View Full Version : My old french language arts teacher is in hot water for being too tough..

04-12-2016, 10:26 AM
Aside from the homophobic comments, which I don't believe happened because I have a feeling he was gay, some of the students comments are just a joke.


04-12-2016, 10:35 AM
When I went to River Glen that was a across the street we had a math teacher that used to smack us if we were to get questions wrong and yell. He also once threw a chair through a window.

Classic Red Deer.

04-12-2016, 10:38 AM
That's nothing. Anyone go to school in the mid to late 70's?

04-12-2016, 10:52 AM
In the 80s there were many "tough" but fair teachers, but then there was the occasional crazy teacher that made class interesting.

04-12-2016, 10:54 AM
Originally posted by lasimmon
When I went to River Glen that was a across the street we had a math teacher that used to smack us if we were to get questions wrong and yell. He also once threw a chair through a window.

Classic Red Deer.

We need old school teachers like that still. Not "It's ok little billy, don't light your classmates hair on fire again please.."

04-12-2016, 11:03 AM
Originally posted by Hallowed_point

We need old school teachers like that still. Not "It's ok little billy, don't light your classmates hair on fire again please.."

Pretty sure people don't name kids Billy anymore. It would be more like 'It's ok little Jaxon....

04-12-2016, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by roopi
Pretty sure people don't name kids Billy anymore. It would be more like 'It's ok little Jaxon.... Lol..that's true.

04-12-2016, 11:22 AM
one count of failing to treat students with respect and dignity, and one count of failing to maintain the honour of the profession.

In what kind of kangaroo court are those charges :rofl:

Guy sounds like a typical power tripping asshole, probably needs to get over his little man syndrome and pick fights with people his own size. However I believe that in some of these cases, the kids PROBABLY deserved it.

I mean how seriously can kids in Red Deer really take french class :rofl:

04-12-2016, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by roopi

Pretty sure people don't name kids Billy anymore. It would be more like 'It's ok little Jaxon....
Or y'know, spelling it Byllie because that's cool and you're totally gonna find a magnet with that name on it at the gift shop.

04-12-2016, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by killramos

In what kind of kangaroo court are those charges :rofl:

Guy sounds like a typical power tripping asshole, probably needs to get over his little man syndrome and pick fights with people his own size. However I believe that in some of these cases, the kids PROBABLY deserved it.

I mean how seriously can kids in Red Deer really take french class :rofl:
It was a pretty hardcore class, we were reading university level novels that had content not suited for high school students in the 90s lol. He would be hard on us but we'd get him right back. I remember him starting each class with a bottle of Perrier, we would get to class early and shake the hell out of the bottle only to watch it explode over the chalk board when he opened it. We'd talk back to him, some of us would get kicked out, I remember a good friend of mine getting sent outside to read with the class through the window as he sat on the grass enjoying the sun lol. I still keep in touch with most of my french classmates through FB and unfortunately the kids who never fought back never really amounted to much in their older years.

04-12-2016, 11:39 AM
Originally posted by jwslam
Or y'know, spelling it Byllie because that's cool and you're totally gonna find a magnet with that name on it at the gift shop. :rofl: :rofl: :clap: :clap:

04-12-2016, 11:42 AM

04-12-2016, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by jwslam

Or y'know, spelling it Byllie because that's cool and you're totally gonna find a magnet with that name on it at the gift shop.

To this day I still look for that elusive magnet/keychain with my name on it. :cry:

04-12-2016, 11:50 AM
Several students stated a short-statured boy was frequently made to stand on top of his desk so the teacher could hear what he was saying.


This guy sounds like a legend!

I remember my buddy and I were running in the hall in grade 4 and a teacher literally grabbed our collars and dragged us the entire way to the principals office.

My parents showed up and told us to stop running in the fucking halls.

Oh how time have changed.

One thing I feel really bad for teachers/principals is you get to see how much worse kids are getting.

I think back of teachers I had in the 80's/90's and can only imagine what they think of the entitled shits they have to deal with today.

04-12-2016, 12:39 PM
Sounds hilarious to me:dunno: I had worse

One of my teachers is on the run for sexual assault on a minor :rofl: Funny thing, he was actually one of the better teachers I ever had

I'll try and find the article

Edit: Oh, nevermind, not on the run guess they caught him


04-12-2016, 12:39 PM
Spare the rod, spoil the child. Or something.

I was a trouble child for sure. I remember our music teacher blew the entire budget on buying 30 ukuleles. During recess, me and a friend took it upon ourselves to de tune them all. She started foaming at the mouth, throwing chalk, grabbing kids by the ear etc etc. And this was in the mid 90's. :rofl: :D :D :rofl: Teacher's put up with a lot of BS.

D'z Nutz
04-12-2016, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by roopi

To this day I still look for that elusive magnet/keychain with my name on it. :cry:


04-12-2016, 01:34 PM
Still better than all the "no fail" teachers.

cancer man
04-12-2016, 09:02 PM
My French teacher was a TV in the classroom.Madame something had black hair.

04-12-2016, 09:18 PM
Can we give this guy a raise?

04-12-2016, 09:19 PM
I still recall our principal literally grab, lift and drag a kid (grade 5) off the ground by his jacket collar , for throwing a rock at another (who was struck and injured).

Some big shit went down in that principals office and because kid's parents were Chinese, im sure a feather duster came to visit the school.

Im sending my kids to military school. Society is far too pussy these days.

04-12-2016, 09:54 PM
I got the strap (razor belt) on three separate occasions in Jr. High (each time was five strikes per hand). The interesting part was that the school would always mail a letter to inform my parents that I got the belt. The first time it happened my mom was super pissed-off...at me. She told me that if it happened again, then I'd be in for the same punishment at home. The second and third time it happened I learned that she wasn't joking.

During those same years we had a social studies and art teacher who considered the ultimate transgression to be talking while he was teaching. This guy was a first generation immigrant from Tanzania, spoke seven languages, and had zero fucking qualms about doling out open hand or back hand slaps to the head, face, or whatever was within arms reach. The amount of times that fucker cuffed me could fill a highlight reel. There was a period of time that I was dead set against doing art homework, so this guy dragged me, by the ear (!) to the office to dole out the strap. When the time came I was astonished at his lack of aim - I had welts from my finger tips almost up to my elbows. Then again, maybe that was his intent.

04-12-2016, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by Str1der
I got the strap (razor belt) on three separate occasions in Jr. High (each time was five strikes per hand). The interesting part was that the school would always mail a letter to inform my parents that I got the belt. The first time it happened my mom was super pissed-off...at me. She told me that if it happened again, then I'd be in for the same punishment at home. The second and third time it happened I learned that she wasn't joking.

During those same years we had a social studies and art teacher who considered the ultimate transgression to be talking while he was teaching. This guy was a first generation immigrant from Tanzania, spoke seven languages, and had zero fucking qualms about doling out open hand or back hand slaps to the head, face, or whatever was within arms reach. The amount of times that fucker cuffed me could fill a highlight reel. There was a period of time that I was dead set against doing art homework, so this guy dragged me, by the ear (!) to the office to dole out the strap. When the time came I was astonished at his lack of aim - I had welts from my finger tips almost up to my elbows. Then again, maybe that was his intent.

Was this in Canada?

Maxx Mazda
04-12-2016, 10:24 PM
My French teacher in school was a talking pineapple on a VHS tape...

04-12-2016, 11:30 PM
Just wait for speeddog to chime in:

When I was a kid our teacher was so nice but we didn't even have schools back then. We used to just sit on the side of the hill and listen to him teach. He used to tell us all about life and what we should and shouldn't do. His name was Jesus.

04-13-2016, 06:29 AM
I went to French Immersion school from 1977 until 1986. I swear French teachers think violence is integral to education.

A few highlights -

The "sisters" who often taught us would make kids as a punishment kneel in their desk and do the rosery, many of whom weren't catholic and had NO idea wtf they were doing or saying. While doing so they would crack kuckles to the point of drawing blood with metal edged rulers.

For further infractions, they would make the boys go over to the girls phys-ed class (they were separated by sex for gym for some reason) and stand with arms outstretched with bibles on each hand, heavy ass ones, until tears flowed. Making boys cry in front of girls was part of the "shame" doctrine of their ridiculous church for some reason.

One particularly nasty bitch, who wasn't a "sister" but was just a nasty French civilians, "Madame Rioux", would at least on a weekly basis either throw chalk, twice striking kids in the eye, or wildly wrap tape around the head/mouth for talking, I'm talking huge wraps of duct tape crazily applied round and round, pulling out hair on the head when finally removed, and once had cut off the ability to breathe on one student. This same teacher once was so infuriated with a young girl student that later at the hospital all 4 of her nails had dug permanent gouges out of her arm. This led to the end of it all, which is why I recall that particular one, there are MANY more which happened.

My personal one - a girl had stepped on my hands while I was swinging on the playground bars, and I'd yelled out "son of a bitch". I was reported for saying the word "bitch" in front of girls. I had to get the strap, and kiss on the cheek immediately afterwards, each of the 3 girls present, who were made to watch my punishment.

Teachers were also constantly, forever chasing kids around - classrooms, down hallways, outside, it seemed that there was constantly one teacher in hot angry pursuit on some troublemaker student or another, everywhere you looked. It was pretty crazy now that I think about it all again.

Finally after the girl/nails incident. some of the kids me included told our parents what had been happening for years, and were finally believed. These days it would never happen, or if it did, jail would ensue for several teachers. Back then, 2 were fired, but no charges were ever filed.

It really wasn't all that bad TBH, I would honestly say that I would prefer some of these wild, no consequence delinquent kids would suffer some similar punishments and live in fear of them, as opposed to the degeneration of the education system and loss of respect for authority that it has bred into kids these days. I'm not saying I advocate what was going on in my school back then, just that I would pick it as the lesser of 2 evils right now. As Revelation said, if I had any kids, which I don't, I would ship them off to a US military academy school as well, not only for the discipline, but also for my complete lack of faith in both the public and separate school systems right now.

04-13-2016, 06:31 AM
Originally posted by revelations
Was this in Canada?

Yes. I was born and raised in Calgary, and am of Irish descent. However, the events described occurred in the 80s when I, unfortunately, did a brief stint for jr. high in Brooks, AB - which, I'll attest to those that don't know and reaffirm to those that do, is a complete and utter shithole.

04-13-2016, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Str1der

Yes. I was born and raised in Calgary, and am of Irish descent. However, the events described occurred in the 80s when I, unfortunately, did a brief stint for jr. high in Brooks, AB - which, I'll attest to those that don't know and reaffirm to those that do, is a complete and utter shithole.


I've spent brief amounts of time in Brooks (living in a hotel for a month) and I can see where youre coming from.