View Full Version : Calgary Realtor Review - Jordan Lotoski

09-12-2015, 09:32 PM
I just wanted to post a review of our resident realtor, Jordan Lotoski. I utilized Jordan's services both on the new home build consultation side as well as for the sale of my existing home. It's a long review, but I was really happy with everything so here it is.

Coles Notes:
- Utilized Jordan for new home build consultation
- Utilized Jordan for sale of existing home
- Offer after less than a week
- Another offer a week later
- Conditions cleared and house sold after 22 days @ 97% of list but more than what I wanted

I know there are people that say a realtor is useless on the new home build side, but I don't build a new home very often (who does? lol) so I wanted to make sure someone that has loads of experience was on my side of the table.

Not only is there all the paperwork and contracts, but there are all the individual selections as well. With the builder we went with, didn't utilize a design center but instead we had to make appointments at the individual vendors (around 15 different appointments) Jordan offered to attend any or all meetings that we felt we would need some assistance on, which was awesome as it was a bit overwhelming. We ended up just asking him for advice whenever there were decisions that we needed a third opinion on and he would always reply right away.

Some of you that are planning on building a new home may be very comfortable doing all of this unassisted, but for those that want a professional to guide you through the process of making the most expensive (maybe?) purchase in your life remember that Jordan is available to help you out.

The sale of my existing home was an interesting one, I had originally wanted to sell it early in the year while oil prices first dipped but with a toddler in the house it was next to impossible to stage the house properly (and keep it that way). February turned into March, then into April and next thing you know it was August lol. With our new home possession looming (October), I finally moved the family out of the house and had it staged. I updated Jordan on a Friday that the house was finally ready (based on tips Jordan had given me when he first walked through it) and on the next Monday he arrived with a professional photographer and the house was officially on the market the next evening.

We had an offer for more than wanted to get for the house on the first weekend but the buyers got cold feet and wouldn't do the final signing of their offer (they felt they could find something else cheaper in the area). We had another offer after the next open house and we ended up selling it for even more than the first offer. Funny thing though, the original couple that got cold feet ended up wanting back in on the deal. Another house that was listed at the same time is still for sale a block away so I'm definitely happy with not only how quickly the house sold but what I got for it. I'm glad I listened to Jordan when he suggested a higher listing price.

All in all, as if you couldn't tell based on all the other reviews on beyond and elsewhere, Jordan and his team know what they're doing! He's available to answer questions at pretty much any time of day (I swear he doesn't sleep!) and he is constantly providing updates and making sure everything was taken care of for both our new home build and the sale of our home.

Anyway, highly recommended! Selling or buying a home, contact Jordan.


09-16-2015, 10:54 AM
Great review.

The question I always have in my mind is 'does using a realtor during a new home build affect the room for negotiation for a lower price?' My logic is that if the builder needs to pay a commission to my realtor, then they are less likely going to negotiate to a lower price. Maybe Jordan can chime in.

09-16-2015, 11:19 AM
Thanks for the review.

Jordan's time isn't free so did the builder pay him anything for the new build consultation or was it all factored into the cost of listing your existing home?

I'm in this boat now and I've started having major issues with the builder so I wouldn't mind getting some advice for myself.

09-16-2015, 11:51 AM
Jordan was paid a commission by the builder which is what cloud7 brought up in terms of it affecting negotiations. In my case, the builder was already throwing in $30k in upgrades, (which has now been bumped up to $40k :( damn!) so I personally don't think I would've had much luck negotiating anything in addition to that.

Like I mentioned in my review, it all comes down to your own experience with this sort of thing. Whether you're comfortable going at it alone or needing someone to help you through the process is a decision you have to make.

If you're already working with a builder without a realtor, any realtor you bring in now will not get any commission so if you ask Jordan for assistance/advice now he would be working for free.

09-16-2015, 12:40 PM
I don't believe they are paid a 'normal' commission. I've heard it is a flat fee for bringing a buyer in. Don't know how much truth there is to this though.

09-16-2015, 01:46 PM
Lots of builders may pay a flat fee but realtors avoid them like the plague unless there's nothing else to show their buyers. Of course they don't say this out right but they will find someone else to work with. I wouldn't blame them for doing so either. Any smart builder pays regular 3.5/1.5.

As for negotiation on a new build "it can" affect the negotiating price. I hate it when I hear realtors say it doesn't. I had a friend who worked with a builder rep for 3 months when a realtor jumped in on their house deal to get them a better deal. The builder was kind enough to let the realtor in on the deal so they wouldn't lose the clients but In doing so they didn't get the price for the home they wanted. The buyers then had issues with trusting the builders rep when he said if you get rid of the realtor who shouldn't be a part of the deal to begin with then they would get the price they wanted.

If you use a realtor with a new build make sure they are doing something for you and not just sitting back while you deal with the builder. They won't get you any bigger of a discount then other buyers but they will certainly make sure you aren't over paying vs other comps.

09-16-2015, 01:49 PM
Anyone who has ever worked with Jordan in any capacity would never insinuate that he is just sitting back doing nothing.

I can safely say using Jordan is one of the best financial decisions i have ever made in my life.

09-16-2015, 02:31 PM
Just to clarify: I wasn't referring to Jordan by any means. More a generalized statement from past experiences.

09-16-2015, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by killramos

I can safely say using Jordan is one of the best financial decisions i have ever made in my life.

Yea but does he include Jim as well?

Not all realtors are equal. Some are worth their weight in gold, Jordan is worth his weight in number of Lamborghini's.

09-16-2015, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Justing

Yea but does he include Jim as well?

Not all realtors are equal. Some are worth their weight in gold, Jordan is worth his weight in number of Lamborghini's.
