View Full Version : Opening rear tail lights

02-01-2016, 09:11 PM
Hey guys,

I want to open the rear tail lights of my Ford Fiesta ST. There is a spot inside them I want to paint black. Anyone have any experience cutting tail lights in general open? What's the best option for resealing them? Where do I buy the sealant? Would you be willing to provide any pointers or demos? Much appreciated!


02-01-2016, 09:23 PM
I know it doesn't help much, but there should be a DIY on one of the ST forums that'll show you step by step with your exact lights.

02-02-2016, 10:32 AM
Don't get rammy. Tried once with IS300 tails and busted the cover.
Slowly heat it up in the oven. Then pry apart didn't really work for me.

I was thinking a dremel would work and go slow.

Sealing them up, I never got that far but I would assume body shop supplies would have a resin to use that bonds plastic.
Might be worth having a small vent hole for condensation, but maybe someone else can reply regarding that.

02-02-2016, 10:51 AM
Wouldn't high quality silicone work ok?

As for taking them apart, the baking method is far and away the most widely used and successful method. I'd love to add led strips inside my M37 headlights, but at half a grand + a pop I'm not about to try.

02-02-2016, 11:50 AM
I've done an HID retrofit.

Used the oven method like in this video and baked about 200 F for 5-10 minutes


pryed the housing apart with a screw driver.

after i did my mods i added extra Butyl Rubber Glue to the seam, heated it in the oven and sealed it back up. you only need to add a little extra butyl since the original sealant is still there.


i also added extra silicone after it was sealed to make sure i didnt have any problems with condensation later on.

02-02-2016, 03:51 PM
As far as I have read so far, you cannot bake open tail lights. So its either a hot knife or a dremel. Anyone had experience with either of these methods?