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View Full Version : Metal shard in food

10-21-2016, 01:52 PM
Today at lunch I was eating a donair I bought from a local shop and I noticed something shiny in it. There was about a 8mm long shard of shiny lightly magnetic metal stuck in some of the donair meat. I pulled it out and carefully finished my lunch but now I'm wondering what the correct thing to do is.

I don't know if the metal got into the meat when they cut it in their shop or if perhaps it came from their supplier like that. Is this the sort of thing where some city health inspector needs to be informed? Or should I just go to the restaurant directly? Should I not even care?... I mean I know stuff like this is bound to happen from time to time and there is probably some allowed concentration of metal bits in your food.

I know the people who work there pretty well and while I'm sure I'd probably get a free lunch or something out of it I feel like they are likely to just ignore the problem and not take any action about it.

Beyond - what would you do?

10-21-2016, 01:54 PM
Personally I would talk to the owner/manager of the place and inform them. If they shrug it off, then contact the health inspector.

Shit happens but if you did not notice it before hand it could have been a bad experience for you.

10-21-2016, 02:04 PM
I got a metal washer in a package of spices a couple of years back. They were reluctant to respond, and didn't do much about it other than claim they will investigate. Never heard back again. I was going through things at the time, so opted not to follow up even though I have a media friend who was willing to print the story.

Regardless of public knowledge or legal options, you really ought to let them know at the very least. If they don't seem to care, then you might want to escalate it as lampshade mentioned.

10-21-2016, 02:10 PM
I think you should report it to the owner as well as the city or whoever handles that. It could be that there was a large contamination and you could have kids biting down on metal. Better safe than sorry imo. :dunno:

10-21-2016, 02:14 PM
prob from the scouring pad they used, did it look like that?

10-21-2016, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by TYMSMNY
prob from the scouring pad they used, did it look like that?

That's a good guess. It could be. It's rectangular in cross section and kind of curled up but if you straighten it the piece is about 8mm long.


10-21-2016, 02:22 PM
looks like it could be a shaving from a can opener.

I had the exact same thing happen to me from the cafeteria from my old office. I pushed it a bit, and got 5 free lunches out of it.

10-21-2016, 02:23 PM
Thats a nasty piece of metal and it would cut the hell out of someone's mouth. IMO, not reporting that basically makes you complicit in any injuries that might happen. You should report it before someone gets seriously hurt.

10-21-2016, 02:24 PM
Originally posted by FixedGear
Thats a nasty piece of metal and it would cut the hell out of someone's mouth. IMO, not reporting that basically makes you complicit in any injuries that might happen. You should report it before someone gets seriously hurt.

Who exactly do you report this to?

10-21-2016, 02:25 PM
^i have no idea, id probably start by notifying the store, and calling 311 to report it to whatever Dept keeps track of these things.

10-21-2016, 02:26 PM
Looks exactly like a piece from the scouring pad. It's wouldn't cut your mouth. Nor will you die.

I'd just explain that you found it in your food to them, they should actually stop using those or at least get the ones that are wrapped.

surprised that no one saw it. The person that made the food, or the ones that prepped the food... but it does happen.

10-21-2016, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by TYMSMNY
but it does happen.

I'm 37 and eat out all the time, I've never found metal shards in my food. :dunno:

10-21-2016, 03:10 PM
I just went back over to the store and showed the piece to them. They agreed it looked like steel wool or a scouring pad. They said it isn't one that they use (and I believe them since the 2 guys working there when I went back are the guys I have seen scrubbing things down at the end of the day) and it must have come in the meat. They seemed genuinely concerned and took the piece to show to the manager when he is in next and offered me free lunch on Monday. They also agreed this needs to be brought up with their meat supplier and said they would make sure it doesn't happen again.

I will return Monday when I know the manager will be in and I'll talk to him to make sure he heard about it and has done something about it.

As far as reporting it to the city goes, it seems like unless somebody actually gets sick the city doesn't act on stuff like this so I suppose for now it's a good enough resolution.

Thanks for the input guys. I initially felt like I was overreacting for even being bothered by it.

10-21-2016, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by FixedGear

I'm 37 and eat out all the time, I've never found metal shards in my food. :dunno:

good for you. Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

10-21-2016, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by TYMSMNY

good for you. Just because it doesn't happen to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

Yeah, you're right, metal shards in food must be really common and nothing to worry about all.

10-21-2016, 03:37 PM
Sue everybody

10-21-2016, 03:39 PM
ok, if its from a wool pad, its far from a "shard" and would likely do no damage, but it is a good idea to make sure they are aware of it.

some of you guys are talking like its half a blade form a butchers knife, i'm sure you have unknowingly eaten a lot worse and you're still alive

10-21-2016, 03:46 PM
I don't know for sure if it would do damage but when I tried to fold it up it did cut into my finger and stick there.

I agree it's not like it is a knife blade or something but after all this fuss over barbecue brushes I was a bit worried.

10-21-2016, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by FixedGear

Yeah, you're right, metal shards in food must be really common and nothing to worry about all.

because stainless steel wool = metal shards. :rolleyes:

10-21-2016, 03:48 PM
You all know the path this piece of metal is taking from your mouth to anus? Well ASSuming it makes it to your butt and is not snagged on some chunk of intestinal track. Maybe your stomach acid takes care of it... No harm? OK, let's see you eat it.

Forget about talking to the manager, this is a public health issue. Report it to: http://www12.albertahealthservices.ca/health-inspections/

10-21-2016, 03:49 PM
^ it's already confirmed as a stainless steel wool.

10-21-2016, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by TYMSMNY
^ it's already confirmed as a stainless steel wool.

Offer stands. Eat it.

10-21-2016, 03:58 PM
Originally posted by Minimalist

Offer stands. Eat it.

sure. what are you putting on the line?

10-21-2016, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Minimalist

Offer stands. Eat it.

How's this.

You put up $100 cash. I'll eat one twice as long as OP posted (8mm). Money will be donated to ACH on the spot (beyond.ca donation). Offer applies till 5pm today, You, me, and the piece of steel wool. Don't worry, I've got lots of steel wool.

10-21-2016, 04:11 PM
It's happened a bunch of times through the years here at the store. A piece of metal breaks off from a basket or stainless steel wool or plastic or hair, whatever, unfortunately shit happens. I agree with letting the store know and they can inspect their equipment + keep a closer eye on things. Sometimes we all need a reminder. In addition, the store should apologize and cover the customer's meal. Honestly that's my perspective. If you truly feel public safety is at risk, ok go call the health inspectors. :nut: :dunno:

10-21-2016, 04:46 PM
The issue is that 1) the source of the metal shards is unknown, and 2) it's sharp and hard enough to cut the OPs finger when he tried to bend it.

What if there is an issue at the supplier and a hundred pounds of meat at donair ships across Alberta are affected? This is no different from a salmonella or E. coli case IMO. I do think it should be reported because that is how they track public health issues. T

he guy who is claiming this is common and nothing to worry about is either a massive idiot, or a massive asshole. I'm sure he wouldn't want his children eating sandwich he's with these metal shards in them.

10-21-2016, 06:48 PM

10-21-2016, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by TYMSMNY

How's this.

You put up $100 cash. I'll eat one twice as long as OP posted (8mm). Money will be donated to ACH on the spot (beyond.ca donation). Offer applies till 5pm today, You, me, and the piece of steel wool. Don't worry, I've got lots of steel wool.

You get your kid or a family member under the age of five to eat the metal and I'll pony up the $100. Safe for you, safe for all. Offer expired at 5 as well.

10-21-2016, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by Minimalist

You get your kid or a family member under the age of five to eat the metal and I'll pony up the $100. Safe for you, safe for all. Offer expired at 5 as well.

What the fuck is wrong with you? Encouraging him to get small kids to eat pieces of metal? You guys have derailed the fuck out of this thread.

10-21-2016, 07:33 PM
I love how Beyond goes to the extreme end to prove a point! Make Beyond Great Again!

10-21-2016, 07:36 PM
I had a piece of fry basket in my poutine once and I wrote an email to NYF to inform them they need to inspect their fry baskets as this is a health concern. They took my complaint seriously because I actually had a picture of said fragment and it matched their baskets. They sent me free coupons and said they would check their baskets. They must have been old if they were disintegrating.

10-22-2016, 09:09 AM
I found a bullet (I think) in my rice a few years back

The other day I also had a some sort of glass in my mashed potatoes - glad I caught that one before I ate it.

10-22-2016, 09:27 AM

10-22-2016, 10:47 AM
Stuff like this can happen. I'm surprise you ate the rest of your food though. Regardless you will live as I ate an decent size stainless steel retainer 20 years ago and I've been fine. I'm sure someone will ask how so after I got my braces removed the dentist put a retainer on my inside bottom teeth from cuspid to cuspid tooth. Basically a stainless wire that's cemented on the inside of your teeth. Sitting in class at SAIT I was eating a bag of Doritos when I started choking as I felt something scratching down my throat like I swallowed an entire big chip. I in fact though it was just a piece of chip until I realized all that was left of my retainer were the cement mounds on the inside of my teeth. I don't even recall finding it in my eliminations though which is surprising seeing it was probably 2.5" long.

10-22-2016, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by GTR_Auto
I found a bullet (I think) in my rice a few years back

When I first read the thread title that's what I thought at first. When I was growing up, we used to make it a game to see who got the bullet in their food (lots of wild meat). Never in rice though, that seems strange.

10-23-2016, 09:43 AM
Originally posted by GTR_Auto

I found a bullet (I think) in my rice a few years back

Originally posted by My_name_is_Rob

When I was growing up, we used to make it a game to see who got the bullet in their food (lots of wild meat). Never in rice though, that seems strange.

Maybe it was wild rice? :dunno: :D