View Full Version : What android photo editing app is best?

12-28-2015, 10:13 PM
Picked up my Nexus 5X on Saturday, only to realize that it no longer has Gallery/photo editing pre-installed :banghead:

What's the best app for photo editing? You do a google search and you get 50 million "15 photo editing apps I think are good" with no objective analysis of which is best :cry:

12-28-2015, 10:30 PM
i like photo grid, pretty simple, does everything i need.

12-28-2015, 10:49 PM
Google has their own photo editing app called Snapseed. Has all of the basic photo editing functions.


12-29-2015, 12:31 PM
Thanks guys, downloaded snapseed, its exactly what I want and is similiar to the original Gallery editing :D

12-29-2015, 01:34 PM
Google Photos has built in simple editing. I have it on my Nexus 6P.

12-29-2015, 01:55 PM
Originally posted by JustinMCS
Google Photos has built in simple editing. I have it on my Nexus 6P.

This is the one thing I hate about android; since Apple has patents on everything, sometimes their shit is super non-intuitive until you actually use it.

The crop feature isn't labeled or anything, it just has the crop icon surrounded by rotation arrows, so I assumed it only did rotate, especially with the slide bar and degrees symbol being front and center. When I actually tapped the picture, it's clear you can slide the edges to crop it.

A simple thing of even having "grab bubbles" like Gallery used to for cropping would make a f*&k of a lot more sense. *sigh*

Thanks though, now I can remove snapseed as I like everything being integrated :thumbsup:

12-29-2015, 02:44 PM
I downloaded snapseed because of this thread and it looks pretty awesome.

Yes, Google Photos edit has quite a few options if you play around with it and a ton of filters for your perfect selfie. lawlz.

12-29-2015, 03:33 PM
Google Photos is absolutely fantastic as a collection spot for your photos. I highly recommend it to everyone looking for a place to backup their photos. I have my PC and phone automatically uploading all my images and videos. The new shared album feature is fantastic for parties and events as several people can upload and share photos quickly and easily. It has very face recognition and I am completely blown away by the object recognition. For example if I search for 'canola' in google photos it brings up all my photos that have a canola field in them.

They allow unlimited photos as long as you allow them to compress them however for 99% of what I do with my photos, I find that their compression is just fine. You can also keep the original uncompressed image however that will consume your Google Drive space. I also find their auto collages, stories, animations etc. entertaining so I keep that enabled.

As far as editing though Snapseed is a popular choice. Another one that I haven't played with much yet that I am going to check out is Lightroom Mobile. It has just become free (minus the pc syncing feature) for Android in the last couple weeks.