View Full Version : Two dead. Drunk 20 yr old driver minor injuries.

05-03-2015, 01:50 PM

Anyone know the victims or the driver?

Terrible tragedy. RIP to the victims and family members.

05-03-2015, 02:03 PM
Friend new the girl who passed. very tragic.

05-04-2015, 09:44 AM
Very tragic indeed. They should publish the faces of those who are caught driving drunk in the paper to shame the people who do it. Too many people getting caught and right behind the wheel just days later. Unfortunately, no matter how you enforce it there will always be a small group of people who will do it regardless of the punishment or consequences. One of the big reasons for having self driving cars in the future.

05-04-2015, 09:48 AM
Very tragic, worst part is that most of the time when this happens the fucking Drunk driver gets away with minor injuries.

05-04-2015, 09:56 AM
Strict penalties and banning driving for life should be there. The victims don't get a second chance, why should the driver? Tragic.

05-04-2015, 09:59 AM
Fuck that shit.

Two people choose to be safe and take a taxi home to get murdered by a drunk?

That's brutal.

05-04-2015, 10:14 AM
Originally posted by BavarianBeast
Fuck that shit.

Two people choose to be safe and take a taxi home to get murdered by a drunk?

That's brutal.

Very brutal. One 25 year old woman being driven by a taxi home and they are both killed. RIP.

05-04-2015, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Projek01
Strict penalties and banning driving for life should be there. The victims don't get a second chance, why should the driver? Tragic.

I 100% agree with this and tbh it needs something this harsh to teach people a lesson. A temp driving ban will do nothing. This bastard just destroyed 2 families and the worst he'll get is a driving ban of some sort.

05-04-2015, 10:24 AM
My GF worked with the deceased, such a sad story. As already mentioned, they tried to be responsible and it cost them their life - so sad.

Slap on the wrist for the driver pretty much guaranteed :banghead:

Kill 5 people while drunk = 3.5 years. Kill 2 people while drunk = probably 1-2 years tops?

05-04-2015, 10:47 AM
This is the kid. Friends on facebook saying he stopped drinking 3-4 hours before driving so he wasn't completely "wasted".


05-04-2015, 10:58 AM
^He looks like a little Escalade driving fuckbot wannabe gangster. What a piece of shit

05-04-2015, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Manhattan
This is the kid. Friends on facebook saying he stopped drinking 3-4 hours before driving so he wasn't completely "wasted".

I'd say that's BS. He got charged with impaired causing death, which means he was over .08 at the time of the accident. You would have to be past blackout drunk to register over .08 after you've stopped drinking for that long.

05-04-2015, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Manhattan
This is the kid. Friends on facebook saying he stopped drinking 3-4 hours before driving so he wasn't completely "wasted".


Unless he's a functioning alcoholic, if he was at 0.08 at the time of the blow/blood test, he was probably fall-down drunk. I know you aren't defending him, just saying. The fact that he was 0.08 or more 3-4 hours after is even worse IMO.

05-04-2015, 11:28 AM
Maybe it's a different accident (which I hope not because it means there's a pattern), but I heard the driver was texting about how awesome it was they were driving drunk.

05-04-2015, 11:33 AM
Originally posted by rage2

I'd say that's BS. He got charged with impaired causing death, which means he was over .08 at the time of the accident.
Pretty much:


05-04-2015, 11:36 AM
Sad part is the girl was being responsible and taking a taxi.

05-04-2015, 11:39 AM
Who gives a shit about what his friends say?

inb4 "he was a good kid."

Oh wait...

05-04-2015, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt
My GF worked with the deceased, such a sad story. As already mentioned, they tried to be responsible and it cost them their life - so sad.

Slap on the wrist for the driver pretty much guaranteed :banghead:

Kill 5 people while drunk = 3.5 years. Kill 2 people while drunk = probably 1-2 years tops?

I work at the same company as your GF then, just in a different department. I saw the Jillian just last week. Fucking brutal.

05-04-2015, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by rage2

You would have to be past blackout drunk to register over .08 after you've stopped drinking for that long.

Not that I'm defending him, but BAC continues to rise after you've stopped drinking because the liver can only process so much at a time.

05-04-2015, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok
Not that I'm defending him, but BAC continues to rise after you've stopped drinking because the liver can only process so much at a time.
I think you're misunderstanding how it works. Alcohol gets absorbed and into your bloodstream. The liver process it from your bloodstream. The rate that the liver metabolized alcohol will determine how fast your BAC goes down. It'll just keep going down.

The only time BAC continues to rise is if you have a slow or delayed absorption rate, but that window is more like 30 minutes (ie having a shot before leaving). Common DUI defense tactic.

05-04-2015, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana
Maybe it's a different accident (which I hope not because it means there's a pattern), but I heard the driver was texting about how awesome it was they were driving drunk.

That is a different story.

drunk texter (http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/fatal-crash-woman-texts-driving-drunk-woo-article-1.2206351)

05-04-2015, 12:28 PM
Originally posted by rage2

I think you're misunderstanding how it works. Alcohol gets absorbed and into your bloodstream. The liver process it from your bloodstream. The rate that the liver metabolized alcohol will determine how fast your BAC goes down. It'll just keep going down.

The only time BAC continues to rise is if you have a slow or delayed absorption rate, but that window is more like 30 minutes (ie having a shot before leaving). Common DUI defense tactic.

Is that why at checkstops they ask when the last drink was and will wait a certain time before you have to blow?

05-04-2015, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by rage2

I think you're misunderstanding how it works.

I've been misunderstanding a lot lately. I should be banned from posting until my newborn starts sleeping through the night :rofl:

05-04-2015, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by alien
Is that why at checkstops they ask when the last drink was and will wait a certain time before you have to blow?
No. That's to ensure the sample is as accurate as possible. If you take a sip of alcohol and immediately do a breath sample, it'll read really high. 15-20 wait ensures that the sample only contains alcohol from your lungs, and not your throat/mouth.

In cases like this, a blood sample is taken later after the accident, as that is much more accurate, and not as susceptible to the absorption defense.

05-04-2015, 09:36 PM
Time to start a local chapter of the Star Chamber (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0086356/).

05-04-2015, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Manhattan
This is the kid. Friends on facebook saying he stopped drinking 3-4 hours before driving so he wasn't completely "wasted".


just played a game of soccer against this goof ball about a week ago, was a tool on the soccer field too

05-05-2015, 12:34 AM
A bunch of my friend's sisters knew the deceased. Lots of pictures of her on my facebook these past few days. Such a shame that she was doing the right thing while the guy who killed her wasn't.

Heard a report on Global today that the driver was still on his learners permit too.

One friend made a good point about how not only was the driver responsible but his two friends in the car with him made equally poor decisions. Letting him drive in the first place and then getting in a car with a drunk driver.

The driver is a fucking moron and deserves to have his life ruined over this.

05-05-2015, 06:40 AM
scumbag...wayyy too many time the scumbag walks when the others don't...

should be reversed.

05-05-2015, 08:46 AM
Can the courts please ban that fucker from driving for life please? God-fucking-dammit!

05-05-2015, 09:50 AM
+1 for lifetime driving ban. Wife works at the same company as Jillian but different dept so she didn't know her that well. Let's not forget about the taxi driver who has left his wife and two kids. RIP to them all. This kid needs the book thrown at him and made an example to all new drivers.

05-05-2015, 10:18 AM
Just thought I should add this; Jillian's family is raising funds for the family of the taxi driver and MADD, through a legacy fund. Donations can be made here: http://chim.pn/1bSZ4HG

05-05-2015, 10:50 AM
Originally posted by got_mike33
Just thought I should add this; Jillian's family is raising funds for the family of the taxi driver and MADD, through a legacy fund. Donations can be made here: http://chim.pn/1bSZ4HG

That is absolutely amazing.

I can't fucking stand drunk drivers. How many innocent people will have to die before idiots realize THEY AREN'T INVINCIBLE!! People genuinely do not give a shit about other people. :whipped:

05-05-2015, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by vengie

That is absolutely amazing.

I can't fucking stand drunk drivers. How many innocent people will have to die before idiots realize THEY AREN'T INVINCIBLE!! People genuinely do not give a shit about other people. :whipped:

That's not true!

Drinking makes everyone a better singer, dancer, pool player and driver!

Just ask anyone at the bar!

05-05-2015, 03:29 PM
What a piece of human garbage. I hope they throw the book at him, but he'll likely be out in <5 years :thumbsdow

05-05-2015, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by got_mike33
Just thought I should add this; Jillian's family is raising funds for the family of the taxi driver and MADD, through a legacy fund. Donations can be made here: http://chim.pn/1bSZ4HG

When I heard about this accident on the news my first thought was that the cab drivers family most likely relied completely on him for income.

I'm glad someone got this started (even better that it is from the Lavallee family). Donated and shared on Facebook. Spread the word people!

05-05-2015, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by rage2

I'd say that's BS. He got charged with impaired causing death, which means he was over .08 at the time of the accident. You would have to be past blackout drunk to register over .08 after you've stopped drinking for that long.

Hard to say. When I got my impaired in 1991 I blew 0.27. I was drinking since noon all day and tailed off in the evening and was pulled over (for speeding) at 1:00 a.m. I pretty well totally stopped drinking hours before being pulled over. When they took me to the station they made me blow two more times because they thought maybe the equipment was messed up seeing that to them I spoke and walked perfectly normal and aced all their test questions. They kept telling he how they see people blow half that and couldn't even stand up and to them I appeared sober.

05-05-2015, 11:41 PM
Originally posted by heavyD

Hard to say. When I got my impaired in 1991 I blew 0.27. I was drinking since noon all day and tailed off in the evening and was pulled over (for speeding) at 1:00 a.m. I pretty well totally stopped drinking hours before being pulled over. When they took me to the station they made me blow two more times because they thought maybe the equipment was messed up seeing that to them I spoke and walked perfectly normal and aced all their test questions. They kept telling he how they see people blow half that and couldn't even stand up and to them I appeared sober.

Technology has come a long way since 1991, also habitual drinkers condition themselves to a high BA.

Thats why BA is such an arbitrary number - I recall a few years back some girl drove up the DeerFoot in the wrong lane and she could hardly walk after when pulled over, but blew under because it was her first drink (or something to that effect) and probably weighted 90 lbs.

05-06-2015, 08:51 AM
Originally posted by rage2
The only time BAC continues to rise is if you have a slow or delayed absorption rate, but that window is more like 30 minutes (ie having a shot before leaving). Common DUI defense tactic.

The rate of absorption into the body and the rate metabolized by the liver are highly variable.

On an empty stomach complete absorption by the stomach and small intestine usually takes 30 minutes. On an individual with a full digestive tract complete absorption can take up to 6 hours.

The rate the liver metabolizes is also quite variable. On average the liver can metabolize only 13 ml of alcohol per hour (0.7 drinks). Heavy drinkers can metabolize 38 ml of alcohol per hour (2 drinks).

05-06-2015, 04:12 PM
What a fucking piece of shit. He sure looks like a contributing member to society.... what is sad is that he will likely only get 3 years like Ramandeep Singh Jaswal.