View Full Version : Vivint salesman came to my door

06-25-2016, 07:06 PM
Anyone had one come to the door? I gave very little details or wrong details about myself when he asked for my name, what I do etc. Then he proceeded to say how Vivint installed a few systems in some of the neighbors for free or whatever...then asking me if I know them. Showed me a video. He wanted to come in and showed me the vid and I told him no...we can talk at the doorstep.

When I said no thanks to this offer, he said "what happens if your house gets broken into" kind of guilt trip.

anyways got rid of him. Idiot name is Greg Fischer

06-25-2016, 07:18 PM
vivint is known for cold calls, but they are a legit alarm company that a lot of people use.

06-25-2016, 07:22 PM
Had one too. Referred him to the no soliciting sticker on the door.

06-25-2016, 08:19 PM
Originally posted by zieg
Had one too. Referred him to the no soliciting sticker on the door.
Same here.:banghead:

06-25-2016, 09:00 PM
Had a guy come by a few weeks back and use every shady sales tactic in the book. I was busy working on the exterior of my house and asked him for his name and phone number so I could call him when I'm not busy. He refused to tell me his name or give a phone number. That was the end of my patience and I tore him a new asshole. Shady fking losers.

06-25-2016, 09:22 PM
Yeah. Bryce came to my door last weekend - twice.

I was nice about it but he was 5 seconds away from getting wrath. He came right when we were eating dinner.

He asked why I didn't think I needed an alarm. I said I'm the alarm, que judge dread.

06-25-2016, 09:40 PM
Had one come by the other day.

rings my doorbell, and the screen on the door is open. I am in full view and just said "I am not interested, thanks"

and he says "Oh, have you talked to us already?"

Me: "Are you deaf?

Him: "no..."

Me: "I was nice the first time, now fuck off!"

06-25-2016, 09:50 PM
Same guy sold my aunt a system around 2 weeks ago haha

06-25-2016, 10:30 PM
You guys openly tell a stranger you don't have an alarm?

06-25-2016, 10:56 PM
I tell them I already have a security system. They ask what kind and I say none of their business. And then refer them to the no soliciting sign.

06-25-2016, 11:26 PM
I always have them asshats come to my house one of them even made fun of the jeans I was wearing I told him to get the fuck out of my neighborhood before I let my rotti off the leash he shrugged and walked to my neighbors door, I'm close with all m y neighbors and told him they will not answer the door for u idiot, hes like oh they know me he knocked on the door and they didn't answer

me and my friends started to laugh at him and I told him see now get going

Last time again they came by I was just in my shorts hes like oh you look relaxed, I had half the door open to keep the dog behind the door, I'm like I'm babysitting what u need hes like is the owner home.

Me: yes I'm the owner

Him: oh ok, have you heard of vivint some of your neighbors have it

Me: yeah I have both my sisters have it but I don't want it

Him: that's great but why don't you want it

Me: one of them had to break down her door because the lock wouldn't unlock and the other is just waiting to cancel because shes locked in a contract so I don't want either

Him: ok have a good day

I also had one tell me once when I told him that my dog is the alarm he went ahead and said well a dog can easly be distracted if the thief throws him a piece of meat

I told him why in the hell would any one have meat on them if they are breaking in a house just leave dude

06-25-2016, 11:48 PM
Just say you rent and they'll instantly leave.

06-25-2016, 11:53 PM
Originally posted by 2Legit2Quit
Just say you rent and they'll instantly leave.

This. Disqualification is much harder to overcome than objections.

06-26-2016, 08:26 AM
Signed up for it, gave it a shot, shitty install, bad customer service, cancelled within the 10 day limit. It's a cool system, but I can save myself in the long run if I just automate my house myself. Pretty much half my shit wouldn't stay connected, and the doorbell camera is great at picking up cars driving by, but not the people no matter what setting I put in.

06-26-2016, 08:37 AM
So here's a sort of related question - I wonder how many beyond members have actually had such a job as a door to door salesperson?

I think the saddest are the people who come around pushing the aeration machine and wanting to aerate your lawn - that has to absolutely suck and especially so in hilly communities.

06-26-2016, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by speedog
So here's a sort of related question - I wonder how many beyond members have actually had such a job as a door to door salesperson?

Many, many years ago, I spent a couple of days 'employed' as a windshield sales person. The procedure was to go to a neighbourhood, walk around until you saw a vehicle with a cracked/broken windshield, then go to the house closest to the vehicle under the assumption that the owner lived there. Make the usual sales pitch "we can send someone out, or I can book you an appointment at our installation centre at XXXX Street."

Back then, people weren't very hostile toward me, but I only had one sign up and I quickly realized this is not the way to make my million dollars.

06-26-2016, 10:52 AM
I didn't have a Vivint rep come to my door but I had a Furnace company come to my door. Girl was cute. She had some letterhead from the "Government of Canada" saying she needed to inspect my furnace. I let her in, she went down to the basement, looked at it and said oh this is a mid-effiency furnace. The government is phasing all of these out and you have to buy a new High Effiency one. We went upstairs and she sat herself at my dinner table and started going through options and pricing and this and that.

At this point I knew it was a scam so I said oh I'm good for now, I have Costco coming in end of the week to give me an estimate on new furnaces. She ends up calling her boss to get tips on how to close me. Didn't work. I said I'm good. She would not get up and leave. So persistent. I started to unzip and then she finally got up and left.

06-26-2016, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by dj_rice
I didn't have a Vivint rep come to my door but I had a Furnace company come to my door. Girl was cute. She had some letterhead from the "Government of Canada" saying she needed to inspect my furnace. I let her in, she went down to the basement, looked at it and said oh this is a mid-effiency furnace. The government is phasing all of these out and you have to buy a new High Effiency one. We went upstairs and she sat herself at my dinner table and started going through options and pricing and this and that.

At this point I knew it was a scam so I said oh I'm good for now, I have Costco coming in end of the week to give me an estimate on new furnaces. She ends up calling her boss to get tips on how to close me. Didn't work. I said I'm good. She would not get up and leave. So persistent. I started to unzip and then she finally got up and left.

That shit should be illegal.

06-26-2016, 01:49 PM
Originally posted by J-D

That shit should be illegal.

You mean indecent exposure to a door to door salesperson? hahahaha...jk....that is outright fraud if they have a "letter" from the government of Canada, I'd report her asap....impersonating a government official?

06-26-2016, 02:40 PM
just answer the door with.
You finally made it we have been waiting for hours.
them: HUh?
you're here for the gang bang right?

06-26-2016, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by zipdoa

This. Disqualification is much harder to overcome than objections. :werd: I use this for all door to door stuff.

06-27-2016, 07:19 PM
The last door to door salesman that came to my door took extreme offense to me telling him that I don't buy anything from people who knock on my door. "What, you think you're better than me? This is how I pay for my school man!!!"

06-27-2016, 07:37 PM
Originally posted by 2Legit2Quit
Just say you rent and they'll instantly leave.

Best response in the thread. I do this to every single salesman that come to my door. I get that their job is hard enough without me being an asshat so I toss the simple "I'm renting".

06-27-2016, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by schurchill39
The last door to door salesman that came to my door took extreme offense to me telling him that I don't buy anything from people who knock on my door. "What, you think you're better than me? This is how I pay for my school man!!!"

Guilt. ...just another slime ball salesbro tactic. ...

06-28-2016, 07:56 AM
Originally posted by blairtruck
just answer the door with.
You finally made it we have been waiting for hours.
them: HUh?
you're here for the gang bang right?

Oh man, that would get them running :eek: :poosie:

06-28-2016, 08:14 AM

EK 2.0
06-28-2016, 08:23 AM
The Vivint "Rep" walked into my garage when I ran in to get my laptop as I was working on the Civic...

I come out after being in the house for no more than 45-50 seconds and there he is looking into the Civic opened the door and everything....:rolleyes:

I asked him to leave before I called CPS...started to open his mouth to say something and before he could I asked him to leave again....

asp integra
06-28-2016, 09:18 AM
There was a thread about this a year or 2 ago. A few of us had some hot blonde sales woman, we all tolerated the sales pitch for a few minutes haha

06-28-2016, 09:48 AM
i just don't open my door period. I don't care who you, what you are selling, or what your sob story is.
If you are not an invited guest, I won't bother checking to see who you are.

06-28-2016, 10:23 AM
I had one show up recently. He was nice enough and left without a fuss after I politely declined, but he did try a few of the classic guilt/fear tactics. First he showed me a tablet displaying this article:


His interpretation was that CPS was no longer responding to the "old alarms", implying of course that everyone should have one of their systems. Several of our neighbours are displaying the Vivint signs so he also waved in the general direction of the houses across the street and rattled off some names of people who "thought I might be interested".

07-04-2016, 08:50 AM
Originally posted by speedog
So here's a sort of related question - I wonder how many beyond members have actually had such a job as a door to door salesperson?

I think the saddest are the people who come around pushing the aeration machine and wanting to aerate your lawn - that has to absolutely suck and especially so in hilly communities.

I did this for a whole summer back in the day! It was the summer between my 3rd and 4th year in university. Sold security for ADT door to door down in San Diego. It was a tough gig, but I learned a lot and made decent money.

I tried to be assertive but respectful. If i walked away at everyone's first, "No", I wouldn't have made much money. But you can definitely tell when people are not going to be receptive. Moments like that I tried to make a quick joke and just move on. i was just trying to earn money for tuition; i ended up making double what i would have if i had stayed home and worked construction.

For example, the guy with a Rottweiler behind the screen door saying his dog is his alarm, I'd say with a chuckle "well, when you can teach him to call an ambulance when you've fallen off a ladder, you got me beat!". Then I'd wave and take off. I had one guy call me back after saying that once, he then bought the system due to its medical alert capabilities. Once guy invited me in and showed me a touch pad dialer that his dog was trained to use if the owner had a seizure...so he did have me beat...we had a laugh and i moved on.

There were some real dicks out there (which i understood...i was the one knocking on their door), but when I tried to be respectful, most people were nice back. i had better results when i focused on hitting as many houses a day as i could, instead of trying to convince people who genuinely weren't interested to buy.