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View Full Version : painting the interior?

03-14-2004, 11:47 AM
Hey, have any of you tried using vinyl/carpet paint on the interior parts like the door handles and stuff? I want to paint some stuff but I was told it will devalue the car and look like crap. I'm not planning on selling my car, because I know no one will want it right now, I have a 1988 honda accord, ex-i I believe. I figured I'd use this car for practice because I have some other cars I want to restore.... so what kind of products are good for this?? Thinking about painting the carpet though i was told it'd rub off...

03-14-2004, 01:09 PM
if you want to do things cheap...
go to canadian tire buy some "KRYLON FUSION" its only 7 or 8 bucks a can. and it looks half decent
i dunno...
i've seen it done both ways..
and they both look good to me..

03-14-2004, 01:12 PM
and i would keep away from painting the carpet...
it wouldn't last and that would make your cars value go down huge!
let me know how she turns out

03-14-2004, 10:18 PM
All right, thanks! I've seen some people use that stuff and it looks fine to me as long you don't over do it. My interior is mostly light beige with black trim accents. The carpet is light beige too and it gets really dirty easy so I thought maybe if I painted the carpet black, it would look less filthy? Would I be better off getting the carpet replaced?

ole dsm
03-14-2004, 10:27 PM
i would get new carpet
if u get black it will get dirty even faster!

painting the carpet w/ carpet paint is nice for touch ups or just prior to selling a car , cause it does wear off. but before it wears off it will look like a million bucks for about 2-3 days.

03-14-2004, 10:44 PM
don't get all ghetto and paint your carpet!!! :drool: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf: :barf:

just shop around and find carpet from another car, or just go to a detial shop and get them to steam your carpets, it makes the world of difference to get ALL the dirt out!!!

trust me, i've made my black carpet look brand new over and over, even when it looked its worst

03-14-2004, 11:05 PM
Hey, that's an even better idea, go to pick your part and rip out the carpet from another car... though would I have to stick with hondas to get the carpet to fit in? Do you think I could just cut out the carpet to make it fit my honda? I just want to get rid of the light brown, it gets dirty so easily....

I was a detailer, I've gotten that carpet cleaned a million times but it keeps getting dirty so that is why I want it changed to a dark or black color so that when it does get dirty it won't look as dirty as a light brown carpet would....

03-14-2004, 11:59 PM
If you want to paint vinyl, 3M makes something called "polyolefin adhesion promoter" (Automix 05907)...which will give your paint something to stick to. it's like $40 for a spray can :eek: and will likely require light sanding beforehand, but it makes all the difference if you want to do it right the first time.

03-15-2004, 04:56 AM
i would have to agree with frosty on this one...

03-15-2004, 09:08 AM
yes, yes, of course, I'd have to use adhesion promoter for parts that are plastic. Thanks for the tips guys!