View Full Version : Netflix blocks DNS/VPN workarounds for US content

01-23-2016, 02:27 PM
Saw a post on reddit that Netflix was cracking down to ensure people only see what content is in their region. Sure enough this morning I turn on netflix and it shows as blocked and says to remove my unblocker. Back to Canadian netflix for now and guess I'll just download more instead

Was using unblock-us through my router

Anyone else run into this? Using US netflix is fairly common it seems

01-23-2016, 02:44 PM
US Netflix still works on my smart TV. Just change your DNS code, I don't know how they can block that.

01-23-2016, 03:46 PM
Shut down Netflix and restart it. It does it to me on my Xbox every 3rd episode of the office or so

01-23-2016, 07:10 PM
unblock us has a different set of ip's and a setof instructions to change to to fix it/attempt to fix it, email them on the contact site. they will then send you the instructions.

01-23-2016, 07:16 PM
Originally posted by MrSector9
unblock us has a different set of ip's and a setof instructions to change to to fix it/attempt to fix it, email them on the contact site. they will then send you the instructions.

Thanks I'll give that a shot

01-24-2016, 11:54 AM

01-24-2016, 01:13 PM
I use playmo.tv dns and have not experienced any issues.

01-24-2016, 01:23 PM
Using UnBlock-US and it still works for me.

01-24-2016, 02:06 PM
My thoughts that all this was put on Netflix by the big movie corporations.

NFLX knows that they cant really 100% stop this but they can at least LOOK LIKE they are trying to appease their corporate, old-minded, movie executives - which is probably what they were after (and not pissing off too many customers).
Im sure NFLX disagrees with the regional licensing idiocy, but is contractually bound nonetheless.

01-24-2016, 03:08 PM
Netflix has been blocking since 2 days ago and the unblockers have been constantly moving IPs to fix it. Cat and mouse game right now. Netflix was down for a few hrs last night unless you chose the Canada region in your unblockers config. :(

01-24-2016, 03:29 PM
Stay two steps ahead of the US and you can get content. Everyone is now going to play the DNS shell game.

I'm just glad I got to the end of Californication before this debacle.

01-24-2016, 10:43 PM
mines being blocked after every show, i just shut netflix down and restart it, get another show in, repeat.

01-25-2016, 08:57 AM
Reminds me of the days of hacking satellite and having the reprogram cards with new codes every few days.

01-25-2016, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by sputnik
Reminds me of the days of hacking satellite and having the reprogram cards with new codes every few days.

Pretty much. Contacted unblock us, got new addresses, worked for a day, then started getting errors again.

Gonna just cancel for now and switch to just downloading all my shows until it gets sorted out.

01-25-2016, 09:27 AM
My unblockus is still working for now.... :eek:
Need it for hulu and hbo also so those don't look like they are trying to block it any time soon as you have to use a 'US' credit card lol

01-25-2016, 09:44 AM
Wouldn't a VPN solve this?

01-25-2016, 09:44 AM
After doing a bit of reading this morning, it appears that the whole VPN blocking/Netflix US thing it like a cat and mouse game that the cat will eventually win.

So does this mean a move to VPS's then? Are some already utilizing VPS's? Also, I can imagine that if VPS's become a new norm for this sort of activity, then they're probably already on Netflix's radar.

Not a big deal to me because I don't utilize any VPN services, what's on Optik TV is enough for me and the only music I listen to is what comes off of the FM in my truck.

01-25-2016, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by SmAcKpOo
Wouldn't a VPN solve this?

They've started adding the exit nodes to a banned IP list.

Basically if you find a small VPN it'll probably work for now, but if they notice traffic coming from a VPN they'll probably block that address eventually.

What it'll come down to is trying to find a small service that works, but isn't popular enough to get on their radar I guess

01-25-2016, 04:08 PM
Blah. Whatever. I just use Kodi.

01-25-2016, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Gripenfelter
Blah. Whatever. I just use Kodi.

This x 1000000

01-25-2016, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by Gripenfelter
Blah. Whatever. I just use Kodi.

All Kodi does is stream via dns or proxy setups as well. No different. But those in Kodi aren't necessarily legal either unlike Netflix.

Interesting little site regarding content...

01-25-2016, 09:26 PM
My unblock us still works...

01-25-2016, 09:39 PM
yeah i think they're just shooting themselves in the foot with this, people will just cancel their sub and go back to torrent/newsbins/kodi etc...

01-26-2016, 10:07 AM
It's an interesting balancing act that Netflix has to do. 1st, not piss off the content suppliers by looking like they're not doing anything and 2nd not piss off the customers who have gotten used to region hopping.

Their best solution is to keep hammering out their own quality content. The more Daredevil, Making a Murderer, Narcos, etc they can do, the less of a problem licensing old network content will be.

01-27-2016, 02:14 PM
Dammit, looks like my VPN provider got hit.

Currently working to get it back up and running.:thumbsdow

01-27-2016, 02:16 PM
who's your VPN provider and who's working getting it up and running again? are you going through another VPN provider?

so far my unblock-us is still working

01-27-2016, 02:24 PM
I use AceVPN that works with Unblock TV.

Just working with their support to get back up and running.

02-05-2016, 04:17 PM

Payment systems now getting in on it. Looks like they are serious about the US master race keeping their movies.

02-05-2016, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by ZenOps

Payment systems now getting in on it. Looks like they are serious about the US master race keeping their movies.

If it comes down to it and paypal goes overboard you can always use bitcoins to pay for VPN/DNS services (Which is relatively easy since we have a few bitcoin atms in Calgary)

Aside: Gave unblock us multiple options, contacted support, got new DNS addresses and after a day it got blocked again, decided to go a less popular DNS route and hope that works better. Half the cost and no issues thus far.

02-11-2016, 09:41 PM
Would you mind sharing the "less popular DNS route" you took? My VPN (Astrill) just got nuked today, after holding out a long time and still working for all US/Euro/Asian servers for Netflix and Hulu. Dead today.

I called Netflix and asked them since their Canadian content is less than 1/2, 4000 programs/series vs 10,000 on their US catalog, if they planned on cutting my bill by 4/10ths as well now, since they rates are the same. I got escalated to a manager, and told him 1/2 the people I know in Canada feel the same way, that their catalog here blows, and many will leave soon over this.

02-11-2016, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by Gman.45

I called Netflix and asked them since their Canadian content is less than 1/2, 4000 programs/series vs 10,000 on their US catalog, if they planned on cutting my bill by 4/10ths as well now, since they rates are the same. I got escalated to a manager, and told him 1/2 the people I know in Canada feel the same way, that their catalog here blows, and many will leave soon over this.

LOL won't happen. Plenty of people are enjoying Netflix and that number grows daily.

02-11-2016, 10:00 PM
Originally posted by firebane
LOL won't happen. Plenty of people are enjoying Netflix and that number grows daily.
Yupp, mark our family down as one of these - TELUS made Netflix just too easy on their Optik TV, can't be bothered with VPN's and such when we are quite happy with what we're getting now.

02-11-2016, 11:29 PM
LOL won't happen. Plenty of people are enjoying Netflix and that number grows daily.

Maybe you missed the stock prices falling like a rock last year, or Nerlix missing it's target and predicted new subscriber numbers by about 30% in the last quarter of 2015.

In Canada compared to Q4 2014, they added less than 1/2 as many subs in Q4 2015. Still growing - yes, but at a MUCH lower rate than the last 2 years.

Again - Netflix's own numbers is that of the 29% of English speaking households that have Netflix in Canada, over 1/3 spend most of the time on US or other countries catalogs than the Canadian one. The reason is simple - far less quantity, and less quality programming on the Canadian catalog. Now that those 1/3 can't get the programming through VPN/DNS tricks - many WILL leave.

If you care to place a wager on Q2 and Q3 results for Netflix subs in Canada - I'd be happy to participate for some laughs. I say they'll miss their targets by at least 50%, if not more in both of those quarters, due to both the flatlining of adding regular subs, as well as many of the VPN type customers hitting the trail.

We'll see soon enough what impact their decision has.

Either way, I still feel it's ridiculous that for the same price the product is FAR superior in the USA - the entire reason there even IS geolocation spoofing is that the Canadian product is far inferior in the first place. If you're "happy" with Canadian Netflix, you haven't experience the US version. It's analogous to saying you're happy with your car getting 25mpg, when your neighbor with the identical model gets 50.

02-12-2016, 01:38 AM
Got rid of my unblock-us service around 6 months ago. Wasn't really using US Netflix anymore as I noticed the Canadian content was good enough for me lol.

02-12-2016, 09:06 AM
Originally posted by J.M.
Got rid of my unblock-us service around 6 months ago. Wasn't really using US Netflix anymore as I noticed the Canadian content was good enough for me lol.


Canadian Netflix has a much better movie/documentary selection that the US side.

The US just has tons of terrible TV shows.

02-12-2016, 09:13 AM
unblock us is still working, but you need to keep resetting the region.

02-12-2016, 10:05 AM
Un-Block us for Netflix is still working

However, my NHL subscription I purchased through Apple TV just got cut off. (ran through US IP as well)

02-12-2016, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Ca_Silvia13
Un-Block us for Netflix is still working

However, my NHL subscription I purchased through Apple TV just got cut off. (ran through US IP as well)

I was having issues with NHL.TV and unblockus, not sure if it was the rollout of the new NHL platform or unblockus tweaking their backend to fix netflix but it caused me nothing but problems.

Switched over to a different smaller dns provider and it's been smooth sailing since I posted this thread for both nhl and netflix. Fingers crossed it stays that way.

02-12-2016, 10:20 AM
Nhl.tv is a completely new platform so ya they're all working to fix it.

Watching flames games on normal tv at 30fps seems so ghetto. :rofl:

I like using Argentina Netflix. Lots of CBS tv shows there.

02-12-2016, 10:21 AM
Once you factor in currency conversion, we are paying less for Netflix here than the US.

02-12-2016, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by Pacman
Once you factor in currency conversion, we are paying less for Netflix here than the US.
I don't think anyone is paying Netflix in USD. Canadian account lets you access every country with the unblockers.

02-12-2016, 10:26 AM
Just got a note from Unblock us that they are cut off from Paypal now. I don't think I'm very comfortable sending my credit card info to a company from the Bahamas. US Netflix isn't what it was once anyway so I will probably just give it a pass for now.

02-12-2016, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Gman.45

If you're "happy" with Canadian Netflix, you haven't experience the US version. It's analogous to saying you're happy with your car getting 25mpg, when your neighbor with the identical model gets 50.

Can't agree, we had US Netflix as my kids set it up through a VPN but to be honest, the bother wasn't worth it even for them after a while. None of us spend copious amounts of our lives concerned about what shows or movies we might be missing out on, when we sit down to watch the tube, it's usually something off of pretty much the basic TELUS package we have or possibly the Canadian Netflix we get through TELUS Optik TV.

For my wife and I, we don't go to movie theatres and to wait an extra few months for a movie to get to the pay on demand on Optik is plenty fine with us. The kids, they'll go to the theatres on their own but it isn't all that often either. Yeah, yeah, I know many beyond members will look at us and wonder how we can exist in such a deprived state but for us and many that we know, US Netflix just isn't a big deal.

02-12-2016, 10:55 AM
Originally posted by J.M.
Got rid of my unblock-us service around 6 months ago. Wasn't really using US Netflix anymore as I noticed the Canadian content was good enough for me lol.
Hah, just exactly what my 21 year old son said when I asked him about US vs Canadian Netflix and in fact, he said the US version just has too much crap.

02-12-2016, 11:09 AM
I think you guys miss out on the point of these dns services, its not that you can only have one location, its that you can tick a box and change regions at random.

Want to watch a show, see its not available, do a quick search which region it is available in, click click, hey now I have it.

Just because you setup a dns service doesn't mean you lose Canadian content. I've used Canada, US, random European countries, etc.

02-12-2016, 02:01 PM
Is there a super easy way to switch a VPN on and off? For example if I'm sitting down to watch some Netflix or Gamecenter, I just do one simple thing and I'm effectively in the USA, and when I'm done just switch back? Or does it usually take more work?

Really though, for $7.99/mo you get your money's out of Netflix just by watching a couple things every month, or even if you power through a TV series every now and then. Hard to complain, despite the additional content US users get. Anything you can't get you can just download in a matter of minutes.

02-12-2016, 05:14 PM
The dns solutions only put you in the US for the supported "channels". Not sure how the vpn solution works, never had to use it. It does interfere with some Canadian channels such as CBC Radio (wont work on devices mapped to Unblockus) but it's rare.

As for the cost of these services, I use it not only for Netflix, but for Hulu, Disney, ESPN, NHL, Fox, NBC, ABC, HBO, Showtime, NBC Sports, A&E, History... So ya worth every penny.

08-06-2016, 06:54 PM
Hey Guys, thought I would bump up this thread. I had been using Netflix with privateinternetaccess for some time and the last few months it hasn't been working. I'm aware that Netflix put in some new rules about VPN's, but does anyone know of a workaround?

08-25-2016, 08:50 PM
Bump! Please share if you are successful in a workaround for achieving US content.
Unlocator, Unblock US :thumbsdow

08-25-2016, 08:57 PM
i use playmo.tv and i have not had any of these issues, infact i stopped paying them 1 month ago and its still working no problem.

08-26-2016, 07:12 AM
just use kodi with paradoxwizard addon, it has everything you'd ever want, only one in my house that still uses netflix is my 6 year old daughter because the interface is simple, but paradox has a kids version of the wizard too, just waiting for the new android box to arrive and i'll build it up, i am sure they simplified the interface so its easy to use.

08-26-2016, 09:35 AM
Originally posted by nzwasp
i use playmo.tv and i have not had any of these issues, infact i stopped paying them 1 month ago and its still working no problem.

Will try this tonight, thanks so much!!

08-27-2016, 03:55 AM
Thaco, what's the resolution/quality like with Kodi and that addon? When I tried Kodi and all that sort of stuff a while ago, it was garbage quality, like the "watch movie" or "watch TV" sites with their 360p or less quality stream. Better than nothing, but certainly not the HD Netflix quality.

Astrill VPN has many servers working with the USA still - I can also use the UK, Australia, Mexico, much of the rest of Europe, and so on still with Astrill's servers. You can either use their VPN or DNS, either work with most locations still, but it can be spotty at times with some countries, but I've always been able to connect with the USA.

08-29-2016, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by Gman.45
Thaco, what's the resolution/quality like with Kodi and that addon? When I tried Kodi and all that sort of stuff a while ago, it was garbage quality, like the "watch movie" or "watch TV" sites with their 360p or less quality stream. Better than nothing, but certainly not the HD Netflix quality.

Astrill VPN has many servers working with the USA still - I can also use the UK, Australia, Mexico, much of the rest of Europe, and so on still with Astrill's servers. You can either use their VPN or DNS, either work with most locations still, but it can be spotty at times with some countries, but I've always been able to connect with the USA. it all depends on the source, most of them are high quality, but its not uncommon to find dead streams so it can take a bit of work to find a good stream sometimes, especially for less popular shows.

08-29-2016, 04:59 PM
Playmo is not working with netflix. Their DNS servers are pointing to the Canadian Netflix sites.
I give up! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

08-29-2016, 05:38 PM
I might have asked this in another long ago thread, or just stewed so much on my question that I thought I did. But, why is this even happening? I mean, it's the internet, there's no significant cost to transport goods. Yes yes, some licensing thing I don't understand, yet virtually all content on Canadian Netflix is already American made.

So why is it that some American content is ok for Canadian Netflix, and others are not?

Please splane :)

08-29-2016, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by Seth1968
I might have asked this in another long ago thread, or just stewed so much on my question that I thought I did. But, why is this even happening? I mean, it's the internet, there's no significant cost to transport goods. Yes yes, some licensing thing I don't understand, yet virtually all content on Canadian Netflix is already American made.

So why is it that some American content is ok for Canadian Netflix, and others are not?

Please splane :) because the networks/studios on both sides of the border want a share of the pie.

it's all about the dolla dolla bills ya'll

08-29-2016, 06:58 PM
Netflix blocked my home IP from viewing this weekend. DNS pointed to or Shaw's YYC DNS server, and it still told me I was using a proxy. Kids were not happy. Pretty much ready to pull the plug on Netflix. The Canadian content is shit, and I have good options with HBO/Showtime/Hulu for content. Really, only the kids are using Netflix these days and they can live without it.

Speaking of DNS unblockers, it looks like unblock-us is slowly giving up completely. Their HBO Go/Now performance is now complete shit. Half the time shit doesn't play and they don't know why. Switch to any other competing service and it works perfectly smooth. Switched off today.

08-29-2016, 07:29 PM
Originally posted by rage2
Kids were not happy. Pretty much ready to pull the plug on Netflix.

I'm sick of trying to teach kids in some sort of freaky people in costumes. That's all good for Halloween, but not when they wake up the next day.

09-21-2016, 04:46 PM

09-22-2016, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by Gman.45
Thaco, what's the resolution/quality like with Kodi and that addon? When I tried Kodi and all that sort of stuff a while ago, it was garbage quality, like the "watch movie" or "watch TV" sites with their 360p or less quality stream. Better than nothing, but certainly not the HD Netflix quality.

I use Exodus add-on, if it's a popular show the quality is usually HD and occasionally 1080p, but there will always be SD versions available, like 20+ to choose from. More often than not an hour after the show airs live, it'll be up to watch.

I will say 95% of the time I search older tv shows/movies they will be on there. Even foreign films with subtitle additions are readily available. Pretty much 100% of the popular western TV shows are all on there.

But whatever you use, bear in mind you need to also set Kodi/XBMC up in its own local settings to have max resolution as well, not just choose an HD stream while your Kodi is running on 320p or something, it'll never work out in your favour.

09-22-2016, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
There is a new plug-and-play hardware solution that's currently running a large ad campaign on social media and it's free to try. Thoughts?


I have a feeling that this will be a hardware based peer-to-peer service where users in the US will have their IP spoofed by users in Canada (or other countries) and vice versa.

Basically turning everyone into an endpoint for everyone else with the same device.

09-22-2016, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by n1zm0

I use Exodus add-on, if it's a popular show the quality is usually HD and occasionally 1080p, but there will always be SD versions available, like 20+ to choose from. More often than not an hour after the show airs live, it'll be up to watch.

I will say 95% of the time I search older tv shows/movies they will be on there. Even foreign films with subtitle additions are readily available. Pretty much 100% of the popular western TV shows are all on there.

But whatever you use, bear in mind you need to also set Kodi/XBMC up in its own local settings to have max resolution as well, not just choose an HD stream while your Kodi is running on 320p or something, it'll never work out in your favour.


Exodus is awesome. I tried 1Channel and SALTS and didn't like them as much.

09-22-2016, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by n1zm0

But whatever you use, bear in mind you need to also set Kodi/XBMC up in its own local settings to have max resolution as well,

Can you elaborate?

09-22-2016, 10:04 PM
So just wondering if anyone tried that "Turbo beacon" device/service?

Any other alternatives to US content?

So ridiculous we have to go through these stupid hoops. If these studios want to make it this hard with the licensing shit, then ppl might as well start torrenting and give a finger to the studios :poosie:

09-22-2016, 11:11 PM
I've pretty much switched my content and family habits over to local content via plex.

Then I use Sonarr and Couch Potato to setup automatic downloads.

Upside is that all of our content is curated, rather than random...which improves the Tv experience. And I get all the HBO/movie/netflix content I want.

09-23-2016, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by sk8r3124
Can you elaborate?

System>Settings>Video Output>Resolution

If after that your resolution is still crap, it's the stream you're using that is poor quality.

09-23-2016, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by n1zm0

System>Settings>Video Output>Resolution

If after that your resolution is still crap, it's the stream you're using that is poor quality.

:thumbsup: cheers

11-02-2016, 08:49 AM
Anyone else use a VPN and a Roku. I have a couple Rokus they work great.

I used to just have VPN setup in my router with all the Rokus connected to it. That was when US Netflix was working. Now that seems to be done. So we want to watch Canadian Netflix but still use Hulu, Slingtv etc.

Any ideas on how this can be done while still using Canadian Netflix?

11-02-2016, 09:01 AM
Most DNS redirect sites allow you to turn off Netflix proxy while allowing US proxy to stuff like Hulu, Sling, Amazon, etc.

11-02-2016, 09:08 AM
Interesting. I'm not overly familiar with DNS redirect sites. I have just been using PureVPN (Speed isnt great). What are some good DNS redirect sites I could try? Thanks

11-02-2016, 10:01 AM
If you don't use HBO, unblockus works great. They have a bug of some sort that's causing HBO stuff to play only 50% of the time and when it does, it randomly desynchs audio.

11-02-2016, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by rage2
If you don't use HBO, unblockus works great. They have a bug of some sort that's causing HBO stuff to play only 50% of the time and when it does, it randomly desynchs audio.
Mine has been working well for my weekly westworld outside of usually one pause for say 20 seconds per episode. Still works great with hulu and pretty good with netflix. Have to occasionally turn the box off and on (Firetv) if it gives an error.

11-02-2016, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by rage2
If you don't use HBO, unblockus works great. They have a bug of some sort that's causing HBO stuff to play only 50% of the time and when it does, it randomly desynchs audio.

Thanks. Now I need to figure out the best US Live TV streaming service that I can sign up for with a canadian credit card.

I have been using USTVNow but I'm wondering if there are better options.

11-02-2016, 01:00 PM

11-02-2016, 01:05 PM
I have been using the paid. It works well and it's worth it for HD.

11-02-2016, 01:32 PM

11-15-2016, 03:18 PM
here is a free way to enable US netflix , no weird addons, spyware etc. (works as of today)
