View Full Version : Reverse Racism in Calgary

05-21-2015, 08:34 AM

05-21-2015, 08:40 AM
"We need a new basketball court here."

Now THATS racist! :rofl:

05-21-2015, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by ercchry
"We need a new basketball court here."

Now THATS racist! :rofl:
Pretty sure that's only racist against Asians

05-21-2015, 08:53 AM
This isn't reverse racism, it's just racism.

Super common all over. In my opinion, the most racist folks are actually Asians. Ask a Korean if they'd be okay with their kid marrying a Chinese kid, or a Philipino.

Me, I love Asians, lots more than most white folks . . . .

Actually, I think we should all be interbreeding a lot more. The cutest kids and the sexiest ladies are mixed-race. Plus, would cut down on the desire for white folks to spend all their money in cancer-causing tanning beds . . . .

05-21-2015, 09:08 AM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
This isn't reverse racism, it's just racism.

Was gonna say, isn't reverse racsim, the opposite of racism? :rofl:

05-21-2015, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by jwslam

Pretty sure that's only racist against Asians

White people can't jump either... but i was more so going with the "if the black kids had something else to fill their time with they wouldn't bully the white kids"

05-21-2015, 09:14 AM
Marshmallow :rofl: never heard that one before, it's definitely a keeper to use on my round eye friends. Being Asian I will agree that we are quite racist :D but any race can be pretty bad when you are the minority in a housing complex.

05-21-2015, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Was gonna say, isn't reverse racsim, the opposite of racism? :rofl:

Official definition is racism again a dominant for formerly dominant race.

05-21-2015, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema
Official definition is racism again a dominant for formerly dominant race.

stop with the ching-chong talk, :english:



05-21-2015, 09:20 AM
Originally posted by botox
Being Asian I will agree that we are quite racist :D
I'll vouch for that, I'm Chinese and racist against Mainland Chinese. What up?

Originally posted by Xtrema
Official definition is racism again a dominant for formerly dominant race.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

05-21-2015, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE

stop with the ching-chong talk, :english:



:rofl: Fuck spelling.

05-21-2015, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema

Official definition is racism again a dominant for formerly dominant race.

No it's not that's the retarded sociology definition that tries to wash away racism. If you follow that definition the only people who can be racist are white people according to the numb nut idiots. Racism is racism it doesn't matter who is doing it.

the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

So sure if you want to make up new definitions so you can hide the fact people other than white people are racist then yeah... It's just straight up racism just like affirmative action. It's just racist.

05-21-2015, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
Super common all over. In my opinion, the most racist folks are actually Asians. Ask a Korean if they'd be okay with their kid marrying a Chinese kid, or a Philipino.

I used to worry that my wife's parents would be super racist towards me, but they were very accepting when I finally met them.

I also think my parents were hoping that my so called "yellow fever" would dissipate after college. Although I think they like having a token Asian person in the family now.

05-21-2015, 09:44 AM
There's a difference between being judgmental and racism. Asians are mostly just judgmental. Racism occurs when you act upon judgmental thoughts, e.g. not hiring someone, being violent, etc.

If Asian parents don't want their kids dating outside of their race it's not necessarily racism. Their values just might not mesh with other cultures. It might be close-minded but it's not racist.

(Asians IN Asia can be considered pretty racist lol)

05-21-2015, 09:46 AM
Originally posted by jwslam

I'll vouch for that, I'm Chinese and racist against Mainland Chinese. What up?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

Fuck my biggest annoyance in HK when I went 2 years ago was the Mainland Chinese.

05-21-2015, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by Manhattan
There's a difference between being judgmental and racism. Asians are mostly just judgmental. Racism occurs when you act upon judgmental thoughts, e.g. not hiring someone, being violent, etc.

If Asian parents don't want their kids dating outside of their race it's not necessarily racism. Their values just might not mesh with other cultures. It might be close-minded but it's not racist.

(Asians IN Asia can be considered pretty racist lol)

Nah I'm pretty sure being judgemental of someone is Racism. Racism can be having a preconceived notion of someone because of their race.

I've travelled all over the world, and while many people fall into their racial stereotypes, many do not, so it's not often beneficial to judge someone based on their race.

05-21-2015, 10:27 AM
I'm racist to just about everyone equally, as you probably do.

05-21-2015, 10:30 AM
Other than the Stampeders there's other black people in Calgary?

05-21-2015, 10:59 AM
When your kid asks why do we pay taxes, tell them the truth. Tell them to research such things as JP Morgan, the Federal Reserve, etc
The economic truth is NOT taught in our education system.

Of course, the truth is hard to find, as they bought up the media.

Their next goal is to shut down any alterative media on the internet.

05-21-2015, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by Seth1968
When your kid asks why do we pay taxes, tell them the truth. Tell them to research such things as JP Morgan, the Federal Reserve, etc
The economic truth is NOT taught in our education system.

Of course, the truth is hard to find, as they bought up the media.

Their next goal is to shut down any alterative media on the internet.
What does that have to do with racism?

05-21-2015, 11:17 AM
Originally posted by Seth1968
When your kid asks why do we pay taxes, tell them the truth. Tell them to research such things as JP Morgan, the Federal Reserve, etc
The economic truth is NOT taught in our education system.

Of course, the truth is hard to find, as they bought up the media.

Their next goal is to shut down any alterative media on the internet.


05-21-2015, 11:21 AM
Stop quoting him, I've been enjoying having his posts on mute. :thumbsup:

05-21-2015, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by A790

What does that have to do with racism? If you smoke two blunts and then read his post it make a lot more sense.

05-21-2015, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by suntan
If you smoke two blunts and then read his post it make a lot more sense.
Can't smoke until after my surgery next week. :(

05-21-2015, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by jwslam

I'll vouch for that, I'm Chinese and racist against Mainland Chinese. What up?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :werd:

Not racist but stereotypes are accurate haha I dislike mainlanders too.

Gotta be chill though. If you are cool it doesn't matter what race you are haha

05-21-2015, 01:53 PM
Originally posted by suntan
If you smoke two blunts and then read his post it make a lot more sense. I read them in Kermit the Frog voice.

05-21-2015, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
"We need a new basketball court here."

Now THATS racist! :rofl:

:rofl: :rofl:

05-21-2015, 02:21 PM
The funny thing is a 5 minute walk away IS a basketball court and a pretty nice one.

05-21-2015, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by firebane
The funny thing is a 5 minute walk away IS a basketball court and a pretty nice one.

Their parents will get a police visit if they let their kids walk 5 minutes away.

05-26-2015, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
In my opinion, the most racist folks are actually Asians. Ask a Korean if they'd be okay with their kid marrying a Chinese kid, or a Philipino.

Crazy, all Asians are the same to me..... :nut:

05-26-2015, 07:34 AM
Originally posted by CapnCrunch
Crazy, all Asians are the same to me..... :nut:
I think all Asians look the same too! Whereas it boggles my mind how a blue eyed red head can have a green eyed blond brother...

05-26-2015, 08:41 AM
Funny how this popped up, Last week my brother and I were itching for some Jamaican food. So last week after a hair cut we check out a Jamaican eatery, music on, door open sign up ! we walk in the guy looks at us while chatting to friends and walks into the kitchen , waited 10 minutes for some help walked right the fuck out... Ignored us after talking in patois to some friends/customers and never even a hi or menu... Funny thing is im mixed race, My brother looks like me but hes not tanned hes white, with blue eyes and so is my son blonde blue eyed haha I get mostly italian from italians and spanish from flips who speak spanish which is super cool and makes me wanna larn it too ! and most of my latino friends thought i was latino. I guess my point here is were all "stereotypical" and some people just take shit to the next level and become racist.
The people who ive experienced the most racism from has been blacks but african and this one jamacian, not afro Canadians or afro Americans. Ive been called half breed by a chick who recenlty has been making rants about racism on fb so I called her ass out and she delted my comment... it sure shut her friends up and even got a "where the fuck are you from where people act like that" for using an atm while nigerian cabby talks on his phone OUTSIDE the doors and smoking expecting me to wait on him, anyway i told him canada what about you and he freaks the fuck out .... why ask someone a question and get pissed when they answer and say the same back haha its funny he followed me into work after and my filipino boss was like wtf I cant do anything man you asked him where he was from and he did the same, african guy was bitching about human right and blah blah... i calmly walked up to him and said look man stop playing victim ....oh yeah btw my dads black so get a grip and walked away .... his kid laughed , dad was angry and walked out lol

05-26-2015, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by CapnCrunch

Crazy, all Asians are the same to me..... :nut:

I used to ... But living in panorama since our home was built ive watched many asians move here since they built the multi family condos/townhomes/duplexes and especially t and t. Now I can tell the difference between them all ! Im talking Korean from Chinese or Japanese its like having a 6th sence, I love correcting people :p "no hes viet you goof not chinese" haha

05-26-2015, 08:58 AM
Originally posted by egmilano
Funny how this popped up, Last week my brother and I were itching for some Jamaican food. So last week after a hair cut we check out a Jamaican eatery, music on, door open sign up ! we walk in the guy looks at us while chatting to friends and walks into the kitchen , waited 10 minutes for some help walked right the fuck out... Ignored us after talking in patois to some friends/customers and never even a hi or menu... Funny thing is im mixed race, My brother looks like me but hes not tanned hes white, with blue eyes and so is my son blonde blue eyed haha I get mostly italian from italians and spanish from flips who speak spanish which is super cool and makes me wanna larn it too ! and most of my latino friends thought i was latino. I guess my point here is were all "stereotypical" and some people just take shit to the next level and become racist.
The people who ive experienced the most racism from has been blacks but african and this one jamacian, not afro Canadians or afro Americans. Ive been called half breed by a chick who recenlty has been making rants about racism on fb so I called her ass out and she delted my comment... it sure shut her friends up and even got a "where the fuck are you from where people act like that" for using an atm while nigerian cabby talks on his phone OUTSIDE the doors and smoking expecting me to wait on him, anyway i told him canada what about you and he freaks the fuck out .... why ask someone a question and get pissed when they answer and say the same back haha its funny he followed me into work after and my filipino boss was like wtf I cant do anything man you asked him where he was from and he did the same, african guy was bitching about human right and blah blah... i calmly walked up to him and said look man stop playing victim ....oh yeah btw my dads black so get a grip and walked away .... his kid laughed , dad was angry and walked out lol

? Read it a few times. still :dunno:

05-26-2015, 09:30 AM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer

? Read it a few times. still :dunno:

point is no matter what you look like you will be stereo typed by someone of a different culture or race.. just like this family or the white kid up north being bullied by aboriginals so some dude stuck up for him and got beat up. It happens to white folks more often then a lot of people think. Even me who looks heinz 57, nothing more awkward then other "white" people asking where im from when im only from nova scotia with a wicked tan and curly hair ....

05-26-2015, 10:22 AM
This was required viewing in Humanities, Grade 8:


05-26-2015, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by A790

What does that have to do with racism?

The media focuses on racism and hate, have you not bEen watching the 6:00 news?

Thing is, the big corps have BOUGHT out the main stream media. Why do you think they did that?. bcause no one gives a shit about what actually is happening in Africa, and the world in general.

Africa's resources are being drained and fucked over with US involvement. And no, the corps don't give a fuck about genocide, the environment, and the child labor that they profit from.

I wait for the proverbial and idiotic answer of, "Well it's better than where they came from, so If they don't like it, they can leave.

05-26-2015, 12:26 PM
Originally posted by Seth1968
... Tin Foil Hat Rant.. It's been interesting watching you descend into the madness of conspiracy theories... seriously, it's like watching a stop motion picture show of the deterioration of someone's reality.

05-26-2015, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by Seth1968
Africa's resources are being drained and fucked over with US involvement. And no, the corps don't give a fuck about genocide, the environment, and the child labor that they profit from.

It's incredibly naive to blame foreign governments for the problems in Africa... Africa's problems are their own, their governments are corrupt and crooked. How is that the fault of anyone but the locals? Zimbabwe and South Africa being prime examples.

05-26-2015, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer

? Read it a few times. still :dunno:

Half-assed grammar man to the rescue!

Originally posted by egmilano
Funny how this popped up. Last week my brother and I were itching for some Jamaican food. So we check out a Jamaican eatery, music was on, and door open, and 'Open' was sign up! We walked in and the guy looks at us while chatting to friends and walks into the kitchen. We waited 10 minutes for some help, but no one did! So walked right the fuck out... ignored us after talking on the patois to some friends/customers and never even a Hi or menu.

Funny thing is I'm mixed race, My brother looks like me but hes not tanned hes white, with blue eyes and my son is blonde haired and blue eyed, haha. I get mostly Italian from Italians and Spanish from Flips who speak Spanish which is super cool and makes me want to learn it too! Most of my latino friends thought i was latino at first. I guess my point here is we're all "stereotypical" and some people just take shit to the next level and become racist.

The people who I've experienced the most racism from, has been blacks from Africa and this one Jamacian, not afro-Canadians or afro-Americans. Ive been called half breed by a chick who recently has been making rants about racism on fb, so I called her ass out and she deleted my comment... it sure shut her friends up.

I even got a "where the fuck are you from where people act like that?" for using an atm while Nigerian cabby was talking on his phone OUTSIDE the doors and smoking, and he expected me to wait on him. Anyway i told him "Canada, what about you?". Then he freaks the fuck out .... why ask someone a question and get pissed when they answer and say the same back? Haha, its funny. He followed me into work after and my Filipino boss was like "Wtf I cant do anything man you asked him where he was from and he did the same to you!".

African guy was bitching about human rights and blah blah... I calmly walked up to him and said "Look man stop playing victim ....oh and btw my dads black so get a grip", and walked away .... his kid laughed , dad was angry and walked out lol

05-26-2015, 07:18 PM
Originally posted by mazdavirgin

It's incredibly naive to blame foreign governments for the problems in Africa... Africa's problems are their own, their governments are corrupt and crooked. How is that the fault of anyone but the locals? Zimbabwe and South Africa being prime examples.

Holy fuck, just wow on so many levels.

I've got the power, the money, and the miltary power to bend you over. So, you're going to do whatever I want.

That's worked for oil, now comes water.

05-26-2015, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by Seth1968

The media focuses on racism and hate, have you not bEen watching the 6:00 news?

Thing is, the big corps have BOUGHT out the main stream media. Why do you think they did that?. bcause no one gives a shit about what actually is happening in Africa, and the world in general.

Africa's resources are being drained and fucked over with US involvement. And no, the corps don't give a fuck about genocide, the environment, and the child labor that they profit from.

I wait for the proverbial and idiotic answer of, "Well it's better than where they came from, so If they don't like it, they can leave. Man I don'tthink my hat is working. Do you know a good place where I can get it repaired cheap?

05-26-2015, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by g-m
Man I don'tthink my hat is working. Do you know a good place where I can get it repaired cheap?

Ya, there's a store called, Brain washed morons

It was desingned for starving people like you.

05-26-2015, 07:57 PM
So they'll give discount if I drop your name?

05-26-2015, 08:01 PM
Just ask for a gas discount, and you're good to go.

05-26-2015, 10:03 PM
Originally posted by Seth1968

Holy fuck, just wow on so many levels.

I've got the power, the money, and the miltary power to bend you over. So, you're going to do whatever I want.

That's worked for oil, now comes water.


Perhaps you're confused? I see no "foreign" military power in Africa liberating oil from the locals.

Why the blazes would you want water from Africa? :nut: For one they are rather arid for two the transportation logistics would be just epically stupid.


Forget to take your meds?

Robin Goodfellow
05-26-2015, 11:09 PM
Originally posted by mazdavirgin

Perhaps you're confused? I see no "foreign" military power in Africa liberating oil from the locals.

Are you being pedantic? Disingenuous? Disengantic? Pedangenuous?

Foreign militaries aren't required in african, when there are so many local ones for sale at bargain prices.

05-27-2015, 03:59 AM
Originally posted by mazdavirgin


Perhaps you're confused? I see no "foreign" military power in Africa

Voted as the most ignorant statement of all time.

05-27-2015, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by Seth1968

Voted as the most ignorant statement of all time.

Coming from Robin Goodfellow and Seth1968 this is like the pinnacle of a compliment. I have never felt so correct in the face of conspiratards. :rofl:

05-27-2015, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by mazdavirgin

Coming from Robin Goodfellow and Seth1968 this is like the pinnacle of a compliment. I have never felt so correct in the face of conspiratards. :rofl:

This is just the START of your ignorance.

No worries though, as you're just like the rest of the 99 percent morons.


05-27-2015, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by Seth1968

This is just the START of your ignorance.

No worries though, as you're just like the rest of the 99 percent morons.

]http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/blood-coltan/ Yeah, that was news 5 years ago... since then the situation has improved drastically with the implementation of international controls... So.. basically, there was a problem, it was addressed, and now it's better and getting better still... not the uncontrolled plundering that your documentary would have us believe..

You conspiritards are all the same... IT'S A CONSPIRACY... YOU'RE ALL SHEEP.... ... but when Governments and Corporations actually address the issues that you're bleating on about, you just say "ITS ALL LIES.. THEY'RE JUST LYING TO YOU.. THEY OWN THE MEDIA.. GAAAAH.. THEY'RE COMING FOR YOU!!!!"

And you DO nothing... you're all just noise.

05-27-2015, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Seth1968

This is just the START of your ignorance.

No worries though, as you're just like the rest of the 99 percent morons.


Yawn you just proved my point. The problem is local. Who the blazes do you think is running the show down in Africa? The Illuminati or the reptilians? No it's the Africans themselves who are busy killing one another. It's a local problem and the people living there have to overthrow their governments and fix their own mess.

05-27-2015, 12:33 PM
Originally posted by mazdavirgin

Yawn you just proved my point. The problem is local. Who the blazes do you think is running the show down in Africa? The Illuminati or the reptilians? No it's the Africans themselves who are busy killing one another. It's a local problem and the people living there have to overthrow their governments and fix their own mess.

You just keep becominng more dumber as we go.

Do you even know who owns the African goverenment? Or for ours for that matter?

05-27-2015, 12:57 PM
Originally posted by Seth1968
Fixed that for you...

05-27-2015, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Seth1968

You just keep becominng more dumber as we go.


oh... the irony... the irony... more dumber... GOOD ONE! :nut:

05-27-2015, 01:09 PM
Clearly insane. Everyone knows that the Illuminati are reptilians.

D'z Nutz
05-27-2015, 05:04 PM
This thread has gone so off topic.