View Full Version : Joshua Lall (Dalhousie Familicide) - Where Religion and Mental Health collide

09-23-2016, 09:51 AM
I had driven by the Lall house in Dalhousie recently, and was prompted to do a google search of Joshua. It turns out Joshua attended a local Church, and this blog is written by an acquaintance of his and fellow member of that religious community:


What I find interesting (troubling?) is the tendency of religious individuals to attribute mental health issues to demonic possessions. The blog writer also doesn't come across as being fanatical. It has never really dawned on me that this correlation could be prevalent among the general religious public. Unfortunately, these beliefs further contribute to mental health stigma and delay/inhibit professional diagnosis and treatment.


09-23-2016, 10:24 AM
I think you would be hard pressed to find a Christian church in Alberta that would tell someone suffering from severe schizophrenia to avoid medical treatment and just pray instead.

09-23-2016, 10:29 AM
^ I have seen this before too. Its sad how a chemical imbalance gets immediately labelled as demonic influence. Fortunately, in Canada, these views are a minority as compared to, say the Southern US states.

09-23-2016, 10:38 AM

09-23-2016, 12:52 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX

I agree but that's not what OP is saying.

There are many seemingly intelligent people who seem rational on the surface yet hold these kinds of beliefs. It's just another side effect of mental health still not being well understood, just as sufferers are shunned and stigmatized, preventing them from seeking help, as their condition deteriorates.

Exactly this. Quoted from Don Buschert's blog:

"I think Joshua exemplifies the pitiful state man is in. It boggles the mind how a kindhearted man who goes out of his way to walk someone to a bus top can be tormented by monsters within - and somehow we presume those monsters are those directly behind the influence to destroy all he has. We presume the voices are behind this, because it’s not uncommon. In fact, each week the news reports pileup of similar behavior.

Again, the so called Mental Health experts will quickly refute the demonic as they chide the usual mantra “this condition could happen to any of us”. With their moldy, rhetorical platitudes and nodding of the head they remind us how we need to take care of our mental health [I’m still convinced anyone who sees a psychiatrist these days, ought to have their head examined].

What really went through Joshua's mind as his life drained away from him? Did those monsters behind the voice dissipate into the darkness from which they came, gleefully knowing they successfully destroyed several precious vessels – made in God’s image and likeness? Once their grip was gone, did Joshua cry out to God for help and forgiveness with his last breath? No one knows. I sure hope he did."

This isn't some religious extremist... this is guy who works in a profession that requires a degree of intelligence and is employed at a local technical institute (all information he makes readily available in his blog). How many people out there really believe in demons? That's what I find unnerving.

09-23-2016, 12:54 PM
Here's a mindfuck for you... Maybe mental health issues are demonic possession. All our medication does is treat symptoms; it's rare we can actually cure a mental disorder to the point where medication can be stopped. Maybe all our human medicine is doing is keeping the demons at bay. :nut:

09-23-2016, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by born2workoncars
This isn't some religious extremist... this is guy who works in a profession that requires a degree of intelligence

The entire Phelps family (Westboro Baptist extremists) are all educated lawyers.

This blogger is also an extreme case. Very few Christians would say that mental illness is demon possession and should be fixed with prayer. Even his basic Christian theology is incorrect in his post.

Just because you are smart or educated doesn't make you incapable of thinking logically on specific topics.

I know well educated people that...

- are vegans
- go to chiropractors
- don't vaccinate their kids
- believe that 9/11 was an inside job
- think that Obama is a Muslim
- don't believe in global warming
- drive BMWs

09-23-2016, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Feruk
Here's a mindfuck for you... Maybe mental health issues are demonic possession. All our medication does is treat symptoms; it's rare we can actually cure a mental disorder to the point where medication can be stopped. Maybe all our human medicine is doing is keeping the demons at bay. :nut:

What about a mind fuck of a mind fuck:

we create our own inner "demons" through both though and action :nut: