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View Full Version : Back alley parking question?

08-28-2016, 03:58 PM
So after a few years of struggling entering/leaving our garage we found out that there is no parking allowed, but it’s kind of weird..

the section says

27-1 - " No owner or operator of a vehicle shall stop or park or permit the stopping or
parking of the vehicle on either side of any alley in front of or within one and one
half metres of a driveway or garage entrance entering into the alley."

I actually got a picture to explain this..


So it would seem to me that backalleys will not being parking zones? I’m for this of course, since my neighbour and I both struggle super hard to get into and out of our garages. We can only ticket/tow the person 1.5M from our garage, but why, we should be able to complain about access for our neighbor as well? Right?

I looked into it because there was a car sitting for 2+ weeks that wasn’t moved and just was in our way every day I ended up emailing Calgary parking and seeing if we can do anything about it, we had it ticketed and the next day it moved, now that we know we can have people ticketed and or towed we have started to leave notes, but it seems to not work.

I’ve made a photo,

1. Pink box house 1 can ticket
Red Box house 2 can ticket
Yellowishbox house 3 can ticket.. etc etc

2. With the overlap you can see it should be a no parking zone, now the purple car makes it very difficult to go into the the green car is the owner of house 3 so it’s technically legally allowed to be parked their even though it isn’t?

I’m going to e-mail Calgary parking tomorrow to find out if anything can be done? Can i get my a signed notice from my neighbour that he doesn’t want people parking illegally there?

They won’t give a ticket to the cars unless the owner says it’s okay.. Kinda weird

Anyways posting this up because i feel people with alleyways should be aware of the law and i’m assuming 90%+ of people do not know..

08-28-2016, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by Kobe
we should be able to complain about access for our neighbor as well? Right?

:confused: What type of logic is this?

Next owners will be complaining to the city FOR other neighbours about a noisy dog in someones yard.

Its simple = no complaint from owner, no action.

Yes there are scenarios where an owner can collect names (for eg back alley paving) but these are exceptions.

08-28-2016, 06:49 PM
That 1.5m no parking also applies to front attached driveways as well.

08-28-2016, 07:37 PM
It is illegal to park any vehicle overnight in an alley in Calgary, so call it in and they tow it regardless of proximity to your house.

08-28-2016, 08:04 PM
^^^ It isn't illegal
From the old beyond thread.....

When parking in an alley, do not park:

Within 1.5 metres of, or directly
across from a driveway or garage
entrance in an alley.

Within 1 metre of the side of a
garbage container.

In alleys that are less than 6.1
metres wide.

In a manner that impedes other
vehicles from using the alley.
You must leave a minimum of 3 metres
unobstructed width for the passage of
other vehicles.
I used to park in the alley all the time at my parents house.

08-29-2016, 04:38 AM
From the CoC Traffic Bylaw 26M96


Page 23 of 73
27. (1) No owner or operator of a vehicle shall stop or park or permit the stopping or
parking of the vehicle on either side of any alley in front of or within one and one
half metres of a driveway or garage entrance entering into the alley.
(2) No operator or owner of a vehicle shall cause or permit the vehicle to be parked
in an alley in such a manner or in such circumstances so as to leave available
less than three metres of the width of the roadway of the alley free and clear of
all obstructions to allow the free movement of other vehicular traffic therein.
(3) No operator or owner of a vehicle shall stop or park or permit the stopping or
parking of a vehicle in such a manner, location or circumstances that it blocks an
alley and impedes the use of the alley by another vehicle.
(4) No operator or owner of a vehicle shall stop or park or permit the stopping or
parking of a vehicle in such a manner that the vehicle is in front of or within one
metre of the side of any refuse container or storage area located in any alley
outside the Central Traffic Zone.
(5) No operator or owner of a vehicle shall park or permit the parking of the vehicle
in any alley:
(a) in the Central Traffic Zone except during the time that merchandise is
actually loaded into or unloaded from a stopped Commercial Vehicle; or
(b) elsewhere than in the Central Traffic Zone which is 6.1 Metres (20 Feet)
in width or less at any point except while:
(i) passengers are embarking or disembarking from the vehicle; or
(ii) the vehicle is under the immediate control of the driver and is
waiting for passengers to embark or disembark therefrom; or
(iii) chattels and objects are being unloaded from or loaded on the
(6) No operator or owner of a vehicle shall stop or park, or permit the stopping or
parking, of the vehicle in any marked fire lane.
(7) No operator or owner of a vehicle shall stop or park or permit the stopping or
parking of the vehicle in a manner where the vehicle may interfere with the use of
a doorway marked on the exterior as a fire or emergency exit from any building.
(8) No owner or operator shall park or permit any vehicle to be parked on an alley
such that any part of the vehicle is within three metres of an electrical
(41M98, 1998 September 28)

08-29-2016, 07:00 AM
Personally i highly doubt CPA gives 2 flying rats asses about who makes a complaint. Not like they have you confirm your identity. Ultimately those care are parked in a no parking zone and are subject to fine and removal if caught, doesn't matter who calls it in. In theory CPA could also patrol the alleys and issue tickets, they just don't.

This is a huge irritation for sure, I have the same problem with an asian family who moved in behind me, best I can tell they use the garage for storage / a shop ( it has been established on beyond that most asians only use their garage for storage right?). So they deem it ok to just park their cars in front of the garage door. Started being only every once in a while, and hey I wouldn't even call someone in for that. Then they started pushing it more and more to the point where there is always a car there now. Plus another dilapidated project that I am pretty sure doesn't run right next to the garage

They do a decent job keeping the car as far off the alley as possible and when was parking 1 car in the garage it didn't matter to me. But with 2 cars in a small garage it would sure be nice to just be able to back straight out. Especially in the winter as our alley is a skating rink and making 12 point turns in drifts with no grip in rwd is no fun. Gotten stuck a few times because of it.

Been wondering which exact bylaw covers this, I might just print it off and stick it on their windshield. Give them a chance before calling it in. :dunno:



TL: DR NE gunna NE

08-29-2016, 07:06 AM
You CAN complain about a vehicle parked in a alleyway illegally - anywhere. I called in a few weeks ago because I had a similar scenario where this huge truck was parked for like 2 weeks without moving but it wasn't across MY garage - it was a few down. It was in the path though on the side where I would drive to pull in to my garage, making it more difficult (and annoying..)

I simply gave the house address of THAT house on 311, and my first name was all they asked - and it had a sticker the next day, then they moved it :rofl: :clap:

08-29-2016, 07:40 AM
how about also putting a no parking sign and put them on your neighbors fence?

08-29-2016, 08:45 AM
We had to call bylaw a while back for a neighbor a few houses down who would park his truck/trailers behind ours, and our direct neighbors garage pad. You also can't report it anomyness, my wife had to go out and meet the bylaw officer and it was stated on the ticket that it was for parking in front of our specific garage pad.

Like posted above if the alley is wide enough you can park across from your own garage/pad, just can't protrude 1.5m past that.

08-29-2016, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by killramos
Personally i highly doubt CPA gives 2 flying rats asses about who makes a complaint. Not like they have you confirm your identity. Ultimately those care are parked in a no parking zone and are subject to fine and removal if caught, doesn't matter who calls it in. In theory CPA could also patrol the alleys and issue tickets, they just don't.

This is a huge irritation for sure, I have the same problem with an asian family who moved in behind me, best I can tell they use the garage for storage / a shop ( it has been established on beyond that most asians only use their garage for storage right?). So they deem it ok to just park their cars in front of the garage door. Started being only every once in a while, and hey I wouldn't even call someone in for that. Then they started pushing it more and more to the point where there is always a car there now. Plus another dilapidated project that I am pretty sure doesn't run right next to the garage

They do a decent job keeping the car as far off the alley as possible and when was parking 1 car in the garage it didn't matter to me. But with 2 cars in a small garage it would sure be nice to just be able to back straight out. Especially in the winter as our alley is a skating rink and making 12 point turns in drifts with no grip in rwd is no fun. Gotten stuck a few times because of it.

Been wondering which exact bylaw covers this, I might just print it off and stick it on their windshield. Give them a chance before calling it in. :dunno:



TL: DR NE gunna NE

I too didn't think that would give a shit esp since it says " No owner or operator of a vehicle shall stop or park or permit the stopping or
parking of the vehicle on either side of any alley in front of or within one and one
half metres of a driveway or garage entrance entering into the alley." This clearly means it's a no parking zone right?

So after the car stood there for 2 weeks we called and I have to sign the ticket, fast foward to last night when there was 3 cars, the car that was parked directly infront of our garage was outside and we asked him to move it, since we already called they came. (This was around midnight)

They said they cant give a ticket becuase we are not our neigbours..

so I found out becuase I sent an e-mail to [email protected] and they explained how it works and that I'm allowed to ticket the car.

I'm assuming it falls under the same section as mine did, they will clear it up, replied in a few hours.

Originally posted by HuMz
We had to call bylaw a while back for a neighbor a few houses down who would park his truck/trailers behind ours, and our direct neighbors garage pad. You also can't report it anomyness, my wife had to go out and meet the bylaw officer and it was stated on the ticket that it was for parking in front of our specific garage pad.

Like posted above if the alley is wide enough you can park across from your own garage/pad, just can't protrude 1.5m past that.

Does this mean that the alley is private property? (People can't park and you can?)

I'm going to e-mail them again and see if I can complain on behalf my of neigbour when i know it's not his car parked there..