View Full Version : I'm starting to think we need recall voting for judges...

12-02-2016, 09:10 AM

Once again, f*&king unbelievable. This person kills an actual human (can't even get into the abortion debate on this one) and gets TWO YEARS PROBATION. FOR MURDER.

And then on top of all of it, concocts a rape claim. If you've been raped and have a baby because of it, pretty easy to get results on who the rapist was, very hard to dispute those facts. Was that done? Fuck no. "Oh, I got drunk and woke up without my clothes on at a party with no recollection of what happened, so I decided to murder a kid because I had a university exam".

This judge needs to be removed from the system, this is absolute lunacy! :banghead: What in the actual hell is going on with our world?? :whipped:

12-02-2016, 09:14 AM
It's 8:13 am. That's enough internet for me today.

Two for two, Temp. You're on a roll.

12-02-2016, 09:24 AM

12-02-2016, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by A790
It's 8:13 am. That's enough internet for me today.

Two for two, Temp. You're on a roll.

I would LOVE to hear what you think of both stories I've posted :poosie:

12-02-2016, 11:51 AM
Pussy pass confirmed. Fucking cuck judge.

12-02-2016, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1

I would LOVE to hear what you think of both stories I've posted :poosie:
I think both are pretty ridiculous. The woman receiving a $500,000 judgement is laughable. It's also scary, as it suggests that if someone is creative and persistent enough, that they could ruin your life over... nothing. Yes, it was overturned on appeal, but hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees later... fees that may never be recovered. Wow.

Regarding this article and the woman receiving two years probation, two things, I'm at a loss for words. This sounds like murder to me. Why she gets off with 2 years I don't understand.

12-02-2016, 02:20 PM
But Marchand said mitigating factors — including Saul’s lack of a criminal history and the circumstances of how she became pregnant — were powerful.

In addition to her two-year probation term, Saul was ordered to surrender a sample of her DNA to a national criminal database.

Definitely more to this story, but she sounds like a mental health patient with the IQ of a toddler.

Throwing her in jail probably wouldn't have done much besides cost taxpayers more money.

Anyone with an IQ of a teenager would have aborted the fetus or, if she had the decency, intelligence and common sense - perhaps adoption (babies are in demand).

12-02-2016, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by revelations

Throwing her in jail probably wouldn't have done much besides cost taxpayers more money.

But letting her go free is just?

So next time I am under huge stress at work and late for a meeting, and I proceed to run over a pedestrian in a cross walk (who had right of way), I don't get any jail time? Some of you think I'm mentally retarded ( :p ), so I should be able to get away with it. Claim I was abused psychologically as a child, boom, defense rests.

I'm not saying she needs to go away for life. But she clearly needs help. The only system we have in place (since we value rights and freedoms highly) to remove the person's freedom and force treatment on them is jail.

Do you really think this person is going to be a benefit to society WITHOUT intervention? Probably not. That's my issue with all of this. No, she probably isn't going to go out and kill someone else. But she quite possibly killed a completely defenseless baby. That is F*&KED :nut:

12-02-2016, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by HiTempguy1
Do you really think this person is going to be a benefit to society WITHOUT intervention? Probably not. That's my issue with all of this. No, she probably isn't going to go out and kill someone else. But she quite possibly killed a completely defenseless baby. That is F*&KED :nut:
That's the entire argument, right there.

This woman chose to murder a child because she had an exam and didn't know what to do. Unless I'm missing something, I find this totally untenable. In our society there are so many options for support, ESPECIALLY for pregnant women/new mothers.

EDIT: She left the body of a dead baby in her trunk for THREE WEEKS and even loaned the "dead baby mobile" to a friend. She needs help, absolutely, and that help should come in the form of an institution.

12-02-2016, 06:01 PM
We are talking about 19 year old killing her baby to go to an exam right?

It's fucked up but I don't think jail is the answer. She's just a kid herself.

12-02-2016, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by A790

That's the entire argument, right there.

This woman chose to murder a child because she had an exam and didn't know what to do. Unless I'm missing something, I find this totally untenable. In our society there are so many options for support, ESPECIALLY for pregnant women/new mothers.

EDIT: She left the body of a dead baby in her trunk for THREE WEEKS and even loaned the "dead baby mobile" to a friend. She needs help, absolutely, and that help should come in the form of an institution.

Yea jail would have just made things worse for her. Staying off drugs and getting mental health issues dealt with might be the best idea.

If she had a criminal history though, jail for sure.

12-02-2016, 08:34 PM
She is a university student. Not a homeless retard.

She knew exactly what she was doing, she even had the baby out of a hospital. I wonder why? No records of its birth. Maybe because she knew exactly what she was going to do with the baby once it was born.

Zero sympathy, lock her up and make sure everyone in the prison knows what she is there for doing.

12-03-2016, 01:00 AM
Thompson Rivers does vocational training. A 19 year old, who was unable to think at a basic level of intelligence, was probably there to get her HS diploma.