View Full Version : possible 6 month jail for online argument

07-15-2015, 10:20 PM


Why are we raising pussies these days?

07-15-2015, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by Xtrema


Why are we raising pussies these days?

Because playing the victim is being hailed as a hero now.

07-15-2015, 10:37 PM

07-16-2015, 06:30 AM

07-16-2015, 06:57 AM
My head hurts.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

07-16-2015, 07:49 AM
The woman's movement that began about a century ago was well justified, and and a no brainer (ya, not the most supportive wording) lol. Anyway, it resulted in woman having legal rights that are equal to men.

With that said, the woman's movement went over the top. For example, protesting for less physical demand requirements for public safety jobs such as a firefighter or a police officer.

It seems to me that the original movement reached its goal a long time ago, and the movement ended with deserved pride (for a while). The movement was revived by ugly and jealous females, who have nothing better to do than cause shit over nothing.

BTW- When I say "ugly", I mean both physically and psychologically. Yes ugly ladies, you will be treated differently than a beautiful woman. Thing is, that's human nature and it will always remain that way. In addition ugly ladies, you will be treated differently by females as well. How is that for irony?

One more thing they miss, ugly men are treated differently by both men and woman as well.

07-16-2015, 07:58 AM
As far as the female protesters in regards to violence towards woman in video games:

These type of video games don't discriminate when it comes to an ass kick. Everyone gets their ass kicked fairly, and equally.

If only the guys were getting their asked kicked, then the woman's movement should protest that they're being discriminated against. :D

07-16-2015, 08:19 AM
:rofl: Feminists

07-16-2015, 08:24 AM

07-16-2015, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by codetrap
All I can say is "infowars", and shake my head.
National Post is covering it too. It's a head shaker of a case haha.


07-16-2015, 08:30 AM
Guthrie and Reilly also claimed that Elliott was engaging in harassment merely for tagging them in tweets. At no point did Elliott make any remarks directed at the two that could be construed as sexual harassment, hate speech, or violent rhetoric, according to Toronto Police Detective Jeff Bangild.

The very worst comment that Elliott made in reference to the activists was a tweet in which he indirectly referred to the women as “fat” and “ugly”.

I can't wait until it's discussed in a courtroom whether "fat" and "ugly" are valid terms to describe the activists. :rofl:

07-16-2015, 08:39 AM

07-16-2015, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by blitz

I can't wait until it's discussed in a courtroom whether "fat" and "ugly" are valid terms to describe the activists. :rofl:


I can see it now:

Defence attorney:

Miss Protester. Would you consider yourself to be fat and ugly?

Miss Protester:

Well...uh...erm...yes. I guess the truth is a bitch. Ahh shit, now I have to sue myself for calling truth a "bitch"!

07-16-2015, 08:58 AM

07-16-2015, 09:01 AM
Shhh keep it down - scamergee will get ideas ;)

07-16-2015, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by Seth1968
The woman's movement that began about a century ago was well justified, and and a no brainer (ya, not the most supportive wording) lol. Anyway, it resulted in woman having legal rights that are equal to men.

With that said, the woman's movement went over the top. For example, protesting for less physical demand requirements for public safety jobs such as a firefighter or a police officer.

It seems to me that the original movement reached its goal a long time ago, and the movement ended with deserved pride (for a while). The movement was revived by ugly and jealous females, who have nothing better to do than cause shit over nothing.

BTW- When I say "ugly", I mean both physically and psychologically. Yes ugly ladies, you will be treated differently than a beautiful woman. Thing is, that's human nature and it will always remain that way. In addition ugly ladies, you will be treated differently by females as well. How is that for irony?

One more thing they miss, ugly men are treated differently by both men and woman as well.

Aside from things like terrorism, hunger, poverty, corruption, etc this is basically everything that is wrong with the world. Especially Western society. Well said.

07-16-2015, 09:44 AM

07-16-2015, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by Seth1968
The woman's movement that began about a century ago was well justified, and and a no brainer (ya, not the most supportive wording) lol. Anyway, it resulted in woman having legal rights that are equal to men.

With that said, the woman's movement went over the top. For example, protesting for less physical demand requirements for public safety jobs such as a firefighter or a police officer.

It seems to me that the original movement reached its goal a long time ago, and the movement ended with deserved pride (for a while). The movement was revived by ugly and jealous females, who have nothing better to do than cause shit over nothing.

BTW- When I say "ugly", I mean both physically and psychologically. Yes ugly ladies, you will be treated differently than a beautiful woman. Thing is, that's human nature and it will always remain that way. In addition ugly ladies, you will be treated differently by females as well. How is that for irony?

One more thing they miss, ugly men are treated differently by both men and woman as well.

For the first time ever on Beyond... I agree with everything you have said. It doesn't get much better than this post.

07-16-2015, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by vengie

For the first time ever on Beyond... I agree with everything you have said. It doesn't get much better than this post.

I also agree with Seth. I hope this case gets thrown out, and that the gentleman in question turns around and sues them for harassment, defamation, and everything else he can.

I freaking hate people (men AND women) like that. We shouldn't have to handle people with kid gloves because their feelings are too delicate and we can't risk offending them, lest we want to chance something like this happening.

07-16-2015, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by klumsy_tumbler

I also agree with Seth. I hope this case gets thrown out, and that the gentleman in question turns around and sues them for harassment, defamation, and everything else he can.

I freaking hate people (men AND women) like that. We shouldn't have to handle people with kid gloves because their feelings are too delicate and we can't risk offending them, lest we want to chance something like this happening.

Especially what the feminists are planning is actually bullying someone that has a different viewpoint.

07-16-2015, 01:30 PM
I can't believe this is even in court. Holy shit. Both women should be in prison for harassment and defamation. And he should sue everyone involved.

07-21-2015, 07:14 PM
This should be a wake up call for just how much freedom of speech has been eroded in this country and how selective our media has become. Instead we've been hearing for months about how bill C-51 has "potential" to limit our freedoms with non-stop media coverage. Where as right now we have a case before the courts which will have drastic implications for future rulings on internet conversation. Criminal harassment is now the equivalent of hurt feelings in the eyes of our justice system, and almost no one in our media will report on it.

07-21-2015, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by HuMz
This should be a wake up call for just how much freedom of speech has been eroded in this country and how selective our media has become. Instead we've been hearing for months about how bill C-51 has "potential" to limit our freedoms with non-stop media coverage. Where as right now we have a case before the courts which will have drastic implications for future rulings on internet conversation. Criminal harassment is now the equivalent of hurt feelings in the eyes of our justice system, and almost no one in our media will report on it.

Uh huh. I've been saying that all along (and more). Some get it, most call me a troll or an idiot conspiracy theorist.

Don't ask me when they try and privatize water.

Oh wait. That's already in the works.

07-22-2015, 09:38 AM

07-22-2015, 09:50 AM
Wow, I can't believe this is even going to trial.

What an utter waste of resources - this poor man's life has been changed simply because he disagreed and had an online spat. These women should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.

07-22-2015, 09:50 AM
TBH that national post article sounds like he went above and beyond an internet argument. Taking steps to keep in contact her despite her trying to ban him from her twitter etc. Sounds like he was basically stalking her. Not that i think what she was doing and saying is right but he very well may have crossed a line here with threats etc.

Just like many posters on here have crossed lines and ended up banned for it.

Elliott is regarded by many as a notorious Twitter “troll” – an online commenter who deliberately, often profanely, seeks to provoke a hostile reaction. Elliott strongly disagreed with Guthrie’s tactics, and said so, crassly, numerous times. Guthrie took steps to block Elliott from accessing her tweets, but he was able to largely circumvent them and continue engaging with her and her online compatriots. It is those online activities that constitute the alleged stalking and harassment. (Elliott has also been charged with breaking a peace bond in relation to his sustained tweeting.)


07-22-2015, 09:52 AM
Originally posted by anarchy
Wow, I can't believe this is even going to trial.

What an utter waste of resources - this poor man's life has been changed simply because he disagreed and had an online spat. These women will be put on a pedestal by today's bastardized version of "Women's Rights" and called brave heroes by idiots from coast to coast.


07-22-2015, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema

Especially what the feminists are planning is actually bullying someone that has a different viewpoint.

This is actually the liberal way IMO.

By preaching equality and everyone being included in society, you are quite literally pandering to everyone. How can people not get behind that? By then forcing people to only say Nice Things about everyone, and quelling dissent in opinions by Political Correctness, you cut the legs out from under the opposition.

Its an absurd tyranny of the majority. By reaching out to such a mass of people, as long as you hit on key points for each demographic, they will love you. Trying to rise up against/voice an opinion against such an overwhelming majority (no matter how loosely bound together) is virtually impossible.

I've actually started using certain questions that seem innocuous, but will provoke a feminist response out of chicks that I go on dates with after my last long term relationship. They can be pretty good at hiding that shit until you are in deep and BAM, they think you are their pussy slave :rofl:

07-22-2015, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

I've actually started using certain questions that seem innocuous, but will provoke a feminist response out of chicks that I go on dates with after my last long term relationship. They can be pretty good at hiding that shit until you are in deep and BAM, they think you are their pussy slave :rofl:

Please share some of the questions. I'm curious....um for a friend of mine haha.

Robin Goodfellow
07-22-2015, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by anarchy

What an utter waste of resources - this poor man's life has been changed simply because he disagreed and had an online spat. These women should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.

I'd like to agree with you, but as events unfold, it sounds like he was getting creepy on them - A somewhat different matter.

How creepy, remains yet to be determined.

01-22-2016, 01:43 PM

01-22-2016, 01:57 PM
I'm reading the verdict and, I mean, I'm not trying to paint everybody with the same brush here, but she sounds pretty stereotypical.

For instance, she commented on this tweet: “Blaming the majority of normal #men for #rape is wrong. Rapists are not normal men. They’re crazy. Why not blame the mentally ill? #TBTB”

Ms. Guthrie’s testified that she had no idea why the validity of this tweet’s point was relevant to the trial, but in any case it was “garbage”. She knew lots of normal men who have raped and women who had been raped by men whom counsel would call normal.

She said she had no idea what defence counsel was talking about when he suggested that Mr. Elliott’s tweet made a pretty good point, and she concluded with “Who cares?”
The proper use of Twitter is complicated, as it is developing. One view is Mr. Elliott’s as expressed in tweets such as, “You don’t know the value of twitter. If you want a private conversation use email,” and tweets expressing the importance of allowing others to tweet even if you think their opinions have no validity and are garbage. Ms. Guthrie’s view is the opposite. Though she testified that Mr. Elliott had a right to give his opinion, she took the position that she could demand that she be excluded from receiving it, which is her right – but also that he had to comply and cooperate, which is not her right
The main premise that I find unreasonable is her perception that she could tweet about topics but not be exposed to his tweets (however spurious and invalid) about the same topic – even if the topic was him

01-22-2016, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by Mibz
I'm reading the verdict and, I mean, I'm not trying to paint everybody with the same brush here, but she sounds pretty stereotypical.

Remember, rape is anytime a woman says no to sex, including after regretting it the next day. :thumbsup: Just make sure to have your sexual consent form signed, and ask every minute if she still wants to :rofl:

01-22-2016, 02:11 PM
Don't misunderstand me. I'm not touching the rape discussion at all. Just that she comes across as a meme.

01-22-2016, 04:07 PM
Feminist extremism at its finest.

I have read this woman also publicly accused him of being a pedophile after meeting with her friends to discuss how to ruin his life.

What this woman and her friends did was preconceived and malicious, I hope to god this guy sues the ever living shit out of her.

01-22-2016, 04:33 PM
I hope her life is destroyed and that he decimates her financially, she is evil.

01-22-2016, 04:39 PM
She's a gigantic piece of shit

01-22-2016, 06:15 PM
You guys better be careful, she might file a human rights complaint against you! :nut:

01-22-2016, 06:36 PM

Fuckin SJW's.

01-22-2016, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

Remember, rape is anytime a woman says no to sex, including after regretting it the next day. :thumbsup: Just make sure to have your sexual consent form signed, and ask every minute if she still wants to :rofl:

Originally posted by SmAcKpOo
Feminist extremism at its finest.

I have read this woman also publicly accused him of being a pedophile after meeting with her friends to discuss how to ruin his life.

What this woman and her friends did was preconceived and malicious, I hope to god this guy sues the ever living shit out of her.

This is why I've succumbed to masturbation.

"Crazy bitches" is NOT a cliche.

01-22-2016, 08:56 PM
I feel like making a twitter account just to call her a cunt