View Full Version : parental control software

11-11-2017, 10:44 AM
My kids are getting old enough to be able to just sit down at a computer and do what they like. Recently that has turned into a Roblox (ew) addiction. I'd like to be able to control the content, timing, usage, etc of the laptops and desktops available to them. (Also gives me a new lever as a parent).

What are you guys using?

11-11-2017, 11:25 PM

11-12-2017, 07:22 AM
I’ve recommended this to friends and they’ve been happy with it.


We haven’t resorted to this yet. We only allow electronics time on fridays and weekends.

adam c
11-12-2017, 08:51 AM
For iPad I use OurPact, I believe this is paid now but when I signed up it was free, either way it can control iOS or Android, you can set days and times where access is allowed or straight out block access altogether. In the paid versions, you can also control what apps they can use but I'm fine with the free version

For the home computer you can setup parental controls which is linked to a Microsoft account and limit screentime, you add your kids to your account and you can limit some apps on the computer and whitelist specific websites while allows what days, time periods and duration of time spent on the computer


For my daughter, I only unlock her iPad or give her screen time on the computer time if she's done her chores and isn't acting like a brat, I've also only allowed her Edge as a browser so I can track what websites she goes to and for how long, also set her up as a Kid account with limited access so she can't install apps

11-12-2017, 09:32 AM
We have screen time earned and no access to devices without a parent giving them out.

Both run a "kids zone" sandbox application with only approved games and videos. Older one is able to break out of that but usually does not bother.

I forsee a time when they are older where they may have the opportunity to use then devices more often, so I'm very interested in discussions like this.

11-12-2017, 10:01 AM
Interesting, we never restricted our kids and there were never any problems. Then again, the devices, when being used, were always within the same room we were in. Different times or just different parenting techniques?

11-12-2017, 10:07 AM
My one kid has a executive function disorder, so my that impacts my choices.

Also tablets and smartphones are basically designed to be addictive, and most families have a lot of these devices.

06-15-2019, 11:58 AM
We have screen time earned and no access to devices without a parent giving them out.

Both run a "kids zone" sandbox application with only approved games and videos. Older one is able to break out of that but usually does not bother.

I forsee a time when they are older where they may have the opportunity to use then devices more often, so I'm very interested in discussions like this.

Well, necro-bump, but I finally needed this.

the number of devices in household has increased, and the number of times devices have been used illicitly instead of sleeping has also increased. Set up my Asus router today to restrict WiFi to the offending devices overnight, which should help. I think the Asus traffic analyser software will also be helpful in this regard.

06-15-2019, 09:19 PM
apple has parental controls that allow us to shut down devices or restrict access. We limit the devices to text & calls and nothing else.

06-17-2019, 11:31 AM
The circle seems like a good option for the multiple device world. It doesn't work for LTE though. It does have different software that can help with that but not the same. I haven't read on it recently but seems like a solid product. https://meetcircle.com