View Full Version : Canmore man caught travelling over 200 km/h on Bow Valley Parkway

05-26-2015, 01:37 PM
Yupp, another speeding thread.

Now 209kph isn't all that fast and is easily attainable by many modern vehicles but I guess the question is how safe was it for this young man to be doing 209 in a 60 zone? Now to be fair, it is the Bow Valley Parkway which I haven't been on in probably 25+ years and as such, I am not aware of what traffic is like or anything else or if it's 60 for all of it's length.

Never the less, link to story here (http://globalnews.ca/news/2015937/canmore-man-caught-travelling-over-200-kmh-on-bow-valley-parkway/) and a lively discussion over on Calgary Reddit here (http://www.reddit.com/r/Calgary/comments/37cfbw/canmore_man_caught_travelling_over_200_kmh_on_bow/).

209 would be almost or is double the limit on all Alberta highways and would get the notice of any nearby law enforcement officer and 209 in a 60, well going 3.5 times the speed limit certainly does raise an eyebrow. Would I like to see someone doing 175kph on the street in front of my home - nope. 350kph on Deerfoot - probably foolish in most parts.

05-26-2015, 01:41 PM
Depending on which section of road that is, that's absolutely retarded. Wildlife on the road would be my #1 concern and even going the speed limit (which is mainly 80km/h I believe), there isn't a ton of room for error if bambi decides to leap out as the treeline is close to the shoulder in a lot of areas.

05-26-2015, 01:43 PM
That stretch of road is signposted at 60 km/h for an interesting reason, it's purely to reduce the number and severity of wildlife impacts. The same road was formerly psted at 80 I believe.

Still, 209 km/h for a guy with his learners permit is extremely bad, shows a lack of judgement. Hope he get a severe penalty. Is he up for dangerous driving charges?

05-26-2015, 01:52 PM
Wonder what he was driving :dunno:

05-26-2015, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
That stretch of road is signposted at 60 km/h for an interesting reason, it's purely to reduce the number and severity of wildlife impacts. The same road was formerly psted at 80 I believe.

Still, 209 km/h for a guy with his learners permit is extremely bad, shows a lack of judgement. Hope he get a severe penalty. Is he up for dangerous driving charges?

I'm curious what they charged the other guy with that had a full license. He definitely would bear some responsibility as the driver only had a learners, just curious what there is to charge him with. I haven't really heard of this before.

05-26-2015, 02:00 PM
Wasn't me :D

The 1A is a great driving road though. 60km/h is also super slow for that road, it could be way higher, but there is a lot more wildlife present than on the 1.

05-26-2015, 02:04 PM
208 Isn't hard to do on that road, there is some long straights before Lake Louise. Easily 1-2km of straight.

But the trees are close and wildlife would for sure be a concern.

By the time he gets his license back maybe the track will be ready ROFL.

05-26-2015, 02:57 PM

05-26-2015, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by KO22
Wonder what he was driving :dunno:
Haha my first thought was, "damn I've got to get me one of those."

05-26-2015, 03:06 PM
Yeah for the most part, 120 on parts of that highway is quite do able in a sports car or on a sport bike, but about the only place that someone could get up to that speed would be on the last straight heading into lake Louis or from it, there is a very long straight there, so that's probably where it happened, but anywhere else, Damn the kid must have had a death wish. Lol I think it's safe to say he won't be driving for a long ass time.

05-26-2015, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by pheoxs

I'm curious what they charged the other guy with that had a full license. He definitely would bear some responsibility as the driver only had a learners, just curious what there is to charge him with. I haven't really heard of this before.

I believe the fully licensed passenger (who is acting as a supervisor for a learner`s) gets the exact same charges as the learner driver.

Sucks to be that guy..

Although I"m sure a lot of us here have hit close to that speed on the straight sections...

05-26-2015, 07:42 PM
not on THAT highway

05-31-2015, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by msommers
Depending on which section of road that is, that's absolutely retarded. Wildlife on the road would be my #1 concern and even going the speed limit (which is mainly 80km/h I believe), there isn't a ton of room for error if bambi decides to leap out as the treeline is close to the shoulder in a lot of areas.

Don't forget about tourists stopped on the highway so the can try and pet the Elk and Bears

06-01-2015, 08:43 AM
Originally posted by dubhead

Don't forget about tourists stopped on the highway so the can try and pet the Elk and Bears

On the Minnewanka Loop I saw some van stop beside the sheep on the side of the road, feeding it a donut out the window....kinda wish that sheep Kung Fury'd his van into the Two Jack

06-01-2015, 09:09 AM
Oh no! Not 209kmh!

Fuck, my car can get there in 11 seconds.

06-02-2015, 07:28 AM
The sensationalized news article makes it sound like the BVP is a dangerous road where even 60 kph is risky.

Not that its right, but I've taken that road on a bike, up to 200kph, on a quiet Tuesday morning (literally the only one on the road) in the summer years ago. Plenty of straight areas with no traffic and minimal risk.

Would I consider this on a Sunday evening (like this motorist) with tourist traffic and wildlife roaming about at dusk? Never - sheer idiocy.

06-02-2015, 07:34 AM
lol my Volkswagen would cruise at the speed. Societies collective balls have truly dropped off...

Does the guy deserve his fines and tickets? Sure, its the risk anyone who does these things on a public, let alone urban, road takes.

Should this have made the news? With no injuries? No.

I swear the only way you will ever be able to enjoy cars in the near future will be owning your own race track. But then again the Nimby's would find a way to shut you down unless you owned the property 50 km in each direction...

Maybe i should buy an airplane....

06-02-2015, 03:16 PM

06-02-2015, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by BavarianBeast
Oh no! Not 209kmh!

Fuck, my car can get there in 11 seconds.


It all depends on what you're driving. My 911 and vette can both brake and handle well at that speed. Too many guys on this forum drive econobox race cars where 160 seems ridiculously fast.

06-02-2015, 03:56 PM
Who cares. No one around, no one hurt, nothing happened. Speed doesnt kill, drinking and speeding kills

06-02-2015, 04:38 PM
I ain't judging.

In my Ford Transit I don't bother going above 110. In the 911, oops, sorry! :rofl: :burnout:

06-02-2015, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by killramos
lol my Volkswagen would cruise at the speed. Societies collective balls have truly dropped off...

Does the guy deserve his fines and tickets? Sure, its the risk anyone who does these things on a public, let alone urban, road takes.

Should this have made the news? With no injuries? No.

I swear the only way you will ever be able to enjoy cars in the near future will be owning your own race track. But then again the Nimby's would find a way to shut you down unless you owned the property 50 km in each direction...

Maybe i should buy an airplane....

Cool story bro. Just because the guy made it through alive doesn't make it OK. Speed limits exist for a reason, which multiple people here have already highlighted.

At the end of the day he is not only risking his life but every single other motorist/bicyclists on that roadway all because he is selfish and irresponsible.

I bet you would be the first person to blame the police/speed limits if one of your family members got killed by this douchebag.

PS: Just wanted to add that I'm all for speeding and having fun at racetracks. Those are closed courses. They have no counter traffic, that have no wildlife bicyclists or pedestrians, no sudden obstacles or issues, and that all cars on track know the raceway rules and acknowledge the risk of driving as such.

06-02-2015, 10:02 PM
Originally posted by ddduke


It all depends on what you're driving. My 911 and vette can both brake and handle well at that speed. Too many guys on this forum drive econobox race cars where 160 seems ridiculously fast.

That's not the point. The point is that the simple rules of physics apply to everyone equally. When you hit someone or something above 80 km/h you are drastically more likely to have serious injury or death. It increases exponentially as speeds rise from there.

Add on the fact that the faster you go the less response time you have and more likely you are to lose control... Enertia is not in your favor.

Doesnt matter what car you are in. When you are in a collision you are a soft body inside of a hard capsule. Your body is getting tossed around like a ragdoll. Your skeletal structure and insides (organs, etc) can only hold so many G's. There are safety features that limit that, but at the same time 200km/h is basically death in any production car.

All you need is a deer to come out of nowhere are you are no longer a single entity. At that point I think we can call it Darwinism.

rob the knob
06-03-2015, 06:45 AM
this is tourist road

i take my family and visitors on this road. yes, lots of animals. lots of tourists driving slow and stopping. lots of bicycles.

one second you see no one, then you hit 200kmh, then boom you crash into something slow moving or stopped.

06-03-2015, 06:48 AM
Originally posted by OTown

I don't even think you read my post lol. Or any of my posts on this forum in fact with your statements you made about me.

You are right that speed limits exist for a reason. And in this province that reason is often horrendously stupid. The are 10's of kilometers of stretches on that road that can be safely navigated at the quoted speeds ( shockingly especially in CERTAIN Vehicles). I don't know which stretch he was caught on but I'm willing to bet he wasn't drifting at 209 through the twisities with a class 7 driving a Yaris .

As for there are no wildlife on closed tracks comment...


Its wierd noone died in the collision either...

2/10 of your total forum posts so far? You're on a great start :rolleyes:

I cant wait for your inevitable " How do i fight this speeding ticket in court" thread you obvious hypocrite.

Go back to selling rims and computer parts buddy.

06-03-2015, 08:13 AM
Bruh, it's not the vehicle, it's the driver.


06-03-2015, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by killramos

I don't even think you read my post lol. Or any of my posts on this forum in fact with your statements you made about me.

You are right that speed limits exist for a reason. And in this province that reason is often horrendously stupid. The are 10's of kilometers of stretches on that road that can be safely navigated at the quoted speeds ( shockingly especially in CERTAIN Vehicles). I don't know which stretch he was caught on but I'm willing to bet he wasn't drifting at 209 through the twisities with a class 7 driving a Yaris .

As for there are no wildlife on closed tracks comment...


Its wierd noone died in the collision either...

2/10 of your total forum posts so far? You're on a great start :rolleyes:

I cant wait for your inevitable " How do i fight this speeding ticket in court" thread you obvious hypocrite.

Go back to selling rims and computer parts buddy.

I know this person (OTown) and your comments literally made me laugh out loud. You should just stop now Killramos. He knows more then you think. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

06-03-2015, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by killramos

I don't even think you read my post lol. Or any of my posts on this forum in fact with your statements you made about me.

You are right that speed limits exist for a reason. And in this province that reason is often horrendously stupid. The are 10's of kilometers of stretches on that road that can be safely navigated at the quoted speeds ( shockingly especially in CERTAIN Vehicles). I don't know which stretch he was caught on but I'm willing to bet he wasn't drifting at 209 through the twisities with a class 7 driving a Yaris .

As for there are no wildlife on closed tracks comment...


Its wierd noone died in the collision either...

2/10 of your total forum posts so far? You're on a great start :rolleyes:

I cant wait for your inevitable " How do i fight this speeding ticket in court" thread you obvious hypocrite.

Go back to selling rims and computer parts buddy.

Great example with the video. Now let's pretend that was a family member biking off the road that just got vaporized. But the driver is ok so no problem right? Just because YOU can survive a crash on a closed track with a helmet and other additional gear doesn't mean it should be allowed on a public road with other people who don't care about your CERTAIN vehicle that can be "safely navigate at the quoted speeds." At the end of the day it's just not necessary and the risk outweighs the little bit of fun you had. Your privileged first-world lifestyle isn't going to suffer because you had to go 60. And maybe you'll even have avoided killing something or someone in the process :)

06-03-2015, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by killramos

I don't even think you read my post lol. Or any of my posts on this forum in fact with your statements you made about me.

You are right that speed limits exist for a reason. And in this province that reason is often horrendously stupid. The are 10's of kilometers of stretches on that road that can be safely navigated at the quoted speeds ( shockingly especially in CERTAIN Vehicles). I don't know which stretch he was caught on but I'm willing to bet he wasn't drifting at 209 through the twisities with a class 7 driving a Yaris .

As for there are no wildlife on closed tracks comment...


Its wierd noone died in the collision either...

2/10 of your total forum posts so far? You're on a great start :rolleyes:

I cant wait for your inevitable " How do i fight this speeding ticket in court" thread you obvious hypocrite.

Go back to selling rims and computer parts buddy.

Pretty sure you just proved my point with that video and your inflammatory comments. You clearly lost the argument (because there is no argument, speed kills and thats a fact) and resort to talking about my post count with no regard for any experience I have. Great stuff. Keep it up. :rolleyes:

06-03-2015, 10:38 AM
speed doesn't kill. It's the sudden stop that gets ya.

06-03-2015, 10:40 AM
Originally posted by OTown

Pretty sure you just proved my point with that video and your inflammatory comments. You clearly lost the argument (because there is no argument, speed kills and thats a fact) and resort to talking about my post count with no regard for any experience I have. Great stuff. Keep it up. :rolleyes:

I don't particularly care what experience you had because your comments were stupid, poorly thought through, and I laugh at the hypocrisy at you calling me inflammatory.

I said he deserved what he got. And that this making the news was stupid. That people screaming think of the children about this was an example of societies balls dropping off.

You insinuated that a collision with an animal at speed = death?

That tracks are immune from animals running in front of you?

And also stating that different types of vehicles will all have the same impact in a crash?

For someone cited as being so "experienced" you seem pretty bad at drawing on it?

You weren't arguing anything, just making accusatory statements about how i would blame everyone else for collisions? All of which was completely against the spirit and text of my post?

06-03-2015, 10:47 AM
there has been a shift in calgary and area for sure in regards to speeding... its weird, cars get more capable of these speeds... and people slow down. there was a time when cruising at 120km/h on the highway would make it look like you were sitting still, now? shit... i dont even get passed... then i go traveling, and EVERYONE is doing at least 130km/h... why are we so special? i dont get it, but im pretty over driving in calgary. if i dont have to be somewhere, i just stay home i hate it so much

06-03-2015, 10:51 AM
Originally posted by ercchry
there has been a shift in calgary and area for sure in regards to speeding... its weird, cars get more capable of these speeds... and people slow down. there was a time when cruising at 120km/h on the highway would make it look like you were sitting still, now? shit... i dont even get passed... then i go traveling, and EVERYONE is doing at least 130km/h... why are we so special? i dont get it, but im pretty over driving in calgary. if i dont have to be somewhere, i just stay home i hate it so much

Something i noticed on a recent trip to kelowna. I don't know if people out there had something to prove or lack of enforcement. But EVERYONE was travelling 20-30 over the limit. In the city. 50 zone everyone was going 80 etc.

If i pulled up next to anything sporty at a light they were always playing the stoplight grand prix.

It was weird for sure where you expect people in Calgarys urban areas to drive 5-10 under the limit regularly. Sure some people still chronically speed. But that's the exception imo.

06-03-2015, 11:04 AM
Let me clarify a few things for you.

Originally posted by killramos
I said he deserved what he got. And that this making the news was stupid. That people screaming think of the children about this was an example of societies balls dropping off.

You've basically contradicted yourself here.

You insinuated that a collision with an animal at speed = death?

I said the likelyhood of death increases exponentially with speed. Look at that video you posted, the front end on that porsche is basically non-existant. They were extremely lucky that the deer didn't ride up into the windshield/a-pillar because the occupants would have died on impact.

That tracks are immune from animals running in front of you?
No, I said tracks are safer than highways in terms of, as you put it, 'enjoying a car'. The likelyhood of hazards like these are incredibly less likely. Obviously things still happen, but closed tracks are way way more safe than open highways for this type of stuff.

And also stating that different types of vehicles will all have the same impact in a crash?
Pretty much. Let me reinterate, there are some safety features that some cars have that make it safer but at the end of the day a car is a torpedo on wheels. If it hits something at that speed whatever is hit is dead. If you hit something as an occupant and you go from 200 to 0 in an impact you would be incredibly lucky to survive such an impact.

You weren't arguing anything, just making accusatory statements about how i would blame everyone else for collisions? All of which was completely against the spirit and text of my post?
Let me quote your previous message.

"lol my Volkswagen would cruise at the speed. Societies collective balls have truly dropped off..."

First you infers that you do that speed on cruises and have no regard for the rules of the road. Secondly you infer that society should not look down on such irresponsibility and recklessness. You are yet again contradicting yourself.

Society as a whole should come down on these idiots BEFORE someone gets killed. Why does there always have to be a death or serious incident before coming down on these people. Why ignore the fact that speed is one of leading cause of fatal and serious injury crashes, and that it's completely avoidable.

06-03-2015, 11:17 AM
Pissing contests are so 1997........ :zzz:

06-03-2015, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by OTown
Society as a whole should come down on these idiots BEFORE someone gets killed. Why does there always have to be a death or serious incident before coming down on these people. Why ignore the fact that speed is one of leading cause of fatal and serious injury crashes, and that it's completely avoidable.

Seems like you haven't been in this forum long...

Vehicle runs red light and slams into sports car...sports car driver's fault for not being defensive.

Vehicle speeds 209km/hr and hits nothing, speed limits are stupid anyway.

Vehicle speeds 209km/hr and smoke some kid, stupid kid's parents should have taught him to cross a road...call kid "precious snowflake"


06-03-2015, 11:38 AM
If the pedestrian isn't in a crosswalk, it is their fault.

06-03-2015, 11:57 AM

06-03-2015, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by codetrap
In Germany, it's primary a Roe Deer. They're typically between 33 - 70lbs. In Alberta, it's a Mule Deer, which is typically in the 200-300lb range.

Yeah.. totally the same..... in that video the porshe was all crumpled.. and it looked like he hit a small one... what would it have turned out like if he'd hit a 300lb mule deer?

Hey stop ruining the discussion

06-03-2015, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by codetrap
In Germany, it's primary a Roe Deer. They're typically between 33 - 70lbs. In Alberta, it's a Mule Deer, which is typically in the 200-300lb range.

Yeah.. totally the same..... in that video the porshe was all crumpled.. and it looked like he hit a small one... what would it have turned out like if he'd hit a 300lb mule deer?

don't know where these 300 pound mule deer are, but the ones I've seen would be hard pressed to weigh over half that. The ones I've seen are very comparable in size to a typical female white tailed deer equivalent.

The biggest worry I've seen on that highway would be the many moose and Big horn sheep I typically see.

06-03-2015, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by Graham_A_M

don't know where these 300 pound mule deer are, but the ones I've seen would be hard pressed to weigh over half that. The ones I've seen are very comparable in size to a typical female white tailed deer equivalent.


Yeah, average is "probably" 160-200 from what I've seen. 'just a tad bigger than the white-butts (Admittedly I think it still serves the point trying to be made, i.e. Roe<Mule).

Alberta Fish and Wildlife Link (http://esrd.alberta.ca/fish-wildlife/wild-species/mammals/deer/mule-deer.aspx)

Other than that, I have nothing to contribute to this thread.

06-03-2015, 01:09 PM
fuck guys, I hit an elk a few years ago and it didn't even crack my windshield. Probably going 30-40 at the time of impact


ya it squirted poop all over, it was gross and I threw up

06-03-2015, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by OTown

You've basically contradicted yourself here.

No i didn't. You are just saying i did and it fits your point of view.

I said the likelihood of death increases exponentially with speed. Look at that video you posted, the front end on that Porsche is basically non-existent. They were extremely lucky that the deer didn't ride up into the windshield/a-pillar because the occupants would have died on impact.

Yea you also said: All you need is a deer to come out of nowhere are you are no longer a single entity. At that point I think we can call it Darwinism.

That is where you insinuate that hitting a deer = death

No, I said tracks are safer than highways in terms of, as you put it, 'enjoying a car'. The likelyhood of hazards like these are incredibly less likely. Obviously things still happen, but closed tracks are way way more safe than open highways for this type of stuff.

No that is not what you said. You said there are no wildlife on tracks. Your post is still there to view. If you want to change your mind at least edit the post...

Pretty much. Let me reinterate, there are some safety features that some cars have that make it safer but at the end of the day a car is a torpedo on wheels. If it hits something at that speed whatever is hit is dead. If you hit something as an occupant and you go from 200 to 0 in an impact you would be incredibly lucky to survive such an impact.

Yea if you are going to argue that every vehicle suffers a collision equally im not going to even comment on that

Let me quote your previous message.

&quot;lol my Volkswagen would cruise at the speed. Societies collective balls have truly dropped off...&quot;

First you infers that you do that speed on cruises and have no regard for the rules of the road. Secondly you infer that society should not look down on such irresponsibility and recklessness. You are yet again contradicting yourself.

You can use whatever definition of my words you want to but that doesnt make any of it true. THe one i was going with was ( from the dictionary) to travel at a moderately fast, easily controllable speed: cruising along the highway enjoying the scenery.

Society as a whole should come down on these idiots BEFORE someone gets killed. Why does there always have to be a death or serious incident before coming down on these people. Why ignore the fact that speed is one of leading cause of fatal and serious injury crashes, and that it's completely avoidable.


Anyways you can say whatever you want about me, I'm not arguing with you further. Not much point when you are the kind of person who says they didn't say things 20 lines above your post.

I still haven't once supported what this guy did, said what he did was ok. Or that I spend my time driving at multiples of posted speeds. Those are all things that you have said i did.

The Tl:dr of my original post was :whocares: at the headline , you just decided to go all keyboard warrior on me and I am calling out your subsequent bullshit.

06-03-2015, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer
fuck guys, I hit an elk a few years ago and it didn't even crack my windshield. Probably going 30-40 at the time of impact


ya it squirted poop all over, it was gross and I threw up

No you are dead.

Speed Kills.


That's a fact!

06-03-2015, 02:35 PM

06-03-2015, 02:38 PM

06-03-2015, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer
fuck guys, I hit an elk a few years ago and it didn't even crack my windshield. Probably going 30-40 at the time of impact


ya it squirted poop all over, it was gross and I threw up

I hit German Shepard in a Jetta and it caused more damage lol

06-03-2015, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by killramos

No you are dead.

Speed Kills.


That's a fact!


At this point I think you're just trolling. He clearly said he was going 30-40km/h upon impact, aka the slower speed saved his life. Thanks for coming out.

06-03-2015, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by codetrap
I will grant, I did go to Wikipedia for the numbers... But like Graham said, it would suck to hit anything 100lbs and up at 200kph, not like the guy in the porsche who vaporized a really small deer and still crumpled the front of his car...

Killramos, when I read your post, it came off to me like you were defending the guy by saying something in the spirit of &quot;why is everyone getting all up in arms, with the proper car that road is fine to drive, bunch of pussies complaining about this&quot;.. That's the tone that I came away with from what you posted. And I agree. The the proper car, with the road closed an all wildlife cleared in the area, I'm sure that you can technically drive 200kph there. None of which is relevant to the discussion at hand. Because that's not what happened. You might as well have said, &quot;I've flown over that road in my helicopter and done it safely, I don't know what the issue is..&quot; :D

Thank you for this comment. Its basically what ive been trying to say in this thread. I obviously didnt articulate my points properly and got someone butthurt in the process.

06-03-2015, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
there has been a shift in calgary and area for sure in regards to speeding... its weird, cars get more capable of these speeds... and people slow down. there was a time when cruising at 120km/h on the highway would make it look like you were sitting still, now? shit... i dont even get passed... then i go traveling, and EVERYONE is doing at least 130km/h... why are we so special? i dont get it, but im pretty over driving in calgary. if i dont have to be somewhere, i just stay home i hate it so much
hmm interesting point but I'm finding it hard to put my finger on whether you are saying that its a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe you could clarify your viewpoint.

My view?
It'd say its got a direct link to speed enforcement, but seems most people here crap on photo radar and issued tickets as 'useless' and 'cash grabs'. I for one do think there's a direct correlation between the two, and there's stats to back it, but that's just my opinion.

What most people dont realize is that, unless you are driving a hell of a long way, speeds really dont make a difference whatsoever on travel time. You save approximately 5 minutes per 10km over a 100km period. If anything you are just ruining your MPGs and driving at higher risk for a minutes difference over hours? Is that really worth it?

I mean how often do you see an idiot speeding past you just to get right behind him at the next red light? Wow, he saved a WHOLE 3 seconds after going into oncoming traffic and almost killing a family in the process! So worth it!

Heres some interesting reading as well

06-03-2015, 10:28 PM
Re: Cars being safer nowadays. While its true most modern cars have much safer vehicles, the fact of the matter is that you are still driving around in a tin can at high speeds. Physics continues to play on you no matter what. People have this false sense of security, but in the end the stats just dont lie.

"A recent study examined the impact of higher travel speeds on US rural interstates after the repeal in November 1995 of the national speed limit. Researchers found states that had increased their speed limits to 75 mph (120 km/h) experienced a shocking 38 per cent increase in deaths per million vehicle miles than expected, compared to deaths in those states that did not change their speed limits. States that increased speed limits to 70 mph (112 km/h) showed a 35 per cent increase in fatalities."

Id rather take the extra couple minutes than be killed by some moron or my own stupidity.

"Figure 6 shows that in 2002 and 2003, there was not much change in the number of speed-related fatalities and serious injuries compared to 1996-2001, but starting in 2004, speed-related serious injuries increased, while speed-related fatalities increased in 2005. By 2007, both had leveled off but were still higher than earlier in the decade. (...) Research indicates that a 1% reduction in speed results in reducing the likelihood of a fatal collision by 5% (OECD, 2008). Therefore, a downward shift in the distribution of driving speeds for all drivers would be beneficial not just for those speeding on highways."

And the train/transportation system getting faster? Absolutely, but that's because of automation and limiting the human factor in the equation.

Most trains and planes basically move/fly themselves now, and there are many failsafes regarding this.

A car though is still controlled by a human being, and no matter how good of a driver you are you can still make mistakes as we have limits.

Would increased speeds be attainable if google cars started driving around? Absolutely, since they would be automated and everyone would be on the same page.

06-04-2015, 12:01 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
Pissing contests are so 1998......... :zzz:


cancer man
06-04-2015, 03:42 AM
Originally posted by Graham_A_M

don't know where these 300 pound mule deer are, but the ones I've seen would be hard pressed to weigh over half that. The ones I've seen are very comparable in size to a typical female white tailed deer equivalent.

The biggest worry I've seen on that highway would be the many moose and Big horn sheep I typically see.

I shot a mule deer outside of blairmore gutted out still weighed in at 260lbs the head is on my wall.

I believe it was Rob Leechs wife at race city around 1999 or so hit an
owl doing about 160 and smashed the windshield and bent the roof.

Park speed limits should be 70kmh per hour and all you asshats
slow down and enjoy the views and not kill them.(UNLESS YOU EAT THEM)

06-04-2015, 07:59 AM
Good human drivers are better than anything google can cook up. Speed limits are increasing in B.C.and in the US. We just need better training and tougher testing. Lots of roads in and around Calgary should have higher limits

06-04-2015, 11:11 AM

06-04-2015, 11:15 AM
^ Well what do engineers know about road safety and speed. We should listen to Cops, MADD, NIMBY's, and Politicians instead :nut:

06-04-2015, 11:18 AM

06-04-2015, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

I'd rather the moron be removed from the equation all together through more stringent licencing so we can all get to where we are going quicker and more safely.

Speeds are artificially low simply for the purpose of .....catering to people who shouldn't be driving in the first place

This is an argument we have had on these forums many times before and I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks that the licensing shouldn't be more stringent. BUT, and its a big but..... That is currently not the case and as such, these horrible drivers who should not have their license are still on our roads, creating hazards. Hazards that, for the better of everyone as a whole, need to be accounted for.

Road testing in Germany for example is not just a test. It is mandatory to take a training course as well. Granted things like this will only help so much, but I would argue that a lot of people would be better drivers if they took an education course rather then just memorized a short book for a day, and fumbled their way through a short test that cannot possibly cover everything.

06-04-2015, 12:11 PM