View Full Version : Rick and Morty

09-12-2017, 03:41 PM
Shocked this isn't being discussed on here but man. Season 3 has been incredible and Episode 7 was probably the best of the series. Anyone else watching?

09-12-2017, 03:42 PM
I actually just started watching this show yesterday. I watched the entire 1st season in one sitting lol.

09-12-2017, 03:46 PM
One of the best shows I've seen in a long time

09-12-2017, 03:48 PM
I'm up to date, phenomenal show. Always look forward to watching it and the humor is on point (for me).

09-12-2017, 03:50 PM
What up my glip glops!

09-12-2017, 03:50 PM
Sundays was awesome. I kinda felt that S3 to date has been pretty "meh", but ep 7 was a killer app. One of the best (right up there with Meseeks and Destroy IMO).

09-12-2017, 04:12 PM
The original thread on beyond is what got me into it. Had all the episodes linked haha. Such a good show one of my favorites ever! wubalubadubdub!!

edit found it


09-12-2017, 04:21 PM
One of the best (right up there with Meseeks and Destroy IMO).

Definitely quite a few quotes from that episode made it into my group of friends.

Is he keeping/doing "blank"?
Mr. Meeseeks: Ooh, he’s trying

And also, "your failures are your own old man!"

Didn't care for the Jerry adventure or the toxins removal. Pretty bleh. While the Pickle Rick episode was hilarious, it certainly wasn't the kind of humor I expect. It is nice to see them switch it up now and then, the gore was gratuitous which was funny in its own way.

Either Rick and Morty or Bojack Horseman, toss up as to which is my favourite show of all time. Bojack is downright depressing in its humor though.

09-12-2017, 04:22 PM
Yup definitely my favorite show on right now and probably my favorite comedy of all time? Used to be Community which was another Harmon creation but Rick and Morty is just so much deeper and darker.

I can't think of another comedic show that was so well written.

09-12-2017, 05:27 PM
season 2 right now lol Rick is a hero lmao so funny.

unity just dumped him and he's all emo and shit haha

09-12-2017, 06:32 PM
easily one of the best shows out there. sundays episode was hilarious.

Maxx Mazda
09-13-2017, 01:03 PM
Never seen it before, just watched the pickle Rick episode. Oh man was that ever funny!!!!

09-13-2017, 01:26 PM

This is the best scene in the show hands down!

09-13-2017, 03:56 PM
My favorite line I think.... This whole episode was great.


09-13-2017, 09:38 PM
Probably one of the best shows ever.
I will say though, this season has lost a bit of the feeling you got from the first two seasons... Hard to explain, like there were a lot of deep emotional moments in the first two seasons that made you go 'woah', where this season is a bit more shock and awe, blood and guts, and rick circle jerking lol. Not complaining though, loving it regardless.

dat evil morty doe...

09-14-2017, 08:36 AM
It's the darkest season. Some shit has been seriously dark. The first two seasons were more just about misadventures/random hijinks and developing the universe. We know how it works now, how life is in the created world, the characters are fully developed, we know who they are.

People may have laughed at the part where he kills the big rat, but if you actually think about what Rick says, it's kind of creepy almost.

One thing that throws it off for me is any focus on Summer as a main character. She's just not developed enough for that, and I don't think she ever will be.

09-17-2017, 07:22 AM
It's the darkest season. Some shit has been seriously dark. The first two seasons were more just about misadventures/random hijinks and developing the universe. We know how it works now, how life is in the created world, the characters are fully developed, we know who they are.

People may have laughed at the part where he kills the big rat, but if you actually think about what Rick says, it's kind of creepy almost.

One thing that throws it off for me is any focus on Summer as a main character. She's just not developed enough for that, and I don't think she ever will be.

Truth. The spa episode is pretty interesting.