View Full Version : 'Don't park in front of my ... house' sign effective despite profanity removal

rob the knob
09-22-2015, 08:02 PM
'Don't park in front of my ... house' sign effective despite profanity removal, says Calgarian
Fed up with cars in front of his home, Justin Kern professionally prints a blunt message for passing motorists
By Robson Fletcher, CBC News Posted: Sep 22, 2015 6:10 PM MT Last Updated: Sep 22, 2015 7:54 PM MT

Justin Kern says the problem he previously had with people taking up all the street parking spaces in front of his home has vanished since he put up this sign.

Justin Kern says the problem he previously had with people taking up all the street parking spaces in front of his home has vanished since he put up this sign. (CBC)

Southeast Calgary resident Justin Kern was, so he decided to put up a professionally printed and bluntly worded sign.

"If you don't live here, don't park in front of my ... house," read the original sign, minus one word that caught the attention of city bylaw officers.

'I think anybody that looks at me and sees that I'm covered in tattoos takes it as a threat, but I'm just a big teddy bear.'
- Justin Kern
They left Kern a "notice to remove" the profanity.

He did, by removing the letter 'F' from the beginning of the word and the letter 'G' from the end, but left the other five letters intact — at least for now.

Kern said he may "get around" to removing the rest of the word later, but has no plans to take the sign down.

In fact, he had three other identical signs printed in case this one is vandalized or stolen by an irate neighbour or passerby.

But so far he has had no confrontations, and his neighbours have actually asked to buy a sign of their own.

'I pay taxes' argument

It's all in response to what Kern described as a problem he — like many Calgary homeowners — regularly faces.

"I'm just tired of coming home every day and not having a place to park in front of my house and having to park down the road," he said.

"I pay taxes on my property, so why should I have to park down the street?"

Kern said he recognizes he's not legally entitled to the street parking in front of his home, but he believes it's "common courtesy" for drivers to leave at least one empty space in front of houses they don't live in.

"There's three spots in front of my house," he said. "There's no reason they can't just leave one spot for me."

But Mike Derbyshire, general manager of the Calgary Parking Authority, said there's no obligation for motorists to leave a space in front of private homes when parking on the street.

"People don't own the road space in front of their house," he said. "It's community property, so it belongs to all of the citizens of the City of Calgary."

There's nothing preventing homeowners from putting up signs like this on their property, Derbyshire added, as long as the messages aren't offensive, profane or otherwise violating the law. He said the edited version of Kern's sign is likely legal.

"But clearly it carries no force of law, from a bylaw perspective, if the city didn't put it up," he said.

Derbyshire said the parking authority encourages neighbours who have parking concerns to talk to each other as a first step before putting up signs or leaving notes on vehicles.

Sign effective

Kern said he recognizes the sign might be interpreted in a menacing way, especially with the partially remaining profane word, but it's not intended as such.

"I think anybody that looks at me and sees that I'm covered in tattoos takes it as a threat, but I'm just a big teddy bear," he said.

If nothing else, Kern said the sign has certainly been effective. He hasn't had to park down the street since putting it up.

"Every time I've come home there's always been a spot in front of my house — at least one spot — so it worked," he said. "The city doesn't like it too much … but it worked for me, so I'm going to leave my sign up."

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'Don't park in front of my ... house' sign grabs attention of bylaw, neighbours0:54

Calgarians weigh in

Calgary resident Ken McBean says he's been on the receiving end of residents unhappy with his parking practices. He said once he got a note on his car parked near his office.

"It was a bit threatening, I think," he said.

Laura Strackan, who lives in northwest Calgary, says her neighbours have four cars and will get a "dirty look" every once and a while when the parking in front of her house fills up. She even admits to phoning bylaw to patrol for cars without a residential parking permit, which mandates parking rules in her neighbourhood.

The city says parking can be rezoned if 80 per cent of residents agree, and many areas have residential parking rules in place.

Kirsten Boulay lives in Hillhurst and has two parking permits for her street, but she often lends them out because she has a garage and doesn't need an on-street spot.

Meanwhile, Okotoks resident Andrea Lacroix says she has noticed Calgary has a different mentality when it comes to parking.

"It's a lot more competitive to find parking for sure," she said.

But she adds many people in Okotoks feel they "own" the spot in front of their homes, even if the town doesn't agree.

With files from CBC's Jonathan Love

09-22-2015, 08:32 PM
Rabble rabble rabble?
Is this just an abortion of copy and paste?!

09-22-2015, 08:58 PM
Living on the same street as a couple of apartments, parking can be a hot commodity, usually a few calls to bylaw on the weekend clear out anyone without a permit

kobe tai
09-22-2015, 11:59 PM
I live next to some townhomes and my street is always packed when I get home from work. Annoying as fuck. I resort to slashing tires and keying shit. Next up is some BB gun action and then arson. :devil:

09-23-2015, 12:18 AM
Too bad him and "public domain" guy don't live in the same neighborhood. "Public Domain" guy submits 10 requests a day to remove ads or missing cat posters from trees. They would love this.

09-23-2015, 05:45 AM
I realize that parking on a street is first come first server but I do believe common courtesy especially when you live in a good neighborhood goes a long ways.

Recently they have been building a house next door to me and they have had a garbage bin on the street as well as a trailer unhooked from a truck behind that. Between the bin and trailer I lose a lot of space in front of my place and then someone comes a long and parks in the space in front of my place and I lose my spot.

It can be frustrating and infuriating.

09-23-2015, 06:47 AM
It's not your spot. You're beef is with the garbage bin and the trailer. Both of which you could likely do something about.

09-23-2015, 07:05 AM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer
It's not your spot. You're beer is with the garbage bin and the trailer. Both of which you coup likely do something about.

And apparently your the asshole that everyone hates.

09-23-2015, 07:22 AM
Buy a house with a garage then :dunno:

09-23-2015, 07:25 AM
If you're in a quiet neighborhood then yes you should be courteous and allow your neighbors to park in front of their house.

But if you're in a busy location where parking is very limited, then I guess too bad. It's not your spot. I had this issue when I was going to school in calgary, I just parked around the block and hauled my groceries through the alley. Life goes on.

09-23-2015, 07:31 AM

09-23-2015, 07:44 AM
Originally posted by Cos
Trust me. People don't use their garages. Neighbor has 3 cars. All 3 are on the street. Garage is filled with garden tools and a hockey net. Still not really sure why he doesn't use his pad.
Frequently seen: house has 3 car garage full of shit, parks 5 cars on the street when there's only 2 people living there.

09-23-2015, 08:03 AM
Originally posted by firebane

And apparently your the asshole that everyone hates.

So it is your spot?

I do believe in common courtesy when street parking. I don't habitually park or leave my vehicles for days when I park in front of other residences but there is only so much you can do.

09-23-2015, 08:04 AM
It's a white people thing, using the garage for storing things that are not their cars. I swear we've talked about this before.

09-23-2015, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by rage2
It's a white people thing, using the garage for storing things that are not their cars. I swear we've talked about this before.

And I thought it was a Chinese thing :poosie:

And yea the "may neighbor parked in front of my house what can i do about it" debate is up there with the many other beyond debates that have to be redone every month or 2.

09-23-2015, 08:09 AM
Originally posted by rage2
It's a white people thing, using the garage for storing things that are not their cars. I swear we've talked about this before.

White man speaking here... the garage is an extension of the house. A bedroom/recreation room if you will. A hillbilly shop to attempt projects we don't know much about and then abandon said project in centre of garage and park on the street. :thumbsup: :D

09-23-2015, 08:14 AM

09-23-2015, 08:20 AM
Two things piss me off that I see in my crescent:

1. People with 3+ cars and not one is parked in the garage so it clutters the street (there is one with a new GTR and Audi RS7 parked on the driveway even in the winter...WTF?)

2. 4 story condo complex next to me has people filling up every street parking spot within a 2 block radius. And most of them can't park well.

If you can't fit your vehicles in your assigned parking stalls or your garage/driveway/directly in front of your house then you have too many vehicles.

Although I think the problem in my neighborhood happens to be the number of houses with multiple families or generations in them.

09-23-2015, 08:25 AM
Originally posted by civic_stylez
White man speaking here...
LIAR! Your username is civic :rofl: :rofl:

09-23-2015, 08:33 AM
Parking in front of mailboxes is annoying as well, they should be no parking zones. I have a small garage but do manage to park a van and suv inside with little room to spare. Summer time we only park one car inside and other space is left for bikes, lawnmower and other summertime stuff.

09-23-2015, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by botox
Parking in front of mailboxes is annoying as well, they should be no parking zones. I have a small garage but do manage to park a van and suv inside with little room to spare. Summer time we only park one car inside and other space is left for bikes, lawnmower and other summertime stuff.
Reminds me, I've been meaning to get a garden shed.
Maybe I'll start a thread on that.

09-23-2015, 09:05 AM
Originally posted by firebane
I realize that parking on a street is first come first server but I do believe common courtesy especially when you live in a good neighborhood goes a long ways.

Recently they have been building a house next door to me and they have had a garbage bin on the street as well as a trailer unhooked from a truck behind that. Between the bin and trailer I lose a lot of space in front of my place and then someone comes a long and parks in the space in front of my place and I lose my spot.

It can be frustrating and infuriating.
A trailer can't be unhooked on the street. Call CPA.
A garbage bin can be on the road but you have to pay some hefty fees and get ok'd by the city. Phone 311.

09-23-2015, 09:28 AM
No, he'd much rather bitch about the car that had to park in 'his' spot.

09-23-2015, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by Cos
Trust me. People don't use their garages. Neighbor has 3 cars. All 3 are on the street. Garage is filled with garden tools and a hockey net. Still not really sure why he doesn't use his pad.
This blows me away, you'd think after scraping frost off windows, brushing snow off, warming up the car every morning for months that the idea of using your garage for you car would be so damn appealing :nut:

09-23-2015, 09:41 AM

09-23-2015, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by rage2
It's a white people thing, using the garage for storing things that are not their cars. I swear we've talked about this before.

Because people fully develop their basements and then realize they don't have room to put shit.

09-23-2015, 10:13 AM
My Filipino neighbor across the street has a big family, so they have 3 cars at home every evening, minimum. When they have any family over (which is common), they add anywhere from 1-3 cars.

The owner's personal car is parked in front of home, and because he is laid off I have literally not seen it move in months. Add to all this the fact he turned his garage into a games room, plus the limited parking in Kincora in the first place, and it's a recipe for rarely having available street parking in the vicinity of my house.

It hasn't really been a major issue in the past, since visitors can generally park in front of my driveway. But we plan on getting a renter in our basement shortly, and she has nowhere to park. Not really sure what I can do to combat this, but putting a sign in front of my house (which this neighbor actually DID for a few weeks) is not the answer.

My relationship with the neighbor is already somewhat strained and I'm already miffed at his lack of courtesy, but I'm going to have to have a chat with him and hope it works, because there's really nothing else I can do.

09-24-2015, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Cos
Trust me. People don't use their garages. Neighbor has 3 cars. All 3 are on the street. Garage is filled with garden tools and a hockey net. Still not really sure why he doesn't use his pad.

Sounds like my street in Redstone. Every house on the street has a 2 car garage at the back yet everyone parks 2 or 3 cars on the street. back when the city was doing black/blue bin pick ups on the main street I would leave my bins in front of the house to "hold" a spot and my neighbours would move the bins onto my lawn.

I actually had one guy get out of his car and knock the black bin over into my lawn so I came out and leaned it over his front bumper.

Honestly, I think that I might be 1 of the few people that actually parks their car in the garage on that street :banghead:

Originally posted by rage2
It's a white people thing, using the garage for storing things that are not their cars. I swear we've talked about this before.

One thing that I noticed while living in Martindale is that a lot of brown people seem to use their garages as a sitting area with couches and fold up chairs along with a BBQ. :confused:

09-24-2015, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by kobe tai
I live next to some townhomes and my street is always packed when I get home from work. Annoying as fuck. I resort to slashing tires and keying shit. Next up is some BB gun action and then arson. :devil:
Maybe if you're going to pot dumb things, true or not, you may want to do so without having your personal information so easily found.

Besides, the townhouse complex near where you live looks pretty nice :)

09-24-2015, 10:57 AM
So the guy at the centre of attention for putting up this sign apparently has a garage that he rents to someone else. LMAO!

09-24-2015, 11:05 AM
Originally posted by A790

Maybe if you're going to post dumb things, true or not, you may want to do so without having your personal information so easily found.

Besides, the townhouse complex near where you live looks pretty nice :)
i found it too after seeing your post

09-24-2015, 12:38 PM
I would park right in front of his house just to prove a point. Its not his, nor will it ever be his spot. Only way i could see this being at all reasonable is if its a permit parking only or someone is parking illegally, neither of which are the case in this circumstance.

09-24-2015, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by Cos

People are always shocked I have 2 cars, a bike, and a my work space in my garage. LOL

Same here, 2 cars, motorcycle, work area, 4 sets of tires (truck and car), 2 massive toolboxes, fridge, tons of storage shelving...

problem is I also have 5 vehicles in total so my other 2 cars on the street, 3 roomies and gf...

so when everyone is home and gf is over.. thats 6 cars out front in some manner.

Ive chatted with my one neighbour (asian family, 3 cars), his house doesnt park in my spots, mine wont park in his. Also chatted with guy across the street too, just to make sure he didnt need both of the spots out front of his house. Just be courteous. Its not hard.

09-24-2015, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by GOnSHO
problem is I also have 5 vehicles in total so my other 2 cars on the street, 3 roomies and gf...

so when everyone is home and gf is over.. thats 6 cars out front in some manner.

Glad you don't live on my street.

09-24-2015, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by GOnSHO

Same here, 2 cars, motorcycle, work area, 4 sets of tires (truck and car), 2 massive toolboxes, fridge, tons of storage shelving...

how big us your garage? I have a detached 20x22 (which I believe was the standard in Redstone?) and I can only park a nissan frontier, a small sedan and I have one of those costco snap on metal shelves.
It drives me nuts that I cant walk around the garage without rubbing on one of the cars.

09-24-2015, 01:45 PM
Any see this guys pic on the news, its not hard to understand why he is bitching about having to walk an extra 5-10 seconds to his house....

09-24-2015, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by OTown
I would park right in front of his house just to prove a point. Its not his, nor will it ever be his spot. Only way i could see this being at all reasonable is if its a permit parking only or someone is parking illegally, neither of which are the case in this circumstance.

Exactly what I said to my wife last night as we were watching the news about him. Fucking whiny baby. So you rent out your garage so you can make extra money, and then take up valuble parking space in front and then complain when someone else legally parks in it?

:drama: :whocares:

Originally posted by Canucks3322
Any see this guys pic on the news, its not hard to understand why he is bitching about having to walk an extra 5-10 seconds to his house....
That made me laugh.

Robin Goodfellow
09-24-2015, 02:04 PM
I have 150 feet of frontage, and one vehicle.

And if there's not room for me to park my one vehicle, there's fucking hell to pay.

Thankfully me and my neighbors have all achieved a sort of an understanding.

We're all equally diligent about enforcing this - I've asked my guests to park up the block or across the street, and have seen my neighbors do the same. Through mutual-interest, we enforce a system that gives us all peace of mind.

The whole system works, and is only upset when the renters across the street, or their guests take one of our spots. The first time, a note is left. After that, inconvenient and vague things happen.

Sometimes the victims don't even notice, and if they do, the source or timing are unclear. But enough uncertainty is created that they choose not to roll the dice next time.

09-24-2015, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow
The first time, a note is left. After that, inconvenient and vague things happen.

Sometimes the victims don't even notice, and if they do, the source or timing are unclear. But enough uncertainty is created that they choose not to roll the dice next time.
Where do you live? I want to park in front of your house to see if you're as tough as you say you are. :rolleyes:

09-24-2015, 02:10 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow
I have 150 feet of frontage, and one vehicle.

And if there's not room for me to park my one vehicle, there's fucking hell to pay.

Thankfully me and my neighbors have all achieved a sort of an understanding.

We're all equally diligent about enforcing this - I've asked my guests to park up the block or across the street, and have seen my neighbors do the same. Through mutual-interest, we enforce a system that gives us all peace of mind.

The whole system works, and is only upset when the renters across the street, or their guests take one of our spots. The first time, a note is left. After that, inconvenient and vague things happen.

Sometimes the victims don't even notice, and if they do, the source or timing are unclear. But enough uncertainty is created that they choose not to roll the dice next time.

Congratulations. You just lowered yourself down to a douchebag, worse than the parking offenders themselves.

09-24-2015, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by Inzane

Glad you don't live on my street.

LOL!! nobody parks out front on my street, my one neighbour (from previous post) guy with 1 vehicle across the street and thats it really.

The immediate houses around me dont use the front.

Originally posted by Proyecto2000

how big us your garage? I have a detached 20x22 (which I believe was the standard in Redstone?) and I can only park a nissan frontier, a small sedan and I have one of those costco snap on metal shelves.
It drives me nuts that I cant walk around the garage without rubbing on one of the cars.

ummmm 30x20, attached, i believe

09-24-2015, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow
The first time, a note is left. After that, inconvenient and vague things happen.

Sometimes the victims don't even notice, and if they do, the source or timing are unclear. But enough uncertainty is created that they choose not to roll the dice next time.

:rofl: :rofl:

So butthurt. If you're going to make something happen at least don't be a big pussy bitch about it.

You afraid of backlash so you'd rather be petty from the shadows?

09-24-2015, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by GOnSHO
LOL!! nobody parks out front on my street, my one neighbour (from previous post) guy with 1 vehicle across the street and thats it really.

The immediate houses around me dont use the front.

So where are all your extra vehicles then? Your previous post seemed to imply they were all parked out front.

09-24-2015, 03:15 PM
Originally posted by Inzane

So where are all your extra vehicles then? Your previous post seemed to imply they were all parked out front.

i have 2 cars and motorcycle in the garage.

my truck and other car sit out front of my house, 3 roomies on the road as well, as i said, nobody else on my street uses the front really.

09-24-2015, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by GOnSHO
LOL!! nobody parks out front on my street, my one neighbour (from previous post) guy with 1 vehicle across the street and thats it really.
Originally posted by Inzane
So where are all your extra vehicles then? Your previous post seemed to imply they were all parked out front.
Originally posted by GOnSHO
my truck and other car sit out front of my house, 3 roomies on the road as well, as i said, nobody else on my street uses the front really.
There's a BIG difference.

09-24-2015, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow
I have 150 feet of frontage, and one vehicle.

And if there's not room for me to park my one vehicle, there's fucking hell to pay.

Thankfully me and my neighbors have all achieved a sort of an understanding.

We're all equally diligent about enforcing this - I've asked my guests to park up the block or across the street, and have seen my neighbors do the same. Through mutual-interest, we enforce a system that gives us all peace of mind.

The whole system works, and is only upset when the renters across the street, or their guests take one of our spots. The first time, a note is left. After that, inconvenient and vague things happen.

Sometimes the victims don't even notice, and if they do, the source or timing are unclear. But enough uncertainty is created that they choose not to roll the dice next time.

What part of "you do not own the parking spots in front of your house" do you not understand?

You're leaving notes and then allude that you vandalizing them if they persist?


09-24-2015, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by JustinMCS
What part of "you do not own the parking spots in front of your house" do you not understand?

You're leaving notes and then allude that you vandalizing them if they persist?

How many car2go's does it take to line up 150ft of frontage?
Everyone wanna go and line up the car2gos and then have a camera waiting?

09-24-2015, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by jwslam

How many car2go's does it take to line up 150ft of frontage?
Everyone wanna go and line up the car2gos and then have a camera waiting?

+1 lmao

09-24-2015, 03:37 PM
Robin Goodfellow:

Will supposedly teach his daughter how to protect herself from online predators but be a big pussy when comes to a spot on the road that is not legally his.

Or maybe he's just not afraid to speak with his daughter like an adult because there's no backlash :rofl:

09-24-2015, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by GOnSHO

i have 2 cars and motorcycle in the garage.

my truck and other car sit out front of my house, 3 roomies on the road as well, as i said, nobody else on my street uses the front really.

Ah so I did have it right the first time. Your single "household" contributes to FIVE vehicles being parked on the street on a regular basis.

Hence my comment that I'm glad you don't live on my street.

09-24-2015, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Inzane

Ah so I did have it right the first time. Your single "household" contributes to FIVE vehicles being parked on the street on a regular basis.

Hence my comment that I'm glad you don't live on my street.

Nobody parks on his street because it's already full of 5-6 cars from his house. Holy crap.

Robin Goodfellow
09-24-2015, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by JustinMCS

What part of "you do not own the parking spots in front of your house" do you not understand?

You're leaving notes and then allude that you vandalizing them if they persist?


I don't own my wife either - Doesn't mean I let other guys fuck her.

Robin Goodfellow
09-24-2015, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by rx7boi
Robin Goodfellow:

Will supposedly teach his daughter how to protect herself from online predators but be a big pussy when comes to a spot on the road that is not legally his.

Or maybe he's just not afraid to speak with his daughter like an adult because there's no backlash :rofl:

If I see the person, I will talk to them. If not, I will leave a note

A pussy would keep asking. After asking, I act.

I'm not sure how you figure my reaction is pussy - What manly response would you suggest?

09-24-2015, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow

If I see the person, I will talk to them. If not, I will leave a note

A pussy would keep asking. After asking, I act.

I'm sure how you figure my reaction is pussy - What manly response would you suggest?
How about growing a pair, realizing the spot is NOT yours, and taking the high road by walking an extra 2 meters?

That's what a real man would do.

Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow

I don't own my wife either - Doesn't mean I let other guys fuck her.

How is that even close to being similar? We are talking about public parking, right? I just want to make sure im still on the same thread.

Robin Goodfellow
09-24-2015, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by rx7boi

:rofl: :rofl:

So butthurt. If you're going to make something happen at least don't be a big pussy bitch about it.

You afraid of backlash so you'd rather be petty from the shadows?

Pure pragmatism. I just want space to park my van in front of my house, and see no sense risking my own safety and vehicle to do it.

It sounds like there's a lot of butthurt here over my responses. I expect they are from folks who don't own their own homes, or don't compete with renters for parking in front of their own house.

I can't imagine any homeowner that would cheerfully abdicate the spot in front of their own house to renters.

09-24-2015, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow

Pure pragmatism. I just want space to park my van in front of my house, and see no sense risking my own safety and vehicle to do it.

It sounds like there's a lot of butthurt here over my responses. I expect they are from folks who don't own their own homes, or don't compete with renters for parking in front of their own house.

I can't imagine any homeowner that would cheerfully abdicate the spot in front of their own house to renters.
I own multiple homes. Does that make my opinion of your stupidity more valid than someone who only owns one, or GASP, none at all?


09-24-2015, 04:44 PM
Originally posted by BerserkerCatSplat

Nobody parks on his street because it's already full of 5-6 cars from his house. Holy crap.

nope, nobody parks on the street because nobody parks on the street, when i had 1 roommate, there was still nobody on the street..

09-24-2015, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow

I can't imagine any homeowner that would cheerfully abdicate the spot in front of their own house to renters.

I cant imagine any homeowner that would cheerfully admit to criminally vandalizing vehicles that are legally parked because it does not correspond with his misguided opinion and unrealistic ideals. You really are irrational and disconnected from reality.

How many times do we have to say this? Its not your driveway, your land ends at your property line. You don't own the space. You never can. You never will. Its PUBLIC land. Its a street. Everyone pays for it. And unless there is a bylaw preventing them to do so (permit, etc) they can park there. End of story. I can't believe you are arguing something so black and white.

09-24-2015, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by GOnSHO

nope, nobody parks on the street because nobody parks on the street, when i had 1 roommate, there was still nobody on the street..

So five cars = zero cars? I confused. You just said you have 2 extra vehicles and 3 roommate vehicles out on the street. Unless my math is wrong, that equals 5.

09-24-2015, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow

I don't own my wife either - Doesn't mean I let other guys fuck her.

You don't let other guys fuck her, or she doesn't allow other guys to fuck her?

09-24-2015, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow

I don't own my wife either - Doesn't mean I let other guys fuck her.

To make an accurate comparison between your parking situation and your wife, we need to know how much frontage she has.

Originally posted by sexualbanana

You don't let other guys fuck her, or she doesn't allow other guys to fuck her?

Even if it did happen, he'd probably just write the guy a note.

09-24-2015, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow

I don't own my wife either - Doesn't mean I let other guys fuck her.

You're such a tool.

My neighbour, across the street (I have a corner lot), said hey man park your bike in front of my house any time you want, because there is a guy who always fly around the corner in his big truck and I don't want to see your beautiful bikes knocked over!

He parks in front of my house when he mows the lawn, so he don't damage his paint. I just park behind him or around the corner.

Much more positive vibe on my block than your negative ass note writing self.

09-24-2015, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by Inzane

So five cars = zero cars? I confused. You just said you have 2 extra vehicles and 3 roommate vehicles out on the street. Unless my math is wrong, that equals 5.

Nobody but MY HOUSE uses the street and the neighbours ive previously stated. Therefore we are not causing issues for anyone..

How is it not making sense?? i previously stated my house has cars parked out front, also stated that other people do not use the front street..

:banghead: :banghead:

09-24-2015, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by GOnSHO

Nobody but MY HOUSE uses the street and the neighbours ive previously stated. Therefore we are not causing issues for anyone..

How is it not making sense?? i previously stated my house has cars parked out front, also stated that other people do not use the front street..

:banghead: :banghead:

afaik there is no limit to how many cars can be parked on the street by a single house hold or owner, just rules on duration of a stay without the car being moved.

09-24-2015, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by FraserB

To make an accurate comparison between your parking situation and your wife, we need to know how much frontage she has.

Also if she has rear parking access.

09-24-2015, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by GOnSHO

Nobody but MY HOUSE uses the street and the neighbours ive previously stated. Therefore we are not causing issues for anyone..

How is it not making sense?? i previously stated my house has cars parked out front, also stated that other people do not use the front street..

:banghead: :banghead:

OKAY. Then you are simply LUCKY you have a situation where no one else around you seems to need to have vehicles parked out front or you might have issues.

You are an anomaly [5 vehicle owner (??) PLUS 3 roommates], and apparently your neighbors are too for never having their own conflicting need for the space (even occasionally) that all those fucking vehicles are taking up.

PS - ever consider getting an acreage?

09-24-2015, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow

If I see the person, I will talk to them. If not, I will leave a note

A pussy would keep asking. After asking, I act.

I'm not sure how you figure my reaction is pussy - What manly response would you suggest?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: By acting, I am quite sure you do mean doing something inconvenient and vague to them or their vehicles because the note didn't work.

Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow

Pure pragmatism. I just want space to park my van in front of my house, and see no sense risking my own safety and vehicle to do it.

It sounds like there's a lot of butthurt here over my responses. I expect they are from folks who don't own their own homes, or don't compete with renters for parking in front of their own house.

I can't imagine any homeowner that would cheerfully abdicate the spot in front of their own house to renters.

Pragmatism is not the same as being a passive aggressive bitch like you are.

No one's butthurt about your responses per se but you're certainly butthurt about losing your perceived public parking spot.

We are just surprised that for someone who likes to stand tall on the forums, you sure as shit come off looking like a little bitch in the end.

"Oh no, they keep parking in the public spot in front of my house so I'll take matters into my own hands...although I still don't want them to know who I am because I am afraid of the repercussions but I can't do it too blatantly either so I'll do small things to make their lives inconvenient and vague."

Looks like you're the only one who would stoop to secretly intimidating others (in whatever pussy way you do) from risking parking in the public space in front of your house so that you have easy access to it.

Are you sure you're not a carbon copy of the faggot in OP's article? Nigga plz :rofl:

09-24-2015, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Robin Goodfellow
I have 150 feet of frontage, and one vehicle.

And if there's not room for me to park my one vehicle, there's fucking hell to pay.

Thankfully me and my neighbors have all achieved a sort of an understanding.

We're all equally diligent about enforcing this - I've asked my guests to park up the block or across the street, and have seen my neighbors do the same. Through mutual-interest, we enforce a system that gives us all peace of mind.

The whole system works, and is only upset when the renters across the street, or their guests take one of our spots. The first time, a note is left. After that, inconvenient and vague things happen.

Sometimes the victims don't even notice, and if they do, the source or timing are unclear. But enough uncertainty is created that they choose not to roll the dice next time.

This goes Beyond hypocrisy. You're full blown retard.

09-25-2015, 11:47 AM
For my house and the two immediate neighbours there's room to fit 5 cars. The only times I really have an issue with parking is when there are three spaces available and someone manages to place their vehicle in such a way as to make it impossible to fit behind them, and impossible to park in front without encroaching on the neighbour's driveway.

09-25-2015, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by snowcat
afaik there is no limit to how many cars can be parked on the street by a single house hold or owner, just rules on duration of a stay without the car being moved.

This is true. I thought that if it was ensured and registered it was good to go, but if a car hasn't been moved in 72 hours it's able to be towed by the city.

09-25-2015, 12:27 PM
My place has room for 6 cars on the street and I don't really care much except that idiots seem to park their $500 dented, leaky, mismatched POS vehicles infront of my place.
Yeah, thanks, make my place look like a slum for google street view?!

Anything be done on bylaw for excessive oil leaky vehicles?
And gas too.. the smell is pungent sometimes.

09-25-2015, 12:36 PM
If you don't want to deal with neighbours and bylaws move onto an acerage well out of the city.

Problem solved.

Until then follow the bylaws and stfu :dunno:

09-25-2015, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by mr2mike
My place has room for 6 cars on the street and I don't really care much except that idiots seem to park their $500 dented, leaky, mismatched POS vehicles infront of my place.
Yeah, thanks, make my place look like a slum for google street view?!

Anything be done on bylaw for excessive oil leaky vehicles?
And gas too.. the smell is pungent sometimes.

i think there was a full thread on oil leaks recently. Actually taken really seriously by the city

09-25-2015, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by mr2mike
My place has room for 6 cars on the street and I don't really care much except that idiots seem to park their $500 dented, leaky, mismatched POS vehicles infront of my place.
Yeah, thanks, make my place look like a slum for google street view?!

Anything be done on bylaw for excessive oil leaky vehicles?
And gas too.. the smell is pungent sometimes.

Originally posted by killramos

i think there was a full thread on oil leaks recently. Actually taken really seriously by the city

I posted in that thread after calling bylaw on a leaky truck (oil). Stains all over the street with run off onto the curb. CPA came by and basically said "meh" and called me to say they couldn't/wouldn't do anything. CPA then told me to call the fire department (non-emerg) to ask if they could come put an oil absorbant down, and then the FD would determine if they wanted CPA to issue a ticket. FFS, YOU call the FD you dummies :nut:

They city isn't strict on this at all, unless you catch someone in the act leaking oil on the street. I found it an entire waste of time to file a complaint :dunno:

09-25-2015, 02:00 PM
This thread is a good reminder of why I won't live on a street full of entry level houses... CARS EVERYWHERE.

09-25-2015, 04:02 PM
So to summarize, Robin apparently has his wife on a leash because she's incapable of making her own decisions, and likely vandalizing vehicles parked in front of his house.

Robin Goodfellow
09-26-2015, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by snowcat

Much more positive vibe on my block than your negative ass note writing self.

The vibe on my block is incredible. It's rather like a giant club. We all get along and look out for each others interests.

Across the street, howevever, it's another matter. All of the houses are rentals, and it's a revolving door of asshole renters who bring all sorts of nuisances into our neighborhood. In general we view them with suspicion.

09-26-2015, 04:17 PM
having a gang assassination attempt right in front works well for keeping spots in front of our place clear.....been quiet all week :devil: