View Full Version : Trudeau forgets about Alberta in speech

07-05-2017, 12:18 AM
Haha whoooops


07-05-2017, 06:09 AM
lol, I notice people on my Facebook are reading WAY too much into this. Simple slip up = Trudeau hates Alberta.

07-05-2017, 06:28 AM
For a group of people who generally go around calling liberals "snowflakes", they sure whine a lot and have some thin skin!

07-05-2017, 07:57 AM
I love this line of reasoning, that it was a simple mistake. Really grasping at straws there.

Could you imagine if he forgot Quebec? They'd be itching to seperate again.

Not that we need a reminder of who the libtards are on Beyond.

07-05-2017, 08:04 AM
You think he did it on purpose? To what end?

07-05-2017, 08:05 AM
He also forgot we've had a female PM a while back. :rofl:


Still not as entertaining as US politics for me to care.

07-05-2017, 08:09 AM
You think he did it on purpose? To what end?

Not at all. It highlights the extreme amounts of contempt that asshole has for us, just like his father did, to just simply not remember a province. It's more than "I forgot". It was CANADA DAY. You know the whole "you had one job" meme? He had one job, with a prepared speech. Did he forget a territory? Nope. Did he leave out PEI? Nope. He forgot/left out 10% + of Canada's population.

So fuck him, and fuck the people that support that asshole. He remembered to keep blathering and umming on about diversity though.

07-05-2017, 08:19 AM
For a group of people who generally go around calling liberals "snowflakes", they sure whine a lot and have some thin skin!

Haha. So true. We hate Trudeau. All of Alberta hates him. And now our tears arw flowing because he hurt our feelings.

Why should he give a crap tho? Doesn't matter what he does, even approve our pipelines, we still hate him.

Makes no difference either way, accident or on purpose. He's ignoring a screaming wining child. I would too honestly.

We are stuck with this asswipe. We vote for parties that dont have federal represntation. We are shooting oursleves

07-05-2017, 08:44 AM
Kudatah! Kudatah!

07-05-2017, 08:48 AM
Not at all. It highlights the extreme amounts of contempt that asshole has for us, just like his father did, to just simply not remember a province. It's more than "I forgot". It was CANADA DAY. You know the whole "you had one job" meme? He had one job, with a prepared speech. Did he forget a territory? Nope. Did he leave out PEI? Nope. He forgot/left out 10% + of Canada's population.

So fuck him, and fuck the people that support that asshole. He remembered to keep blathering and umming on about diversity though.

Forgetting alberta made him look stupid to his opponents and his supporters.

Do you really think he did it on purpose or even subconsciously?

Watch a Bush or Trump speech and Trudeau's folly is nothing to write home about.

People need to stop going full SJW and reading nefarious ulterior motives behind it. Move on!

07-05-2017, 09:23 AM
Forgetting alberta made him look stupid to his opponents and his supporters.

Do you really think he did it on purpose or even subconsciously?

Watch a Bush or Trump speech and Trudeau's folly is nothing to write home about.

People need to stop going full SJW and reading nefarious ulterior motives behind it. Move on!

HiTemp has gone off the deep end. Most of his posts have some variation of "Libtard" in it. Only a matter of time before he starts throwing around "cuck".

07-05-2017, 09:24 AM
People need to stop going full SJW and reading nefarious ulterior motives behind it. Move on!

Lol. Said everyone suffering HDS ever.

Also, the irony of you saying anything about SJW is apparently lost on you.

07-05-2017, 09:26 AM
It's shocking how many people care about this, or are somehow offended by this. It's such a minor thing, who cares? How does it affect your life? It's something you read, chuckle at, and move on without a second thought. He also immediately acknowledged it and apologized - what more do people want. If I was in the spotlight 24/7 having to make public speeches on national television, etc. I'm sure I would mess up on the regular.

07-05-2017, 09:28 AM
HiTemp has gone off the deep end. Most of his posts have some variation of "Libtard" in it. Only a matter of time before he starts throwing around "cuck".
Well he did vote NDP and regretting it, so there's some reason to the madness! :devil:

07-05-2017, 09:48 AM
Had he forgotten about MB or PEI for eg, that would not have been as big a deal. Now, hes also unable to make the Slutpede this year. :confused:

07-05-2017, 10:33 AM
HiTemp has gone off the deep end.

I've gone off the deep end??

You got the alt-right murdering people because they're black.

A quote directly from you. If I've gone off the deep end, you're straight off this planet. :rofl:

07-05-2017, 10:57 AM
I've gone off the deep end??

A quote directly from you. If I've gone off the deep end, you're straight off this planet. :rofl:
So, two things:



And also, if you're going to quote me, quote everything I said.

You got the alt-right murdering people because they're black. You got the right calling everyone who disagrees "Cucks" and "Libtards". You got right-wing celebrities like Ted Nugent calling for violence (did we all forget how he stated he wanted to kill Obama?).

Who is causing this divide? Who is embracing it? People. Fucking everyone.

Laying blame on the liberals as the sole cause of this bullshit is exactly that: bullshit.

In response to:

Originally posted by SportEL
Why is it the Left loves and glorifies Violence? You got ANTIFA that has no qualms about throwing M80s and rocks into the crowd, destroying property, spraying pepper spray and bashing women over the head with flag poles, and you have these Lefties and Celebrities embracing open borders, and saying we should co-exist while they live in their walled up mansions in the whitest neighborhoods, and have armed bodyguards.

You got Madonna saying she's thought an awful lot of blowing up the White House, Snoop Dogg thinking it's ok to pretend to shoot and kill the President in his latest video and you then they have ISIS like beheading videos of the President like it should be normalized.

Who's causing the divide? Who's embracing the divide, and who's blaming the other side? It's the Liberals.

Pretty obvious I'm mocking SportEL.

But nice try.

07-05-2017, 11:08 AM
He's mostly a twit. He's also a terrible, terrible public speaker. Combine the two and he ends up making a lot of mistakes.

07-05-2017, 11:15 AM
But nice try.

Nice try at what? You clearly believe what you said, regardless of whether you were mocking SportEL or not (which has very little to do with this thread).

What it does highlight is the liberal echo chamber you live in. Which is fine, you are entitled to that, but don't get all righteous like libtard and "cuck" (man I find that word hilarious, only way to use it is really in an ironic-but-not-ironic fashion) are ridiculous words when people like yourself are throwing around other completely bullshit terms and meanings.

Maybe liberals should stop killing police officers down in the states? Another one just happened today. Two can play that game. Sounds racially motivated to me, a black man killing a white police officer. Not that you'll ever find that written anywhere because the true SJWs like yourself would be out in full force screaming bloody murder (about the biased reporting, not about the black guy killing a white officer).

07-05-2017, 11:16 AM
Pretty obvious I'm mocking SportEL.

But nice try.

I see via your quote, that you're attempting to reason with HiTemp. Remember when people used to try and reason with Arash?! :rofl::rofl:

07-05-2017, 11:28 AM
I see via your quote, that you're attempting to reason with HiTemp. Remember when people used to try and reason with Arash?! :rofl::rofl:
LOL It's all good- he's back on my ignore list after this latest round of tomfoolery. I wanted to ensure that the quote was put in context since it was clear he dug through my comment history to snip out something defamatory.

I see he's posted another reply in this thread- I'm sure it's a real gem ;)

07-05-2017, 11:29 AM
It's just a silly mistake. Sure, he deserves to get made fun of, but there was nothing malicious or anything behind it.

Really, anyone who gets riled up about this is simply looking for a reason to hate Trudeau. It could've been anything, like wearing a cowboy hat backwards or his Stampeding boots didn't come from Alberta Boot Co; people are going to find something to nitpick him.

07-05-2017, 11:49 AM
Nice try at what? You clearly believe what you said, regardless of whether you were mocking SportEL or not (which has very little to do with this thread).

What it does highlight is the liberal echo chamber you live in. Which is fine, you are entitled to that, but don't get all righteous like libtard and "cuck" (man I find that word hilarious, only way to use it is really in an ironic-but-not-ironic fashion) are ridiculous words when people like yourself are throwing around other completely bullshit terms and meanings.

Maybe liberals should stop killing police officers down in the states? Another one just happened today. Two can play that game. Sounds racially motivated to me, a black man killing a white police officer. Not that you'll ever find that written anywhere because the true SJWs like yourself would be out in full force screaming bloody murder (about the biased reporting, not about the black guy killing a white officer).

He is obviously trying to backpedal on his point he was trying to make. When it's actually Blacks that are committing the most crimes on Blacks. It's got nothing to do with political affiliation.

07-05-2017, 11:50 AM
he dug through my comment history to snip out something defamatory.

What? You quite obviously made the point, and quite obviously believe it. I didn't have to "dig", the comment was made quite recently, and your context changed nothing. It literally took me 5 seconds to get that post. I know that its typical liberal doctrine to shutout and try and shutdown things you don't want to hear, but that's fine by me :)

07-05-2017, 11:50 AM
Well he did vote NDP and regretting it, so there's some reason to the madness! :devil:

GOLD :rofl:

07-05-2017, 12:03 PM
He's mostly a twit. He's also a terrible, terrible public speaker. Combine the two and he ends up making a lot of mistakes.

Well I've never heard him speak, but I agree, Hitemp has indeed gone off the deep end.

07-05-2017, 12:18 PM
If I was in the spotlight 24/7 having to make public speeches on national television, etc. I'm sure I would mess up on the regular.
Exactly, humans gonna human :zzz:

07-05-2017, 12:36 PM
Well I've never heard him speak, but I agree, Hitemp has indeed gone off the deep end.


07-05-2017, 01:00 PM
What? You quite obviously made the point, and quite obviously believe it. I didn't have to "dig", the comment was made quite recently, and your context changed nothing. It literally took me 5 seconds to get that post. I know that its typical liberal doctrine to shutout and try and shutdown things you don't want to hear, but that's fine by me :)

Dude, settle... you are doing the exact same thing you criticize others for doing and you don't realize it.

07-05-2017, 01:28 PM
I see via your quote, that you're attempting to reason with HiTemp. Remember when people used to try and reason with Arash?! :rofl::rofl:

I miss Arash:cry::cry:

I feel like he could really add to this thread

07-05-2017, 02:23 PM
He is obviously trying to backpedal on his point he was trying to make. When it's actually Blacks that are committing the most crimes on Blacks. It's got nothing to do with political affiliation.
Ahh yes, absolutely. You're so right and I never realized it until THIS comment.

Well done.

07-06-2017, 12:37 AM
No way it was an accident. What are the odds forgetting the province that hates you and really hated your dad. Please.

It was a deliberated bitch slap. And thers is nothing Alberta's can do about it.

Well played sir. Well played.

07-06-2017, 12:43 AM
Lol just funny

07-06-2017, 02:51 AM
Lol just funny

Ha! I'm not the only one that noticed Albertans are whiny children.


07-06-2017, 07:58 AM
vice has become such garbage, it's hilarious.

07-06-2017, 11:55 AM
No way it was an accident. What are the odds forgetting the province that hates you and really hated your dad. Please.

It was a deliberated bitch slap. And thers is nothing Alberta's can do about it.

Well played sir. Well played.

Not sure if you saw after the apology where he was visibly embarrassed?

Ha! I'm not the only one that noticed Albertans are whiny children.


Totally agree, some of them even take a small slip up and blow it up into this intentional dig at our province :rofl:

07-06-2017, 12:19 PM
vice has become such garbage, it's hilarious.

It's basically the equivalent of a private CBC. No wonder Gavin McInnes got the hell out of there when he did. Complete trash.

07-07-2017, 02:53 AM
Not sure if you saw after the apology where he was visibly embarrassed?

Totally agree, some of them even take a small slip up and blow it up into this intentional dig at our province :rofl:
Oh, you say the drama teachwr can act?

And no, I cant watch that fool and his girly lisp.

07-07-2017, 08:36 AM
vice has become such garbage, it's hilarious.

It really has

07-10-2017, 02:07 PM
Haha, vice nailed it!

I had to think about who was worse, Alberta or Quebec. I decided Alberta is even worse than Quebec on the basis that a lot of their issues largely stem from trying to preserve their culture, so it makes sense. Alberta doesn't have that. They whine when they are prosperous, and they whine when they are hurting.

The reactions from what is obviously a joke article further prove it. Instead of laughing at yourselves and/or hitting back, you go full butthurt.

Nobody else would give two shits if the PM forgot their name, but Albertans are acting like the adopted stepchild who got left behind at the amusement park overnight. I seriously can't believe that was news for more than 5 minutes.

07-10-2017, 02:29 PM
Haha, vice nailed it!

I had to think about who was worse, Alberta or Quebec. I decided Alberta is even worse than Quebec on the basis that a lot of their issues largely stem from trying to preserve their culture, so it makes sense. Alberta doesn't have that. They whine when they are prosperous, and they whine when they are hurting.

The reactions from what is obviously a joke article further prove it. Instead of laughing at yourselves and/or hitting back, you go full butthurt.

Nobody else would give two shits if the PM forgot their name, but Albertans are acting like the adopted stepchild who got left behind at the amusement park overnight. I seriously can't believe that was news for more than 5 minutes.

My facebook fit lit up brighter than a christmas tree within minutes of the gaffe. lol

07-10-2017, 02:53 PM
A twist to all that is that most of the whiners on my FB feed aren't even native Albertans, they're all from out east. Maybe we just imported a bunch of whiners.

07-10-2017, 02:57 PM
So now I have to repost this video of a Quebecer whining about Albertans to tie this thread together. Of course Trudope hates Alberta... we knew this before the "gaffe".


07-10-2017, 03:00 PM
My facebook fit lit up brighter than a christmas tree within minutes of the gaffe. lol

If he missed Quebec there would be calls to vote for a new referendum on separation.

07-10-2017, 06:11 PM
If he missed Quebec there would be calls to vote for a new referendum on separation.
Yes, but less lights. Better for the environment. Christmas trees are wasteful ;)

07-11-2017, 01:18 PM
Haha, vice nailed it!

I had to think about who was worse, Alberta or Quebec. I decided Alberta is even worse than Quebec on the basis that a lot of their issues largely stem from trying to preserve their culture, so it makes sense. Alberta doesn't have that. They whine when they are prosperous, and they whine when they are hurting.

The reactions from what is obviously a joke article further prove it. Instead of laughing at yourselves and/or hitting back, you go full butthurt.

Nobody else would give two shits if the PM forgot their name, but Albertans are acting like the adopted stepchild who got left behind at the amusement park overnight. I seriously can't believe that was news for more than 5 minutes.

:thumbsup: I was thinking the same.

A twist to all that is that most of the whiners on my FB feed aren't even native Albertans, they're all from out east. Maybe we just imported a bunch of whiners. What about gm dirstniffer and htguy? Easterners?

07-11-2017, 01:30 PM
I don't recall whining.

All I said was vice has become garbage, they used to be a legitimate investigative news source, or so I thought, and they have gone to basically full tabloid status. Maybe I am missing something.

07-11-2017, 01:50 PM
I don't recall whining.

All I said was vice has become garbage, they used to be a legitimate investigative news source, or so I thought, and they have gone to basically full tabloid status. Maybe I am missing something.

are you from out east or not? :rofl:

07-11-2017, 02:22 PM
Where are you from?

07-11-2017, 02:24 PM
Where are you from?

Someone who should have used a condom

07-11-2017, 05:15 PM
I don't recall whining.

All I said was vice has become garbage, they used to be a legitimate investigative news source, or so I thought, and they have gone to basically full tabloid status. Maybe I am missing something.

Who said we were talking about you? ;)

07-11-2017, 07:40 PM
:thumbsup: I was thinking the same.

What about gm dirstniffer and htguy? Easterners?

Uhh ... pretty sure I'm dirstniffer

07-11-2017, 09:33 PM
So now I have to repost this video of a Quebecer whining about Albertans to tie this thread together. Of course Trudope hates Alberta... we knew this before the "gaffe".


Uh oh, looks like another one fell for The Sun's "fake news". Unfortunately, that is not what this video says.

07-11-2017, 10:05 PM
Uhh ... pretty sure I'm dirstniffer

Keep wining easterner. :rofl:

07-11-2017, 10:57 PM
Uh oh, looks like another one fell for The Sun's "fake news". Unfortunately, that is not what this video says.

My French is quite rusty as I found out during a recent trip back to Quebec but yes that is pretty much a literal translation. Whether or not the context is fully appreciated in these short clips is up for debate though