View Full Version : Jaywalkers? Solution add more crosswalks on busy roads!

08-23-2016, 07:54 AM
About 200 pedestrians a day jaywalk across Memorial Dr. to get to the Peace Bridge, according to city numbers tallied earlier this summer.

People darting across four lanes of traffic to get to the popular bridge has been a frequent sight since the $24.5-million helical steel structure opened more than four years ago, with no marked crosswalk at the bridge’s north end to connect it to nearby 8 St. N.W.

Similar counts in 2012 and 2013 also tallied about 200 jaywalkers per day unwilling to walk to the nearest marked crosswalks at 7 St., 10 St. or across the LRT overpass at 9A Street to access the iconic bridge, which crosses the Bow River and connects Sunnyside and downtown.

But, the number of Calgarians on feet braving vehicle traffic to use the Peace Bridge is expected to decrease dramatically when a new crosswalk across Memorial Dr. opens later this year.

Spurred by the new pedestrian strategy and consistent jaywalking numbers, the city has decided to build a marked crosswalk and install a traffic signal at 9 St. N.W.

“Given how many people cross the Peace Bridge — it’s 4,000 to 5,000 people a day — it makes sense to invest in the walking infrastructure in the area,” said Jonathan Chapman, programs coordinator for the city.

Chapman said staff thought the jaywalking problem “might settle down over time,” hence the four-year wait for a crosswalk.

“We see that there’s a consistent issue there,” he said.

“Since the pedestrian strategy was approved by council, we’ve been looking for some early actions that we can take.

“This will be one of the ways that we can take quick action in responding to what Calgarians are concerned about.”

The city decided not to put the crossing at 8 St. N.W. because the bridge’s height made it pricey and unfeasible.

Construction on the $400,000 project began two weeks ago and it’s expected the crosswalk and lights will be up and running this fall, weather-permitting.

“We’re a bit late in the season. If we have some heavy rains in September or even an early winter arrival, that could push the project further back,” Chapman said.

Guess now we get to have more crosswalks on memorial because people are too lazy to walk a block. :nut: The current crosswalk is on 7th and the new one they want to add is on 9th. Clearly the city wants to make memorial un-drivable. Maybe they should have a permanent Druh Farrell flow event where they shut it down and hand it over to bikes and pedestrians! :rofl:

Maybe put up a fence to stop people from standing in the planters in the middle of the road and playing frogger? Oh nope that's pedestrian unfriendly...

08-23-2016, 07:59 AM
This is going to be a nightmare...

08-23-2016, 08:11 AM
Originally posted by J-hop
This is going to be a nightmare...
Whoa!! Blast from the past! Where've you been?! 4 years of silence and then outta nowhere you're back!!:nut:

08-23-2016, 08:16 AM
It was always stupid they built that bridge without a crosswalk right there.

08-23-2016, 08:41 AM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
It was always stupid they built that bridge without a crosswalk right there.
Not only that, it was stupid that they built that bridge there with another bridge 300m to the west that has a pedestrian bridge over memorial that doesn't have a jaywalking problem. But I'm just beating a dead horse at this point. :rofl:

08-23-2016, 09:09 AM
It's art, it was never supposed to be functional, that would make too much sense. The ped bridge proposed at Chinook should make Macleod a real treat during construction.

08-23-2016, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
It was always stupid they built that bridge without a crosswalk right there.

Originally posted by rage2

Not only that, it was stupid that they built that bridge there with another bridge 300m to the west that has a pedestrian bridge over memorial that doesn't have a jaywalking problem. But I'm just beating a dead horse at this point. :rofl:

LOL still true though!

08-23-2016, 09:19 AM
How the fuck does a crosswalk and some lights on memorial cost 400k

08-23-2016, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by nzwasp
How the fuck does a crosswalk and some lights on memorial cost 400k

I head that they are adding sensors on the bike path to trip the crosswalk lights so cyclists don't have to slow down.

08-23-2016, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by nzwasp
How the fuck does a crosswalk and some lights on memorial cost 400k

Excavation for new electrical and foundations for the standards, the lights and standards themselves, backfilling and replace the excavated surface. Labour for electrical hookups, light erection, lane closures, night shift premiums if applicable, road milling and painting.

08-23-2016, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by Star1995

I head that they are adding sensors on the bike path to trip the crosswalk lights so cyclists don't have to slow down.

Are they going to change the bylaw to allow cyclists to ride across crosswalks too then?

08-23-2016, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by nzwasp
How the fuck does a crosswalk and some lights on memorial cost 400k Embezzling. Looks like Druh needs some more drug money.

08-23-2016, 10:11 AM
Why don't they just build another bridge over memorial at the end of the peace bridge?

I get that the peace bridge is unpopular, but I take it everyday heading into downtown by bike. It lines up perfectly with 7th st, where I use the bike lanes that go towards 8th ave. I think it's an iconic piece, the amount of tourists there everyday is quite surprising.

08-23-2016, 10:19 AM
Who keeps voting these people in? THAT is what I want to know. It's one thing for Alberta to make the mistake of voting for the NDP (and only 3 more years for that shit to rectify itself), but its another for year after year city councilors being f'ing retards.

Why doesn't someone from Beyond run? Tons of small business owners here that would get lots of votes.

08-23-2016, 10:28 AM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1
Who keeps voting these people in?

Old people.

08-23-2016, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1
Why doesn't someone from Beyond run? Tons of small business owners here that would get lots of votes.
We're all waiting to see how Trump does first. :rofl:

08-23-2016, 12:39 PM
How bout a fucking fence? Works on other streets to deter jaywalkers.

They could even make it a pretty fence since chain link is obviously out of the question.

08-23-2016, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by Sentry
How bout a fucking fence? Works on other streets to deter jaywalkers.

They could even make it a pretty fence since chain link is obviously out of the question.

Or start ticketing all the jaywalkers to fund an overpass....

08-23-2016, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by J-hop

Or start ticketing all the jaywalkers to fund an overpass....

+1 :thumbsup: Pull out a shit ton of peace officers and watch every single person who Jaywalks, line em up like they do transit fee tickets

08-23-2016, 01:31 PM
Originally posted by J-hop

Or start ticketing all the jaywalkers to fund an overpass....

Or do nothing and give cars the right of way at all times like in other countries :D

08-23-2016, 01:53 PM


If the douches that work for the city can monitor 200!! people a day BREAKING THE LAW, why aren't the POLICE either being told about it or out there DOING THEIR JOB? What are they waiting for? A lawsuit after some lazy inbred canoe nozzle gets run over and sues the city FOR EVEN MORE TAX MONEY ? Man this pisses me off.
Do you think building a crosswalk a block away is going to stop the j-walkers? Check out some of the c-train stations like Lions park when the mass mob hops over the fence and j-walks even after the transit people installed a light at both ends. Every day same thing. NEVER ONCE seen a cop around.
OK, one more. OBVIOULSY, cops don't want to hand out anything but traffic tickets, and rarely at that seeing the total chaos the ensues on a daily basis with the tards that just don't care because chances of them being caught driving like a tard are slim to none. SO, I propose they hire a whole new lot of fat, ugly dummies that get deputized at 1/4 the cost of a real cop, then give them a vest, baton, body video camera and a 1% bonus for every infraction they catch, be it j-walking, folks not signaling, folks littering or throwing their cig butts out their car windows etc. Once the tickets start hitting the inbred's wallets, things may change around here for the better.


As for who voted D'ouche back in, it wasn't old people. Old folks don't buy the ethereal crap politicians spew out about newer is better, or change for the sake of change. Plus, its not just the aldermen, its the behind the curtain folks that work at city hall that come up with this shiat in the first place. Managers, engineers, assistants etc. There needs to be a in house culling there too.

Thanks. All better now that I got that out.

08-23-2016, 02:06 PM
The cops got huge backlash for giving jaywalking tickets to pedestrians walking on a lane of traffic on 6th Ave. a year or so back. Pedestrian groups called that shit victim blaming, catering to drivers, etc. haha.

Can't win.

08-23-2016, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Can't win.

I don't have a thing about cops really. Actually, I'm very empathetic to their ' damned if you do, damed if you don't ' conundrum. Just needed to vent as I see it often and this was a issue from the very beginning that no one wanted to look or talk about. Like Crowchild Trail. Or Merging lanes. Or bike lanes in long, cold and snowy winters Etc.

08-23-2016, 02:47 PM
Originally posted by nzwasp

Are they going to change the bylaw to allow cyclists to ride across crosswalks too then?

I'm actually finding it hard to find such a bylaw... please post a link to this.

08-23-2016, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Mitsu3000gt

Or do nothing and give cars the right of way at all times like in other countries :D

I would take my life in my hands if I wanted to cross a street growing up in South Africa

08-23-2016, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Star1995

I'm actually finding it hard to find such a bylaw... please post a link to this.

Not going to look for it, but you must dismount from your bike before crossing a road at the crosswalk. Read that if you ride across and get hit, you could be charged if you survive.

08-23-2016, 03:12 PM
CoC gonna CoC :banghead:

08-23-2016, 03:31 PM
I'm surprised jaywalking isn't used as more of a cash cow for CPS. Speeding is WAY less dangerous compared to running across 2-way road, but then again it's never been about safety. There are so many places in the city they could sit and get dozens of jaywalkers every hour.

That being said, jaywalking across a 1-way street can actually be safer than a crosswalk.

08-23-2016, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Star1995

I'm actually finding it hard to find such a bylaw... please post a link to this.

'Didn't source the bylaw, but this excerpt is from here: http://www.bikecalgary.org/files/cycling_safety_handbook_0.pdf

"You should walk your bicycle on pedestrian crosswalks and overpasses. If you walk your bike across a crosswalk you have the right-of-way. Legally, you do not have the right-ofway if you are riding your bicycle."

I suppose one could dig through the laws and bylaws listed at the bottom of the page here:

Which references these guys:

The regulations governing cycling in Calgary are:

Traffic Safety Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. T-6(TSA)
Vehicle Equipment Regulation, Alta. Reg. 122/2009 (VER)
Use of Highway and Rules of the Road Regulation, Alta. Reg. 304/2002 (RR)
City of Calgary Traffic Bylaw, 26M96 (TBl) and
City of Calgary Parks and Pathways Bylaw, 20M2003 (PPBl)

08-23-2016, 04:09 PM
Listening to 770 a few days ago, they did have a police guy on as the number of jaywalking tickets being handed out have gone up. The Memorial Drive intersection isn't even close to being the most egregious.

08-23-2016, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Not only that, it was stupid that they built that bridge there with another bridge 300m to the west that has a pedestrian bridge over memorial that doesn't have a jaywalking problem. But I'm just beating a dead horse at this point. :rofl:

If the location of the Peace Bridge is so stupid, why do so many more people use it?

Serious question. Why do you think hundreds of people prefer to jaywalk and thousands of commuters prefer to use the Peace Bridge when there is another bridge so close with 'better' infrastructure to cross Memorial?

08-23-2016, 07:40 PM
Original plan was to have the bridge aligned with a street on the north side. The Le Caille group lobbied to have it moved.

Many of Calgary's roads, pathways etc are stupidly placed and implemented. Doesn't mean people don't use them. It's not like they have any other choice.

08-23-2016, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by suntan
Original plan was to have the bridge aligned with a street on the north side. The Le Caille group lobbied to have it moved.

Many of Calgary's roads, pathways etc are stupidly placed and implemented. Doesn't mean people don't use them. It's not like they have any other choice.

So between the 'stupidly placed' Peace Bridge and jaywalking on Memorial or the bridge 300m away with an overpass, that isn't a choice people have been given (and have chosen the former)?

08-23-2016, 07:50 PM
It's like talking to a moron.

The most obvious best choice would've had it align to a street on the north side. Sorta like how it's aligned on the south side. That way there would be only one set of lights.

So now there are going to be two sets of lights very close to each other, neither that are aligned to the bridge.

Of course people use it. Why wouldn't they? It's there right? People use the airport tunnel and it leads literally nowhere.

08-23-2016, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by suntan
It's like talking to a moron.

The most obvious best choice would've had it align to a street on the north side. Sorta like how it's aligned on the south side. That way there would be only one set of lights.

So now there are going to be two sets of lights very close to each other, neither that are aligned to the bridge.

The result of public 'consultation.' Just giving the people what they want.

Of course people use it. Why wouldn't they?

Because "it was stupid that they built that bridge there with another bridge 300m to the west that has a pedestrian bridge over memorial that doesn't have a jaywalking problem"

Which seems to contradict your words of "It's not like they have any other choice."

They do have a choice. It was one of the main criticisms of the Bridge and it's location is that there was already one so close by. So when given the choice, people prefer the Peace Bridge, even though it was built without a proper crosswalk.

It's there right? People use the airport tunnel and it leads literally nowhere.

'Build it and they will come'. There is a certain lobby group in the city that uses that credo...


08-23-2016, 08:26 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1
Who keeps voting these people in? THAT is what I want to know. It's one thing for Alberta to make the mistake of voting for the NDP (and only 3 more years for that shit to rectify itself), but its another for year after year city councilors being f'ing retards.

Why doesn't someone from Beyond run? Tons of small business owners here that would get lots of votes.

I nominate you.

08-23-2016, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by kertejud2
If the location of the Peace Bridge is so stupid, why do so many more people use it?

Serious question. Why do you think hundreds of people prefer to jaywalk and thousands of commuters prefer to use the Peace Bridge when there is another bridge so close with 'better' infrastructure to cross Memorial?
Because pedestrians will always use the shortest path possible. You can put 10 bridges on memorial, one block apart for each one and each one will get used. That doesn't make it a smart financial decision.

Perfect example is the pedestrian bridge across Shaganappi Trail between Northland Drive and Crowchild Trail that connects Northland Mall and the Canadian Tire. The design is so stupid that you have to walk a ridiculous amount to get on and off the bridge, so pedestrians take the shortest path and jaywalk across 6 lanes of Shaganappi traffic right under the bridge.

Both examples are of poor planning in designing this crap.

08-24-2016, 11:07 AM
I'm one of those 200 people, hell, maybe even 2 of them. I jaywalk every single day both ways across memorial at 8th street because that's where the bridge ends and that's where I get to memorial. I don't walk over to the current crossing at 7th street and I won't walk over to the new one at 9th street because it's stupid. The bridge ends at 8th street and I reach memorial at 8th street.

I jaywalk safely and courteously, if anybody starts slowing down for me I will wave them on, and if they are stupid enough to stop for me I will shout at them until they carry on. I cross in stages if there is any traffic and I always hang back on the far side of the planter (NOT stepping on any plants) until there is no traffic.

As one of the "problem" people I think this new crosswalk is completely ridiculous. They are wasting money putting in another useless crossing. Fix the problem, let people cross at 8th street.

08-24-2016, 11:15 AM
+1 for fencing the whole block.

08-24-2016, 12:40 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Because pedestrians will always use the shortest path possible. You can put 10 bridges on memorial, one block apart for each one and each one will get used. That doesn't make it a smart financial decision.

Perfect example is the pedestrian bridge across Shaganappi Trail between Northland Drive and Crowchild Trail that connects Northland Mall and the Canadian Tire. The design is so stupid that you have to walk a ridiculous amount to get on and off the bridge, so pedestrians take the shortest path and jaywalk across 6 lanes of Shaganappi traffic right under the bridge.

Both examples are of poor planning in designing this crap.

This. So much. But apparently some of the people elected to and hired by CoCCC cannot grasp that.

08-24-2016, 01:04 PM
Just have it like China. If you make it, you are good. If you get hit, it's probably your fault anyway haha

08-24-2016, 01:09 PM
You don't even have to go that far. Try jaywalking in Montreal, or closer, in Winnipeg.

08-24-2016, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by raceman6135
This. So much. But apparently some of the people elected to and hired by CoCCC cannot grasp that.
Yea, with the Shaganappi Bridge I used to jaywalk this section regularly walking home from school (Churchill -> Varsity) so I know the route well (lot less lanes back in the day). Here's the distance comparison going from Canadian Tire to the closest exit at Northland mall.


Seriously WTMF? The bridge is so fucking long it actually shows up on Google Maps haha.

I guess the next step is to lower the speed limit on Shaganappi down to 40km/h because jaywalkers. :rofl:

08-24-2016, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Because pedestrians will always use the shortest path possible. You can put 10 bridges on memorial, one block apart for each one and each one will get used. That doesn't make it a smart financial decision.

If your new bridge gets more traffic than the original, then it's a better planned bridge. Pretty simple concept.

Perfect example is the pedestrian bridge across Shaganappi Trail between Northland Drive and Crowchild Trail that connects Northland Mall and the Canadian Tire. The design is so stupid that you have to walk a ridiculous amount to get on and off the bridge, so pedestrians take the shortest path and jaywalk across 6 lanes of Shaganappi traffic right under the bridge.

Both examples are of poor planning in designing this crap.

The Peace Bridge crossing failed in not giving pedestrians what they want to get to the bridge in the best way possible from the north side of Memorial. Otherwise it is a rip roaring success (a bridge designed for pedestrians and cyclists that pedestrians and cyclists use daily that connects them to more pedestrian and cycling infrastructure).

The overpass wasn't designed for pedestrians to easily cross the street, it was designed so cars wouldn't have to wait for pedestrians. When you don't design with what the intended user base wants or needs, it shouldn't be any wonder why they don't want to use it. Similarly, a bridge built for its primary user base's wants and needs has taken over as their primary means of crossing the Bow (it's not just that people use it, it's that most use it).

08-24-2016, 02:14 PM
Originally posted by Zero102
I'm one of those 200 people, hell, maybe even 2 of them. I jaywalk every single day both ways across memorial at 8th street because that's where the bridge ends and that's where I get to memorial. I don't walk over to the current crossing at 7th street and I won't walk over to the new one at 9th street because it's stupid. The bridge ends at 8th street and I reach memorial at 8th street.

I jaywalk safely and courteously, if anybody starts slowing down for me I will wave them on, and if they are stupid enough to stop for me I will shout at them until they carry on. I cross in stages if there is any traffic and I always hang back on the far side of the planter (NOT stepping on any plants) until there is no traffic.

As one of the "problem" people I think this new crosswalk is completely ridiculous. They are wasting money putting in another useless crossing. Fix the problem, let people cross at 8th street.

better idea - why don't YOU just follow the law instead of making up your own rules?

08-24-2016, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by M.alex

better idea - why don't YOU just follow the law instead of making up your own rules?

I'd do the same as him if I had to walk that way :dunno:

I drive memorial a lot, I could care less about the jay walkers, I don't stop for them so they don't bother me any.

I'm a chronic downtown Jay walker though so I get it :D

08-24-2016, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by JfuckinC
I'd do the same as him if I had to walk that way :dunno:

I drive memorial a lot, I could care less about the jay walkers, I don't stop for them so they don't bother me any.

I'm a chronic downtown Jay walker though so I get it :D
As long as you're not one of those people who cross when there's 3 seconds left on the timer and 20 cars waiting to turn I could care less... I actually honk at those people

08-24-2016, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by Gart

'Didn't source the bylaw, but this excerpt is from here: http://www.bikecalgary.org/files/cycling_safety_handbook_0.pdf

"You should walk your bicycle on pedestrian crosswalks and overpasses. If you walk your bike across a crosswalk you have the right-of-way. Legally, you do not have the right-ofway if you are riding your bicycle."

I suppose one could dig through the laws and bylaws listed at the bottom of the page here:

Which references these guys:

Just did a search of the following and I can't find anything restricting riding a bicycle in a crosswalk. I did find something that allows the use of a bicycle in a designated crosswalk but it doesn't explain what that means. Common sense tells me to walk through the crosswalk but I still can't find the "bylaw" that was mentioned.


Traffic Safety Act, R.S.A. 2000, c. T-6(TSA)
Vehicle Equipment Regulation, Alta. Reg. 122/2009 (VER)
Use of Highway and Rules of the Road Regulation, Alta. Reg. 304/2002 (RR)
City of Calgary Traffic Bylaw, 26M96 (TBl) and
City of Calgary Parks and Pathways Bylaw, 20M2003 (PPBl)

08-25-2016, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by speedog

I nominate you.

If only I lived in Calgary.

I could see running in local politics eventually in Edmonton... approving things like the downtown arena was f'ing ridiculous :banghead:

I don't think I'd have much of a presence due to being socially and fiscally conservative. Need another decade under my belt before starting to chase that stuff ;)

09-01-2016, 10:51 AM

solved, next?

09-01-2016, 11:26 AM
The Peace Bridge entrance from Memorial is such a giant fail, really not sure why they didn't design a crosswalk as they were building it. I remember going down there as soon as it opened to take pictures, parking across the street and wondering where the heck the crosswalk was. So many people jaywalk there - it's completely the city's fault. A raised walkway would be much better for traffic flow but obviously much more expensive and not sure how that would work with residents on the north side so close to the sidewalk.

Then there's Edmonton, a whole city of road and crosswalk design fails. For example, here's a road I take every day. From the link below, get onto 109St N and go up to 87Ave. As you're doing that, count the number of crosswalks and their placement. How more people haven't died on this stretch of road is a fucking miracle.


09-01-2016, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by JfuckinC

I drive memorial a lot, I could care less about the jay walkers, I don't stop for them so they don't bother me any.


until you have that 1 guy who decides to stop for them .... you know, trying to be a good guy and they get smoked by the car traveling adjacent.


nice bridge though. still dunno who the engineers are in the city who design this shit. :nut:

09-01-2016, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by msommers
The Peace Bridge entrance from Memorial is such a giant fail, really not sure why they didn't design a crosswalk as they were building it.

They did, but due to 'community consultation' it had to be scrapped.

09-01-2016, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by msommers
The Peace Bridge entrance from Memorial is such a giant fail, really not sure why they didn't design a crosswalk as they were building it. I remember going down there as soon as it opened to take pictures, parking across the street and wondering where the heck the crosswalk was. So many people jaywalk there - it's completely the city's fault. A raised walkway would be much better for traffic flow but obviously much more expensive and not sure how that would work with residents on the north side so close to the sidewalk.

Then there's Edmonton, a whole city of road and crosswalk design fails. For example, here's a road I take every day. From the link below, get onto 109St N and go up to 87Ave. As you're doing that, count the number of crosswalks and their placement. How more people haven't died on this stretch of road is a fucking miracle.


i used to live near there and the location of that mcdonalds is baffling.

09-01-2016, 03:51 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Because pedestrians will always use the shortest path possible. You can put 10 bridges on memorial, one block apart for each one and each one will get used. That doesn't make it a smart financial decision.

Perfect example is the pedestrian bridge across Shaganappi Trail between Northland Drive and Crowchild Trail that connects Northland Mall and the Canadian Tire. The design is so stupid that you have to walk a ridiculous amount to get on and off the bridge, so pedestrians take the shortest path and jaywalk across 6 lanes of Shaganappi traffic right under the bridge.

Both examples are of poor planning in designing this crap.

So I'll give the city a touch of credit on the Shaganappi overpass. As you were probably aware an engineer messed up and they had problems with support beams being misplaced. This resulted in a large delay in the project and significant additional cost to reposition the support beams.

The project was originally supposed to have proper stairs that would make the walk much shorter. But because it was so over budget already they had to settle for just the wheelchair accessible ramp. So the intent to make it a viable option was there, just didn't work out haha.

That being said, even if there were stairs I might just run across still anyways. Especially after leg day...

09-01-2016, 04:18 PM
So they fucked up, went way over budget and decided to cater to the minority user so now nobody uses it at all? Now I'm really curious how many wheelchair bound people actually uses that bridge to justify that decision.

09-01-2016, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by rage2
So they fucked up, went way over budget and decided to cater to the minority user so now nobody uses it at all? Now I'm really curious how many wheelchair bound people actually uses that bridge to justify that decision.

I bet good ol Druh figured it would join up perfectly with her shitty bike lanes :nut:

09-01-2016, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by rage2
So they fucked up, went way over budget and decided to cater to the minority user so now nobody uses it at all? Now I'm really curious how many wheelchair bound people actually uses that bridge to justify that decision.

The answer is none.

I travel under this bridge a minimum of 4 times a day on average. NOBODY, and I do mean NOBODY uses it.

The only people I've seen on it are hanging banners. The number of people I've see jaywalking underneath it? Same number I've been seeing for 30+ years. This city's ability to absolutely squander money is nothing short of astonishing.

09-01-2016, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by rage2
So they fucked up, went way over budget and decided to cater to the minority user so now nobody uses it at all? Now I'm really curious how many wheelchair bound people actually uses that bridge to justify that decision.

You don't need any, the fact one might use it means they have to have it accessible, so they went with the option that makes it accessible for everybody and have the bridge up to code or build it with stairs and it's not up to code. In what fucking world can one justify building stairs to access an overpass to "keep people safe" and then force people with mobility issues to cross at grade?

When drivers start opposing pedestrian overpasses in favour of at grade crossings we will stop wasting money on overpasses and build better crossings. But I have a feeling you're going to bitch about cost and push for a more expensive solution that also ignores what the primary user of that infrastructure will want so they won't use it either.