View Full Version : Shipping cars from the U.S. to Alberta

03-14-2004, 04:48 AM
Has anybody ever shipped a vehicle from the U.S. to Canada before? If so what is the process? Who does one contact. What are the fees involved? Would i have to pay duty? How long is this process til i get my vehicle? If somebody out there can help me out in answering these questions it would be great.

03-14-2004, 02:39 PM
Talk to Transport Canada, and make sure the car you want to bring up is on the RIV.

03-14-2004, 03:14 PM
My latest experience was getting a car shipped from TO to calgary,I erred in getting a written quote and only a verbal.They then overbilled me by $300,and the gas in the tank disappeared.
I called and he said I quoted you a grand,I said why would I pay a thousand when CN will do it for $700.
So don't use fleet shuttle in TO..
there is a bunch of places on the internet,and the yellow pages.