View Full Version : Harvard rejects capitalism.

04-29-2016, 05:09 AM

"51 percent of respondents do not support capitalism."

That's not to say that they support socialism. I do tend to agree, the best solution would be to find a new system as both capitalism and socialism are not working.

On a side note: This would not have been the question I would have asked. I would have asked Harvard (or MIT) students "Do you believe man landed on the moon?"

But that would probably go too far, and I really think the US would not like what they would hear.

04-29-2016, 06:34 AM

04-29-2016, 11:50 AM
Not really surprising to me. My view is the idea of capitalism is flawed in reality. A free market system does not work because people and companies are willing to break morals and exploit what they can in order to shift the market in their favor.

04-29-2016, 12:57 PM

04-29-2016, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

The problem is socialist influence eventually wins out in any society that is safe and stable for too long. Rules are bent for the greater good of society and while it always starts out as an honest attempt to make things better, it ultimately creates unfair market advantages and leads to monopolies.

That is true and I won't disagree with that.

But in the context of this question 'do you support capitalism' my answer is still No. A hybrid system is needed to balance both sides.

04-29-2016, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by pheoxs
Not really surprising to me. My view is the idea of capitalism is flawed in reality. A free market system does not work because people and companies are willing to break morals and exploit what they can in order to shift the market in their favor.

why the fuck do you live in Canada then? go live somewhere else if you don't like it, asshole. Go live somewhere where they have a mix, China's nice this time of year.

God I hate fuck heads like you. talking alot of shit, meanwhile living and enjoying in the best country in the world. but your complaining about it. If you don't like the way your company treats you. LEAVE. go else where. Dont like it there either? leave, start your own company. But you don't, guys like you dont have the balls. so.. Go fuck yourself

04-29-2016, 01:23 PM
InRich, Canada is very socialist. Public schooling, dirt cheap health care, EI, welfare, etc. From Wikipedia: Canada has a wide range of government transfer payments to individuals, which totaled $176.6 billion in 2009.


Maybe you should learn something about your own country so you don't come off making statements that make you sound like such a dumb hick? No Trump's not running here, you can't vote for him.

04-29-2016, 01:29 PM
I don't know that its written *anywhere* that North America must be capitalist.

For the most part, North America is democratist - meaning that if we vote in a system of machinesbuileverythingandweallbecomesinger-IST, than that is what the system will be.

What worked for one generation is not guaranteed to work for another, some would say that if you try twice - its guaranteed to fail as economies are cyclical in nature, just like seasons of a year. Capitalism in North America may just be in its cylical fall where the leaves turn brown. You can fight the winter and pretend while wearing swimsuits, or you can make snowballs.

China during the emperor dynasties was a capitalist trading powerhouse (along with a military nightmare) and then they settled into a more socialist stance and greatly increased population for a few generations, now they are back into the spring of capitalism.

Besides the fact, that the people saying that capitalism is not working are your kids, the very fruit of your loins aged 18 to 29. If you want to kick them out and leave all the hardworking Mexicans and Indians in the US, then that may well be what happens.

04-29-2016, 02:48 PM
I remember complaining about capitalism. When I was 19.

Free markets are the single most important invention of mankind. Free markets have largely been responsible directly or indirectly for almost every other innovation we enjoy.

The more people disagree with this, the more they look like they are taking a simplistic view of the world. To argue against free markets, you would need to actively ignore two things:

1. Some inherent aspects of human nature which cannot be "regulated" out of existence.
2. The unavoidable complexity of a human economic systems.

You know when you go through that "I know everything phase" as a teenager or young adult. And all the adults roll their eyes at you. That's how I view people who complain about free markets and "capitalism". It simply is an expression of lack of understanding of the big bad world out there. Complaints about free markets are no more than a manifestation of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

04-29-2016, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by InRich

why the fuck do you live in Canada then? go live somewhere else if you don't like it, asshole. Go live somewhere where they have a mix, China's nice this time of year.

God I hate fuck heads like you. talking alot of shit, meanwhile living and enjoying in the best country in the world. but your complaining about it. If you don't like the way your company treats you. LEAVE. go else where. Dont like it there either? leave, start your own company. But you don't, guys like you dont have the balls. so.. Go fuck yourself

Uhh wut? Canada is quite socialist compared to a lot of nations. And very very much socialist compared to the US.

Apparently you never learned what capitalism is in school so here's a link that might help you:


Like I said before, in the context of the question from the article I don't support capitalism. That being said there are many aspects of capitalism that are good for society and should be used, but there are also many aspects that are flawed and cause the problems in society that we have.

04-29-2016, 03:53 PM

04-29-2016, 09:37 PM
^ Oh i'm angry!

actually to be honest... lol! I've been pretty angry all day today for reasons, ever since I got outta bed... guess I'm just kinda pissed with how everythings going right now. world wise I mean.

04-29-2016, 09:45 PM
InRich is one sad dude. How can anybody HELOC so much?

04-29-2016, 09:54 PM