View Full Version : Ferrari Club of America Track Event 2015

10-05-2015, 11:15 PM
In August I hauled the 355 Challenge to Laguna Seca to attend a two day track event with the Ferrari Club. My friend Paul came with me and signed up for the event too. We left on a Friday after work and drove straight down arriving at 2 AM Sunday. Can't say I want to do that again. LOL

The event had us broken up into different groups. I signed up for the novice group and Paul was in Intermediate. We each got five 20 minute runs a day. I would drive the car in Novice and then hand the car off to Paul who ran it in Intermediate. So the car ran 200 minutes flat out on the track each day for two days.

When we first went out we had instructors with us to give direction around the track. After my first session my instructor told me I was in the wrong group. He said that novice is for guys with no track experience and who didn't know what an apex was. Since I had some experience he said I should have been in Intermediate. I didn't care as I was just there to have some fun with the car around a famous track. Paul had an instructor too and after a couple laps, one where he drifted a couple corners when he came in too hot, he too was told that he was in the wrong group. He was told that he was an Advanced driver and should move to the Advanced group. He said that since it wasn't his car and he wasn't familiar with the track that he would prefer to stay in Intermediate. Besides that he was having too much fun passing 430's, Scuds and 458's in Intermediate whereas in Advanced he would have to watch his mirrors much closer.

The cost for this fun? $1000 USD per driver not including the costs to get there, accommodations, etc. Although it did include one dinner at a nice hotel in Monterey.

For me it was a bucket list item and I am glad that I went and that Paul decided to do it too. Always better to do things with your friends. Besides, I could get some laps with him to see what the car really could do and learn where I could push harder.

We took a bunch of photographs and had GoPro's mounted front and rear. Just have to get the video's synched up and I will get them posted for all to see. Until then here are some pictures.

10-05-2015, 11:17 PM
They had a pro photographer taking shots of the event.

10-05-2015, 11:18 PM
Heading down the infamous corkscrew

10-05-2015, 11:20 PM
A 550 giving the point-bye

10-05-2015, 11:22 PM
Suspension working in a corner

10-05-2015, 11:24 PM
I ran with Michelin SuperSport tires and they are fantastic. After our two days of running on the track there was no noticeable wear and they stuck like glue. After a lapping session you could hear the tires picking up rocks and you could push your fingernail into the tread that is how sticky they are. For the price I don't know how you could do any better.

10-05-2015, 11:29 PM
Mods: Sorry, I thought I posted this in the Events section. Please move if that is where you think it belongs.

..*JDM Hatch*..
10-05-2015, 11:43 PM
That looks like it would have been an absolute blast. Driving an amazing car on an amazing track. How was the drive down?

10-05-2015, 11:58 PM
The drive down was brutal. We took 4 or 6 hour shifts. By the time we got there we were both zombies. We hauled the car in my trailer and pulled it with my Duramax. We could have drove the car but it would have sucked if on the way down the car broke down and we couldn't run the track event. So I reasoned that it would be better to haul it down.

Laguna is a fantastic track and I recommend you all try and get there to drive it. Everyone knows the corkscrew but there are a lot of other corners that will push you harder. As for the car, it ran great. We did practically no set up on it and it was great right out of the box. Steering felt amazing, brakes were just as impressive and the chassis was so balanced. It was the happiest I have been with that car. Sure it could use more power but at that track I didn't feel I needed more. Running the Challenge series back in the day must have been a blast.

10-06-2015, 06:16 AM
From all the stories I'm getting it sounded like a blast. Great photos!

10-06-2015, 06:16 AM
Super jelly, seems like a great time.

10-06-2015, 09:14 AM
looks like a blast, can't wait to see the video!

10-06-2015, 11:08 AM
Really cool, thanks for posting! I always see your car at the Marda Loop evenings as well.

10-06-2015, 01:21 PM
Awesome, looks like a ton of fun. Laguna Seca is very high on my list of tracks I want to drive.

10-06-2015, 03:51 PM
Wow, that does look like a great time! Laguna is an awesome track, it is just a shame it isn't closer.

Are you going to be at euro cars and coffee tonight?

10-06-2015, 05:03 PM
No coffee for me tonight. Just got home from holidays and have way too much to do at home.

10-06-2015, 09:36 PM
Id be scared to take a 355 through the corkscrew, were you on street tires?

10-06-2015, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by Redlyne_mr2
Id be scared to take a 355 through the corkscrew, were you on street tires?

Michelin SuperSports. Awesome grip. The only scary thing about the corkscrew is the entry. You enter it blind by aiming at an big tree and drop into it. Once you are in it you are along for the ride. A turn after the corkscrew is where a lot of cars wreck. It's an off camber left hander. Then on the front straight there is a section where you can't see the upcoming turn but to get the best time you would have to accelerate at full speed and hope that there is nothing happening in front of you (spun car, etc.) Laguna Seca is a very fun, technical track.

10-06-2015, 10:43 PM
I've eaten it on that corner several times... playing gran turismo :nut:

10-07-2015, 12:32 AM
Great to see that it stood up to 200mins of action each day without even a hiccup. Can't wait to see some video footage!

10-12-2015, 10:10 AM
The corkscrew is actually one of the safer corners because it is heavily banked. You still need to get the entry somewhat right. Most of the braking happens well before you crest the small incline before the entry to the turn. If you go in a little too hot, the banking will catch you on both sides as you go down the hill. I have first hand experience from that when I got my racing license at Laguna Seca in an open wheel car a few years ago. I did a spectacular 360 down the corkscrew and apexed it exiting the corner at the bottom. The banking kept the car on the track going down.

The corners where crashes are common are actually the ones that look safe.

10-12-2015, 10:39 AM

10-12-2015, 10:38 PM
Jeez. That seems like so much fun. Nice!

10-14-2015, 11:58 PM
For the video I want to display the front and rear camera views at the same time. I think the options are split screen side x side, too and bottom or picture in picture. Which do you think would be best? I am thinking picture in picture

Zhao Kan
10-19-2015, 02:55 PM
just post whatever forward video you have up.

You don't need to get fancy with combining videos and editing crappy music into it :D

Cody D
10-20-2015, 12:12 AM
Wow sounds like a great time. Any crazy Ferrari's out there that stood out?

10-20-2015, 08:49 PM
Here is a shot of the cars on track. Everything from a 1950's Ferrari Mondial to a 333 SP. There was a black Enzo, 458 Challenge, 348 & 355 & 360 & 430 Challenges, pearl white LaFerrari and 599XX. Then you had all the rest, Scuds, Speciales, 458's,430's, 360's, 355's, 328's, 308's, 328's, 512TR's and more. There was even an F50 present. Not all ran on the track but just seeing them there was awesome.