View Full Version : What's on/in my paint?

10-17-2017, 08:24 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm in search of some help. I was cleaning the car the other day and noticed these strange marks in the paint. At first I thought they were water stains of some kind. Whatever they are, they won't come off with a cloth or water. There's thankfully only a few of them and they seem be most present at the top of the door, where something could 'sit' there for a while, rather than slide down the rest of the door. They cannot be felt when running my finger over them. See pics.

I also recently waxed the car with Mother's Synthetic Paste Wax, if that makes a difference. Maybe whatever it is has been sealed in? I'm not sure if the marks were there prior to waxing. I haven't tried a clay bar yet, just thought someone here might know what it is first. I've only had the car a short while, and it came from Vancouver in case that has any effect.

Thanks to any and all for your help.


10-17-2017, 08:40 PM
Looks like dried soap?

Clay bar should take it off.

10-18-2017, 01:17 PM
Thanks I'll give that a shot.