View Full Version : New phone and constant harassment from collection agencies, options?

08-15-2017, 09:46 PM
Got a new cellphone and obviously the guy who had this number previously was a deadbeat. I have at least two separate collections agencies calling me a dozen times a day or so.

What's my best option to get rid of these guys? Changing numbers isn't handy because it's a corporate issued phone.


08-15-2017, 09:52 PM

08-15-2017, 11:03 PM
IPhone 6s.

08-15-2017, 11:22 PM
You can block those numbers on iPhone.


08-16-2017, 07:27 AM
Answer and tell them you will call the Police for harassment if they call again.

Had this happen to me. After the guy stopped yelling and I explained I would be calling the police they listened and took the number off.

08-16-2017, 07:57 AM
This happened to me on my current phone about 6 years ago, someone used my number as their own. For one of them I just waited to be connected and explained the situation and they never called back, the other I found their web page and sent them an e-mail, they replied and told me they have taken my number off the case. It's not too hard to talk to people

08-16-2017, 08:07 AM
Download a call recording app.

When they call...

"Hi, be advised this call is being recorded. I am not NAME, I am YOUR-NAME. I received this number on DATE after being issued a new cell phone from COMPANY. I understand that you and other collections agencies are looking for NAME. However, I am not them. Please do not call me again regarding the outstanding debt for NAME. As I stated a moment ago, I am not NAME. Thank you. *disconnect*"

Has worked wonders for me over the past couple of years.

08-16-2017, 08:22 AM
As stated block the number that keeps calling. Or don't answer calls with numbers you don't recognize and let it go to voicemail.

08-16-2017, 10:14 AM
Pay the guy's bills for him.

08-17-2017, 08:21 AM
Can you not just work this out reasonably with the collections agencies? Simply tell them it isn't you, and to please not call again. If they don't believe you or appear not very receptive to that then ask to speak to their manager. At some point, it shouldn't be THAT hard to make them realize that you aren't him.

08-17-2017, 10:20 AM
I get put on hold when I try to answer the phone call. Have blocked two of the numbers, but new ones have started calling me from the same two companies.

I will keep trying to talk to them, but so far it hasn't worked. Left them a message this morning.

08-17-2017, 01:06 PM
One of the companies did answer when I called. the guy at EOS canada (working for Scotia dealer advantage) was really helpful and he said they can take this number off their file right away. Didn't even have to wait on hold long for that one. Minor wins.

I'm getting calls from several other groups though, so I'm anticipating this to be an ongoing issue. I'll either block or return these calls as time permits.

08-17-2017, 01:32 PM
This happened when we got a land line issued years back (now exclusive to cells), i had one caller who would call and leave a message every week. It got to the point I called them back, told them they obviously had the wrong number and the person no longer had that number (yet when i googled the phone number this person was still giving it out), and to please stop calling.
About a month later after i called the company back, we got a call at 11:30pm, woke us up but didnt answer, it was the person the collection agencies where looking for - so thanks to her curiosity and caller ID i now had her new phone number which i happily gave out to the callers looking for her.

08-17-2017, 01:52 PM