View Full Version : Lloyds Recreation closing down after 53 years.

09-24-2017, 08:18 AM
Lloyds Recreation closing down after 53 years - probably the last real roller rink in western Canada (no poles in skating areas, wood floor). Most of us have probably gone there at least once as it is somewhat of a Calgary institution. Last session is on Sunday, February 18, 2018 from 1-6PM..

09-24-2017, 08:58 AM
Well I can't say I'm surprised. However I am a bit sad. Cool place.

09-24-2017, 09:53 AM
If they've owned that chunk of land since the mid-60's then I would imagine that they're sitting on a little gold mine just because of that.

09-24-2017, 10:23 AM
If Feb 18/2017, does that mean they are already closed?

09-24-2017, 10:38 AM

09-24-2017, 10:51 AM
If Feb 18/2017, does that mean they are already closed?

2018. Oops.

09-24-2017, 12:32 PM
I had some great times there.

Also, like ExtraSlow, can't say I'm surprised at all.

09-24-2017, 12:53 PM
If they've owned that chunk of land since the mid-60's then I would imagine that they're sitting on a little gold mine just because of that.

Yep lloyd built that area ~50 years ago. Lloyd died around 2000 and his wife past last year. It was only a matter of time.

09-24-2017, 01:05 PM
Can't say i'm surprised, but none the less, sad news. I remember going there when i was younger and meeting chicks :rofl:

09-24-2017, 01:20 PM
I remember going there when i was younger and meeting chicks :rofl: Last week? :bigpimp:

09-24-2017, 03:30 PM
Beyond meet if it’s still open? Bunch of creepy old guys rollerskating with the youngins would be entertaining haha.

09-24-2017, 03:35 PM
Wednesday night is ladies night

09-24-2017, 04:21 PM
Beyond meet if it’s still open? Bunch of creepy old guys rollerskating with the youngins would be entertaining haha.

ya fml

i'm the creepy old guy now. lol

09-24-2017, 04:48 PM
last week? :bigpimp:


09-24-2017, 04:50 PM
Beyond meet if it’s still open? Bunch of creepy old guys rollerskating with the youngins would be entertaining haha.

Should book it as a birthday group... I think Sorath's bday is coming up next week.

09-24-2017, 05:08 PM
If you book it as a birthday who is in charge of inviting the junior high gals?

09-24-2017, 06:34 PM
This is sad news. I loved going to Lloyds. ��

09-24-2017, 08:19 PM
Beyond meet if it’s still open? Bunch of creepy old guys rollerskating with the youngins would be entertaining haha.:clap::clap:

Masked Bandit
09-25-2017, 12:16 PM
I don't think it's closing due to a lack of business, both of our kids have held birthday parties there over the last few years and between the two of them they've probably been to at least a dozen over the last seven or eight years. The place is PACKED on the weekends. I wonder if another facility will open?

09-25-2017, 12:19 PM

The website did not give a reason for the closure however a post on Lloyds Facebook page said the owner passed away and the building was sold.


An employee at the roller rink said the sale and closure of the rink follow the death of owner Flo Cooper last year and reflect her final wishes.

09-25-2017, 12:24 PM
Sad for sure, my better half and I had our 3rd date together there, and its always had a special significance for her and I.

Guess I'm gonna have to get street wheels for my skates now :rofl:

09-25-2017, 02:32 PM
Like when Race City closed and there was an increase in Street Racing. I imagine with Lloyd's closing, there will be an influx of Fruit Boots around the bike paths.

09-25-2017, 10:20 PM
I don't think it's closing due to a lack of business, both of our kids have held birthday parties there over the last few years and between the two of them they've probably been to at least a dozen over the last seven or eight years. The place is PACKED on the weekends. I wonder if another facility will open?

After 9PM on Friday and Saturdays is when the old timers and the very good skaters come out and yes, weekends are busy but the cost of building such a facility most likely wouldn't be a good business proposition - how much would a large hardwood floor like Lloyds cost to get installed?

Masked Bandit
09-26-2017, 09:41 AM
After 9PM on Friday and Saturdays is when the old timers and the very good skaters come out and yes, weekends are busy but the cost of building such a facility most likely wouldn't be a good business proposition - how much would a large hardwood floor like Lloyds cost to get installed?

In the grand scheme of things I don't think the build-out costs would be prohibitive. The rental stock wouldn't be cheap but the biggest hurdle would be branding. Lloyds has grown organically over the last five decades and starting something like that from scratch would need major marketing. Location would be another challenge. I wonder why the owner's estate wouldn't consider simply selling it instead of closing up shop?

09-26-2017, 10:24 AM
I'll bet they've been quietly shopping this business around and probably have no takers. Who would buy that place for any serious money?

09-26-2017, 10:54 AM
the owners have more than just lloyds on the piece of land in question.

09-26-2017, 11:01 AM
I was talking with the gf last night and it simply could be that the original owners did not want their business to change or lose its charm. Is it a sad or dick move, yeah, but I get it.

Anything which come after Lloyds (if at all) will be less charming and people will always remember the way it used to be.

09-26-2017, 06:41 PM
It apparently was in the owner's will or whatever that it be shut down upon their death

09-26-2017, 06:47 PM
Who would buy that place for any serious money?
If the financials are solid, why not?

09-26-2017, 09:51 PM
Flo Cooper supposedly willed Lloyds to one of my cousins whom I don't really know.
I'll see if i can get the inside scoop

09-27-2017, 09:45 AM
Flo Cooper supposedly willed Lloyds to one of my cousins whom I don't really know.
I'll see if i can get the inside scoop

What? It flat out stated in the news her wishes were for the place be sold, and money donated to charity, which is what happened.

Stop spreading BS :drama: :closed:

09-27-2017, 09:49 AM
What? It flat out stated in the news her wishes were for the place be sold, and money donated to charity, which is what happened.

Stop spreading BS :drama: :closed:

Citation needed.

09-27-2017, 10:28 AM
After 9PM on Friday and Saturdays is when the old timers and the very good skaters come out and yes, weekends are busy but the cost of building such a facility most likely wouldn't be a good business proposition - how much would a large hardwood floor like Lloyds cost to get installed?

A modernized roller rink is a weird idea.

09-27-2017, 07:20 PM
Citation needed.

Was reported as Flo's final wish by the Calgary Herald.

09-27-2017, 08:37 PM
I will consider myself wrong, this was just what i had been hearing for years.

They had no kids and he worked there his whole life and they basically adopted him as their own.
Apparently the will story was b.s. Sorry guys like i said i don't know him at all :facepalm:

Continue your conversation, i'll gtfo!

11-11-2017, 11:17 PM
At Lloyds right now with my wife, kids and most teens gone around 9:45 leaving a lot of older regulars who have mad skating skills - like a little community of friend who regularly get together. You will always see them here on a Saturday night. 150 or so patrons after 10:00

Masked Bandit
11-12-2017, 11:43 AM
At Lloyds right now with my wife, kids and most teens gone around 9:45 leaving a lot of older regulars who have mad skating skills - like a little community of friend who regularly get together. You will always see them here on a Saturday night. 150 or so patrons after 10:00

If there was a like button, I would click it.

11-12-2017, 01:36 PM
If there was a like button, I would click it.

There's a little sheriff's badge that kind of does the same thing.

adam c
11-12-2017, 01:43 PM
I haven’t been to Lloyd’s since I was in grade 10, not even sure if I can still roller skate anymore either but I think I’ll have to take the wife and daughter before the place is gone forever

02-16-2019, 09:23 PM
Lloyd's Legacy Skate - lined up out the doors.


Well we didn't buy tickets in advance so we were sol. Crazy to see how many people are here to skate, some of the people we spoke to have actually been driving down to Spokane on a regular basis to skate.

02-20-2019, 06:58 PM
Watched a documentary on HBO the other night called United Skates about the decline of roller skating culture. It's pretty damn fascinating, and they do some weird moves.
