View Full Version : Anyone here with a miniature schnauzer?

02-17-2016, 10:10 AM
My puppy search has been narrow down to a miniature schnauzer. Does anyone on the forum have one?

Where did you buy from?
How long did it take to house train?
Any advice on these breed?

Having asthma i picked the miniature schnauzer because of they hypoallergenic nature of breed and they don't shed much.

02-17-2016, 10:55 AM
Look into Cockapoo's (Spoodle's) as well. They are also hypoallergenic, land around 20 lbs wet, easy to train, and awesome with families/kids. :)

02-17-2016, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by A790
Look into Cockapoo's (Spoodle's) as well. They are also hypoallergenic, land around 20 lbs wet, easy to train, and awesome with families/kids. :)

I didn't know about this breed, thanks for the heads up!

02-17-2016, 11:30 AM
My in-laws have a mini schnauzer. He's super adorable, and they got him right when I met my wife. They got him from a breeder north of Edmonton. I'd have to track down where, and he has a docked tail and undocked ears.

Very smart breed, very easy to train, around 15-20lbs, very loyal. He doesn't shed, but when he gets worked up, he does release pheromones (or something similar) that those with allergies react to.

He came pre-house trained thanks to the breeder, and they got him when he was 8 weeks old.

02-17-2016, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by LilDrunkenSmurf
My in-laws have a mini schnauzer. He's super adorable, and they got him right when I met my wife. They got him from a breeder north of Edmonton. I'd have to track down where, and he has a docked tail and undocked ears.

Very smart breed, very easy to train, around 15-20lbs, very loyal. He doesn't shed, but when he gets worked up, he does release pheromones (or something similar) that those with allergies react to.

He came pre-house trained thanks to the breeder, and they got him when he was 8 weeks old.

having one come pre-house trained would be ideal! If you could dig on which breeder this was from it would greatly help me out. I would travel within Alberta to purchase.

02-17-2016, 01:09 PM
Looks like the site isn't around anymore, so I'm not sure if they're still breeding, but it's Dream Catcher Farms (http://www.dreamcatchercanadians.com/) In Onoway AB.


02-17-2016, 02:50 PM
Dorries Designer Dogs up near Edmonton also does miniature schnauzers :)

02-18-2016, 12:34 PM

My sister got her dog from here. She got a discount dog because he has an under bite but it makes him kinda cute. He seems to be a very energetic dog that lives for chasing balls in the park and going for walks. He does't like my 4 year old when he goes running by and tries to nip at him each time. He does well with showers and but does't like baths. Personally i don't like the dog as i find him way to high strung and he never settles down, that may change over time but for now he just annoys the fuck out of me.

That being said cockapoo's are awesome dogs. 3 different friends have them and they are nothing but wicked dogs.

02-22-2016, 11:45 AM
On our third mini schnauzer (first one passed away at 14 years of age). Older one is 11 and younger is 2. We have always found private breeders throughout the province. Our last one is a chocolate color which is pretty unique found by Medicine Hat.

They are amazing dogs. I am allergic to most other dogs but the schnauzers don't bother me. Ours are on the smaller side at 11 and 15 pounds but they are great dogs who can get away with limited exercise if needed (they won't go crazy if they miss a walk one day).

Teach them from young not to bark at other dogs and people as they can be a very yappy breed if you let them. Ours now only bark a couple times with the doorbell and only if anyone comes into our yard.

I will look at getting another mini schnauzer when ours pass as they are a great breed.

One other thing to be aware of. With a non-shedding dog you need to pay to have their hair cut which can be espensive. Typically every 1-2 months (depending on how long you let the hair grow out) it will cost you ~$50 to have them groomed.

Jinx (yes the ears are always straight up like that - nickname of donkey)


02-22-2016, 10:57 PM
I'm pretty set on the schnauzer and almost picked one up from near lethbridge the other day but the lady ended up selling the last one before I left Calgary.

Christian doodles are asking 1800 for their pups while other breeders are around 750 to 1000. I do know they have schoodles for around 750 which I meant look into as well

What breeder did you use str8jkt?

02-23-2016, 08:56 AM
Unfortunately I can't send you the breeder(s) as both aren't selling any more. Rogue (the younger brown one) was from a family that bred their female once to get puppies and then stopped and Jinx was from a breeder that has since moved onto different breeds than Schnauzers.

Good luck in your search. They are amazing dogs. Loyal, playful yet the right size for a lapdog while laying on the couch watching a movie..

Bonus image showing how Rogue can totally work the sad puppy dog look...


02-24-2016, 12:48 AM
Nick88gt on here has one, as well my parents have 2 of them..

great dogs, my parents let theirs get away with pretty much anything so they are a little nuts but still super loving, always happy to see us when we go back home..

they all have the craziest, most unpredictable personalities.

Ill ask my mom where she got hers from.

kobe tai
02-24-2016, 09:07 AM
I have one. Great and smart dogs but this breed has lots of health problems. My vet told me they are prone to many issues. My dog had to have surgery at 3 years old to remove bladder stones already ($1400) and is on prescription food now (about $60-80/month). Apparently this is a common schnauzer issue.

02-24-2016, 09:11 AM
Our first Schnauzer also had to have surgery for bladder stones. They are also prone to pancreatitis. Just have to be careful about what kind of treats and food you give them.

02-24-2016, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by str8jkt
Our first Schnauzer also had to have surgery for bladder stones. They are also prone to pancreatitis. Just have to be careful about what kind of treats and food you give them.

Where is a good place to get top quality treats and food from?

02-24-2016, 10:21 AM
Any pet store really. Just stay away from the stuff like "Beggin strips" and look for the healthier stuff.

We subscribed for a while to a monthly subscription box called BarkBox (also used one called Paws and Play). They send you some healthy treats, a toy and some misc stuff every month for your dog. We had to cancel as even with 2 dogs we weren't getting through the backlog of treats that we were receiving. Now have plenty of treats that we can give to the dogs now though and they loved getting the new toys.

Speedog on the forum can probably answer this better?


02-24-2016, 11:38 AM
+1 for BarkBox as an epic treat source :thumbsup:

kobe tai
02-24-2016, 11:50 AM
My dog loves carrots and apple slices as treats haha. Won't touch dog treats

03-03-2016, 04:11 PM
Treats - u can get those freeze dried beef liver treats which i think all dogs seem to love. I like them because the ingredient list is quite short - 100% beef liver.
don't have to over think the treats - anytime u cook chicken or turkey just cut the scraps off and they love that. The other day I bought beef ribs, peeled 80% of the meat off and gave him the bone to knaw on (raw) and made wicked stew with the rest of the meat. I also gave him some of the raw beef as a treat.

As for locating a dog...I'd just check kijiji everyday and eventually something will pop up. I bought a shi-tzu x Maltese pup. I wasn't even looking that hard, but had been keeping an eye out for several months. One Saturday morning I just decided to look out of the blue and there they were...a litter of hypoallergenic pups 5 minutes from my house. I went to see them that morning, reserved one, and by the night time of the same day the whole litter was gone!