View Full Version : Couple upset over treatment at US Airport

02-22-2017, 01:32 PM
Saw this headline this morning and thought it was weird because it was a Caucasian couple. They were upset enough after what happened at a US airport that they contacted their MP when they got home. So what happened to them?

After showing their boarding passes and Canadian passports, “we were told to put our hands on a green scanner, then they took facial photos,” said Carl Hannigan, 75, a Calgary veterinarian.

Damn. The injustice! :rofl:

Processed in under a minute I'm guessing and they're complaining.


02-22-2017, 01:37 PM
Oh the horrors! :whipped:

02-22-2017, 01:51 PM

02-22-2017, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by kenny
Saw this headline this morning and thought it was weird because it was a Caucasian couple. They were upset enough after what happened at a US airport that they contacted their MP when they got home. So what happened to them?

Damn. The injustice! :rofl:

Processed in under a minute I'm guessing and they're complaining.


I read this same article 10 minutes ago, like WTF is wrong with people?

"Oh teh noze, I entered another country that I am not a citizen of and they wanted my information!!!!111! I'm offended!"

02-22-2017, 02:19 PM
Did they at least get their breakfast sandwiches?

02-22-2017, 02:24 PM
Huh. So Millennials aren't the only whiny bitch generation. Whoodathunkit.

02-22-2017, 02:29 PM
Haha how is that news. The CH is better than that (or so I thought...)

I love it when I get "randomly selected", you typically skip the huge security lines to get the hand swab or whatever it is.

02-22-2017, 02:32 PM

02-22-2017, 02:36 PM
The irony is, i'm sure they happily posed for the news pictures. And now their privacy is even more so invaded, because we get a glimpse inside their home. That being said I can now legitimately say that their furniture is old as fuck. Betcha the US Custom guards couldn't say that. :rofl:

02-22-2017, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

IMO it goes to far and violates your privacy. I think the couple is right to be upset, finger printing for the purpose of data base tracking should be reserved for criminals.

I agree, but at the same time, they weren't in Canada. If they don't like the USA's laws, they should not enter the USA.

02-22-2017, 02:50 PM
They're upset cause they got treated like colored people?

02-22-2017, 02:51 PM
finger prints and retina scans seems invasive just to get into the states doesn't it? those scans will be forever remembered for those people.

02-22-2017, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak

Basically what it means is A: you really don't want to be the guy who leaves his finger print on a glass that is anywhere around a dead hooker,

No problems yet

02-22-2017, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Tik-Tok

I agree, but at the same time, they weren't in Canada. If they don't like the USA's laws, they should not enter the USA.

Like when immigrating to a new count... nevermind lol

02-22-2017, 02:59 PM
lol at this. If you aren't Canadian, I think you always get some of your finger prints taken as an identify measure and/or to update their records.

(UK Citizen, always get photo and some prints (random ones) taken every time we go to the US.)

02-22-2017, 03:00 PM

02-22-2017, 03:53 PM
The same guy who doesn't have a chip debit card because "that's how they get you!"

02-22-2017, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by dirtsniffer
finger prints and retina scans seems invasive just to get into the states doesn't it? those scans will be forever remembered for those people.

They're 75. Forever ain't gonna be too long for them.

02-22-2017, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Sugarphreak
Yeah the US is on a crazy finger printing frenzy right now... they basically want to document every single person so they can connect prints to crimes more easily and have a centralized database for screening. It won't be long before cops are carrying handheld scanners for instant ID.
This isn't anything new btw, so not just "right now". Some airports have this capability (mostly larger cities), others don't. I know someone who connected through SFO 6 or so years ago that got busted with their fingerprints on a discharged charge. It references with the Canadian criminal db and apparently the US treats a discharge as a disclosable charge. Now they have to travel to the US with a waiver haha.

02-22-2017, 07:35 PM
I thought they only fingerprint people carries passport other than Canadian passport. I guess wrong.

02-23-2017, 06:08 AM
Originally posted by Xtrema
I thought they only fingerprint people carries passport other than Canadian passport. I guess wrong.
Nope, every non US Citizen gets fingerprinted and photos taken at certain US airports. If you are red flagged, you go into secondary screening.

Obviously the couple isn't travelling with Nexus, where you're fingerprinted, photographed and iris scanned at customs everytime.

edit - reading further it looks like you're right (sorta), Canadians are actually exempt from this, but they generally ask every non US citizen to go through it anyways. You can refuse giving your prints and photo but they'll just turn you away and deny entry which they're allowed to for any reason anyways. So they're using that loophole to check for Canadians with overstays, criminal records, etc. Basically, don't be a cheap ass and fly direct to Canada if you don't want to deal with US BS? haha

The program is this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Biometric_Identity_Management

Been around since 2005, updated in 2007 (2 to 10 fingerprints) and 2013 (departmental restructure). How is this news? haha

02-23-2017, 09:17 AM
Air travel used to be a sign of opulence and class.

It stopped being that a long time ago.

02-23-2017, 09:47 AM
I have a Nexus card and they finger print / facial scan every time I enter the states...

02-23-2017, 12:34 PM
You guys are looking at this all wrong, this article is a good thing because it must mean Calgary is going through a good spell with no real bad news to report. :D
Pretty pathetic the herald actually sent a crew out to report this lol

Anyone got the contact for the herald? I was at the movies and they only had hand dryers which i hate so i had no choice but to go into the stalls and use the TP to dry off my hands and because they used such cheap TP it left bits and pieces all over my hands. I was LIVID and couldnt enjoy the movie

02-23-2017, 01:22 PM
Livid is the wrong word. you need to be SHOCKED AND OFFENDED.

02-23-2017, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by Sentry
The same guy who doesn't have a chip debit card because "that's how they get you!"

Actually they get you with the fingerprint unlock feature on your iphone. Apple has more fingerprints of "innocent" people than the US Border.

02-23-2017, 02:26 PM
Originally posted by mr2mike
Actually they get you with the fingerprint unlock feature on your iphone. Apple has more fingerprints of "innocent" people than the US Border.

02-23-2017, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
Livid is the wrong word. you need to be SHOCKED AND OFFENDED.

I was trying to down play the situation but i was so mad i was throwing up all over the place and when my wife seen me throw up she threw up and when the other people in the movie seen us throwing up they all threw up.

02-23-2017, 04:39 PM
Originally posted by Rocket1k78
I was trying to down play the situation but i was so mad i was throwing up all over the place and when my wife seen me throw up she threw up and when the other people in the movie seen us throwing up they all threw up.
I think they call that a diaper party.

02-23-2017, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by ExtraSlow
Livid is the wrong word. you need to be SHOCKED AND OFFENDED.

I think "triggered" is the right word.

02-23-2017, 09:30 PM
Originally posted by rage2

Nope, every non US Citizen gets fingerprinted and photos taken at certain US airports. If you are red flagged, you go into secondary screening.

Obviously the couple isn't travelling with Nexus, where you're fingerprinted, photographed and iris scanned at customs everytime.

edit - reading further it looks like you're right (sorta), Canadians are actually exempt from this, but they generally ask every non US citizen to go through it anyways. You can refuse giving your prints and photo but they'll just turn you away and deny entry which they're allowed to for any reason anyways. So they're using that loophole to check for Canadians with overstays, criminal records, etc. Basically, don't be a cheap ass and fly direct to Canada if you don't want to deal with US BS? haha

The program is this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Biometric_Identity_Management

Been around since 2005, updated in 2007 (2 to 10 fingerprints) and 2013 (departmental restructure). How is this news? haha

Have never been asked for anything like this returning from Canada. First I've heard of it.

02-24-2017, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by googe
Have never been asked for anything like this returning from Canada. First I've heard of it.
Me neither (until Nexus/Global Entry). This only happens when you go through US customs in US airports, such as stopping in US on an international layover. In Canadian airports with pre-clearance, they have to follow Canadian laws, and our bill of rights (I think) doesn't allow taking fingerprints unless volunteered, or charged with a crime so my guess is they don't even bother?

That's one of the sticking points for that bill C23 deal, you can't turn away like you can today if they ask for fingerprints.

02-24-2017, 08:59 AM
Come to think of it, I guess I've never not pre-cleared in Canada first, so that makes sense.

I have seen the fingerprint things for nexus. They never fucking work :rofl:

02-24-2017, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by googe
I have seen the fingerprint things for nexus. They never fucking work :rofl:
Only during winter when it's so dry in Calgary. According to the agent I spoke with last time, it can't read dry skin properly and it's a huge fail especially during deep freeze cold spells haha.

02-24-2017, 10:12 AM
Only reason I used Nexus was the shorter line, and didn't have to take off shoes, belt, jacket.

With new Calgary terminal, no more advantage at all, and line usually longer, so I use the regular line.

02-24-2017, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by rage2
In Canadian airports with pre-clearance, they have to follow Canadian laws, and our bill of rights (I think) doesn't allow taking fingerprints unless volunteered, or charged with a crime so my guess is they don't even bother?

I see them take fingerprints and photographs all the time during pre-clearance in Calgary, but never noticed a pattern. Pretty sure nobody just volunteers to do it though haha

02-24-2017, 10:17 AM
Originally posted by kenny

I see them take fingerprints and photographs all the time during pre-clearance in Calgary, but never noticed a pattern. Pretty sure nobody just volunteers to do it though haha

I asked the agent. I think he said only foreigners, not Canadian or American citizens.

02-27-2017, 11:48 AM
Don't you dare inconvenience old , well off white people. They will fuck your shit up.

02-27-2017, 11:53 AM
SW BRT project agrees with your assessment.

02-27-2017, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Gestalt
Only reason I used Nexus was the shorter line, and didn't have to take off shoes, belt, jacket.

With new Calgary terminal, no more advantage at all, and line usually longer, so I use the regular line.
On the way out though, Nexus is fucking FAST now in the new international terminal. Don't even have to talk to anyone at all. I've gone through 3x now, and it's literally 15 seconds more than having no customs at all. Stop at a terminal, answer 2 questions, iris scan, get receipt, and walk all the way out without talking to anybody.