View Full Version : Truck Vandalized - Let's find the prick.

11-08-2015, 10:29 PM
Buddies truck got vandalized today.

Honked at a slow left lane driver on Deerfoot. Apparently that gives them the right to damage peoples property.


Friend already contacted Jason with Dashcam Canada to get more exposure.

Let's circulate this and catch this douchbag.

11-08-2015, 10:47 PM
What a baby. Hope they catch that cocksucker

11-08-2015, 10:50 PM
k so first off. I wanna be clear, that I can't fucking stand people in the left lane going 100 or below, I don't honk at em, but I do give em a serious cut cause their assholes and deserve it, but pass them relatively fast and clear them fast. Your buddy gave them a MASSIVE and dangerous cut off with no speed, forcing them off the road. thats a for sure. I did that in my vette a couple years ago cause the guy actually break checked me, and I got a HUGE ticket for it. I think it was 400++

Also your buddy shoulda been smarter. If you wanna run someone off the road like that, at least make sure their not following you. Thats what rear view mirrors are for. If followed I'll always confront the person face to face. pretty stupid on both accounts here. Even if they get charged for vandalism, your buddies not walking away without a serious ticket.

11-08-2015, 10:54 PM
Oh and I should mention. If that happened to any of my cars, that guys NOT gonna walk away. I would guarantee that. fuck, now I'm pissed off.

Anyways I live in that area, will keep a look out for that truck.

11-08-2015, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by InRich
Even if they get charged for vandalism, your buddies not walking away without a serious ticket.

There's no evidence of distance between the 2 vehicles when he went back into the left lane.

All assumptions based on a fraction of video......

11-08-2015, 10:58 PM
Whoa, your buddy cut them off pretty crazy :nut:

The guy keying his vehicle isn't acceptable at all and I hope he get's charged but pulling stunts like that is definitely asking for retaliation.

11-08-2015, 10:59 PM
I kind of agree with InRich, because it wasn't just the 'honk' that resulted in the damage. Your buddies lane was clear, and he specifically cut them off. Either way, I'm not defending the vandal, I just think they are both douces. :dunno:

11-08-2015, 10:59 PM
Also realize I slowed the video down for that portion so speed is not able to be judged the same.....

11-08-2015, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by nissanK
Also realize I slowed the video down for that portion so speed is not able to be judged the same.....

My judging is done based on the fact that the lane change was occurring before the other truck was out of the frame...

11-08-2015, 11:05 PM

11-08-2015, 11:06 PM
Definitely shitty of the dude to key the truck, but I'd be curious to see what the rear cam looks like when driving past/cutting off that truck too.

11-08-2015, 11:07 PM
Originally posted by nissanK

There's no evidence of distance between the 2 vehicles when he went back into the left lane.

All assumptions based on a fraction of video......

Just like you ' re assuming he keyed the truck. I saw no key on the side of the truck.

I'm with InRich on this it looked to me as though he cut him off pretty quick. Its still no reason for what they did. I'm in the area as well and will keep an eye out.

11-08-2015, 11:10 PM
Pic of damage?

11-08-2015, 11:10 PM
Am I missing something? What was the need for honking and cutting him off? Your lane cleared and there were multiple vehicles in the left lane going slow.

Not saying the guys not an asshole for keying. Both parties are pretty childish imo. Two people having bad days?

Rat Fink
11-08-2015, 11:27 PM

Black Gts
11-08-2015, 11:32 PM
This video makes no sense at all. No need to be keyed but something is missing.

11-08-2015, 11:40 PM
Both assholes

11-08-2015, 11:43 PM
Originally posted by NoPulp
Am I missing something? What was the need for honking and cutting him off? Your lane cleared and there were multiple vehicles in the left lane going slow.

Not saying the guys not an asshole for keying. Both parties are pretty childish imo. Two people having bad days?

Yeah. If the driver with the cam just minded his own business and carried on when his lane cleared, nothing would have happened.

No gain in trying to police other road users. Just assume everyone else is a really shitty driver and cutting them off won't improve their driving skills.

11-08-2015, 11:59 PM
Your buddy needs some anger management courses, life too short for this crap. Chill the fuck out and carry on

11-09-2015, 12:14 AM
The difference is that one is a criminal act (Wilful damage under $5000) and one is a possible traffic fine.

As stated above, both parties share guilt in precipitation and escalation of the events, and fail a basic intelligence test.

11-09-2015, 12:20 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

To be fair, neither is there direct evidence of the guy making contact with your buddy's vehicle.

I mean it's pretty obvious what happened, but if we're talking legal definition of proof...

It goes beyond a reasonable doubt that the vehicle involved in the traffic incident is the same one and that the occupant exacted their own idea of revenge.

11-09-2015, 12:29 AM
Originally posted by revelations

It goes beyond a reasonable doubt that the vehicle involved in the traffic incident is the same one and that the occupant exacted their own idea of revenge. I don't think he's saying they're different individuals, just that the video doesn't actually show him keying the truck, just shows him walking by it.

11-09-2015, 12:39 AM

11-09-2015, 02:00 AM
Show the rear camera when he ran him off the road, douchebag.

11-09-2015, 02:45 AM
Circumstantial evidence.
Also, great seeing two asshole truck driver be dicks to one another.

Edit: Although, both acts very unnecessary and uncalled for.

11-09-2015, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by snowcat
Show the rear camera when he ran him off the road, douchebag.


Originally posted by revelations
The difference is that one is a criminal act (Wilful damage under $5000) and one is a possible traffic fine.

As stated above, both parties share guilt in precipitation and escalation of the events, and fail a basic intelligence test.

+1. One is the idiot for intentionally cutting the other off. And the other is the idiot for the intentional damage.

Nicely edited video though.

11-09-2015, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by LongCity
Circumstantial evidence.
Also, great seeing two asshole truck driver be dicks to one another.

Edit: Although, both acts very unnecessary and uncalled for.

Truck guys are gonna truck guy. Nothin to see here.

rob the knob
11-09-2015, 09:02 AM
Originally posted by nissanK
Buddies truck got vandalized today.

Honked at a slow left lane driver on Deerfoot. Apparently that gives them the right to damage peoples property.


Friend already contacted Jason with Dashcam Canada to get more exposure.

Let's circulate this and catch this douchbag.

your buddy thinks he is traffic police?

no clear evidence. only two trucks going to same store.

if your buddy acts like this often, maybe lots of people want to key his truck.

your buddy should take lesson to calm down and not be jack ass police pretender

11-09-2015, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
Exactly, I'm referring to "smoking gun" type of legally admissible hard evidence, it just isn't there. Given that we have video of the road incident that precipitated the action but no video of him actually causing damage means there is solid evidence for exacting street justice, not court justice. What started as an incident on the street between two DBs should be settled on the street. I mean we are all agreeing with InRich on this FFS.

The definition of "beyond a reasonable doubt" gets complicated.
Would a reasonable person - if shown the video without any preamble - have ambiguity as to what happened in this event?

The vandalism victim would claim that :

a) the male was the occupant of the truck of the preceding road rage incident (truck matches make, model and color)
b) the victims truck did not have key marks on the side prior to the male walking past it
c) the victims dash cam would record no other pedestrians passing by the truck in close proximity after they parked

Also, any criminal history of the offender would come into play. If previous convictions, there is a higher chance a judge would side with the complainant.
No its not cut and dry, but with balance of probabilities there is a reasonable chance of conviction for this offender.... IMO ....

11-09-2015, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by snowcat
Show the rear camera when he ran him off the road, douchebag.

Damn, that's what I was going to say.

That was 10 times worse than driving slow in the left lane. He didn't even really hold you up, what the F?

11-09-2015, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by acedia

Damn, that's what I was going to say.

That was 10 times worse than driving slow in the left lane. He didn't even really hold you up, what the F?

Yup, I completely sympathize with the alleged vandalizer. Aggressively cut off for absolutely no reason other than, probably, doing the speed limit.

Take the damage and next time don't be such a cunt.

11-09-2015, 11:17 AM
There is being a jerk and there is intentionally doing something to damage someone else' property. They are not exactly on the same level of douchebagness. Let's see if they can catch the guy. It's a lesson for both.

But yeah, chill out, it's not worth it. Most times I don't even look at the driver anymore, I move around when I can and go on home.

11-09-2015, 11:21 AM
The guy keying buddy's truck is an asshole, no doubt, I'm just saying you go around cutting people off and endangering people like that, you're opening yourself up to this kind of crap.

11-09-2015, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by snowcat
Show the rear camera when he ran him off the road, douchebag.

I'm curious about the entire drive. Although not unlikely, I feel that one cut-off like that wouldn't cause someone to hunt down the truck and key it. I suspect there was a lot more road rage going on that the video doesn't show, by both parties.

11-09-2015, 11:44 AM
Too much editing. We'd like to see the front and back cam from the moment of the honk until the parking lot.

If your buddy changed lanes into the other vehicle then he deserved it. If he didn't, show the whole video.

11-09-2015, 11:53 AM
The plate number looks like HWIROLL (How I roll?). It is fitting for a truck license plate.

11-09-2015, 11:56 AM
This thread backfired on the OP. He probly won't post the rest of the road rage video.

11-09-2015, 11:57 AM
Where in this thread does OP even say his buddy has a rear cam? Why are some of you guys assuming he has a rear cam just because he has a front dash cam?

Edit: My bad, watched it to the end and saw the rear cam footage while parked.

11-09-2015, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Disoblige
Where in this thread does OP even say his buddy has a rear cam? Why are some of you guys assuming he has a rear cam just because he has a front dash cam?

There is a clip from it in the video... :dunno:

11-09-2015, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Disoblige
Where in this thread does OP even say his buddy has a rear cam? Why are some of you guys assuming he has a rear cam just because he has a front dash cam?

There's rear cam footage while parked..?

11-09-2015, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Disoblige
Where in this thread does OP even say his buddy has a rear cam? Why are some of you guys assuming he has a rear cam just because he has a front dash cam?

You need some Reddit in your life.. He has a rear cam. (See further context in the comments of the reddit thread.) There's additional video of the cut-off in there I think.. or atleast part of it.


rob the knob
11-09-2015, 12:08 PM
Originally posted by Disoblige
Where in this thread does OP even say his buddy has a rear cam? Why are some of you guys assuming he has a rear cam just because he has a front dash cam?

from other thread::

Originally posted by Jro
Hello All,

We just had a customer contact us tonight because their truck got keyed in SE Calgary (Auburn Bay - Save on Foods Parking Lot).

Please watch the video for all the evidence as he had one of our dual channel dash cameras installed.

We have a clear photo on the person, and a partial plate number. This happened on Nov 8th 2015.

If you know this person, please send us an email. Thanks.


11-09-2015, 12:10 PM
Ohhhh, my bad. I should have watched the video to the very end.

11-09-2015, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by cloud7
The plate number looks like HWIROLL (How I roll?). It is fitting for a truck license plate.

Pretty sure it's EWIROLL. I've seen this exact vehicle before and always thought the license plate is weird.

I'll echo that why even honk and start shit with the left lane bandit? You can clearly pass him and keep on moving.

The next upcoming on/off ramp location is shitty since it's a 2 lane merge on from Barlow as well as a 2 lane exit onto 130th. It's also a slight bend in the road and a hill on Deerfoot...lots of people slow down right here. It is annoying as people in this city have a very hard time keeping a steady speed, and throw a hill and curve in and it's a constant struggle to maintain any form of "pace", but keep your cool for all of 25 seconds and move on in life.

11-09-2015, 12:19 PM
lol some serious road rage.

11-09-2015, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by redblack
This thread backfired on the OP. He probly won't post the rest of the road rage video.

These are the videos he sent to me. All I was doing was trying to help catch the vandal.

Oh well live and learn....

11-09-2015, 12:34 PM
We don't know if the vandalizer cut-off the victim first, thus provoking him to then go into the right lane, pass (honk) and then aggressively cut-back over in-front of the truck. I mean, he could be ticketed for an illegally passing on the right, perhaps careless driving? I think the cost of those tickets is still cheaper than the cost it'll be to potentially have to re-paint the entire side of the car (depending how deep that keying is).... :dunno: :dunno:

They're both in the wrong, but I mean - we've all been stuck behind someone doing less than the limit in the left lane as we drive by signs on Deerfoot stating "slower traffic keep right".. So he cut him off .. Certainly not a good thing to do, but I see it happen everyday. Following the guy, waiting for him, putting on an act (on the phone, pretending to walk into the store) to seek vengeance by physically damaging another vehicle ... that dude should pay for his damage.

It was a poor choice to cut him off - but it's far worse to go and damage someones property.

Imagine if it was your home.. You don't cut your grass for a 2 months - you're breaching a bylaw. Your neighbor tells you to cut it - you don't. He becomes annoyed, makes the poor choice to light your lawn on fire and burn it all down LOL :rofl: Does the home-owner deserve that because he was in wrong first? :rofl: :rofl: :dunno:

11-09-2015, 12:40 PM
You can't be ticketed for passing on the right in this province. How do people not know this?

11-09-2015, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by Ntense_SpecV
You can't be ticketed for passing on the right in this province. How do people not know this?

Because you're wrong? (not in this circumstance, but you can still be ticketed in others)

Overtaking and passing on the right
22(1) A person driving a vehicle may drive the vehicle so as to
overtake and pass on the right of another vehicle
(a) when the vehicle being overtaken is making a left turn or
the person driving the overtaken vehicle has signalled that
person’s intention to make a left turn.

(b) in the case of a one-way highway, where the roadway
(i) is of sufficient width for 2 or more lines of moving
vehicles, and
(ii) is free from obstructions

11-09-2015, 12:44 PM
While I do not condone vandalizing someones vehicle, your buddy is the one who provoked the altercation.

As mentioned I would like to see the rear camera footage before passing judgement.

If the key mark was not severe and down to metal, it will likely be cheaper for him to just have it buffed out. If this video is shown to the police he will likely be ticketed as well for dangerous driving, and rightfully so.

This is a live and learn moment, next time someone pisses him off in traffic, take a deep breath and carry on with your day.

11-09-2015, 12:44 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Because you're wrong? (not in this circumstance, but you can still be ticketed in others)

Nice ninja edit...

I'm not wrong at all.

(2) Where a highway has 2 or more traffic lanes on the same side
of the centre line for vehicles travelling in the same direction, a
person driving a vehicle that is
(a) overtaking another vehicle travelling in the same direction
may pass on the right or left of the other vehicle if there is
a traffic lane available for passing to the right or the left of
the traffic lane being used by the vehicle being overtaken,
(b) being overtaken by another vehicle travelling in the same
direction shall keep the vehicle being overtaken in the
traffic lane in which that person is driving so as to allow
the overtaking vehicle free passage in the traffic lane to
the right or the left of the traffic lane in which the vehicle
being overtaken is travelling.

11-09-2015, 12:46 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Because you're wrong? (not in this circumstance, but you can still be ticketed in others)

Below the act, it says more..

Where a highway has 2 or more traffic lanes on the same side
of the centre line for vehicles travelling in the same direction, a
person driving a vehicle that is

(a) overtaking another vehicle travelling in the same direction
may pass on the right or left of the other vehicle if there is
a traffic lane available for passing to the right or the left of
the traffic lane being used by the vehicle being overtaken,

(b) being overtaken by another vehicle travelling in the same
direction shall keep the vehicle being overtaken in the
traffic lane in which that person is driving so as to allow
the overtaking vehicle free passage in the traffic lane to
the right or the left of the traffic lane in which the vehicle
being overtaken is travelling.

rob the knob
11-09-2015, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by vengie
While I do not condone vandalizing someones vehicle, your buddy is the one who provoked the altercation.

As mentioned I would like to see the rear camera footage before passing judgement.

If the key mark was not severe and down to metal, it will likely be cheaper for him to just have it buffed out. If this video is shown to the police he will likely be ticketed as well for dangerous driving, and rightfully so.

This is a live and learn moment, next time someone pisses him off in traffic, take a deep breath and carry on with your day.

good advice

next time guy instead of keying truck, will run you off road or pull a gun

why doesn't the truck driver with video take the video to the police who could proceed legally, and search license plate. is he a tough guy and will fix this himself? we see how his tough guy traffic police actions got him his truck keyed. he should be careful to not get killed. lots of crazy people out there

11-09-2015, 01:09 PM
Originally posted by rob the knob

good advice

next time guy instead of keying truck, will run you off road or pull a gun

why doesn't the truck driver with video take the video to the police who could proceed legally, and search license plate. is he a tough guy and will fix this himself? we see how his tough guy traffic police actions got him his truck keyed. he should be careful to not get killed. lots of crazy people out there

Honestly, sometimes people forget they are in the Left lane, and say "honking" or tailing for a bit is "enough" of a reminder...

The old man was obviously stubborn, and yes vindictive enough to key your buddy's truck... at least he didn't pull out a tire iron and cave in your buddy's face.

if someone did what your buddy did to "me", and honestly what appears to be out of nowhere... I would probably Rage out and there would've been alot more damage than just keying his truck

11-09-2015, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by rob the knob

good advice

next time guy instead of keying truck, will run you off road or pull a gun

why doesn't the truck driver with video take the video to the police who could proceed legally, and search license plate. is he a tough guy and will fix this himself? we see how his tough guy traffic police actions got him his truck keyed. he should be careful to not get killed. lots of crazy people out there

Yep, I've had this realization myself a few years ago when I realized that I was 'attracting' the assholes myself.

When I stopped caring about the 2 second delays and realizing it wasn't worth it, shocker, the a-holes seemed to go away.

Everyone learns this eventually and at their own pace.

11-09-2015, 01:13 PM
"See you in court asshole" lol, as you know your buddy is a chump. Vandalism (which he can't prove in any way at all) is weak as fuck but when you're a hothead you end up getting what you deserve eventually, although usually it's a punch in the mouth....

The verdict is in, they both suck.

11-09-2015, 01:32 PM

11-09-2015, 01:56 PM
Hang them both

11-09-2015, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by r3ccOs

if someone did what your buddy did to "me", and honestly what appears to be out of nowhere... I would probably Rage out and there would've been alot more damage than just keying his truck


11-09-2015, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by r3ccOs

Honestly, sometimes people forget they are in the Left lane, and say "honking" or tailing for a bit is "enough" of a reminder...

And some morons are just so clueless they forget they are driving altogether and should be removed from the road.

Had one lady keep getting slower and slower in the left lane. Tried the high beam blip, fogs and then finally hit the LED bars in through her back window. No way for me or the other people lined up behind her to get over to the right because of the speed differential between 50kph and 100kph. She finally went onto the left shoulder, but its very obvious she had no business being on Deerfoot (or probably any other road).

11-09-2015, 04:26 PM
^ lol with the light bar. I like your style :thumbsup:

11-09-2015, 10:04 PM
If you feel you need to exchange some words then by all means, but you don't do property damage like that. Especially for simply getting cut off. OP's buddy drove like a dink but you never, ever, ever touch someone else's vehicle.

11-09-2015, 10:54 PM
Originally posted by cjblair


I am typically quite a reserved and rational fella, but once in a while... i just lose my shit.

someone may have seen this at Anderson station, where I was crossing the 4 way, and some punk kid in his pos accord does that whole like slow down then juts up, rev the engine thing. so I stop there in front of him, not hurrying any faster, and he throws me the bird.

I spat the fattest hunk of phlegm at his windshield... and mr. "i wear my hoodie on my head in the car" steps up and puts his hands on me.

needless to say

I walked away, he crawled back to his car.

no one stopped me, nobody called the cops... so I reckon I'm not in any trouble.

but what does suck is having to get bloodwork done just to confirm you didn't catch anything like hep or worse, and no I didn't literially f(ck him.

11-09-2015, 11:19 PM
Originally posted by r3ccOs

I am typically quite a reserved and rational fella, but once in a while... i just lose my shit.

someone may have seen this at Anderson station, where I was crossing the 4 way, and some punk kid in his pos accord does that whole like slow down then juts up, rev the engine thing. so I stop there in front of him, not hurrying any faster, and he throws me the bird.

I spat the fattest hunk of phlegm at his windshield... and mr. "i wear my hoodie on my head in the car" steps up and puts his hands on me.

needless to say

I walked away, he crawled back to his car.

no one stopped me, nobody called the cops... so I reckon I'm not in any trouble.

but what does suck is having to get bloodwork done just to confirm you didn't catch anything like hep or worse, and no I didn't literially f(ck him.
It's been my experiance that reserved and rational people don't ever go ape shit like you're describing above but then again, it would most definitely appear that what I deem to be reserved and rational is somewhat different from what you think it is.

11-10-2015, 08:47 AM
Originally posted by r3ccOs

I am typically quite a reserved and rational fella, but once in a while... i just lose my shit.

someone may have seen this at Anderson station, where I was crossing the 4 way, and some punk kid in his pos accord does that whole like slow down then juts up, rev the engine thing. so I stop there in front of him, not hurrying any faster, and he throws me the bird.

I spat the fattest hunk of phlegm at his windshield... and mr. "i wear my hoodie on my head in the car" steps up and puts his hands on me.

needless to say

I walked away, he crawled back to his car.

no one stopped me, nobody called the cops... so I reckon I'm not in any trouble.

but what does suck is having to get bloodwork done just to confirm you didn't catch anything like hep or worse, and no I didn't literially f(ck him.
Beyond needs its own "cringe posts" area so that gems like this one can be remembered for all time. :rofl: :rofl:

11-10-2015, 09:00 AM

11-10-2015, 11:07 AM
Originally posted by Cos
Honestly does anyone else not feel bad for this guy? I've seen so many people rage out on the road on people and sometimes people just need to be put in their place.

I agree, but this guy will obviously not consider the fact he may have brought it on himself. You can tell by the video, he's most likely one of those "it's always someone else's fault" types.

I doubt he'll even think twice about doing it all over again.

11-10-2015, 11:15 AM
He took the video down. Douchebag.

11-10-2015, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by snowcat
He took the video down. Douchebag.

:werd: for all the shit we've given to you over the years on some videos, you own your decisions and choices even when people disagree with you. There's respect in that. This guy can't handle his own decisions obviously.

11-10-2015, 12:05 PM
He requested I take it down. I obliged.

EDIT: CPS already has a suspect based on the license and description.

11-10-2015, 01:52 PM
I feel it honestly doesn't matter if he "brought it on himself." To vandalize someone's personal property if far more severe of a crime than a careless / reckless driving ticket. I guarantee we have all had an incident of "upset" on the roads (heck, even this morning someone pulled a U-tune where there is a no U-turn sign .. I had to jam the brakes, went to blast the horn and then stopped - thinking to myself "oh fuck I don't wanna get my brand new car keyed...")

BOTH deserve the fullest extent of punishment for the "wrongs" they each did. This "he brought it on himself" shouldn't even matter. Dude cut him off - give him a ticket for whatever laws applicable (unsafe change, reckless driving, etc.) ... But punish the dude for his vandalism, too!? :dunno:

11-10-2015, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Kijho
[B]I feel it honestly doesn't matter if he "brought it on himself." To vandalize someone's personal property if far more severe of a crime than a careless / reckless driving ticket.

As law is written sure but I would put someone putting my safety at risk as being far more serious then damage to inanimate object. This is especially true when wielding a weapon weighing a couple tons on a busy freeway.

For the most part I could care less how people drive but when you put my safety and that of my passengers at risk you better believe my blood boils.

11-10-2015, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by dubhead

As law is written sure but I would put someone putting my safety at risk as being far more serious then damage to inanimate object. This is especially true when wielding a weapon weighing a couple tons on a busy freeway.

For the most part I could care less how people drive but when you put my safety and that of my passengers at risk you better believe my blood boils.

This is a very true point and I 100% agree. I saw the initial videos, and the rear-camera.. I'm not sure if we've seen just how close/ bad the cutting-off actually was?

Another thing to consider is whether or not the the suspect who keyed the car may have sped-up / put the pedal down as soon as the driver with the dashcam changed lanes over to pass him ... I literally see people doing that shit every.single.fucking.day. People seem to become aggressive the moment someone wants ahead or infront of them, so much so they make an effort to speed up to not allow someone in. :dunno:

11-10-2015, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Kijho
But punish the dude for his vandalism, too!? :dunno:

Obviously, but I just don't feel bad, whatsoever, for the "victim".

11-10-2015, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

I agree, but this guy will obviously not consider the fact he may have brought it on himself. You can tell by the video, he's most likely one of those "it's always someone else's fault" types.

I doubt he'll even think twice about doing it all over again.

I feel this way too. :werd:

11-10-2015, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by dubhead

As law is written sure but I would put someone putting my safety at risk as being far more serious then damage to inanimate object. This is especially true when wielding a weapon weighing a couple tons on a busy freeway.

For the most part I could care less how people drive but when you put my safety and that of my passengers at risk you better believe my blood boils.

Agreed. I hope both those tools get tickets. Cutting the guy off IMHO though is far more serious and had real potential life altering consequences not just to the two cars involved but everyone else on the deerfoot at the time.

11-10-2015, 03:41 PM
Will be hilarious if somehow buddy gets a ticket for his dangerous driving :rofl:

I love backfires.

11-10-2015, 03:43 PM
Originally posted by Disoblige
Will be hilarious if somehow buddy gets a ticket for his dangerous driving :rofl:

I love backfires.

Won't happen. Scat never got in shit for his videos, so I guarantee this won't induce any tickets either.

11-10-2015, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

Scat never got in shit for his videos, so I guarantee this won't induce any tickets either.
Yeah, he did. Quite the attention actually too.

11-10-2015, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by Disoblige
Will be hilarious if somehow buddy gets a ticket for his dangerous driving :rofl:

I love backfires.

I'm willing to bet $20 that cps will only get to see the parking incident and not the full story of their interaction on deerfoot moments prior.

11-10-2015, 03:55 PM

11-10-2015, 04:30 PM
There are a lot of people that have been wronged despite having the "moral high ground", just as there are a lot of dead pedestrians that had the "right of way".

A few years ago I'd have gotten really worked up about what some dickhead was doing on the highway. Now I just give them the space they clearly need and move along. It isn't worth the risk or the headache.

11-10-2015, 07:53 PM
People need to stop defending this dick. The ends don't justify the means. I've been cut off many times, and once even literally ran right off the road, but I never felt the need to damage someone else's property afterwards. Such a piece of shit move

11-10-2015, 08:05 PM
Originally posted by btimbit
People need to stop defending this dick.

Who's defending him?

11-10-2015, 09:34 PM
Originally posted by A790
There are a lot of people that have been wronged despite having the "moral high ground", just as there are a lot of dead pedestrians that had the "right of way".

A few years ago I'd have gotten really worked up about what some dickhead was doing on the highway. Now I just give them the space they clearly need and move along. It isn't worth the risk or the headache.

Yup. I use to get worked up too and now my friends admire me for my I don't give a fuck attitude. My road rage? Non existent haha

I look at it as a survival game. I don't care who is right or wrong I just don't want to die. People are crazy.

:rofl: :nut:

11-12-2015, 03:20 PM
I'm pretty laid back nowadays, too. A while ago I was waiting at a red light to turn left, I got my green arrow and started to go. Buddy coming towards me mistook the arrow on his side for a regular green I guess and gunned it hard, and would have t-boned me if I wasn't watching him close. I go hard on the brakes, he gives me a look like I was the one who screwed up, and I just put my hands up and clapped, and gave him a big smile, for the entirety of the 10 seconds it took him to roll by slow and give me the stink eye. I don't think he could figure out how the hell to respond to me. I like messing with people. :D

11-12-2015, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by acedia
I'm pretty laid back nowadays, too. A while ago I was waiting at a red light to turn left, I got my green arrow and started to go. Buddy coming towards me mistook the arrow on his side for a regular green I guess and gunned it hard, and would have t-boned me if I wasn't watching him close. I go hard on the brakes, he gives me a look like I was the one who screwed up, and I just put my hands up and clapped, and gave him a big smile, for the entirety of the 10 seconds it took him to roll by slow and give me the stink eye. I don't think he could figure out how the hell to respond to me. I like messing with people. :D
The thumbs up is my favourite. People get more mad at that than they do the middle finger these days.

11-12-2015, 03:35 PM
Jeez in Calgary if you honk at someone you roll the dice that some unstable prick is going to follow you home or something. People are nuts.

I just avoid eye contract with people, don't make gestures. Nothing. Not worth it.

I am with others on the whole moving on with your life.

Black Gts
11-12-2015, 09:43 PM
Lol. As a Calgary driver I was losing my mind driving in NY a couple years ago. It finally clicked the horn is a useful tool, not somebody dick slapping you. So I come home used my horn one time "as a tool" how quickly I was reminded haha.