View Full Version : Is Everything We Know About The Universe Wrong?-Doc

05-24-2015, 10:53 AM
This doc reminds of a favorite book series that I read as a kid. It was called the How and Why Wonder Books.

The beauty of science and a "religion" called Buddhism, is that they change when confronted with further truth. This characteristic is fundamental to wisdom, yet fundamentalism exists.

The Vatican took a while to admit that the earth wasn't flat and witches were ignorant superstitions. Countless were murdered (most violently) for exposing such. The hypocrisy was most profound, but I'll give Catholicism a break, as they have only recently admitted to harboring pedophiles, and addressing their backwards thoughts on homosexuality, evolution, science, and the bible in general.

But I digress once again.

This doc is sometimes redundant, cheesy, and has religious overtones. But, if you're interested in Cosmology and the nature of the universe and Cosmology in general, it's an interesting watch.
