View Full Version : How often do you upgrade your phone?

D'z Nutz
04-20-2016, 01:36 PM
So whenever there's a thread about a new phone coming out, seems like a lot of people are always ready to jump on it even though it their current phone seems to have just come out. Me on the other hand, I rarely upgrade and only do so when my current phone has become so outdated that it becomes painful to use or the case of my current phone, if it's heavily discounted to make room for a new model.

And yeah "painful to use" is pretty subjective since I consider myself a light user compared to most: I only need a phone to text, read news or browse Beyond on the shitter, and take a few random pics here and there. I don't even use my phone for music, rarely use more than a couple hundred MB a month and could probably get by with 16GB of storage.

Just looking back at my phone history, it looks like I upgrade every three years on the dot so I'm due for a new phone this year :rofl:

Nexus 4 (2013)
Nexus S (2010)
iPhone 2G (2007)
Motorola RAZR (2004)
Motorola V60 (2001)
Motorola StarTac (1998)
Motorola MicroTAC Elite? (1995)

So I'm curious, on average how often do you guys upgrade your main, daily use phone and what is your main reason for doing so?

Do you upgrade multiple times a year to stay on top of the latest and greatest toy? Once a year? Just until your phone becomes too outdated for you? When the newest model of your phone comes out?

For the poll:
- The "time" questions are if you find yourself upgrading when it just "feels" like it's time to upgrade, regardless of whether or not your phone has outlived its usefulness.

- The "model" questions are more if you prioritize device capabilities, regardless of how old it is since generally phones come out with a new upgraded version every year.

04-20-2016, 01:45 PM
I changed phones because I get bored, not necessarily because it's an upgrade at all. Or I break them...

I'll TRY to complete this list.

Work Phone
Current: LG G3
Previous: OnePlus One, Note 3, iPhone 4s, BB 9700, BB 8520

Current: Nexus 6
Previous, Here we go... probably not in order
Asus Zenfone 2
Asus Zenfone 2 (yes I went through 2)
OnePlus One
Note 3
BB Z10
Nexus 5
Nexus 5 (yes I went through 2 of these)
LG P999
Galaxy S3
Blackberry 9700
Nexus 4
Nexus 4
Nexus 4 (yes I went through 3 of these)
Xperia X10 mini
Xperia X10
Nexus One
Acer Liquid E
HTC Dream (by far my favorite form factor)
Ericsson W610
Nokia 6131
Motorola V551m
LG C1100
Nokia 6010 (Oct 2004)

04-20-2016, 01:51 PM
Lets see:

LG Shine Flip - 2007 ( 1st phone )
iPhone 3GS - 2009 ( Wanted an iPhone, nothing wrong with shine but passed it on to someone else who used for 2 more years )
iPhone 4 - 2011 ( Felt like an upgrade )
iPhone 5 - 2013 ( Work, replaced physically broken 4 )
iPhone 6s - 2015 ( Work, replaced battery issue/obsolete phone )

Every other year like clockwork. Give or take probably 6 months here and there.

My work phone they REALLY didn't want to replace after 2 years even though it was near non functional due to battery and obsolescence type issues.

I won't do separate work and non-work phones.

04-20-2016, 01:55 PM
I upgrade every 2 years. Phone is provided by work (perks of a 24/7 job where I take calls at 3am) and we get a free one every 2 years so I follow that route.

I used to only buy unlocked phones at huge $$$ for travel, but now I just use my locked phone + wifi hotspot so subsidized phones FTW.

04-20-2016, 01:57 PM
I upgrade when it is:

1) Economical to do so ("free" phone on contract, or the price of the phone outright is cheap enough to justify outright purchase)

2) The phone slows down

My cellphone path went Samsung flip-phone (A610? maybe?), Iphone 3GS (bought as a gift to myself once out of college and no longer broke), Samsung S3 (wanted a more open platform, regretted it as it was laggy as hell), Nexus 5 (LOVED everything about that phone but broke screens like crazy) and now a Nexus 5x (also love it, but its slowed down already in only 3 months of use and the battery recently started performing poorly).

I use my phone for everything, calculator, flashlight, email, internet browsing, gps/maps, navigation, talking, etc etc. It is extremely important to me. I don't need the latest gimmick, I just need it to work, and quickly.

04-20-2016, 02:02 PM
Still rocking a free Iphone 4s. Company didn't want it back when I quit so I kept it and new work pays for my plan. Going to keep it until it dies.

It hasn't slowed down since I stopped doing all the Apple software updates :nut:

04-20-2016, 02:03 PM
Other....whenever I break it.........so could be 2 months; could be 2 years. :D

04-20-2016, 02:09 PM
Depends on how much I spend I suppose to see how long feels right

HTC Legend 2010
Samsung Galaxy S II 2011
LG Nexus 4 2012
LG Nexus 5 2013
Samsung Galaxy S6 2015

I didn't even realize I had was doing 1 year per phone when I got my first smartphone. I will probably keep my S6 until I get the new version of the big Nexus next spring as I really do miss having timely OS upgrades.

04-20-2016, 02:15 PM
I upgrade every year. My reasoning is basically the cost is so completely insignificant considering it is my most used an relied upon device. Say the phone is $700. Sell the old one for $300-400 after a year, spend $300-400 more on a new one, that's like a buck a day to always have the latest and greatest technology in such an important device. It's a no-brainer for me personally. Also every upgrade so far has been very noticeable and significant as it relates to my personal usage - when that stops happening, maybe I will upgrade less.

It's all about priorities though. Some people buy a $5 Starbucks 1-3 times a day but think it's silly to get new phones more often than every 3 years. Just depends what you like. You can pretty much apply that same idea to anything though.

I don't think I could even list all the phones I've owned :rofl: I also use separate phones for work and personal and make sure they're different so I always experience different models, brands, etc.

In all my time I think I've only totally broken one phone though, my first iPhone 3GS. Dropped it like 1ft and it shattered.

04-20-2016, 02:17 PM
Other. Once the next new phone is 0$ on a contract I upgrade. Currently still running an S3 - Planning on upgrading to a S5 basically right away. Why spend money on a phone? Even my S3 is still great for what I use it for (Reddit/Youtube/Facebook)

04-20-2016, 02:26 PM
When I was younger I would upgrade more often, about every year or two. Now, with the iPhone, I seem to be upgrading about every 4 years.

04-20-2016, 02:27 PM
Work pays for my phone too so usually 2-3 years for me.
However the past 12 months, I've gone from a 5S to a 6+ to a 6S+ to a 6 to see what the fuss was with the newer iphones.
I paid for the 6+ and 6S+ with my own money but I wasnt finding the Plus screen important for my need.

Waiting for the Huawei P9 price to go down and work allowing Androids before I get another device :rofl:

04-20-2016, 02:28 PM
Usually every year, this year I might skip it though. Depends, I've always been able to offload the old phone at a decent price to trye and recoup some of the price of the new one. Last year was the first year I wasn't really able to

04-20-2016, 02:40 PM
Solo Mobile clam shell (remember those low fi ring tones!)
LG Chocolate slider (pos, but had a great speaker for it's era)
BB Pearl (wore out quickly, but it was one hell of an upgrade)
LG text type phone (low tech, but great for txt)
Samsung S2 (pos)
iphone 5 C (love it still besides battery life)

I've never bought a smart phone outright. I always wait for my 2 years to come
up to get the "free" upgrade. I've bought a couple of cheap phones out of necessity

EK 2.0
04-20-2016, 02:41 PM
Generally I would go yearly....

04-20-2016, 02:50 PM
I use to upgrade yearly but my latest phone I've had since 2012 :rofl: Still debating whether I should upgrade to the iPhone SE or just grab a 6S.

EF9 Sedan
04-20-2016, 02:54 PM
I have an iPhone 4 (not the 4S). It's been approx 5 years now that I've had my phone?

Everything still works and I've never cracked the screen so I haven't had a reason to upgrade. It's getting really slow though so I'm thinking about upgrading to an iPhone SE. I'm not a fan of the huge phones that are being released nowadays.

04-20-2016, 03:01 PM
"shakalaka" option is :rofl:

04-20-2016, 03:11 PM
When ever the plan is up, unless I break it. Which I did a few times in the last few years.

Was really into slide phones at the start, my first 3 phones 2003 to 2010:





iPhone 4
Nokia 1020 (dropped it)
Nexus 5 (Slow as fuck after software upgrade)
Nokia 930 (to hold me over until new iPhone)
iPhone 6s

2 years seems like a good refresh cycle at the moment.

Mista Bob
04-20-2016, 03:29 PM
I generally go 3-4 years before replacing a phone, unless I break it which doesn't happen often.

04-20-2016, 03:52 PM
Once a year thanks to Telus's T-Up program. They waive the device balance at the end of the year and provide accident/water protection for $10 a month.

04-20-2016, 03:52 PM
Let's see...

Nokia 8390
Motorola V-Box
Sony Ericsson K850i (my favorite phone of all time)
Samsung Focus
iPhone 3GS
Nokia 920
Nokia 735
iPhone 5

So more than 2 years?

04-20-2016, 03:52 PM
Originally posted by rage2
I upgrade every 2 years. Phone is provided by work (perks of a 24/7 job where I take calls at 3am) and we get a free one every 2 years so I follow that route.

I used to only buy unlocked phones at huge $$$ for travel, but now I just use my locked phone + wifi hotspot so subsidized phones FTW.

Same my work phone is upgraded every year or two.

04-20-2016, 03:53 PM
Here is my list over the past 14 years. Thankfully never had a phone lost/stolen/smashed etc. And I haven't upgrade my 5S as work is slow and no major need to switch. Plus iphone prices are stupid these days. See what the 7 (i'm assuming?) is like later this year.
2013 iphone 5s (contract up, figured get a phone bump)
2010 iphone 4 (3G was brutal after software updates and 4 was a massive jump)
2008 iphone 3G (really wanted iphone)
2005 Samsung flip phone (3 year free upgrade why not)
2002 LG flip phone - first

04-20-2016, 04:39 PM
My phone is super important to me. and I genuinely use the capabilities of better phones. For me to be able to pop open a PDF and look at financial statements or something is a huge bonus. I also regularly use my phone to Teamviewer into my desktop.

So I upgrade once a year if not more. I just throw it on my company, and so it's ultimately tax deductible that way. My wife gets my "old" phone as her personal phone, and then carries her 6s as a work phone.

04-20-2016, 04:43 PM
Motorola V262 (2005)
Motorola KRZR (2007)
Samsung Gravity (2008)
SGS 1 (2010)
iphone 5 (2012)
iphone 5 (2014) - apple store broke my previous phone when replacing the battery

Jwslam and I were talking and its crazy to think how huge blackberries were, all the cool fucking kids in HS and Uni had BB's. (pearl, bold). Clearly I was not cool.

Its interesting to look at this list. I have been thinking about an upgrade!

04-20-2016, 04:58 PM
I upgrade as seldom as possible. I was still using a Nexus 4 until I lost it a few weeks ago. :rofl: Had I lost it in the US I'd hopefully still have it using the tracking app, unfortunately it was in Panama so it was long gone.

04-20-2016, 05:04 PM
Before smart phones, every year or so. Now with smart phones (apple only), i've been following the non "S" cycles (skipped the SE obviously).

iPhone original (I was one of the first people in Calgary to have one... I remember busting it out at Thursden and i had a flock of people around me LOL)
iPhone 3G
iPhone 4
iPhone 5
iPhone 6 (currently using)

Next will be the 7

04-20-2016, 06:17 PM
Every year because I usually break them.

04-20-2016, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by Twin_Cam_Turbo
Every year because I usually break them.

:werd: happens to be the case with me as well

04-20-2016, 07:12 PM
Whenever it breaks.
iPhone 5
iPhone 3Gs
HTC Touch
Nokia 6280 (I liked it)
Nokia 6280

04-20-2016, 07:28 PM
Originally posted by spike98
Once a year thanks to Telus's T-Up program. They waive the device balance at the end of the year and provide accident/water protection for $10 a month.

What is this and why haven't I heard of it before? :confused:

04-20-2016, 07:46 PM
Lol guess what I voted for. As soon as I saw the thread title, I was like I don't think I can quite explain it properly as I don't even remember anymore or keep track of it.

I gotta say though, ever since I tried the iPhone 6S and Apple Watch combo, I don't feel like using any other phone as I will lose the watch compatibility. Let's see how long this lasts.

04-20-2016, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

What is this and why haven't I heard of it before? :confused:

It's on the website and every telus rep knows about it so I dunno:dunno:

04-20-2016, 10:55 PM
Probably 2-3 years. Initially had a flip phone that just wouldn't die. Then a blackberry bold that I still love to type on but browsing was painful. Touch screens ever since. Just got a 5x recently because of the sale, and same deal whenever the Nexus 4's were getting cleared out I jumped in it.

Really for how much use a phone gets, it's not a bad thing to upgrade often. Thinking of how much I spend on photography and audio gear yearly....:rofl:

04-20-2016, 11:37 PM
Originally posted by spike98

It's on the website and every telus rep knows about it so I dunno:dunno:

Never stumbled across it, even when checking out all the options.

However, I looked into it, and my Nexus 5x which is 3 months old they'll give me $65 for :rofl: So I don't see how anyone is getting the max allowed $250 unless they are trading in a couple of month old Iphone 6 or Samsung S6

04-20-2016, 11:43 PM
2 startec 130s
Had that Nokia I think with the small antenna that you could put a light on it and it would flash.
Motorola 6130 I think
Then razr
Better razr
Slvr (favourite still)
Lg chocolate
All kinds of blackberrys
iPhone 4
5s still with the 5s. Battery is fucked, screens still good, contracts been up since November, waiting for the next gen iPhone to come out I think.
I was thinking of going to the Samsung, but I'm just used to apple

04-21-2016, 06:53 AM
My main phone is a Panasonic hardwired set running off Ooma.

So... Never been replaced.

04-21-2016, 10:22 AM
Motorola Flip Phone
Nokia 5110
Sony Ericsson T226
Motorola Slvr
Some windows crap phone
HTC Desire Z

Motorola Droid Mini

04-21-2016, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

Never stumbled across it, even when checking out all the options.

However, I looked into it, and my Nexus 5x which is 3 months old they'll give me $65 for :rofl: So I don't see how anyone is getting the max allowed $250 unless they are trading in a couple of month old Iphone 6 or Samsung S6

That is a different program. I guess they are not offering it anymore:


That sucks :whipped:

At least i will still get another upgrade out of them before i am no longer eligible.

04-21-2016, 11:57 AM
2 years. It's about perfect.
I don't see the point in upgrading to every model and in about 2 years time most phones become slow or start to lose support.

Really liking my S6, but I still miss my nexus 4 at times...

I wish the modular/block phone design would come out. I can't see manufactures wanting to do it, but it would be fun to build your own phone and replacing/upgrading parts as you need.

04-25-2016, 05:20 AM
I upgrade approx every 12 months or so give or take a couple months.

Nokia 252 my first phone (1998)
Audiovox CDM-8100
Some LG flip phone from Telus
Nokia 6230
Nokia 6230 (broke my first one)
Qtek 8100 (my first Windows phone)
Nokia 6270
Nokia 6085
Nokia N85
Nokia N97
Nokia N8
iPhone 4S
Nokia Lumia 1020
Nexus 5
Galaxy Note 4
Microsoft Lumia 950 (current phone).

I was always a bit of a Nokia fan.

Never had a Blackberry. Once I was into smartphones I always wanted one with a good camera. Not exactly Blackerry's strength.

I'm also an oddball in that I prefer Windows phone over Android or iOS. Though I recognize why most people wouldn't.

04-25-2016, 07:40 AM
Originally posted by KrisYYC
Nokia 6230
Nokia 6230 (broke my first one)
LIES. No such thing as breaking a nokia. Unless it took a bullet for you...

04-25-2016, 02:18 PM
Originally posted by jwslam

LIES. No such thing as breaking a nokia. Unless it took a bullet for you...

Hahaha well it was nearly crushed by machinery at work. The screen was smashed and the buttons were scraped off. However it could still make and receive phone calls! I just had no idea who was calling or which number I was dialing :D

Alpine Autowerks
05-19-2016, 10:27 PM
I get 1 every 3 years or less now

always liked the windows phone - mobile OS

various Samsung - LG flip phones
Motorola v860 mil spec
Ipaq rx - sort of early VOIP
LG E900 Optimus 7 Winphone 7 ~2010
Nokia 920 ~ fall 2012
Nokia 1020 ~ jan 2014
Microsoft 950XL dec 2016

all the Windows phones still work, I keep the Nokias charged with one of my Qi charging pads

05-26-2016, 12:40 PM
This thread has had me trying to remember all my phones over the years and I have determined it is close to impossible.

My first two phones were Nokia bricks back in 1994 and 1995. Tons of phones since then. I would say on average once a year though so over 20 phones by now. It has been about 10 years now that I haven't even had a personal phone though. No point when work pays and will even cover vacation use out of the country. Only downside is you can't always have the latest phone.

05-26-2016, 12:49 PM
I've owned 4 phones in my entire life:

LG flip phone (3 years)
LG Chocolate (3 years)
Blackberry 9700 (3 years)
Samsung S3 (4 years -> present)

I need a new phone :rofl:

05-26-2016, 01:37 PM
I voted 'other' as I've never owned a cell phone and don't plan on ever owning one in my lifetime. Company supplied phones I've had lots.

05-26-2016, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by blownz
This thread has had me trying to remember all my phones over the years and I have determined it is close to impossible.

My first two phones were Nokia bricks back in 1994 and 1995. Tons of phones since then. I would say on average once a year though so over 20 phones by now. It has been about 10 years now that I haven't even had a personal phone though. No point when work pays and will even cover vacation use out of the country. Only downside is you can't always have the latest phone.

My first phone was the Nokia Cityman

Then the motorola flip
-a few here n there-
Then a Nokia that had the ability to text- fashion series I think. 7000
Galaxy S3
Galaxy S5

05-26-2016, 02:33 PM
Cmon - keep rocking the N4 - all the cool cats do ;)

I keep rocking it, because I can pick them up cheap (spare parts). And anything I can't find isn't much more than 10$ on eBay (good USB daughter boards - think last one was 3.37$) hell even the screens are getting cheap now ;)

I 'upgraded' to the n5 momentarily 2 years ago, broke it more in the first month than 2years in the n4... parked that and went back to the n4, had an s4 - same thing.

The newer phones don't seem to hold up to my abuse, and since Google keeps pushing updates for the n4 - I'll keep rocking it...

05-26-2016, 03:13 PM
I used to change alot more back in the day when phones were advancing a lot faster. Now a days there isn't as much change, i just upgrade phones usually every two years when my contact allows me to. I feel like i am missing a phone here or there as well.

Audiovox CDM-8500 (2004)
Motorola RAZR (2005)
Motorola A1200 (2006)
Samsung F700(2007)
Sony Ericsson W61S (Japan)(2008) Japanese phones were so ahead of the times back then. Just a pain in the ass to get working on our networks.
BlackBerry Pearl (2008)
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 (2009)
LG Nexus 4 (2012)
Nexus 5 (2013)
Samsung S6 Edge (Current)

05-27-2016, 04:40 PM
I think I can stay on Mashmallow on OnePlus One forever.

I have yet to gain a reason to upgrade to a new phone.

05-27-2016, 04:54 PM
don't see a reason to upgrade from my Note 2. Does everything I need it to do pretty much flawlessly and fast. Only time I can see upgrading is when they can figure out how to fit a 10" screen on a 5" phone and possibly a new revolution in batteries so we can start going weeks without recharging instead of hours/days