View Full Version : Edmonton Cab Drviers Threaten to Strike over Uber

09-23-2015, 08:54 AM

09-23-2015, 09:01 AM
In New York where the ruling on Uber versus the Taxi industry, the Taxi groups were basically told "Compete or die". It should be the same thing.


Checker has put out a pretty decent app, but it's nowhere near Uber's sophistication. I think a lot of the backlash revolves around the value of the licenses/medallions plummeting with Uber.

09-23-2015, 09:23 AM
I think its perfectly fine to allow uber but they need to let cabs play by the same rules re: licensing, insurance, registration, fees.

It costs a shit ton of money to operate a cab.

That says i think most cab drivers are fucking criminals but that doesn't mean i think that some people should have to play by one set of rules and uber by another.

09-23-2015, 11:14 AM
I don't understand how Uber manages to even take off - playing taxi cab driver is not my idea of a good time. Low profit, increased risk of being in an accident, and god knows who you're picking up ..... is the typical Uber driver an unemployed hobo ... from the occasional article I've read some (?most?) drivers barely break even? :dunno:

09-23-2015, 11:34 AM
I'd be down to be a uber driver.. If I could pick my customers based on boobie sizes and weight.

09-23-2015, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by M.alex
I don't understand how Uber manages to even take off - playing taxi cab driver is not my idea of a good time. Low profit, increased risk of being in an accident, and god knows who you're picking up ..... is the typical Uber driver an unemployed hobo ...
Originally posted by OneGreasyHobo
I'd be down to be a uber driver.

Sounds like you have your answer! :rofl:

09-23-2015, 11:41 AM
^ hehehehe

But seriously, the only uber driver I saw was some hobo looking guy handing mini dougnuts out in his mini van. This was downtown this summer.

Would totally get in his van. :rofl:

09-23-2015, 11:50 AM
Just came back from LA where I exclusively used Uber. Pretty interesting, very efficient and cheaper than cabs. From what I gather Uber is to the taxi industry what McDonalds and fast food are to the restaurant industry. Basically Uber will suck out all the big profits (was there any to begin with?) out of the industry. What we'll see are young kids taking over transportation making basically a smidge over minimun wage, but they're happy about it because its better than flipping burgers.

Capitalism at its finest.

09-23-2015, 11:54 AM
Uber all the way.. When you Uber, You know when they are coming.. With the damn cabbies, its a guessing game LoL.. Oh.. and the price difference as well...

09-23-2015, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by supe
Capitalism at its finest.

This. What most people don't know is that there are multipliers if demand is high, I.e. there's a sports event, 1am on a Saturday during stampede week. The rates of uber drivers go up so they'll make more money as a driver. Essentially you're paying market rates to go somewhere. You get drivers who only work during peek times for a few days a week and they're good for the month. Or you can choose to be a bottom feeder to pick up jobs on a slow day.

09-23-2015, 01:03 PM
Can you choose your fares too? Let's say you had to drive across town for an errand, could you look for a fare that took you part of the way?

09-23-2015, 01:16 PM
Uber ftw.

Fuck taxi companies and their drivers.

09-23-2015, 01:42 PM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
Can you choose your fares too? Let's say you had to drive across town for an errand, could you look for a fare that took you part of the way?

Not really sure what you mean but I think the answer is no. However there is a new carpooling option where you can split the cost with a random that is taking the same route as you. Probably only works for popular routes tho. The sports event example above would probably be a good example.

09-23-2015, 01:45 PM
Taxi's are the blockbuster of the transportation market. As someone mentioned earlier, "compete or die"

09-23-2015, 01:49 PM
took uber black in LA... fantastic, 1000x better than a cab, they offer you bottled water, speak english, dont smell, drive much better than cabbies, and no need to tip or carry cash, worry about card skims, etc, etc

09-23-2015, 01:56 PM
I think its funny how many people scream compete or die when taxis are literally regulated so heavily that they cant compete.

Taxis are buying cigarettes from 7-11. Taxes are paid, quality is ensured, everything is legal and safe.

Uber is buying cigarettes from the native guy in the parking lot out of the trunk of his car.

Personally i am all for deregulating the industry. But not just for Uber drivers, get rid of the registration costs, medallion fees, drivers licensing requirements, insurance requirements, taxi limits.

Maybe it leads to problems, maybe it doesn't. I know unregulated cabs have led to serious problems in other parts of the world. I have lived in parts of the world where getting in a cab with painted on letters ( fake ) can mean being kidnapped or mugged.

I want a real legal free market, not the farce with Uber drivers ignoring all the laws to undercut an established industry.

To me the arguments for uber seems a lot like the arguments to stealing media online, "cab drivers charge to much therefore i should be allowed to use an illegal alternative".

And people on here have seen how much i despise cabs as much as the next guy.


09-23-2015, 02:00 PM
I would love it if edmonton cab drivers went on strike, that just means uber will increase their territory by 1000%

09-23-2015, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by ercchry
took uber black in LA... fantastic, 1000x better than a cab, they offer you bottled water, speak english, dont smell, drive much better than cabbies, and no need to tip or carry cash, worry about card skims, etc, etc

My Uber Black experience was quite different... I got into seattle a bit late and they didn't offer UberX from the Airport downtown, so I was like "what the hell, lets get a black" (its probably going to be around the same price as a $40 cab ride).

Guy comes up in a miled 2007 Town Car which he told me he purchased for 5k. Good dude, but we got to chatting and he mentioned that he dropped out of school to drive uber black, works about 16 hours a day, but clears close to 5k a week! ... At this point, I'm like well fuck... how much is this going to run me?... - US $85... fml. Never again haha.

09-23-2015, 02:17 PM
If Uber means I don't have to deal with a taxi driver in Las Vegas, all for it. The last few times I've taken a limo from the airport as the taxi drivers are too chatty and a couple of them had body odour issues. Also, I had two taxi drivers refuse to take me on a couple of trips as the destination was two miles away and it was viewed as not far enough for their effort.

09-23-2015, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by killramos
Personally i am all for deregulating the industry. But not just for Uber drivers, get rid of the registration costs, medallion fees, drivers licensing requirements, insurance requirements, taxi limits.


I want a real legal free market, not the farce with Uber drivers ignoring all the laws to undercut an established industry.
What I find hilarious is the taxi lobby got all these rules put in to keep competition out. Now it's those same cock suckers realizing their own overbearing rules will mean their demise. :nut:

I think the only two things required to make an Uber driver on par with a cab is insurance and some sort of background screening. However, peer reviews = probably just as good as background. Uber's covered all it's bases IMO. Monopoly's over bitches.

09-23-2015, 02:23 PM
The Taxi license system is a city imposed and maintained private monopoly.

These licenses have no business being worth $80,000 + per car. Quite obviously, the system is broken.

I for one welcome our new Uber overlords.

09-23-2015, 02:25 PM
Originally posted by Feruk

What I find hilarious is the taxi lobby got all these rules put in to keep competition out. Now it's those same cock suckers realizing their own overbearing rules will mean their demise. :nut:


ex fucking zactly

09-23-2015, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by Neil4Speed

My Uber Black experience was quite different... I got into seattle a bit late and they didn't offer UberX from the Airport downtown, so I was like "what the hell, lets get a black" (its probably going to be around the same price as a $40 cab ride).

Guy comes up in a miled 2007 Town Car which he told me he purchased for 5k. Good dude, but we got to chatting and he mentioned that he dropped out of school to drive uber black, works about 16 hours a day, but clears close to 5k a week! ... At this point, I'm like well fuck... how much is this going to run me?... - US $85... fml. Never again haha.

Similar experience for me. I got the app this spring in Edmonton.

I wanted a ride from the north end to the south end, thought I'd try it out. Quoted me $45 for the trip, uh, that's the cost of a cab ride? So I hopped on the LRT instead and took a bus home for $3.25. Probably took an extra 30 minutes that way honestly.

09-23-2015, 02:27 PM
Moral of the story is if you want to have an enjoyable experience in a car drive your fucking self.

09-23-2015, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by CanmoreOrLess
If Uber means I don't have to deal with a taxi driver in Las Vegas, all for it. The last few times I've taken a limo from the airport as the taxi drivers are too chatty and a couple of them had body odour issues. Also, I had two taxi drivers refuse to take me on a couple of trips as the destination was two miles away and it was viewed as not far enough for their effort.

haha. Vegas sucks for cab service. At $10 to $15 a day, i just rent.

09-23-2015, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by killramos
Moral of the story is if you want to have an enjoyable experience in a car drive your fucking self.

No thats not the moral. Have you ever used uber? I have in the US and it was fucking awesome. would NEVER take a cab in an uber city. People are friendly, give you tips on what to do, will wait for you to pick shit up at stores for dirt cheap (pennies per minute).

Uber rules, we need it in calgary ASAP. About time the shit cab industry had some real competition.

09-23-2015, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Neil4Speed

Guy comes up in a miled 2007 Town Car which he told me he purchased for 5k. Good dude, but we got to chatting and he mentioned that he dropped out of school to drive uber black, works about 16 hours a day, but clears close to 5k a week! ... At this point, I'm like well fuck... how much is this going to run me?... - US $85... fml. Never again haha.

5K a week? I'm going to quit my job and just be an uber driver.

I personally think Uber is a great idea, competition is good for any industry and market, and Calgary's taxi service could definitely use some competition, gives us more choices as well.

09-23-2015, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by killramos
I think its perfectly fine to allow uber but they need to let cabs play by the same rules re: licensing, insurance, registration, fees.


Ive heard horror stories of people getting into accidents in uber vehicles and not being covered by insurance because the driver wasnt properly insured. I can see huge liability issues here.

How will they regulate it though?

09-23-2015, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by OTown


Ive heard horror stories of people getting into accidents in uber vehicles and not being covered by insurance because the driver wasnt properly insured. I can see huge liability issues here.

How will they regulate it though?

Through this

09-23-2015, 04:35 PM
Yup.... Intact Insurance has said its willing, others will follow.

09-23-2015, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by OTown


Ive heard horror stories of people getting into accidents in uber vehicles and not being covered by insurance because the driver wasnt properly insured. I can see huge liability issues here.

How will they regulate it though?

The stories are half-truths. Passengers of Uber cars are covered by Uber itself, as is the other car if the Uber driver was at fault.

The only thing that isn't covered by any insurance is the Uber drivers vehicle itself.

09-24-2015, 07:57 AM
Originally posted by Neil4Speed
At this point, I'm like well fuck... how much is this going to run me?... - US $85... fml. Never again haha.

Idk if it was a new addition, but I would always use the fare estimate tool when used Uber in EU this summer, the end result was never anymore than +/- 1£/€ off from the estimate.

The only time I used UberBlack was in Holland (the rest were usually UberPop/X), because that's all they had at the time, did not complain about getting rides everywhere in turbo-diesel german saloons :D (which also seem to be the bulk majority of most cabs in northern EU as well as P85s, never seen so many Teslas in my life).

Talking to people in EU their view on Uber was essentially 'we love Uber'. Despite all the protests in France and Spain about Uber, they generally have accepted UberX and higher services (yes even the cabbies, although I noticed in London the cabbies would give a good stare down if they knew it was a Uber car), they were mostly rioting about UberPop I believe, which is basically dirt cheap. The drivers were extremely helpful and had a sense of pride in showing off their particular city I found.

The one driver in Brussels unfortunately had to let us off behind the hotel because apparently taxi drivers get very vocal/physical if they spot a Uber driver there :/

We only used a cab once in Europe because we got stranded at Tomorrowland the first night :rolleyes:, that was an expensive cab ride home.

If Uber came here I would never take a taxi again, ever.

09-24-2015, 08:06 AM
An associate of mine owns a large cab company, we discussed Uber a bit this week. Very interesting viewpoints, many of which were not negative either. It will be interesting to see what comes of it all!

09-24-2015, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Toma
Yup.... Intact Insurance has said its willing, others will follow.

Ah like I said they are unverified stories ive heard so im open to seeing how this could work. Competition is a good thing; I just hope its implemented responsibly, regulated, and no one gets screwed.

09-24-2015, 10:20 PM
i tried uber in LA as well. It was a fantastic experience. Everyone rates the ride, the cars are maintained (from what I have seen). West hollywood to aiport was $18 bucks vs $50 taxi.

The compete or die is really, evolve or die. The taxi system has become archaic and outdated. There is no need for dispatch anymore for one.

09-25-2015, 12:04 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
An associate of mine owns a large cab company, we discussed Uber a bit this week. Very interesting viewpoints, many of which were not negative either. It will be interesting to see what comes of it all!

This guy on beyond.ca made a post he tried to share information, it sounded interesting but he really didn't say anything.

09-25-2015, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by roopi

This guy on beyond.ca made a post he tried to share information, it sounded interesting but he really didn't say anything.

09-25-2015, 08:43 AM

09-25-2015, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by roopi
This guy on beyond.ca made a post he tried to share information, it sounded interesting but he really didn't say anything.


Didn't feel like paraphrasing a 40 minute conversation but for simplicity sake it's safe to say that he's more of the evolve or die mindset. The lack of evolution seems to sit more squarely on the shoulders of the City than on the company proper, at least in our jurisdiction. The conversation and overall position as a whole just surprised me.

While the complete lack of regulation doesn't necessarily make for a fair competition, the upheaval being caused in so many jurisdictions is welcomed (at least in part by some Owners) as it's going to force the Administrations to address the issues and allow more change. I was surprised, as we discussed some longstanding issues, by just how much the City itself has historically stonewalled change within that industry. Is that in every City? Impossible for me to say. Eye-opening conversation for myself though and a refreshing one given what you see in the media lately by Cab companies (it was the Edmonton debacle that sparked the convo).

That's about all I have to say about that. ;)

09-25-2015, 10:28 AM
If they strike, just rush Uber in faster. They can strike, or adapt... seems like a simple solution.

09-25-2015, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by JRSC00LUDE
The lack of evolution seems to sit more squarely on the shoulders of the City than on the company proper, at least in our jurisdiction.
Blaming government while running a shitty company is a load of crap IMO. Uber is only a ground breaker because of how pathetic the quality of service has been.

Wanna compete with Uber? Build a quality app, properly staff your call center, and force your drivers to take a shower. I remember being on hold for 30 minutes waiting for someone at an understaffed call center to answer. Drivers who either barely spoke English, stunk, played weird foreign music while talking to someone on the phone, or flat out tried to rip me off taking slower routes.

Regulation by government doesn't affect ANY of those things. The cab companies were practically begging to have their business taken away.

09-25-2015, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Feruk

Blaming government while running a shitty company is a load of crap IMO. Uber is only a ground breaker because of how pathetic the quality of service has been.

Wanna compete with Uber? Build a quality app, properly staff your call center, and force your drivers to take a shower. I remember being on hold for 30 minutes waiting for someone at an understaffed call center to answer. Drivers who either barely spoke English, stunk, played weird foreign music while talking to someone on the phone, or flat out tried to rip me off taking slower routes.

Regulation by government doesn't affect ANY of those things. The cab companies were practically begging to have their business taken away.

Well it's a good thing I wasn't referring to any of those things with my statement then! The historical issues that local Government can be blamed for, in my daily locale, appears to be lack of licenses and availability. If I have an Owner stating outright that he has been historically handcuffed in that regard, who am I (or you) to say otherwise? All the other things you mention (some of which apply here and I have complained about a lot) are operational issues so who would blame Government for that? :)

Like I said, it's nice to hear someone who knows about a million percent more about the industry than you or I acknowledge that the shakeup is good to force broad change in a tired industry. From both Government and Owners.

09-25-2015, 12:11 PM
Originally posted by killramos
I think its funny how many people scream compete or die when taxis are literally regulated so heavily that they cant compete.

Taxis are buying cigarettes from 7-11. Taxes are paid, quality is ensured, everything is legal and safe.

Uber is buying cigarettes from the native guy in the parking lot out of the trunk of his car.

Personally i am all for deregulating the industry. But not just for Uber drivers, get rid of the registration costs, medallion fees, drivers licensing requirements, insurance requirements, taxi limits.

Maybe it leads to problems, maybe it doesn't. I know unregulated cabs have led to serious problems in other parts of the world. I have lived in parts of the world where getting in a cab with painted on letters ( fake ) can mean being kidnapped or mugged.

I want a real legal free market, not the farce with Uber drivers ignoring all the laws to undercut an established industry.

To me the arguments for uber seems a lot like the arguments to stealing media online, "cab drivers charge to much therefore i should be allowed to use an illegal alternative".

And people on here have seen how much i despise cabs as much as the next guy.


Your analogy sucks. To become an Uber driver, you have to go through checks and driver's abstract before becoming one. It's a direct competitor and monopolists hate it.

I used Uber in Malaysia and Hong Kong; loved it. They tell you how much and you can agree/look for another one; tells you the Uber profile; and payment is through credit card via their app.

You'll always get market price because they want to get your service. It's not fixed like a ticker so you'll get the fastest route as they want quick turnover.

Taxis need to adapt or die.

09-25-2015, 12:19 PM
In the debate on Uber why haven't we read about the cities removing the cap on the number of taxi plates being issued? Let the taxi companies hire as many drivers as the cities need and let them battle head to head with uber.

The strong will survive.

09-25-2015, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by flipstah
It's a direct competitor and monopolists hate it.

It is a directly equal service but it is NOT a direct competitor.

Originally posted by gwill
In the debate on Uber why haven't we read about the cities removing the cap on the number of taxi plates being issued? Let the taxi companies hire as many drivers as the cities need and let them battle head to head with uber.

The strong will survive.


09-25-2015, 12:32 PM
Haven't used Uber but I like the concept and friends have had positive experiences. Yes adapt or become obsolete. IMO.

09-25-2015, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by flipstah

Your analogy sucks. To become an Uber driver, you have to go through checks and driver's abstract before becoming one. It's a direct competitor and monopolists hate it.

I used Uber in Malaysia and Hong Kong; loved it. They tell you how much and you can agree/look for another one; tells you the Uber profile; and payment is through credit card via their app.

You'll always get market price because they want to get your service. It's not fixed like a ticker so you'll get the fastest route as they want quick turnover.

Taxis need to adapt or die.

The analogy doesn't suck because its exactly what is happening. Uber wants to play by different rules than that taxi industry and that isn't right. They are straight up ignoring the laws.

You let me know when 1 or 2 things happens. Uber has to abide by every single rule that taxi companies do, basically making Uber a taxi company. Or 2 all of the rules surrounding the taxi industry are dropped.

The number of rules for running a cab are ridiculous.

How many uber drivers have legal class 4 licenses?

How many of them pay the extensive list of fees associated with the industry?

City of Calgary Example:

Driver Fees ​
Taxi Drivers Licence T​​raining Fee $ 745.00
Limousine Drivers Licence Application Fee $ 54.00
Annual T.D.L. and L.D.L. Licence Renewal Fee $ 135.00
Limousine Drivers Licence Re-testing Fee $ 24.00
Calgary Police Service Information Check $ 61.00
Replacement ID Badge
(lost, damaged, stolen) $ 37.00

​Licence plates ​
Annual Licence Fee for Taxi Plate Licence $ 877.00
​New Accessible Taxi Plate Licence Fee ​$ 8764.00
Annual Licence Fee for Accessible Taxi Plate Licence $ 877.00
Replacement Plate for T.P.L. and A.T.P.L. ​$ 72.00
Application Fee for T.P.L. or A.T.P.L for new plates ​$ 174.00
Annual Licence Fee for Limousine Plate Licence $ 703.00
Replacement Limousine Plate Licence Decal $ 48.00
​Livery Vehicle Registration Certificate ​$ 135.00

​Brokers ​
Brokerage Licence Application Fee $ 1753.00
Annual Brokerage Renewal Licence Fee $ 1753.00

​Transfers ​
Transfer Application Fee $ 877.00
Transfer Fee (Approved) $ 438.00

How many of them are properly and legally insured?

How many of them follow the limits for number of licenses on the road?

How many of them respect contracts such as the one allowing a certain company access to the airport?

How many of them follow the legally mandated formulas for calculating fares?

Whether you agree with the rules or not is irrelevent.

Oh and while they may lobby the government for certain rules they are not responsible for the laws. Those laws are made my elected officials and are completely out of their hands. taxi companies can't change them to "compete".

Again it seems like you want a "free market" where one group gets a free for all and another gets handcuffed to the park bench.

Whether you want to admit it or not i think cab companies in Calgary are improving. For example just this Saturday i needed a ride home form the bar. I pulled up my checker app, gave my GPS location and a car was on its way ( i could even see where it was). When it got there i got a text saying my cab was here. I got into the cab told him where to go. 10 minutes later i was home, used a quicks standard visa machine and I was done.

Not every cab experience goes that way but it doesn't sound any worse than the glorious Uber experience everyone likes to tout :dunno:

Anyways compete or die only works when all competitors are on level ground.

09-25-2015, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by killramos

Anyways compete or die only works when all competitors are on level ground.

Then level the playing field.

Make the requirements for a taxi or ride sharing service a city approved background check, commercial insurance and a yearly vehicle inspection. Let everyone set their own rates, join together or operate alone with an app.

You'll see nearly every single taxi driver out of work and people using Uber drivers. If I had the choice between paying out of pocket for Uber to and from the airport and my company paying for a taxi, I'd use Uber. I'm tired of shitty drivers, drivers who don't understand what a shower or deodorant are, who don't understand the road rules and ones that require me to give turn by turn directions even though they have a GPS. If I'm paying the retarded rates they charge, I shouldn't have to deal with any of this.

09-25-2015, 06:19 PM
I rarely use cabs. Only time I do is when going to the airport. I have never used uber. Only once has a cab been late, so not too bad. I planed for it, got to the airport 3 hours before a domestic flight anyways. Never had a bad cabbie honestly. But I live downtown so I'm easy to pick up and easy to get home.

I think the extent of government controls on cabs is pretty dumb. The sole purpose of government intervention should be safety of the passengers. That's it. But the heavy involvement of the government has resulted in a union.

Toss the union, subject all drivers to the same controls. Make the market open.

The same government/union control that handicaps the cabs in this fight are the same ones that protect them. It's a double-edged sword. Cabs want the government to protect the industry in this fight but don't want them to have any control on how many cabs they have or regulate the industry.

Can't have it both ways. The cabs want a government protected monopoly without government interference in regulation. Gimme gimme gimme.

09-25-2015, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by FraserB

Then level the playing field.

Make the requirements for a taxi or ride sharing service a city approved background check, commercial insurance and a yearly vehicle inspection. Let everyone set their own rates, join together or operate alone with an app.

You'll see nearly every single taxi driver out of work and people using Uber drivers. If I had the choice between paying out of pocket for Uber to and from the airport and my company paying for a taxi, I'd use Uber. I'm tired of shitty drivers, drivers who don't understand what a shower or deodorant are, who don't understand the road rules and ones that require me to give turn by turn directions even though they have a GPS. If I'm paying the retarded rates they charge, I shouldn't have to deal with any of this.

100% fine by me. I just think it's ignorant for everyone to keep pretending like there is nothing stopping taxi companies from operating like uber.

09-25-2015, 07:55 PM
I don't understand killramos defense of cab companies. He wants the cab companies to be on even playing field as uber.. Meaning same regulations blah blah blah... But why aren't all other businesses regulated like cabs? Why aren't restaraunts regulated and restricted or mechanic shops, barber shops etc etc... Why protect one industry when we aren't protecting the rest.

Forget about uber... lets fix the retarded taxi cartels and uber wouldn't exist. We aren't fixing it because it's made a select few very very rich by owning the taxi plates. F that...

09-25-2015, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by gwill
I don't understand killramos defense of cab companies. He wants the cab companies to be on even playing field as uber.. Meaning same regulations blah blah blah... But why aren't all other businesses regulated like cabs? Why aren't restaraunts regulated and restricted or mechanic shops, barber shops etc etc... Why protect one industry when we aren't protecting the rest.

Forget about uber... lets fix the retarded taxi cartels and uber wouldn't exist. We aren't fixing it because it's made a select few very very rich by owning the taxi plates. F that...

I am an overall proponent of deregulation of most things. But that doesn't mean I support people going under the radar and giving a big fuck you to the rules. Everyone needs to operate by the same rules.

I personally think it should all be free game. But some people like safety regulations etc that hamper industry. I just want everyone to be subject to the same rules. I don't care what the industry is.

again I think taxi companies are horrible I calgary ( my posting history will reflect that). But this is about how I think an industry should operate and I don't care how new and hipster you are you need to follow the fucking rules.

I would vote to deregulate cabs any day of the week.

09-25-2015, 09:35 PM
The big fuck you is to all other companies not protected like the taxi cartel. That's bs. Try and keep a perspective on the special preferential treatment they get before defending them for anything.

09-25-2015, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by gwill
The big fuck you is to all other companies not protected like the taxi cartel. That's bs. Try and keep a perspective on the special preferential treatment they get before defending them for anything.

There is nothing stopping someone from starting a new taxi company. Legally. In fact it was done fairly recently.

You honestly support having 1 set of rules for one company and other set for a different company based solely on the fact that you dislike one of them?


09-25-2015, 11:56 PM
Originally posted by killramos

There is nothing stopping someone from starting a new taxi company. Legally. In fact it was done fairly recently.

You honestly support having 1 set of rules for one company and other set for a different company based solely on the fact that you dislike one of them?


Not sure that's the point...in all honesty Uber are gypsy cabs. Tech savvy and vetted but still gypsy cabs at the core. They are kinda in a limbo spot. Not illegal, but not really cabs. It would be like the hotel industry loosing their shit over airbnb.

There is no law saying you can't pick up anybody you want in your car as far as I know. And uber cars are privately owned vehicles that the owner will use to pick a person up if they message them, essentially.

Really the airbnb to hotel thing is the best comparison except hotels are not collectively unionized, don't have their claws in the government and cannot leverage the government to do anything about airbnb. Only difference.

So is it Uber's fault that the cabs have monopolized the industry by leveraging government control? And were able to do so because of poor public transportation and the government saw a way to "outsource" it to cabs? IMO the cab companies have been manipulating the system to have a monopoly despite shit service and now there is a tech based way around it and they are pissing themselves because all of a sudden a competitor has surfaced that is not illegal and not subject to the same government controls that forced the people to keep cabs in business. Boo-hoo.

Just compete. Regulate the drivers, license them but aside from that....free for all. It's fair.