View Full Version : Rural Calgary Internet Options

04-26-2016, 05:26 PM
I've posted this before but the situation has changed. I live on the outer edge of Stoney in the NE on 84 street, so just outside the city limit. I started off with Xplornet and the Internet was complete shit, so I switched to Efirehose, which was reliable. They got bought by Platinum Communications last year, and the service was still good. Unfortunately platinum got bought by Xplornet recently so I'm back to square one.

Even though they are using the efirehose infrastructure, the support is garbage. My service has been out for a week and still no signs of a technician coming out. Anyone have any ideas on my alternatives? Need something with low latency.

04-26-2016, 06:06 PM
No experience here, but try westnet wireless ?

04-27-2016, 10:31 AM
If you are in the service area CCI Wireless is pretty good. I got rid of Efirehose after Platinum was bought out and have used CCI since.