View Full Version : Education Curriculum has Gone off the Rails

11-09-2017, 07:02 AM

Eyre said her son, who is in Grade 8, brought home a history assignment that suggested all pioneers to Canada were ill-meaning.

“He’d copied from the board the following … presented as fact: that European and European settlers were colonialists, pillagers of the land who knew only buying and selling and didn’t respect mother Earth,” she said.

What in the actual fuck is going on with society, and why are we allowing educators to spout this garbage? :confused:

It's pretty bad when you read the news daily, and have to wonder if half of it is satire.

11-09-2017, 08:55 AM
Well some of us elected these people called the NDP...

Jokes aside one of the 4 tenants of CBE focus this year is expanding education of first nations topics. Up there equally with teaching kids to read and write, be able to do math, and one other one that I can't remember. What do we expect the outcome of these kinds of policies to be?

And yet somehow we still have uncontested School Board Trustees every election cycle. The reality is people don't actually care at all, and the school boards have near to no accountability.

To roll back topics about a month, these were the questions of importance that were posed to our trustees this cycle:


Here is a question, how many of you actually researched and put forth an educated vote for their trustee this year? Personally I spoiled by trustee ballot because I had no clue who either of them were or what they stood for. Because at the end of the day I didn't care I guess.

11-09-2017, 09:06 AM
Just so we’re clear in the discussion this incident is not CBE, it’s not even in the same province. I’m not even sure if this had much to do with the sask education system other than some SJW teacher thinking a board goal of promoting a focus on indigenous history was a free pass to spew their bullshit. Probably why it was written on the board.....

Anyone from sask here? From the time I spent there it is a way different story when it comes to indigenous/aboriginal relations. Not to mention they make up a way larger portion of the population.

11-09-2017, 09:31 AM
Here is a question, how many of you actually researched and put forth an educated vote for their trustee this year? Personally I spoiled by trustee ballot because I had no clue who either of them were or what they stood for. Because at the end of the day I didn't care I guess.

I did but neither seems to have a pretty good platform. In the end it was just roll of the dice.

I have seen the result of some rural sask kids that has gone thru home schooling. They are so far remove from the real world that I have to wonder how they can get into any post secondary schools other than bible colleges. But I guess that's the point, I guess.

11-09-2017, 09:39 AM
Everyone has their version on His-story.

11-09-2017, 10:06 AM
Recent history is one thing, but I found that in HS its far too narrow focused. I dont need to know what fucking day of the week so-and-so attack the natives. Give me a broader perspective of the life and times.

The early settlers were hard core boozers, wife beating, kid slapping, bible thumping men; but I guessed in that time, it was tough so only the tough survived. History doesent mention that though.

11-09-2017, 10:19 AM
Current history books are opinion based and biased as being altruistic.

Truth be known, its probably a lot closer to reality that people came to North America for selfish reasons. Especially the USA, when the slave trade was peaking and productivity off of the land required much human labor. I have come to believe that most of my ancestors came to North America to try and make it rich finding silver and gold. They only ended up nation-building (the railroads) as a necessity to get to said silver and gold.

There is also the crazy numbers of natives that died by Spanish and English hands (not so much French) Why is it that other people always tend to believe that their motives are completely altruistic? If you don't tell the truth, how can you stop it from happening today: Peurto Rico and Guam are both ripe for modern colonization, where they essentially starve the populations off the islands and take it that way. Or simply require them to pay money that they could not possibly ever attain, and kick them off the island that way (Zuckerberg sueing native Hawaiians) If your great great great Grandfather was here, there is a good chance that he committed some sort of genocide on north American soil that no one ever talks about, or maybe even a 50/50 chance he killed someone fighting to keep slavery.

I also tend to believe that the moon landings (or at least the attempted technologies) were to perfect orbital launch vehicles for nukes - primarily.

When Europeans claim that god told them to smite the disbelievers in the Crusades, its always painted in an altruistic light. When a non-Christian religion claims that gold told them to smite disbelivers - its always painted as "allahu ackbar". Just an opinion.

11-09-2017, 10:27 AM
Recent history is one thing, but I found that in HS its far too narrow focused. I dont need to know what fucking day of the week so-and-so attack the natives. Give me a broader perspective of the life and times.

The early settlers were hard core boozers, wife beating, kid slapping, bible thumping men; but I guessed in that time, it was tough so only the tough survived. History doesent mention that though.

Yea I agree the focus was too narrow (maybe out of necessity). I personally don’t remember learning anything about residential schools. Maybe in passing. Regardless of the perspective the teacher has on residential schools and the 60s scoop it’s a very important thing to learn about so you can get a background context for where today’s discussions start.

11-09-2017, 10:57 AM
BTW: That's not to say that I agree with the slightly more realistic history books being taught to young people.

Someone, some group of educated psycho-analysts determined a long time ago that a majority of people tend to work harder and build better societies when they believe that their ancestors were altruistic in their achievements. Reality should only be brought in at a much much older age. If a child wants to believe that Santa Claus exists, don't burst his/her bubble until they are ready (and there are definitely people who you should never burst the bubble in their entire lifetime)

Ignorance is bliss, but it can also be useful for keeping people happy (more importantly happy and productive) - and I'm all for it as long as no one gets hurt or displaced off their native island. The entirety of California is definitely in its own bliss bubble of alternate reality.

Z7BuQFUhsRM Matrix spoiler.

11-09-2017, 11:16 AM
Yeah and Edison invented the light bulb, Henry Ford invented the car, Columbus was a good man, Lincoln wasn't racist and Canada won the war of 1812.

Priority #1 should be eventually teaching kids to question everything they are told.

But this article has literally nothing to do with out education system here. I also don't really see much wrong in teaching kids that the settlers were pillaging the land with reckless abandon for the people who already inhabited it. Probably more truth to that then believing they were all some hero, altruistic explorers. Fur Traders were in it for money, white people DID give first nations small pox blankets. You shouldn't avoid teaching that. The Germans don't skip World War II when they teach history.

11-09-2017, 12:50 PM
But this article has literally nothing to do with out education system here. I also don't really see much wrong in teaching kids that the settlers were pillaging the land with reckless abandon for the people who already inhabited it. Probably more truth to that then believing they were all some hero, altruistic explorers. Fur Traders were in it for money, white people DID give first nations small pox blankets. You shouldn't avoid teaching that. The Germans don't skip World War II when they teach history.

It certainly does. To act like teaching is segregated to individual provinces is laughable. The same principles apply, and you certainly know this is happening elsewhere.

Yea, and natives raped and pillaged settlers whenever they could. Point is, you make it sound like some genocidal force with a hate on for native's swooped in with the one goal of destroying them. People came here to live, governments moved in to take over.

What really happened was a (sometimes hot, sometimes cold) war was fought, and the natives lost. Doesn't matter what their skin, religion, or race. So I'm all for teaching what really went on. But to make it "white man = bad" is ridiculous. No side is angelic in what happened, as is the case in any type of war.

11-09-2017, 01:50 PM
Manifest Destiny right?

11-09-2017, 01:55 PM
The Germans don't skip World War II when they teach history.

Was at some Jewish memorial at Berlin and a random German walked by and yelling "We didn't know" in English, I think what they were taught was the population didn't know Nazis were killing Jews. But at least they admit they did it and most are shameful about it. Japanese on the other hand won't admit shit they did to Chinese or Koreans and gamed their educations system to make sure kids know that they did nothing wrong in WW2 but somehow deserves 2 atomic bombs from US. Most kids are ok with it, that's why Japanese nationalist continues to run the show.

I think correctly teaching kids critical thinking is the best thing they will ever receive. A lot of Japanese are shocked what WW2 is like outside of Japanese school systems. And make sure kids travels and learn about other cultures. Most of the know it all's, never even left their town or state.

11-09-2017, 04:03 PM
So would this education include the fact that natives were slaughtering and enslaving each other long before the white man arrived?

11-09-2017, 04:13 PM
Manifest Destiny right?

Oh lord, you and J-Hop must have been in the same liberal arts class :rofl: This is what happens when mandatory Indian classes are required in post secondary :facepalm:

So would this education include the fact that natives were slaughtering and enslaving each other long before the white man arrived?

Exactly :dunno:

11-09-2017, 09:28 PM
Well some of us elected these people called the NDP...

Jokes aside one of the 4 tenants of CBE focus this year is expanding education of first nations topics. Up there equally with teaching kids to read and write, be able to do math, and one other one that I can't remember. What do we expect the outcome of these kinds of policies to be?

And yet somehow we still have uncontested School Board Trustees every election cycle. The reality is people don't actually care at all, and the school boards have near to no accountability.

To roll back topics about a month, these were the questions of importance that were posed to our trustees this cycle:


Here is a question, how many of you actually researched and put forth an educated vote for their trustee this year? Personally I spoiled by trustee ballot because I had no clue who either of them were or what they stood for. Because at the end of the day I didn't care I guess.

Didn't read the article, eh?


11-09-2017, 09:31 PM
All that aside, equity is a worthwhile policy.

Nothing wrong with admitting finally many of the tales we were told were false. I think its great recognizong the genocide commited here historically.

Masked Bandit
11-09-2017, 11:04 PM
Well some of us elected these people called the NDP...

Here is a question, how many of you actually researched and put forth an educated vote for their trustee this year? Personally I spoiled by trustee ballot because I had no clue who either of them were or what they stood for. Because at the end of the day I didn't care I guess.

I can honestly say that this year was the first time our household put sincere research into the trustee position candidates. Thankfully the person we liked the best won so hopefully enough other people did some research too.

11-10-2017, 02:01 AM
So would this education include the fact that natives were slaughtering and enslaving each other long before the white man arrived?

That was the case for many of the FN people (especially the Haida) but not all. Many were Matriarchal and traded with other groups in relative peace for 10,000 years before the white man.

11-10-2017, 03:21 AM
That was the case for many of the FN people (especially the Haida) but not all. Many were Matriarchal and traded with other groups in relative peace for 10,000 years before the white man.

It’s a moot point though. Europe was having brutal conflicts as well. I feel some people are trying to ignorantly paint the indigenous as savages?

Both areas of the world were going through the growing pains of developement. The difference was Europe was WAY ahead of North America. So when they came over it was a level of pillage and slaughter beyond anything the indigenous people had ever experienced or could begin to deal with.

It is an interesting thought experiment - is there a single country that was colonized by European countries that the indigenous population has flourished?

11-10-2017, 07:02 AM
It’s a moot point though. Europe was having brutal conflicts as well. I feel some people are trying to ignorantly paint the indigenous as savages?

Both areas of the world were going through the growing pains of developement. The difference was Europe was WAY ahead of North America. So when they came over it was a level of pillage and slaughter beyond anything the indigenous people had ever experienced or could begin to deal with.

It is an interesting thought experiment - is there a single country that was colonized by European countries that the indigenous population has flourished?

If by flourished you simply mean population wise, then likely all of them. I highly doubt there were 1.4 million Aboriginals in Canada hundreds of years ago, as there are today.

11-10-2017, 08:18 AM
If by flourished you simply mean population wise, then likely all of them. I highly doubt there were 1.4 million Aboriginals in Canada hundreds of years ago, as there are today.

No, you know what I mean.

Masked Bandit
11-10-2017, 09:03 AM
No, you know what I mean.

How often in the history of civilization have conquered people "flourished"?

11-10-2017, 09:13 AM
Dis you know the second ammendmant in the US came about to support the genocide of natives.?

In the beginning, it started out as a reward for for bringing a head of an Indian. Heads were cumbersome so they allowed scalps. Which then allowed bands of militia to go out and murder men women children, because no one cared since you were bringing back scallps, hard to tell one from another once they were scalped and it had been sitting in your sack a week or two. Turned into big business for local militiais.

So next time someone brings up the second ammendmant you know it was born out of for profit genicide. And Why it starts with the militia phrase.

11-10-2017, 09:16 AM
I have coworkers that knkw nothibg about history, but are upset about the removing of confederate statues.

I asked why, and its because these old farts watched dukes of hazard. :rofl:

11-10-2017, 11:03 AM
How often in the history of civilization have conquered people "flourished"?

That’s exactly my point.

Conquering countries disrupt the natural evolution of the indigenous people and in many cases slaughter or enslave them. Trying to say “well they were already killing each other” is not in any way a relevant point to where we are now.

While I don’t agree with most of the SJW propaganda on this it’s important that kids are aware of an understand why we are where we are in terms of indigenous relations and social integration. I know none of my schooling in history properly addressed this.

If people don’t understand the true background they can’t even hope to have an intelligent opinion on it and certainly can’t do anything to improve it.

And no if it wasn’t clear from my post on the very first page I don’t agree with what this teacher did.

11-10-2017, 11:09 AM
That’s exactly my point.

Conquering countries disrupt the natural evolution of the indigenous people and in many cases slaughter or enslave them. Trying to say “well they were already killing each other” is not in any way a relevant point to where we are now.

While I don’t agree with most of the SJW propaganda on this it’s important that kids are aware of an understand why we are where we are in terms of indigenous relations and social integration.

If people don’t understand the true background they can’t even hope to have an intelligent opinion on it and certainly can’t do anything to improve it.

Thats very well thought out. No matter what people say, racism is still rampant, sterotyoes justified by claums of truisms.

Black people in canada still feel like they are treated. We push agendas that encourage stereotyping of arabs, we accept attacks on indiginlus rights and mistreatment.

As an half asian mechanic, ive defiantly been stereotyped and we have it easier then any other minoruty group.

11-10-2017, 08:22 PM
Was at some Jewish memorial at Berlin and a random German walked by and yelling "We didn't know" in English, I think what they were taught was the population didn't know Nazis were killing Jews. But at least they admit they did it and most are shameful about it. Japanese on the other hand won't admit shit they did to Chinese or Koreans and gamed their educations system to make sure kids know that they did nothing wrong in WW2 but somehow deserves 2 atomic bombs from US. Most kids are ok with it, that's why Japanese nationalist continues to run the show.

I think correctly teaching kids critical thinking is the best thing they will ever receive. A lot of Japanese are shocked what WW2 is like outside of Japanese school systems. And make sure kids travels and learn about other cultures. Most of the know it all's, never even left their town or state.


11-10-2017, 08:35 PM
“We didn’t know, we were scared to be accused of being Jewish sympathizers because we figured they were doing good things to them”

fuck off......

11-10-2017, 11:11 PM
I also don't really see much wrong in teaching kids that the settlers were pillaging the land with reckless abandon for the people who already inhabited it. Probably more truth to that then believing they were all some hero, altruistic explorers. Fur Traders were in it for money, white people DID give first nations small pox blankets. You shouldn't avoid teaching that. The Germans don't skip World War II when they teach history.

I dont have a problem with that as long as we teach that natives in alberta wiped out the people that were here before them, they caused the buffalo to go almost extinct by wanton destruction of that species for gluttony and ignorance, and that they ended up so constantly drunk and dysfunctional that people had to learn by trial and error how to create social service programs which ended up with their kids being put in to residential schools.

like hitemguy said no side is purely evil or purely good. The natives have a horrible history that they should own, but they want to cherry pick history to paint themselves as living in some Utopian paradise prior to anyone else showing up here, which is pretty fucked up and a complete lie.

11-11-2017, 12:17 AM
Guy equating guns and cars, and now food with people.


11-11-2017, 10:37 AM
I dont have a problem with that as long as we teach that natives in alberta wiped out the people that were here before them, they caused the buffalo to go almost extinct by wanton destruction of that species for gluttony and ignorance, and that they ended up so constantly drunk and dysfunctional that people had to learn by trial and error how to create social service programs which ended up with their kids being put in to residential schools.

like hitemguy said no side is purely evil or purely good. The natives have a horrible history that they should own, but they want to cherry pick history to paint themselves as living in some Utopian paradise prior to anyone else showing up here, which is pretty fucked up and a complete lie.

When we agree, its a beautiful thing *solitary tear of joy* :p