View Full Version : Mount Royal Shooting

12-19-2016, 10:16 AM

I can't imagine there are too many Rolls Royce Ghosts' in Calgary. Top level gang member? Cheating executive?

12-19-2016, 10:35 AM
Too much carbon footprint?

"An SUV was found fully involved" engulfed? :dunno:

12-19-2016, 10:44 AM
Cue the "chill guy" comments.

12-19-2016, 11:03 AM
That's not to far from my house and I am pretty sure I know who owns that Phantom:nut:

Hopefully its the cheating husband theory as it is worrisome to have just random shootings just blocks from my daughters school

12-19-2016, 11:04 AM
Mo' Money Mo' Problems

12-19-2016, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by JordanLotoski
That's not to far from my house and I am pretty sure I know who owns that Phantom:nut:

Hopefully its the cheating husband theory as it is worrisome to have just random shootings just blocks from my daughters school

Pretty positive it's a Ghost, not a Phantom.

If gang related, I would think it would be a pretty important "chill guy". Start of gang wars 2017??

12-19-2016, 11:40 AM
Wheels dictate a Ghost more than a Phantom


12-19-2016, 12:02 PM
From Reddit: driver was likely Riaz Mamdami (Strategic Group)

Edit:autocorrected "was" to "wasn't"

12-19-2016, 12:03 PM
Sweet Jesus, I see that Ghost driving into downtown on 8th street a few times a week. Guy looked very well-to-do. Crazy :eek:

12-19-2016, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by flipstah
Wheels dictate a Ghost more than a Phantom


I figured it was a Chrysler 300 with a bodykit from the CBC pictures, but it does look a lot like that Ghost now that I've seen the side shot:


12-19-2016, 12:33 PM
Better pics:





Now that the cat's out of the bag, yea, this looks to circle back to the Platinum Equities deal from years back.

12-19-2016, 12:37 PM
Originally posted by finboy
From Reddit: driver wasn't likely Riaz Mamdami (Strategic Group)

Isn't/ wasn't he involved with the Platinum Equities fraud?

12-19-2016, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by NoSup4U

Isn't/ wasn't he involved with the Platinum Equities fraud?


12-19-2016, 12:47 PM
I blame Trump.

12-19-2016, 12:51 PM
Could be a robbery gone wrong. Strategic is all over Calgary and owns several DT buildings.

12-19-2016, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by flipstah
Could be a robbery gone wrong. Strategic is all over Calgary and owns several DT buildings.

Several is an understatement... They own a ton of properties DT and in the beltline and are notoriously crappy to deal with. Wouldnt be shocked if this is fallout from Platinum as others have mentioned.

12-19-2016, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by finboy
From Reddit: driver wasn't likely Riaz Mamdami (Strategic Group)

It was at his house but there is no confirmation about the victim yet.

Well it's confirmed.

12-19-2016, 01:21 PM

More on that business

12-19-2016, 01:34 PM
CBC is confirming it was Mamdani who got shot.

12-19-2016, 01:44 PM
well then....ppl don't get shot for no reason?!

12-19-2016, 01:51 PM
Should be interesting to see what happened.

There was an SUV known to no one on fire at the residence too it says.

Could be many things

12-19-2016, 01:57 PM

12-19-2016, 01:58 PM

12-19-2016, 01:58 PM
I blame the mod at CP.

12-19-2016, 01:59 PM
His house and every home on 7th has exterior cameras everywhere...Shooter will be caught asap I would imagine

12-19-2016, 02:04 PM
Those who make a habit of screwing up the lives of others tend to put themselves in a position to have the same happen to their own.

Bet his life was fun while it lasted, but that's a pretty crazy way to go out.

12-19-2016, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek
Those who make a habit of screwing up the lives of others tend to put themselves in a position to have the same happen to their own.

Bet his life was fun while it lasted, but that's a pretty crazy way to go out.

He didn't die. Says he's in critical but stable condition.

12-19-2016, 02:10 PM
oops.. my bad. Thought I read somewhere he actually died.

OK, ignore my last sentence.

If he does survive, who wants to bet his new Rolls is going to be bulletproof?

12-19-2016, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by 01RedDX
You see what happens Larry?

... when you FIGHT a stranger in the ALPS!


12-19-2016, 02:16 PM
Originally posted by 88CRX

He didn't die. Says he's in critical but stable condition. That's why you double-tap.

12-19-2016, 02:21 PM

Sounds like he made his share of enemies over the years. Mount Royal is pretty much CCTV central so I imagine they'll catch whoever did it fairly quickly.

12-19-2016, 02:33 PM

Lots of pew pew these days

12-19-2016, 02:38 PM

12-19-2016, 02:44 PM
Do they auction off evidence after investigations end? Mmm Ghost.

12-19-2016, 02:54 PM
Originally posted by flipstah
Do they auction off evidence after investigations end? Mmm Ghost.

I doubt they would auction off the victims property, but you might get a great deal on a heat treated SUV.

12-19-2016, 03:00 PM
Shoulda gone with Bullet Proof Equities?

12-19-2016, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by JordanLotoski
His house and every home on 7th has exterior cameras everywhere...Shooter will be caught asap I would imagine

Unless the shooter is dumb enough to do this without ski mask or stolen vehicle.

12-19-2016, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by R-Audi

Several is an understatement... They own a ton of properties DT and in the beltline and are notoriously crappy to deal with. Wouldnt be shocked if this is fallout from Platinum as others have mentioned.
Crappy is an understatement.

12-19-2016, 07:40 PM
Originally posted by Maxt

Crappy is an understatement.

I was governing myself accordingly.

There is actually something referred to as a "Strategic Clause" a few brokers put in their leases... If Strategic buys the building they have the opportunity to cancel it.

12-19-2016, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by flipstah
Do they auction off evidence after investigations end? Mmm Ghost.

No one I know likes high cost of ownership more than you do :rofl:

12-20-2016, 01:05 PM
Nenshi sure regarding this guy highly. Surprising to me, given his sordid past.

12-20-2016, 01:12 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek
Nenshi sure regarding this guy highly. Surprising to me, given his sordid past.


12-20-2016, 01:33 PM
Just read the article. Attempted robbery LOL.....yah, right. Because all attempted robberies are car jackings involving gunfire. Someone had a beef with this guy and from what it looks like there is no limit to the number of people it could be.

12-20-2016, 02:19 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek
Nenshi sure regarding this guy highly. Surprising to me, given his sordid past.

I know a few people who have worked for him and they all vouch for how much they liked him.

Not saying that absolves him of the accusations, but they all described him as a nice, personable guy.

<end chill guy comment>

12-20-2016, 02:26 PM
This chicks toque got me loling pretty good.


12-20-2016, 02:41 PM
Why no chauffeur?

12-20-2016, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana

I know a few people who have worked for him and they all vouch for how much they liked him.

Not saying that absolves him of the accusations, but they all described him as a nice, personable guy.

&lt;end chill guy comment&gt;

Because all accused swindlers are assholes? Give me millions and I will be a nice personable guy too.

12-20-2016, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by soloracer

Because all accused swindlers are assholes? Give me millions and I will be a nice personable guy too. He also thinks Castro was mostly a nice guy.

12-20-2016, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by suntan
He also thinks Castro was mostly a nice guy.

Nelson Mandela can't be that far off, can he?

12-20-2016, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by sexualbanana

Nelson Mandela can't be that far off, can he? So you can judge morality, based on what other popular figures that you judge moral, think about other people?

Fuck the transitive property.

Have you ever given thought that perhaps Mandela didn't know WTF Castro was doing in Cuba?

12-20-2016, 05:25 PM
This guy should do a presser when hes healthy enough and pony up 250k for info leading to arrest and charges.

But then would he pay it?

12-20-2016, 06:01 PM
Seems like he is reaping what he has sown. Not much sympathy from me for this scum bag.

12-20-2016, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by lilmira
Why no chauffeur?

ghost = drive it yourself
phantom = Mr. Jeeves drives you around

he also had a guardhouse with security. Guess they all getting fired.

12-20-2016, 07:42 PM
Maybe Nenshi is just conflating issues again.

12-21-2016, 08:51 AM
Stolen SUV torched after the shooting, it wasn't some random attack, obviously it was a targeted attack. We'll just have to see how professional it was, if the shooter went through the trouble to use a drop vehicle and burn it, it's likely he was disguised well enough to keep the CCTV footage from being any use to the facial recognition stuff they put that through. Could always be DNA on shell casings, or a million other little details, the most common of which being somebody talking. Regardless of any of that, it's safe to say that somebody is probably upset enough about either the 10 million suit or the 200 million dollar suit to have Mr Rolls Royce shot and killed.

12-21-2016, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Kloubek
Nenshi sure regarding this guy highly. Surprising to me, given his sordid past.

Saw that too and just goes to show how corrupt shit is. As long as you pay for charitable organizations and know the right people you're a good guy even though you've potentially ruined hundreds if not thousands of lives.

I'm surprised his RR wasnt bullet proof. Even if i wasnt a wanted a man id still bullet proof my ride just in case. Hes had to have gotten multiple death threats in the past.

12-21-2016, 01:13 PM

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought it was illegal in Canada to do as such? Granted yes, several have found ways. But a guy like this who typically skirts/evades the law might not want to get arrested for an illegal vehicle if it was ever brought to police attention.

12-21-2016, 02:07 PM
LOL when you can rob 150 mill plus from people and still be touted as one of the most important philanthropist of our city by our own mayor i dont think you need to worry about getting caught with an illegally modded vehicle. I dont know how the other news outlets portrayed him but on global they made him out to be a saint and very briefly/subtly mentioned a lawsuit against him at the end.

12-21-2016, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by TYMSMNY

ghost = drive it yourself
phantom = Mr. Jeeves drives you around

he also had a guardhouse with security. Guess they all getting fired.

They were watching Big Brother Canada :rofl:

12-21-2016, 04:51 PM
one link:


it keeps loading.

12-21-2016, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by thetransporter
one link:


it keeps loading.

They own and operates a lot of them in town. So he pay a lot of taxes to CoC and not surprised Nenshi isn't distancing away from him.

12-21-2016, 09:56 PM
Nenshi and Mamdani are both Ismaili (sp?).

It’s a pretty tight knit group where they all support each other and do business with one another. Of course Nenshi speaks highly of him.

12-22-2016, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by Kloubek
Nenshi sure regarding this guy highly. Surprising to me, given his sordid past.

2017 Municipal Elections is coming up, Nenshi needs to support him...don't want to lose this millionaires and their acquaintances votes.

12-22-2016, 10:13 AM
The news was saying he donates a lot, which sounds like it is to counter his crappy karma.

See money doesn’t just buy you a better life, better food, better cars, better pussy, it also makes you a better person. You can give generously to the church or the political party of your choice. You can save the fucking spotted owl with money.

06-25-2017, 09:18 PM

He's got no idea why someone would want to shoot him or who it could possibly be... :facepalm:

06-26-2017, 01:21 AM
Crazy. 6 shots!

But ya, if someone shot me 6x I probably deserved it somehow ....

06-26-2017, 02:31 AM
shot six times at point blank and not killed?

who did they send after him, a Stormtrooper?

06-26-2017, 07:48 AM
The article was more of a commercial for Rolls Royce than anything.

06-26-2017, 08:24 AM
The article was more of a commercial for Rolls Royce than anything.

Yeah, I got a chuckle out of the RR salesman saying something to the effect of "well, I'm no ballistics expert, but I can tell the bullets had a hard time getting through the windscreen". OK bud, whatever you say :rofl:

10-18-2017, 04:41 PM

Police looking for new info in this shooting, Mamdani's friends and business partners have put up a $250,000 reward. Police say a bullet went through his AMEX Black Card.80287

10-18-2017, 04:46 PM

Police looking for new info in this shooting, Mamdani's friends and business partners have put up a $250,000 reward. Police say a bullet went through his AMEX Black Card.80287


10-18-2017, 04:50 PM

Thats what I thought too. As soon as the post on Twitter said "titanium credit card..." I was like "here we go :rolleyes:

10-18-2017, 06:33 PM
$250,000 LOL that's it? You think with that kind of wealth they'd offer more...we are, afterall, talking about his life here....

10-18-2017, 06:44 PM
$250,000 LOL that's it? You think with that kind of wealth they'd offer more...we are, afterall, talking about his life here....

Cheapness: how the rich stay rich.

Everybody's got a price

10-18-2017, 07:24 PM
Thats what I thought too. As soon as the post on Twitter said "titanium credit card..." I was like "here we go :rolleyes:

Seriously? That's your takeaway? He was potentially saved by a credit card , that is some straight movie shit.

10-18-2017, 08:57 PM
Seriously? That's your takeaway? He was potentially saved by a credit card , that is some straight movie shit.

No my take away is to work hard enough to have a AMEX black card In One chest pocket and an iPhone in the other.


10-18-2017, 09:07 PM
It's interesting how the updates for this pop up after election day.

10-19-2017, 08:03 AM
I have a very hard time believing he has no idea who would want him dead... Ive certainly heard a few rumors, and not one that its because hes just rich.

10-19-2017, 08:23 AM
It's interesting how the updates for this pop up after election day.

Nobody really gives a shit that he's a financial backer to Nenshi. Every politician has their black money financiers.

10-19-2017, 08:23 AM
Next up: Someone tries to chop up Zahir over a deal gone bad in the past :rofl:

10-19-2017, 08:30 AM
I don't get it. The police are looking for assistance but what does the credit card or the windshield have to do with helping solve this crime. What is next are they going to show the guy's soiled underwear.

10-19-2017, 08:58 AM
I don't get it. The police are looking for assistance but what does the credit card or the windshield have to do with helping solve this crime. What is next are they going to show the guy's soiled underwear.

Haha I have the same thought. Totally refreshed my memory, it was Timmy. He did it!

10-19-2017, 09:07 AM

Credit saves lives. Fact.

10-19-2017, 09:41 AM
Nobody really gives a shit that he's a financial backer to Nenshi. Every politician has their black money financiers.
It is kinda funny that Smith presumably being backed by CSEC who profits by providing Sports entertainment to Calgary is bad, yet Nenshi being backed by Mamdani who profited off Strategic who ripped off hard working Calgarians is no big deal.

10-19-2017, 09:50 AM
I have a very hard time believing he has no idea who would want him dead... Ive certainly heard a few rumors, and not one that its because hes just rich.

Widely held view is that it's from someone in the Hell's Angels who got ripped off in one of his investment scams. They went to court, court said he didn't have to repay, and obviously the other guy had other views on that.

Personally, I think he's getting what he deserves. You can get rich off of ripping people off, but that doesn't mean they won't try to kill you. I hope the next attempt is as entertaining as this one was.

10-19-2017, 09:55 AM
It is kinda funny that Smith presumably being backed by CSEC who profits by providing Sports entertainment to Calgary is bad, yet Nenshi being backed by Mamdani who profited off Strategic who ripped off hard working Calgarians is no big deal.

Makes zero fucking sense.

Purple googles must be clouding peoples judgment.

10-19-2017, 10:02 AM
Makes zero fucking sense.

Purple googles must be clouding peoples judgment.

You really can't see the difference?

10-19-2017, 10:08 AM
You really can't see the difference?

There is a big difference.

The Flames have not been accused of scamming thousands of investors off to the tune of $200million.

10-19-2017, 11:18 AM
There is a big difference.

The Flames have not been accused of scamming thousands of investors off to the tune of $200million.

Yeah, and the Flames want to scam 1.3 million Calgary citizens of over $300 million.

10-19-2017, 11:34 AM
It is kinda funny that Smith presumably being backed by CSEC who profits by providing Sports entertainment to Calgary is bad, yet Nenshi being backed by Mamdani who profited off Strategic who ripped off hard working Calgarians is no big deal.
The nenshites were even doing the evil developer shtick again, by pointing out Cal Wenzel was backing smith, I'd take Cal in my corner over a bullet magnet.

10-19-2017, 02:23 PM
Widely held view is that it's from someone in the Hell's Angels who got ripped off in one of his investment scams. They went to court, court said he didn't have to repay, and obviously the other guy had other views on that.

Personally, I think he's getting what he deserves. You can get rich off of ripping people off, but that doesn't mean they won't try to kill you. I hope the next attempt is as entertaining as this one was.

I had heard similiar.. it was HA but with money laundering and Riaz not paying up. The Police have to know that Riaz knows damn well who is out to get him, but it shutting his mouth so it doesnt happen again.

10-19-2017, 03:27 PM
Being a big hearted philanthropist is a dangerous lifestyle it seems.

10-19-2017, 03:51 PM
I dunno. I'm not sure that if I got shot 6 times for something I probably deserved and survived, that I'd start making accusations and asking for more, especially if it's some big time corporation I ripped off.