View Full Version : Officer Involved Shooting in Inglewood

07-15-2016, 09:30 PM

I live in the building, looks like a couple guys who previously burglarized the parkade came back again tonight. One of the residents recognized them from security mugshots and called the police.

Three guys taken into custody and one person dead at the scene.

Parkade completely closed off at the moment.

Police press conference / Q&A:


07-15-2016, 09:36 PM
Inglewood... Inglewood always up to no good!


Crazy situation for those that live in the building, but hey at least those two scumbags won't be back. I just hope the person dead at the scene isn't an innocent resident or a police officer.

07-15-2016, 09:36 PM
From the sounds of it he was one of the burglars.

07-15-2016, 11:30 PM
Originally posted by bball2
From the sounds of it he was one of the burglars.

Not a bad result then.

07-16-2016, 07:07 AM
Originally posted by roopi

Not a bad result then.

From the report I just read, it was the driver as they were trying to flee.

Assumption = Driver tries to run down police to get away, police aren't about to get killed and are forced to open fire.

07-16-2016, 07:18 AM
Originally posted by roopi

Not a bad result then.

Unless you're the cop that killed him, of course.

07-16-2016, 10:51 AM
Since the driver was shot, it would be reasonable to assume that these idiots piled into their stolen vehicle when confronted by the CPS in the parkade (where are you going to drive to?) and tried to make their escape without care of running the members down.

We had similar issues (rampant break ins) in our (Erin Woods) condo parkade years ago when I was a board member. After the cameras were installed, and several people arrested over the course of a few months, the crime in the parkade dropped DRAMATICALLY.

07-16-2016, 02:16 PM
Dude on the left in the second picture here:


Was caught on security cameras breaking in earlier in the week so incidents definitely related.

Guy on the right looks like he has blood splatter on his chin / shirt, I'm assuming he was in the front passenger seat when the driver was killed?

07-16-2016, 04:06 PM
Also live in the building and was home during the time of the incident and didn't hear anything until I received a text this morning. Must have been pretty bad if the officer decided to shoot his gun... Inglewood will soon become synonymous with the NE ;)

07-17-2016, 11:58 AM

Insert chill guy reference here.

07-17-2016, 12:21 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Insert chill guy reference here.

His vast criminal record speaks volumes about his character and her judgement. Probably like most drug addicts - can be quite decent in real life but have a very nasty dark side once the drugs kick in.

"Thompson said she doesn’t believe police had the right to shoot Prasad — that he wouldn’t have done anything to make officers believe their lives were in danger and what they say happened just doesn’t make any sense to her."

Just because she thinks its out of character, doesn't mean its impossible. :rolleyes:

07-17-2016, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Insert chill guy reference here.
Breaking the law is like a game of cat and mouse.:rofl:

Stacey Thompson sounds like an idiot.

07-17-2016, 12:42 PM
Yeah, I'll take the word of the police over that of criminal associates and junkies.

07-17-2016, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Insert chill guy reference here.

This story right here is exactly what's wrong with the media. The majority of that story was his friend telling us how good of a guy he is. Was that deliberate to insight a public reaction?

This guy was clearly a piece of shit, the officers were doing everything in their power to ensure they return home to their families.

The media should instead be applauding these officers for their police work.

07-17-2016, 01:02 PM
He was involved in a string of break ins outside of the city a few years ago.cited as an accomplice in the theft of vehicles and equipment from a friend of mines barn.

07-17-2016, 05:11 PM
Originally posted by vengie

This story right here is exactly what's wrong with the media. The majority of that story was his friend telling us how good of a guy he is. Was that deliberate to insight a public reaction?

This guy was clearly a piece of shit, the officers were doing everything in their power to ensure they return home to their families.

The media should instead be applauding these officers for their police work.

I seen this on Global this morning and definitely agree with you. What is wrong with media..

Public reaction to a "visible minority" police shooting maybe?

Thanks CPS for doing us a favor and the officers protecting their own lives.

07-17-2016, 07:19 PM
What a bunch of idiot friends commenting what a great guy this dude was... Someone needs to smack some sense into them.

07-17-2016, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by Aaaaaron

Breaking the law is like a game of cat and mouse.:rofl:

Stacey Thompson sounds like an idiot.

Lol, I didn't realize Ed Hardy's product depth, reached seat covers.


07-17-2016, 09:46 PM
I also live in the building. I went camping this weekend and was packing up my vehicle at around 7:30 PM on Friday. I left shortly afterwards. My friend who lives in the building messaged me later and told me what happened. Sounds like I missed the shooting by less than half an hour. Lucky I left when I did. I was pretty surprised to hear the thieves would come back twice in 1 week.

When I first heard there was a fatal shooting, I was worried it was a resident in the building but luckily it was one of the thieves.