Calgary man's belongings to cover fees after Thailand crash
Jason Hoffman

Kendra Mangione, CTVNews.ca Writer

Published Friday, April 24, 2015 12:17PM EDT
A Calgary man’s family is selling off his vehicles and other belongings in an effort to raise money to bring the traveller home from Thailand.

Jason Hoffman arrived in Phuket, Thailand last Thursday for a vacation. Only four hours after arriving on Thailand’s largest island, Jason was involved in a scooter crash that left one person dead and two others injured.

Jason’s brother, Clinton Hoffman, told CTVNews.ca that few details are known about the crash, but the family has heard that Jason’s scooter collided with a scooter carrying three people.

One person died and the other two were injured. Jason broke several bones, and needed surgery for his injuries, Clinton said.

Jason was treated in a local hospital, but his brother said he was released two days after being admitted. Though he still needs surgery for his facial injuries, Jason has been staying at a hostel while he recovers. He is barely able to move because of his injuries, his brother said.

In the days after the crash, Jason was told by police that he was responsible. Clinton said Jason was told he needed to pay a settlement to the victims, and cover legal fees and a fine for the collision.

In total, Clinton said Jason was told he must pay $100,000. If he is unable to pay the fees, he could face imprisonment, Clinton said.

The family has been working with representatives of the Canadian embassy, contacted through the Department of Foreign Affairs.

They struggled to talk to someone on the phone, Clinton said. Most of the communication has been done by email.
“It’s very difficult. I have so many questions that can’t be answered,” Clinton said Friday.

He said that Jason’s Thai lawyer advised the family to pay the money, rather than try to fight the charges, but coming up with $100,000 has been a challenge.

In an effort to raise the money, Clinton said his family has been selling Jason’s belongings. They’re trying to sell his truck and motorcycle. Clinton said he’s trying to sell some of his own possessions as well.

The family has also built a crowdfunding page on YouCaring.com, hoping friends and family members will donate.

“This is a terrible tragedy and while we do not feel it is right to put a price on such an awful thing or a life, we are banding together as a family to help raise the money,” the post says.
“Jason is our brother, son and boyfriend. He is missed by many and we just want him home as soon as we can so he can start his recovery safely in Canada.”

CTVNews.ca reached out to the Department of Foreign Affairs, who confirmed that consular services are being provided for the citizen.

"Consular officials are in contact with family to provide assistance," spokesperson Amy Mills said in an email.
"To protect the privacy of the individual concerned, further details on this case cannot be released."

cancer man
04-25-2015, 07:17 AM
He with the most money is guilty.
And he's white so he ain't right.

04-25-2015, 07:49 AM

04-25-2015, 09:44 AM
Doesn't your travellers insurance cover this sort of thing?

When I was in Thailand I was hesitant to rent a scooter. Mainly because they where crazy but I didn't want to deal with accidents and such. Easier to just hire a driver.

04-25-2015, 11:52 AM
I don't think travel insurance covers coverup/bribe money.

04-25-2015, 12:03 PM
Also most travellers insurance does not cover scooters.

04-25-2015, 05:21 PM
Fly out from another country and never come back??

04-25-2015, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by Milk2%
Fly out from another country and never come back??

He is barely able to move and if he was it's not that easy getting out of a country. I'm sure they've already taken his passport.

04-25-2015, 08:07 PM
I'm sure the media will blow it up and make our government look like villains because they don't send in JTF2 to invade a foreign country to bring him home.

04-25-2015, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by cancer man
He with the most money is guilty.
And he's white so he ain't right.

Sometimes, but there's two sides to every story.

Anyone who's spent a bit of time in Phuket (or most of asia for that matter) has seen a few fatal motorcycle accidents, and I know that of the few that I've seen all involved westerners.

D. Dub
04-25-2015, 10:51 PM
^^^ Maybe he is guilty.

04-26-2015, 07:17 AM
Originally posted by GQBalla

When I was in Thailand I was hesitant to rent a scooter. Mainly because they where crazy but I didn't want to deal with accidents and such. Easier to just hire a driver.

99.9% of tourists in Thailand are a menace on the road cause they don't know the rules of the road... If there are any. Very crazy place to drive , we hired drivers as well

I feel sorry for family of the person who died.

04-26-2015, 08:32 AM
In a way he is still lucky that they are willing to let it all go with $100K. If it happened here, he'd be facing jail, along with his insurance getting sued for a million plus. $100K sure beats being in Jail in Phuket.

04-26-2015, 08:59 AM
^ What "happened"?

I'm thinking lack of details is what's happening.

04-26-2015, 10:42 AM
This is almost as sad and senseless as having a fundraiser for a person who died and left their family with a shit ton of debt because they had no life insurance (which is stupid cheap for young people).

Definitely not the whole story being told.

04-27-2015, 07:47 AM
Wait, did I read that right? He killed somebody, and you're trying to raise money to help him?

04-27-2015, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by revelations
This is almost as sad and senseless as having a fundraiser for a person who died and left their family with a shit ton of debt because they had no life insurance (which is stupid cheap for young people).

Definitely not the whole story being told.

Originally posted by CapnCrunch
Wait, did I read that right? He killed somebody, and you're trying to raise money to help him?

Riiiight, because your family and friends wouldn't be doing whatever they could to bring YOU home if you were essentially being extorted by a foreign government for being involved in a fatal traffic collision. Not everyone has 100K lying around to pay off a foreign Government.

Not tying to be a dick but I imagine you would be doing the same thing yourself if it were your brother/son/dad, etc. stuck there, don't you think? :dunno:

Maybe it's 100% his fault, maybe not, but if you think the process that determined that penalty was in no way corrupt, you're nuts. I'd be shocked if the family of those killed got 10% of that fine.

As others have said, I wouldn't drive there as it's controlled chaos from our perspective. I saw an accident a day pretty much when I was there. Still, do you really expect someone's family/friends to just hang them out to dry in another country?

04-27-2015, 08:54 AM
correct me if I am wrong, but I seem to remember in some countries that if you are convicted of an offence that results in the death of someone, the family has the right to ask for a monetary settlement in lieu of jail time.

Since none of the family are coming out and say he is being extorted or coerced into this, I am tending to believe that this is the case, and not one of corruption.

Anyone know the laws over there better?

04-27-2015, 09:12 AM
Even if that were the case, i'll bet it's REAL hard to get convicted in Thailand when you're foreign/white/"rich".....

Just sayin'.

04-27-2015, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

As others have said, I wouldn't drive there as it's controlled chaos from our perspective. I saw an accident a day pretty much when I was there. Still, do you really expect someone's family/friends to just hang them out to dry in another country?


Let alone to do it without adequate insurance. Yea i know it isn't covered by standard insurance but I wouldn't drive a car without insurance even if it wasn't required.

Insurance is there for the what if. And the what if happened to him, and led to a fatality with liability on him.

I am not sympathetic :dunno:

04-27-2015, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by killramos
I am not sympathetic :dunno:

I'm not sympathetic so much as I understand why they're trying to help him. Like I said, were it my family member there I would be trying as well.

That and I don't trust the police/government in those countries, which is why when I was there I didn't put myself in any situations where the potential to deal with them existed.

04-27-2015, 10:00 AM
$100K for one life when you fucked up is cheap. It's your problem if you didn't have adequate coverage.

Shit happens. It's what insurance is for.

04-27-2015, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

I'm not sympathetic so much as I understand why they're trying to help him. Like I said, were it my family member there I would be trying as well.

That and I don't trust the police/government in those countries, which is why when I was there I didn't put myself in any situations where the potential to deal with them existed.

Oh absolutely. In terms of family that makes alot of sense.

but don't be looking for sympathy from the public or government assistance in this matter.

This is that kid who got in a car accident on a scooter in cuba all over again. Kid didn't know the laws, didn't realize that he was unable to leave the country until it goes through the courts. Parents whined to the government and the news about how much it was costing them to put him up in an all inclusive hotel for 3 months while it got sorted out :dunno:

People just take international travel way to casually imo wrt to many different situations.

04-27-2015, 10:27 AM
While I'm not a fan of Thailand, not all situations revert to automatic foreigner guilt...

My best friend was involved in a not-at-fault collision - he was riding a motorcycle and t-boned a car that ran a 2-way stop. The owner of the vehicle willingly paid for him to get sorted out in a private hospital and reimbursed him for any extra expenses incurred when he returned home to get his broken arm mended.

Good people do exist world wide. Unfortunately Thailand has reputation for corruption.

04-27-2015, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by zipdoa

Good people do exist world wide. Unfortunately Thailand has reputation for excessive and rampant corruption.


Many travel sites give you advice on how to bribe the police in Thailand, and how much you should offer as a bribe. Corruption isn't the exception there, it's the norm.

04-27-2015, 04:45 PM
I paid a white tax several times in Thailand. Driving while white. Serious offence.

04-27-2015, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by CompletelyNumb
I paid a white tax several times in Thailand. Driving while white. Serious offence.

really tell us the stories plz. Im curious.

I was gonna rent a scooter down there too last year. didn't for this exact reason... fuck the money. this is about life.

04-27-2015, 05:12 PM

04-27-2015, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by InRich

really tell us the stories plz. Im curious.

I was gonna rent a scooter down there too last year. didn't for this exact reason... fuck the money. this is about life.


04-27-2015, 07:15 PM
In Saudi Arabia, you will be found guilty - regardless if youre innocent - if its against a local.

This happened to a work colleague once there. They went for an evening drive somewhere (against the advise of their hosts) , got HIT by a dunk driver and THEY were thrown in jail while the drunk was let off with a warning.

Ignorance just does not work well when traveling. If you dont do in Rome as the Romans do, youre in for trouble ......except Canada as we are ok with you coming in and imposing your foreign customs on us :nut:

rob the knob
04-27-2015, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by Nitro5

Originally posted by GQBalla
Doesn't your travellers insurance cover this sort of thing?

When I was in Thailand I was hesitant to rent a scooter. Mainly because they where crazy but I didn't want to deal with accidents and such. Easier to just hire a driver.

Originally posted by killramos


Let alone to do it without adequate insurance. Yea i know it isn't covered by standard insurance but I wouldn't drive a car without insurance even if it wasn't required.

Insurance is there for the what if. And the what if happened to him, and led to a fatality with liability on him.

I am not sympathetic :dunno:

Originally posted by Xtrema
$100K for one life when you fucked up is cheap. It's your problem if you didn't have adequate coverage.

Shit happens. It's what insurance is for.


using multi quote today.

what kind of insurance covers government fines?


04-28-2015, 02:45 AM
Well the settlement part would be covered, if there isn't 3rd party available I'd wouldn't rent a vehicle

04-28-2015, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by killramos

Oh absolutely. In terms of family that makes alot of sense.

but don't be looking for sympathy from the public or government assistance in this matter.

This is that kid who got in a car accident on a scooter in cuba all over again. Kid didn't know the laws, didn't realize that he was unable to leave the country until it goes through the courts. Parents whined to the government and the news about how much it was costing them to put him up in an all inclusive hotel for 3 months while it got sorted out :dunno:

People just take international travel way to casually imo wrt to many different situations.

Ha I got in an accident on a scooter in Cuba.

Literally paid the guy $34 american and was on my way :rofl: