View Full Version : Stolen Cars By Family.

05-22-2015, 10:43 AM
So long story short, my father owns two cars which are stored on an uncles farm for the past 15 years or so. These car's are locked in a barn by Smokey Lake, Alberta. Both cars are something I planned to keep and restore, one is a 52 Chevy and the other is a 74 GTO. I have the bills of sale, my father is last registered owner of the 74 GTO. Here is where it gets interesting... My Dads Father in law (my grandfather), who he has not spoken too in 10 years has towed them out of storage and sold them both for $500 to his mechanic friend in Leduc. He called (may 20th) to let me know what he did. I was in complete shock, the cars do not belong to him, the property does not belong to him... Nothing belongs to him.

So I yesterday (may 21st) I called the mechanic who sold them and from the sounds of it the 52 chevy was parted out then scrapped, and the GTO was sold to a different owner... I think.. He wouldnt tell me where or much details. I asked how he sold them without any pink slips and I think he said he had pinks for both... Which is a 100% lie as I have them both sitting in the owners manual here in Calgary.

So I've reported both cars stolen, the chances of getting the 52 chevy back are gone.. But there is still hope that the GTO is not scrapped.

Legally could I go after the mechanic? I'm so frustrated, I feel I may visit my grandpa to see him in person one last time, just to make sure he has a good memory of me before he dies.

He did this without anyone knowing, the rest of the family (we dont speak to much) caught on when the RCMP tagged him for a hit and run coming back from towing the cars. Thats another story...

05-22-2015, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by OneGreasyHobo
So long story short, my father owns two cars which are stored on an uncles farm for the past 15 years or so. These car's are locked in a barn by Smokey Lake, Alberta. Both cars are something I planned to keep and restore, one is a 52 Chevy and the other is a 74 GTO. I have the bills of sale, my father is last registered owner of the 74 GTO. Here is where it gets interesting... My Dads Father in law (my grandfather), who he has not spoken too in 10 years has towed them out of storage and sold them both for $500 to his mechanic friend in Leduc. He called (may 20th) to let me know what he did. I was in complete shock, the cars do not belong to him, the property does not belong to him... Nothing belongs to him.

So I yesterday (may 21st) I called the mechanic who sold them and from the sounds of it the 52 chevy was parted out then scrapped, and the GTO was sold to a different owner... I think.. He wouldnt tell me where or much details. I asked how he sold them without any pink slips and I think he said he had pinks for both... Which is a 100% lie as I have them both sitting in the owners manual here in Calgary.

So I've reported both cars stolen, the chances of getting the 52 chevy back are gone.. But there is still hope that the GTO is not scrapped.

Legally could I go after the mechanic? I'm so frustrated, I feel I may visit my grandpa to see him in person one last time, just to make sure he has a good memory of me before he dies.

He did this without anyone knowing, the rest of the family (we dont speak to much) caught on when the RCMP tagged him for a hit and run coming back from towing the cars. Thats another story...

If you are the legal owner, and have the BoS to prove it, yes, you can report them both as stolen. Your grandfather would be charged with theft. The RCMP could also visit the mechanic and recover whatever they can of the chev, and try and track down any parts that were sold (long shot).

If you have any recent pictures of them, you can also try and have them appraised for approximate value, and then sue your grandfather to recover those costs.

But yes, now that the GTO registration has been flagged, a wrecker can't dismantle it, nor can it be re-registered, so chances are pretty decent that you can get that one back. Especially once the RCMP show up there, the mechanic either coughs up the info, or can be charged along side your grandfather.

Best thing you can do, is get an affidavit signed from your father that he either gifted or sold the cars to you, and on what date, that way it leaves no question that your grandfather could make no claim to the vehicles.

05-22-2015, 11:21 AM
Wow, that's crazy. Seems like everything was preplanned.

A car getting scrapped and parted out one day after, and the other one sold immediately as well. Is that typical for a shop? I don't know. Mechanic sounds just as sleazy to me.

Good luck with the recovery.

05-22-2015, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by rx7boi
Wow, that's crazy. Seems like everything was preplanned.

A car getting scrapped and parted out one day after, and the other one sold immediately as well. Is that typical for a shop? I don't know. Mechanic sounds just as sleazy to me.

Good luck with the recovery.

Pretty much. The mechanic knows he is sitting on a gold mine, and as such, is trying to play it down.

I would make sure that you tell him they are now reported as stolen, and that he is now in possession of stolen goods, and have the RCMP visit him ASAP before they get moved.

05-22-2015, 11:34 AM
If it's a small town, I'd go one step further and put up a ton of flyers with pictures of both cars, the fact that they are stolen and reported as such to the RCMP and last seen in the possession of the mechanic and offer a reward for recovery.

I'd also press the RCMP to pursue charges of receiving stolen property against the mechanic. You could also contact AMVIC, since the mechanic is licensed through them, I'm sure they'd be interested to know about a chop shop.

I'd find out where the second car is first and go get it back. Then do what I posted above.

05-22-2015, 11:37 AM
Old persons adage: Use it or lose it, fix it or nix it. Not necessarily right or wrong, but as one ages - it does make more sense.

Like the Harper goverment revoking wireless spectrum. Sure, you may have bought the rights to use it for a Billion $, but if you do not use it - you will lose it. No "hoarding" allowed, like some countries that are now thinking of banning people from buying more than three personal vehicles per license.

Asian parental logic: If your parents order you to sledgehammer your Xbox that you bought with your own money - then its just good parenting.


05-22-2015, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by spikerS

If you are the legal owner, and have the BoS to prove it, yes, you can report them both as stolen. Your grandfather would be charged with theft. The RCMP could also visit the mechanic and recover whatever they can of the chev, and try and track down any parts that were sold (long shot).

If you have any recent pictures of them, you can also try and have them appraised for approximate value, and then sue your grandfather to recover those costs.

But yes, now that the GTO registration has been flagged, a wrecker can't dismantle it, nor can it be re-registered, so chances are pretty decent that you can get that one back. Especially once the RCMP show up there, the mechanic either coughs up the info, or can be charged along side your grandfather.

Best thing you can do, is get an affidavit signed from your father that he either gifted or sold the cars to you, and on what date, that way it leaves no question that your grandfather could make no claim to the vehicles.

Yeah, gives me some hope. I just can't believe how he thought they were his cars?? I hope for my own dads sanity that he's able to get his car back.

I do really like the flyer idea.. I'm just going to let law enforcement handle it from here... I'm not letting an 85 year old man get the last laugh.

Yeah totatlly, I agree with the use it or lose it.. But both cars are on a GIANT farm in the back lot. Uncle rents the house out and doesn't use the rest. He stores an old tractor infront of the cars...

I'm amazed how an much energy my grandpa had though... To pull out three dead machines, one giant tractor had to be pulled out first. Then a 5 hour drive back to Leduc... That was not an easy job.. My main concern is the GTO.. Yes recovering the 52 would be nice, but hell will be raised if I don't have the car back in either my garage here in calgary or back in the farm.

05-22-2015, 01:23 PM
Maybe they were his cars.

VIN's didnt really exist before 1950's. Registrars were pretty iffy back in the old days too, its was all pretty much rubber stamped. If you registered a vehicle I'm not totally sure that they would deny you if you rode it in.

Bill of Sale would definitely help, but then again - in the era, things were often done on handshakes. IE: I will sell you this car for a years work, or for a few haystacks type of idea. But then again, without a triplicate reciept with signature, anyone can forge a bill of sale.

05-22-2015, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps
Maybe they were his cars.

VIN's didnt really exist before 1950's. Registrars were pretty iffy back in the old days too, its was all pretty much rubber stamped. If you registered a vehicle I'm not totally sure that they would deny you if you rode it in.

Bill of Sale would definitely help, but then again - in the era, things were often done on handshakes. IE: I will sell you this car for a years work, or for a few haystacks type of idea.

You know its honestly amazing, when I called the police, they had all records of everything.. They even knew the last driver of the 52 (Mothers grandparent). I was pretty shocked, I just want the cars back.. Thats all I want.

Wish I had some pictures.. The ones I have are all in a photo album.

05-22-2015, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by OneGreasyHobo

Yeah, gives me some hope. I just can't believe how he thought they were his cars?? I hope for my own dads sanity that he's able to get his car back.

I do really like the flyer idea.. I'm just going to let law enforcement handle it from here... I'm not letting an 85 year old man get the last laugh.

Yeah totatlly, I agree with the use it or lose it.. But both cars are on a GIANT farm in the back lot. Uncle rents the house out and doesn't use the rest. He stores an old tractor infront of the cars...

I'm amazed how an much energy my grandpa had though... To pull out three dead machines, one giant tractor had to be pulled out first. Then a 5 hour drive back to Leduc... That was not an easy job.. My main concern is the GTO.. Yes recovering the 52 would be nice, but hell will be raised if I don't have the car back in either my garage here in calgary or back in the farm.

Just taking a wild stab here, but it just sounds like a final middle finger from an 85 year old man.

Maybe there is some family story that is none of our business but it takes some dedication to take 2 vehicles out of storage after a decade and change, sell them for half a grand, and then gives an ex post facto phone call to "let you know what he did."

Old folks can be the cruelest sometimes :rofl:

So did you tell the mechanic what is up and have him cough up the information?

05-22-2015, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by rx7boi

Just taking a wild stab here, but it just sounds like a final middle finger from an 85 year old man.

Maybe there is some family story that is none of our business but it takes some dedication to take 2 vehicles out of storage after a decade and change, sell them for half a grand, and then gives an ex post facto phone call to "let you know what he did."

Old folks can be the cruelest sometimes :rofl:

So did you tell the mechanic what is up and have him cough up the information?

It could be a final shot at my dad... My Father disowned him 10 years ago when he found out he was a poacher... I won't get into much detail but, theres a reason we don't associate with him or that side of the family. Hes fucked, and getting worse.

He HIT a fucking school bus on the way back from the farm.. Then Booked it, when the police came he said he hit some dirt...

And its not his first hit and run...

Think of the meanest thing possible a grandson could do to a grandparent and I swear I'd do it.

I want to take a picture of his truck and make a kijij add for like 20 bucks and have people constantly call the old bugger.

05-22-2015, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by OneGreasyHobo
So I yesterday (may 21st) I called the mechanic who sold them and from the sounds of it the 52 chevy was parted out then scrapped, and the GTO was sold to a different owner... I think.. He wouldnt tell me where or much details. I asked how he sold them without any pink slips and I think he said he had pinks for both... Which is a 100% lie as I have them both sitting in the owners manual here in Calgary.

Legally could I go after the mechanic? I'm so frustrated, I feel I may visit my grandpa to see him in person one last time, just to make sure he has a good memory of me before he dies.

Technically you can charge gramps with breaking and entering along with theft...

As for the mechanic you should likely report him both to the police and to Alberta Transportation. He may or may not get his inspection license revoked over something along these lines.

05-22-2015, 02:28 PM
Originally posted by mazdavirgin

Technically you can charge gramps with breaking and entering along with theft...

As for the mechanic you should likely report him both to the police and to Alberta Transportation. He may or may not get his inspection license revoked over something along these lines.

I'm not sure how he even got in. I'd have to call my uncle, I'm guessing my uncle is probably unaware of everything...

When I called my grandfather yesterday to just ask why he did all this. He said my uncle wanted them moved... Then I heard my grandmother( Super sweet woman, still love her to death) Yell at the phone "NICK STOP LYING"...

D'z Nutz
05-22-2015, 02:34 PM
Wow that's brutal. Let us know what happens. Hoping you get your car back.

If you guys hate your grandpa that much, charge the old coot.

05-22-2015, 02:44 PM
Originally posted by D'z Nutz
Wow that's brutal. Let us know what happens. Hoping you get your car back.

If you guys hate your grandpa that much, charge the old coot.

Oh man, the mention of his name turns my dads face red. I'll keep you posted, RCMP said they would phone back later today once they talk to the mechanic.

05-22-2015, 02:50 PM
Originally posted by OneGreasyHobo

It could be a final shot at my dad...

Seems like a bunch of criminal charges and a lawsuit would be a good parting gift in return.:rofl:

05-22-2015, 02:56 PM
That mechanic is gonna try to grease his way out no doubt and minimize his liability.

Should definitely make his life a bit harder and incentivize him to cough up the info on the goods. He sounds like he knows what he's doing.

Probably can't prove shit on him as the old coot was the one that initiated this??

05-22-2015, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by rx7boi
That mechanic is gonna try to grease his way out no doubt and minimize his liability.

Should definitely make his life a bit harder and incentivize him to cough up the info on the goods. He sounds like he knows what he's doing.

Probably can't prove shit on him as the old coot was the one that initiated this??

My aunt said she said an email to him not touch the cars because they are not his... I asked her to forward it to me.. If I had that, nail in the coffin.

My aunt trys to babysit my grandpa best she can do.. But he's a sneaky old man.

05-22-2015, 03:02 PM
Prison is probably a set up from the old folks homes in Alberta anyway.

05-22-2015, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by jacky4566
Prison is probably a set up from the old folks homes in Alberta anyway.

Yeah exactly, prison is also cheaper too! :rofl:

05-22-2015, 03:09 PM
On the other side, how long have the cars been on his property? How long is he expected to store them? I have a similar situation on my hands with a car being abandoned on my acreage and how long am I supposed to let it sit there before doing something about it? I don't own it but it's been there going on 8 years now and it's time for it to go. Although it sounds like your grandpa is a d-bag and probably should have let you know he wanted them gone I would say that you have some responsibility here too.

05-22-2015, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by soloracer
On the other side, how long have the cars been on his property? How long is he expected to store them? I have a similar situation on my hands with a car being abandoned on my acreage and how long am I supposed to let it sit there before doing something about it? I don't own it but it's been there going on 8 years now and it's time for it to go. Although it sounds like your grandpa is a d-bag and probably should have let you know he wanted them gone I would say that you have some responsibility here too.

Not his farm.. He literally had nothing to do with them at all. He just knew they were they were located.

This would be like me coming into his house and putting a for sale sign on it.

I should actually do that.. to bad the old dude is in Edmonton.. He's not even worth the 3 hours of my time to drive up there.

05-22-2015, 03:15 PM

Sorry to hear about your luck OP.

05-22-2015, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by OneGreasyHobo

Not his farm.. He literally had nothing to do with them at all. He just knew they were they were located.

This would be like me coming into his house and putting a for sale sign on it.

I should actually do that.. to bad the old dude is in Edmonton.. He's not even worth the 3 hours of my time to drive up there.

That is exactly why he has some responsibility here - he had nothing to do with them even though he is the owner. He admits his family has nothing to do with the grandpa but still let valuable cars that he owns just sit on this guys place? Sounds to me like he didn't give a shit about them until they were gone. At a minimum he should have brought them somewhere that he owned and could look after them. Expecting someone else to do it for you is childish. Take responsibility for your assets. Otherwise you never know what might come of them.

05-22-2015, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by soloracer

That is exactly why he has some responsibility here - he had nothing to do with them even though he is the owner. He admits his family has nothing to do with the grandpa but still let valuable cars that he owns just sit on this guys place? Sounds to me like he didn't give a shit about them until they were gone. At a minimum he should have brought them somewhere that he owned and could look after them. Expecting someone else to do it for you is childish. Take responsibility for your assets. Otherwise you never know what might come of them.

You are misunderstanding, the farm was not the grandfathers place, it was the uncles farm.

05-22-2015, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by soloracer

That is exactly why he has some responsibility here - he had nothing to do with them even though he is the owner. He admits his family has nothing to do with the grandpa but still let valuable cars that he owns just sit on this guys place? Sounds to me like he didn't give a shit about them until they were gone. At a minimum he should have brought them somewhere that he owned and could look after them. Expecting someone else to do it for you is childish. Take responsibility for your assets. Otherwise you never know what might come of them.

Wont argue with that. I've told my dad many times to pull them back to YYC, but he never did. He just says they are fine there, If my uncle needed them gone he would be right at it. I mean its a locked barn in the middle of butt fuck no where. My uncle stores a antique tractor with them.. So there was no panic at all to move them. Uncles property, He lives in cochrane, property is pretty much just land and thats it. Beautiful property though..

05-22-2015, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by soloracer

That is exactly why he has some responsibility here - he had nothing to do with them even though he is the owner. He admits his family has nothing to do with the grandpa but still let valuable cars that he owns just sit on this guys place? Sounds to me like he didn't give a shit about them until they were gone. At a minimum he should have brought them somewhere that he owned and could look after them. Expecting someone else to do it for you is childish. Take responsibility for your assets. Otherwise you never know what might come of them.

You are definitely misunderstanding the situation.

OP's dad stores the cars in OP's uncle's (presumably brother?) barn on uncle's farm (not the grandfather's). Whether the cars were abandoned or not, the grandfather has no reason to think the cars are his to sell. Unless there was another transaction that no one seems to know anything about.

05-22-2015, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by OneGreasyHobo

Wont argue with that. I've told my dad many times to pull them back to YYC, but he never did. He just says they are fine there, If my uncle needed them gone he would be right at it. I mean its a locked barn in the middle of butt fuck no where. My uncle stores a antique tractor with them.. So there was no panic at all to move them. Uncles property, He lives in cochrane, property is pretty much just land and thats it. Beautiful property though..

The cars are technically fine there, assuming your dad and your uncle are in some sort of contact and are not estranged (even if they were estranged, it's a thing argument). As long as the property owner (your uncle) hasn't said anything to you dad along the lines of 'get that car out of there', there's no reason to think the cars were ever in danger of changing possession.

What your grandfather did amounts to theft. No different than if he were to break into your storage locker and sell your prized collection of cabbage patch dolls (hypothetically, of course).

05-22-2015, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana

You are definitely misunderstanding the situation.

OP's dad stores the cars in OP's uncle's (presumably brother?) barn on uncle's farm (not the grandfather's). Whether the cars were abandoned or not, the grandfather has no reason to think the cars are his to sell. Unless there was another transaction that no one seems to know anything about.

Correct, Those cars could of sat for another 10-20 years if we wanted.

I want to think its dementia or something... But the guy just thinks he owns everything. Deer in your front yard? not in season? He'd shoot it out the window of his truck. Thats the type of man he is.

Man I could type forever about all the shit he has done. But I don't want to embarrass myself as I come from his blood. Sickins me to my stomach.

05-22-2015, 08:28 PM
Wow your grandpa sounds a bit out of touch with reality, do keep us update hopefully you get the GTO back, I bet the other still sitting somewhere else and that sleaze ball mechanics has them stashed.

05-22-2015, 08:35 PM
Sucks to hear.

Robin Goodfellow
05-22-2015, 11:48 PM
Edit: Post deleted as I had misunderstood what had happened, and my post was nonsensical.

05-23-2015, 10:44 AM
Does nobody read?

05-23-2015, 02:39 PM
Send someone to go rough-up the grandpa, this will also serve as a warning to the mechanic

05-23-2015, 03:14 PM
I think I know exactly the view that the grandfather is coming from. Assuming hes a farmer in a non-city area.

If you have two broken tractors, it always makes more sense to cannibalize one to make one functioning one. Its pretty much a sin, pretty much directly against the will of god, to keep two broken tractors in storage within one township for a period of a few years.

Hoarding two of a useless asset of what could be a functioning asset with a little bit of elbow grease means you lose rights to it morally.

In Mining, if you do not work your mine within a few years - you absolutely give up rights to it, and must yeild it to another person who will fix it up to productivity, it does not matter how much you paid in the meantime - bring it up to productivity or Lose it. In Farming, many deeds were similar - you had to prove to your grandparents that you could run the farm before they would consider handing it down, otherwise it would be sold to someone competent outside the family (or donated to a local church or school district)

And you had to prove you could fix a fixer upper before it rusts to nothingness, or you don't deserve to have it. I'm going to side with the 85 year old guy.

The greater implication of just a few hundred dollars, is that your grandfather probably thinks you are completely incompetent, and unworthy of not just a fixer upper car, but any tractors or farmland...

Shoulda fixed up the car or sold it when you had the chance. Its why people often ask "you are going to fix it up right?" before selling a vehicle, as its often more important to the owner that it become something useful than sitting rotting away for decades in a barn. Some will even give away vehicles for free, if you absolutely guarantee that it will be put to "good use" either as parts or fixed up.

05-23-2015, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps
I think I know exactly the view that the grandfather is coming from. Assuming hes a farmer in a non-city area.

If you have two broken tractors, it always makes more sense to cannibalize one to make one functioning one. Its pretty much a sin, pretty much directly against the will of god, to keep two broken tractors in storage within one township for a period of a few years.

Hoarding two of a useless asset of what could be a functioning asset with a little bit of elbow grease means you lose rights to it morally.

In Mining, if you do not work your mine within a few years - you absolutely give up rights to it, and must yeild it to another person who will fix it up to productivity, it does not matter how much you paid in the meantime - bring it up to productivity or Lose it. In Farming, many deeds were similar - you had to prove to your grandparents that you could run the farm before they would consider handing it down, otherwise it would be sold to someone competent outside the family.

And you had to prove you could fix a fixer upper before it rusts to nothingness, or you don't deserve to have it. I'm going to side with the 85 year old guy.

The greater implication of just a few hundred dollars, is that your grandfather probably thinks you are completely incompetent, and unworthy of not just a fixer upper car, but any tractors or farmland...

Shoulda fixed up the car or sold it when you had the chance.

lol what.. His grandfather doesn't own the farm or the cars, so he has ZERO right to sell the vehicles as they are not legally his to do so. Doesn't matter if you lose rights to it morally (wtf?) or if your grandfather doesn't think you will do anything with them.

:banghead: :banghead:

05-23-2015, 03:39 PM
Zenops... seriously. Go count your nickels or something.

05-23-2015, 06:39 PM
That's just ZenOps for you. The guy's identity is based around being Beyond's resident dunce.

05-23-2015, 06:46 PM
So if you don't drive your car for a week does that mean I can take it since you have no intention of driving it?

rob the knob
05-23-2015, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by theken
So if you don't drive your car for a week does that mean I can take it since you have no intention of driving it?

statute of limitations

05-23-2015, 09:57 PM
Statutes of limitations dont apply to a 2 day old theft of something that never belonged to you. Hes trying to make a point to zen ops, grampa stole a car off his uncles property. It doesn't matter how long it was unused, it never belonged to the gramps to take.

He might as well have driven through the NE, and just taken the first firebird on blocks he felt like selling to a mechanic for $500.

05-24-2015, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by Stuart

You are misunderstanding, the farm was not the grandfathers place, it was the uncles farm.

My bad. I thought it was his grandpa's land. Now it's definitely theft. Although, if I had cars like those I would have wanted them closer to home.

05-24-2015, 11:02 AM
Originally posted by rob the knob

statute of limitations

I don't think this means what you think it means.

05-24-2015, 11:41 AM
Legally it may be owned by you, but morally - Gramps probably does have a point.

Legality is a funny thing, its only wrong if you bring lawyers into in and take people to court. Moral victories can be won, if in your heart you know you are in the wrong.

You could sue and win, but I get the feeling Gramps has already won the moral victory.

Technically, I think the Harper government should be sued for hoarding Potash (fertilizer) which can be put to use by many starving nations now - instead of hoarding (useless asset in storage) for future profits. Morally, the Harper goverment is doing some real dickwad things. Is it right to hold back a loaf of bread today, knowing that someone will pay more for it tomorrow because they will be hungrier tomorrow?

05-24-2015, 12:38 PM
How do you not understand this????? It's not the grandpas house, or cars, or property, or anything. They are not his to sell, or his land to get the cars off of. I can't walk into your house and sell your car, I don't own the car or the house, if you left your cars at my brothers house, I cannot sell them. Read, comprehend, then reply. You make 0 sense, and have no valid point.

05-24-2015, 12:53 PM
i didn't realize there were still people that didn't have ZenOps on ignore

05-24-2015, 01:07 PM

05-24-2015, 02:24 PM
I typed that from my phone, could have been a typo or auto correct, but no real fucks given.

You have anything to actually contribute to the thread?

05-24-2015, 03:28 PM
After skimming all the posts, I learned old men can be unpredictable and ZenOps has never not known the answer to every question asked or unasked. Must be all the mercury in his mouth causing the information overload on very off topic matters.

OP keep the thread updated, I see a mechanic in some hot water and an old man untouched and unlicensed. You think you got problems now? Keep the old man tied to a chair.
Hope you get the GTO back, it now has a better story. Vanity plate: FUGRDPA

05-24-2015, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by CanmoreOrLess

FTFY. Odd story though. Will definitely keeps tabs on this. Hope you get the GTO back quickly!

05-24-2015, 05:58 PM
Gramps is a provider in the true mentality of a productive member of society who creates and fixes things. He probably did you a favor by finding a mechanic would had the skills and half of a car that might have made into a whole, which could have at least been enjoyed by someone somewhere.

In the idea of a fixed tractor from two broken ones, it can be shared week over week to each farmer - to mutual benefit of ALL.

You suck - simple enough.

05-24-2015, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps
Gramps is a provider in the true mentality of a productive member of society who creates and fixes things. He probably did you a favor by finding a mechanic would had the skills and half of a car that might have made into a whole, which could have at least been enjoyed by someone somewhere.

In the idea of a fixed tractor from two broken ones, it can be shared week over week to each farmer - to mutual benefit of ALL.

You suck - simple enough.

Outstanding! You finally managed to beat your previous "most retarded post by ZenOps".

05-24-2015, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Outstanding! You finally managed to beat your previous "most retarded post by ZenOps".

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

05-24-2015, 11:57 PM

05-25-2015, 08:04 AM
I'm pretty sure Zenops is someone's troll account

05-25-2015, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by ZenOps
Gramps is a provider in the true mentality of a productive member of society who creates and fixes things. He probably did you a favor by finding a mechanic would had the skills and half of a car that might have made into a whole, which could have at least been enjoyed by someone somewhere.

In the idea of a fixed tractor from two broken ones, it can be shared week over week to each farmer - to mutual benefit of ALL.

You suck - simple enough.

Dude, I think you and my grandpa might get along really well.

Anyway, no calls back from RCMP. Probably just going to say that old people suck and write it off...

Rat Fink PM'd me a kijij link of a black GTO.. Cool cars they were, mine was a maroon color, and the 52 was baby blue.


Honestly might be cheaper and less of a headache to buy that one for my dad. Its an automatic though :(

05-25-2015, 09:26 AM
Fuck, that really sucks man. I had a feeling they wouldn't really give a shit about this fiasco.

Could have bluffed that sleazy mechanic but I guess at the same time it really wasn't your place to do that either. The GTO is probably long gone by now.

Sorry to hear about that.

Has anyone given you legitimate advice about mechanic liability? What do our laws say about the handling of stolen goods?

05-25-2015, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by rx7boi
Fuck, that really sucks man. I had a feeling they wouldn't really give a shit about this fiasco.

Could have bluffed that sleazy mechanic but I guess at the same time it really wasn't your place to do that either. The GTO is probably long gone by now.

Sorry to hear about that.

Has anyone given you legitimate advice about mechanic liability? What do our laws say about the handling of stolen goods?

When I called him long ago, I was told he had pink slips for both cars? I'm guessing my grandpa must of wrote up a bill of sale. My aunt was unable to provide me the email that says do not touch the cars.

So I'm guessing he would just say that he didn't know they were stolen and he walks away free.

05-25-2015, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by OneGreasyHobo

When I called him long ago, I was told he had pink slips for both cars? I'm guessing my grandpa must of wrote up a bill of sale. My aunt was unable to provide me the email that says do not touch the cars.

So I'm guessing he would just say that he didn't know they were stolen and he walks away free.

I remember you had mentioned he mumbled something about pink slips, but regardless you have the pink slips and are the owner.

I'm pretty sure a Bill of Sale means squat if the goods are not owned by grandpappy. The other thing that reeks is that upon hearing what you said, mechanic fails to provide any additional information on his immediate GTO buyer.

I doubt that people get to walk away free just because they "didn't know it was stolen" hence why I wondered what the RCMP say.

I'm no lawyer, nor do I know alot about our laws re: the handling/sale of stolen goods, but to me there are two things at play here:

- Theft of vehicle from your grandfather. More clear cut since theft his a chargeable offense.
- Mechanic trying to minimize his liability and play dumb so that it looks like the situation is "out of his hands" now that he's scrapped/sold the cars.

Coming full circle, what I'm really asking is if you got an answer about additional legal options against the mechanic.

05-25-2015, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by rx7boi

I remember you had mentioned he mumbled something about pink slips, but regardless you have the pink slips and are the owner.

I'm pretty sure a Bill of Sale means squat if the goods are not owned by grandpappy. The other thing that reeks is that upon hearing what you said, mechanic fails to provide any additional information on his immediate GTO buyer.

I doubt that people get to walk away free just because they "didn't know it was stolen" hence why I wondered what the RCMP say.

I'm no lawyer, nor do I know alot about our laws re: the handling/sale of stolen goods, but to me there are two things at play here:

- Theft of vehicle from your grandfather. More clear cut since theft his a chargeable offense.
- Mechanic trying to minimize his liability and play dumb so that it looks like the situation is "out of his hands" now that he's scrapped/sold the cars.

Coming full circle, what I'm really asking is if you got an answer about additional legal options against the mechanic.

Have not got any answers / gone anywhere for legal advice. I'm not to sure if its even worth the headache.. The cars are problem worth what 5-7 grand each.. Maybe that add another 5 grand for sentimental value?

Still shitty for get 500 bucks for them both... This is the only thing my grandfather has ever done for me. Asshole.

Dad's been looking at the hellcat lately anyway...

05-25-2015, 11:02 AM
You reported two stolen cars to the RCMP and they didn't even call you back? Ouch.

05-25-2015, 11:09 AM
You ask to press charges against Gramps? That at least should get you somewhere...

05-25-2015, 11:24 AM
You're just going to let it go? wow. I wouldn't. You're not going to fight for what's yours? Not to mention, letting the mech and your Grandpa get away with such blantant thievery....

05-25-2015, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by CompletelyNumb
You reported two stolen cars to the RCMP and they didn't even call you back? Ouch.

Reported 2 stolen cars to 2 different stations too. I've left messages to see whats happening, but so far no response. It's more emotionally draining then anything.

It's been only 4 days.. But, I haven't even got a call back saying they are looking at it. Probably to busy beating black people up.

Weather is nice though... I might cruise up to leduc though..

05-25-2015, 02:34 PM
Well, really the RCMP are going to kick it back to you as a "civil matter" - basically he said she said - let the courts sort it out. All grandpa had to say was "he sold it to me years ago, it was mine to sell" or something of the sort and the police will wash their hands of it.

You probably need to look at a consult with a lawyer and start working on court proceedings.

05-25-2015, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by AndyL
Well, really the RCMP are going to kick it back to you as a "civil matter" - basically he said she said - let the courts sort it out. All grandpa had to say was "he sold it to me years ago, it was mine to sell" or something of the sort and the police will wash their hands of it.

You probably need to look at a consult with a lawyer and start working on court proceedings.

Yeah, I don't have my hopes up for anything. I've already written those cars off.. If it goes civil, i'm not wasting my time/ money on lawyers to sue a man that's about to die anyway. Hope I'm invited to his funeral.

05-25-2015, 02:52 PM

05-25-2015, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
Forget the cars for a second and think about the family situation that has deteriorated to the point where family members are pressing charges. Really? You guys should probably take care of that first. Like you said, Grampa ain't gonna be around for that much longer.

Yeah.. The Family situation deteriorated about 10 years ago... Not much of a family. Just a side of the family that never evolved from picking potatoes and stealing.

Either way, I'll leave it up to my father if he wants to sue... I'm strongly encouraging him too. Why should he get fucked in the end?

05-25-2015, 04:02 PM
I don't get why it's so hard to get the police to do anything. I wouldn't leave the police station until I had answers from them. Speak to a supervisor and move up the chain until you know they've done anything....

05-25-2015, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by gwill
I don't get why it's so hard to get the police to do anything. I wouldn't leave the police station until I had answers from them. Speak to a supervisor and move up the chain until you know they've done anything....

I'm not sure either... But me and my dad are just getting the run around, and its getting old.

probably does not help that I'm in Calgary, gramps is in Edmonton, and the RCMP station is in two hills and the farm is like a 3 hour drive from two hills.

Oh.. and the mechanic is in leduc.

and the cars ??? probably in states by now. :cry: :cry:

05-26-2015, 11:52 AM

Crazy story. I agree with OP to just let it go. You could be spending more than the value of the cars to go after gramps not to mention how emotionally draining something like that can be; life's too short for that. RCMP inaction? How surprising.

So then did you at least at get the $1,000 proceeds?

05-26-2015, 01:20 PM
Is the uncle in question your father's brother, or his brother-in-law? I can't imagine my father-in-law taking a car that was parked at my brother's place. Very strange indeed.

I don't know how your grandfather came to believe he was entitled to the cars, but is it at all possible that he was manipulated or misled by the mechanic? It sounds like the selling price was $500 total, so unless both cars were basket cases then the mechanic is the one who gained the most from the deal, especially since it seems that your grandfather took care of retrieving and transporting them.

05-26-2015, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by gogreen
Is the uncle in question your father's brother, or his brother-in-law? I can't imagine my father-in-law taking a car that was parked at my brother's place. Very strange indeed.

I don't know how your grandfather came to believe he was entitled to the cars, but is it at all possible that he was manipulated or misled by the mechanic? It sounds like the selling price was $500 total, so unless both cars were basket cases then the mechanic is the one who gained the most from the deal, especially since it seems that your grandfather took care of retrieving and transporting them.

This is what I REALLY REALLY want to believe. I'm hoping the mechanic took advantage of the old man and the old man is to ignorant to believe he was taken advantage of. I think my grandfather (in his mind) was hoping to do be a favor by getting rid of two "Junk" cars.

I'm trying to think of it in a positive light but.. Its hard.

Now for the uncle question, I'm not sure how the hell he is related to me.. I'd have to ask my dad. I know for a fact that he hasn't spoken to my grandfather in 20+ Years.. For similar reasons as us.