View Full Version : Blinky goes full Blinky

04-19-2016, 01:33 AM


Should be interesting for the next week.

Tory Leader Ric McIver was ordered to leave the legislative assembly Monday after he challenged a ruling by Speaker Bob Wanner, claiming a copy of the decision was circulated in the house before the speaker heard any argument.

McIver eventually marched out with several fellow PC MLAs shortly after 5 p.m. after refusing several requests from Wanner to either sit down or leave.

“I will not sit down unless you reverse the ruling that you made,” McIver told Wanner before he was escorted out by the Sergeant of Arms Brian Hodgson.

The interim Progressive Conservative leader told Postmedia he didn’t know when he would return.

“I am new at this, sir,” he said.”I have no idea what happens next. The dignity of the house must be upheld, full stop.”

The MLA for Calgary-Hays said he was protesting the speaker’s ruling on whether to allow an amendment of his private member’s motion in support of private and charter schools.

He said a government MLA moved an amendment to the motion, and with the copy of the amendment that was handed out to MLAs, he received a copy of the speaker’s ruling, which the speaker later read “pretty close to verbatim.”

“People can draw their own conclusions, but I am upholding the dignity of the house because I think the rulings in the house have to be made based on the arguments made in the house — not pre-determined and typed up ahead of time,” McIver said.

In the house, Wanner denied he had referenced the written decision before ruling on the argument.

“You’re saying the speaker received a ruling from staff prior to my making the decision,” he told McIver. “You can accept, or not accept, my word. I can only give you my word as an honourable member, I received this now from a page.”

Wildrose house leader Nathan Cooper, whose children were in attendance, expressed shock at the incident.

“We’ve seen things this afternoon that we may never see in this assembly again,” he told MLAs in the legislature.

He later told reporters that it was “very concerning” that it appeared the speaker may have prejudged the outcome of the debate.

The last eviction from the Alberta legislature was a decade ago when Liberal MLA Bharat Agnihotri was turfed by Speaker Ken Kowalski for refusing to apologize for impugning the integrity of Premier Ed Stelmach.

Agnihotri was docked his MLA salary until he apologized.

Speaker David Carter kicked out a host of opposition MLAs during his term as speaker in the 1990s, even evicting Liberal Leader Laurence Decore for calling then-premier Ralph Klein a “mouse.”

With files from Emma Graney and Graham Thomson, Postmedia

04-19-2016, 01:53 AM
When can he and Rona go somewhere far from the microphones?

04-19-2016, 06:27 AM
Apparently the PCs called the NDP out on the topic of the speaker being impartial after the election.

04-19-2016, 06:47 AM

04-19-2016, 08:04 AM
This sounds pretty bad. Someone who is supposed to be impartial makes a decision allowing the NDP amendment prior to anyone hearing about it or allowing any debate on the matter. Just more #ndpthings :banghead:

04-19-2016, 08:13 AM
Yea this is way bigger a deal than will be made about it. Making a farce of parliamentary procedures that exist for good reason.

Without measured debate on bills and policies parliament might as well not bother sitting during a majority.

Too bad the average Albertan would be left glossy eye'd by the topic and this won't make any real headlines..


04-19-2016, 08:30 AM
An amendment to a statement reaffirming the support for non-public schooling? Is this really what we pay politicians to do?

Originally posted by killramos
Without measured debate on bills and policies parliament might as well not bother sitting during a majority.
And with measured debate they should? What's the point? NDP will vote how they're told anyway.

04-19-2016, 08:35 AM

04-19-2016, 12:42 PM
As long as party whip exists, the only time we see democracy is at the polls.

04-19-2016, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by Feruk
An amendment to a statement reaffirming the support for non-public schooling? Is this really what we pay politicians to do?

I think the amendment render the motion useless, that's why Blinky lost his shit when it wasn't debated.

Not sure why this needs a motion at all unless Blinky is trying to buy rural votes. In the major cities, you can basically do whatever the hell you want.

04-20-2016, 06:14 AM
Allowed back in the legislature with no apology to the speaker

04-20-2016, 06:51 PM
This isn't the first time Wanner fucked up.

A vote by members of the were to pick a new deputy chair of legislature committee. Back in March NDP Heather Suite was against WR Prasad Panda.

NDP sitting with 54 MLA's it should have been a non-contest win... thing is only 30 NDP MLA's decided to show up to vote. Basically with the 33 opposition seats being there, WR would have won - but then Mason + other NDP (being late) pushed their way into assembly , that was already in session and had been barred (as per the rules/tradition). They pushed aside the pages and just forced their way in :rofl:

Bob Wanner nullified to results from the first vote and let everybody revote :nut: Course with Wanner being an NDP MLA he'd allow this - but hey at least he extended the courtesy by ASKING those that were late to leave voluntarily.

Mciver doesn't have anything to apologize for - the NDP are clearly taking advantage of the system , and what Wanner did was anti-democracy. That isn't the government we want, no matter who is in charge